Sunday, 2 April 2023

Homily For Monday in Holy Week Year A, 3rd April, 2023

Readings: Is.42:1-7; Ps.27; John 12:1-11

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.




Six days to the passion and crucifixion of Jesus, we are called to embark on a spiritual journey of faith, passion and hope with Jesus. Little wonder, the first reading today, talks about the Saviour whom God sent into the world to bring forth justice and peace, and to reconcile the world with himself. Reminding us again that God has sent us a redeemer in the person of Christ his Son and servant, Who reveals God’s desire to save his people, by his readiness to take up the Cross and suffer for our sake.


This is evident in our Gospel passage today, where we have the story of how Mary in appreciation anointed the feet of Jesus just before he commenced his Passion. This happened as Lazarus and his sisters gave a dinner to Jesus,  perhaps in thanksgiving. Martha did the serving. While Mary honoured Jesus by anointing his feet with a precious ointment. This is because, when Mary saw her brother sitting at the same table with Jesus who turned her mourning into joy, could any gift be too great or precious to express her gratitude? No!


The generosity of Mary in the eyes of Judas, appeared wasteful. But Mary knew that Jesus was worthy of her honour and service, even when it cost so much. Here, Judas sees waste, but Jesus sees love. She pours her love on the feet of the one who will pour himself out on the whole world for the salvation of all humanity. Mary made a dramatic gesture of love which anticipates the love of Jesus on the Cross. But what are we offering to Jesus in appreciation for all he has done for us?


Dear friends, let us ask ourselves today if we have any kind of Mary's spirit in our hearts, the spirit that prompt us to show love and gratitude to our Lord and Saviour and to one another? This holy week, can anything be too precious so as to distract us from spending quality time with the Lord in thanksgivings for his love and mercy in our lives? 


Therefore, let us endeavour to utilize this golden opportunity to experience the Lord personally in our lives, as we resolve this day to live our lives faithfully, so as to be more humble, open and willing to listen to God. Let us struggle to get rid of all pride, ego, over ambition, selfishness and greed in our hearts, for all these desires lead us to fall into temptation to sin and so distract us from reaching our goal of journeying with the Lord in his passion, death and resurrection at Easter.


LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, nothing was too great in Mary's heart to offer you, may nothing distract us from expressing our love and gratitude to you as we journey with you this period of your passion and crucifixion for the salvation of humanity, you who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. God bless you.

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