Monday, 3 April 2023

Homily For Tuesday in Holy Week Year A, 4th April, 2023

Readings: Is.49:1-6; Ps.71; John 13:21-33.36-38

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.




Today being the third day of Holy Week, the readings are selected to help us to focus our attention to the upcoming celebrations of the Easter Triduum when we are going to enter into the most sacred moments in the history of our salvation. In our first reading, we heard of the suffering servant of God, the light of the nations who shall come forth as the Saviour sent by God. He will therefore bring hope to the people of God who are suffering and oppressed. An event which played out in the life of Jesus. Denying


Consequently, the Gospel passage today, presents the moment when Jesus the Saviour sent by God was troubled in spirit on account of the passion he has to pass through as a result of the ugly attitudes of humanity as played out in the lives of his very disciples. Hence he declared, ‘I tell you most solemnly, one of you will betray me.’


Here, Jesus is talking about the betrayal of Judas and the announcement of Peter’s denial as well. These two events place before us the terrible action of his two disciples which will lead to his arrest and condemnation. With this pronouncement, Judas became aware that Jesus knew about his plans. But this does not change his mind and decision to betray him. So from that moment Satan entered him and he separated himself and left the present of Jesus and his disciples.


The fact remains that, our attitudes and selfishness sometimes are like that of Judas. Our sins against God and our neighbours are betrayals of the commitments and promises we made to either God or our neighbours. This is why we must be careful in order not to end up falling into temptation like Judas who fell into this temptation because of money and personal benefit, ending up committing a great sin against his very master and friends. 


Dear friends, why are we still betraying and denying the Lord? How often have we betrayed and denied the Lord? For today we heard how the ugly attitude of the human person inform of betrayal and denial lead to the capture and torture of Jesus. Today it is Judas, at the house of Caiaphas and at the courtyard in the house of the high priest, it will be Peter’s turn while everyday and everywhere we do the same to Jesus and our neighbours, if not worst.


But, unlike Judas, who plotted his betrayal over a price. Peter's denial of Jesus comes from his weakness and lack of courage to withstand evil. Often times, in different places and circumstances it will be our turn to either betrayed, denied or betray or deny other people. Whatever case, we must know that it is not simply Jesus and his love that we have betrayed, we have actually betrayed ourselves.



Therefore, this Holy Week we must have an examination of conscience on how often we have betrayed Jesus and our neighbours. All our promises and resolutions, all our resolves not to sin, lie, fight, gossip, cheat, fornicate or commit adultery and abortion.  All our resolves to be merciful, forgiven, reconciling with people we have offended and those who have offended us. Are we keeping and observing these resolutions and promises as we ought to?


Today, we must learn to reconcile with God and those we have betrayed in any way as we resolve by God’s grace never to engage in such ugly attitude. This we do by allowing our Christian faith and virtues to shine brightly in the midst of all the darkness of betrayal and denial as we look up to Jesus our Lord and Saviour especially in these dark and difficult moment in our world where people do all sorts of evil things to one another.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, give us the grace and courage this Holy Season not to deny or betray you or our neighbour, for without your grace there is no sin we may not commit against You or our neighbour today. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

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Homily For First Sunday of Lent Year C, 9th March, 2025

  Readings: Deut. 26:4-10; Ps.91; Rom. 10:8-13; Luke 4:1-13 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia OVERCOMING OUR DAILY STRUGGLES AGAINST SINS AND...