Saturday, 1 April 2023


Readings: Is. 50:4-7; Ps. 22; Phil 2:6-11; Matt. 26:14-27:66

Rev  Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia




Today being Palm Sunday, a very special Sunday that ushers us into the holy week, the week we have to come closer to God as we have never before now. This begins with a triumphant journey which Jesus invites us to make. A triumphant journey that reflects an image of something deeper, something that portray that together with Jesus, we are setting out on a pilgrimage along the high road that leads to victory of life over death, joy over sorrows, peace over chaos, love over wickedness and victory over failure.


Thus, in our Gospel reading today, we have a comprehensive account of the Lord’s passion from the time of his triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem, as well as from the time when he was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, arrested, put on trial, handed over to the Romans, condemned to death and was crucified as a criminal.


These represent a very distinct extremes between the glory and triumphant nature of the entrance procession of Jesus into Jerusalem and the humiliating and painful nature of his crucifixion at Calvary. Thereby, reminding us that we are on pilgrimage with the Lord, the king of peace, who calls us to strive for purity of hearts and clean of hands, calling us to embrace the truth we found in him. So, we journey with Jesus our triumphant King.


We must know that there are three things about the kingship of Jesus. First, he is the king of the poor: though rich he humbled himself and became poor. He emptied himself to assume the condition of a slave and became as men are; and being as all men are he was humbler yet, even to accepting death, death on a cross. But God raised him high as we heard in our second reading and prophesied in our first reading today.


So,  the poverty of Jesus comes from the inner freedom, from a pure heart that is above the greed for possession and power. The inner freedom that overcomes the corruption and greediness in the hearts of men and women of our world today. Secondly, the kingship of Jesus will be that of peace. He will do away with wars, crisis, hatred, corruption, greediness in order to proclaim peace on earth.


Thirdly, his kingship will be universal. His kingdom will extend peace from sea to sea and those seeking the face of God will truly find peace.  Therefore, let us regard as our home the heavenly Jerusalem, not this earthly one that is passing away. Let us enter paradise with Jesus, and discover how far we have separated ourselves from God.


Dear friends, we are called today and this week to make a triumphant journey with the Lord as we begin the Holy Week. So, we are not to miss out from the spiritual aspect of this Holy season. Therefore, let us all spend more time with God in prayer, deepening our devotion through works of charity and through reading of the Scriptures, develop a personal relationship with God.


In fact, let today’s celebration be a reminder for us, of the spiritual and social values that Palm Sunday really represents, so that, in spite of all the darkness and uncertainties, all the despairs and terrible things happening around us and in our societies today, we may still have that very one hope and one faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, our King and Saviour just like early Christians who used the palm branch to symbolize the victory of the faithful over enemies of the human soul.


Thus, let us enter into the Holy Week with an open heart and mind, by letting the Lord to enter spiritually into our hearts and into our beings as glorious and joyous as the people of Jerusalem had welcomed him with branches of palms and with great rejoicing and reverence. Let us spread before his feet, not our garments or soulless palm branches, which delight the eye for a few hours and then wither, rather let us offer ourselves, clothed in his grace. So, we who have been baptized into Christ must ourselves be the garments that we spread before him.


And not just the physical branches of palms, garments or soulless olive branches, which delight the eye for a few hours and then withers. Rather, with a pure soul, clothed in God's grace, love, mercy and holiness. Therefore, let our souls take the place of the palm branches as we break the Eucharistic bread and embrace the Lord Jesus in his journey towards our salvation, and by so doing experience the presence of God personally and collectively in our lives.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we proclaim the kingship of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, let us embrace your kingship with all our hearts and so journey with him this period of holy week, desiring to be righteous and holy as we embrace your mercy and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a spirit filled Palm Sunday celebrate.

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Homily For First Sunday of Lent Year C, 9th March, 2025

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