Monday, 21 August 2023

Homily For Tuesday Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 22nd August, 2023. The Queenship Of The Blessed Virgin Mary

Readings:  Judges 6:11-24; Ps. 85; Matt. 19:23-30

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




Material possessions are gifts from God and he alone gives us the right to them. But what we possess is meant to help us grow in our relationship with God and neighours not to separate us from them, because if we are not careful, too much love for material possession can be an obstacle on our way to God’s Kingdom.


Little wonder Jesus in our Gospel passage today says:  “I tell you solemnly, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Yes, I tell you again, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven”. When the disciples heard this they were astonished. And they said, “Who can be saved, then?” Jesus gazed at them and said “For men this is impossible; for God everything is possible”.


Here, Jesus tells his disciples about the need to live a life of detachment. For they saw how the rich young man was so sad when Jesus demanded that he should share his possessions with others in order to acquire treasures in heaven by following him. Thus, there is need for us to be prune from our excess love for material possession, because, for a camel to enter through a narrow gate, it must kneel in order for its load to be taken off. We too must learn how to humble and detach ourselves from excess attachment to material things of this passing world.


The fact remains, that, material possessions in themselves are good, for we would not survive for long without them, but excess attachment to it at the expense of eternal life is grade one suicide. No doubt, it is difficult to give out or share our possession, but the ones who give up everything are the ones who receives more in this life as well as in heaven, just like Gideon in our first reading, who when encountered the angel of the Lord said:  I beg you, do not go away until I come back. I will bring you my offering and set it down before you.’


Dear friends, why is it difficult for us to detach from the material things of this passing world? For detaching and sharing what we possess with others especially the poor is a sure way to finding life, peace and happiness. And Jesus is telling us that it will be difficult for us to enter his kingdom when we choose to attach ourselves in the riches of this passing world.


Though material possessions are gifts from God and he alone gives us the right to have them, but what we possess is not meant to separate us from God, rather, they should help us to grow in our relationship with God and neighours, Just like Mary whose memorial of her Queenship we celebrate today.


This memorial event follows the solemnity of Assumption which we celebrated eight days ago. For without the Assumption, there can be no Queenship of Mary. This is so because, we believe that Mary, who was assumed or taken up body and soul into Heavenly glory, is now seated in Heaven at the right hand of her Son Jesus, as the Queen of Heaven. 


For by virtue of our Lord Jesus being the King of heaven, it follows that his mother is honoured as the Queen. And this Queenship of our Lady was established by Pope Pius XII in 1954, at the end of the Marian Year. Therefore, let us strive to follow Mary’s examples of faith, dedication, detachment and total commitment to God.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are living in a world where materialism is the order of the day, help us to learn how to live a life of detachment and prune us always from the sin of pride, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Sunday, 20 August 2023

Homily For Monday Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 21st August, 2023. The Memorial of St. Pius X

Readings: Judges 2:11-19; Ps. 106; Matt. 19:16-22

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




The way people are so much attached to the things of this passing world with little or no attention to the things that edifice the soul is quite alarming. People can go to any length to acquire properties, treasures, fame, influence and power that will last from forth to tenth generations, without thinking of that which will lead to life eternal.


This is likely the mind set of the young man in our Gospel passage today, who claimed to have kept all the commandment without realizing that he has actually abandoned the fundamental principle of the commandment which have to do with loving and caring for others especially the poor.


So Jesus draws his attention to this fundamental principle of our human existence, when he said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go and sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me”. This really touched his ego and pride, so he suddenly became very sad and dejected, and went away sorrowfully.


This is why a proud and possessive person will find it difficult to remain faithful in their relationship with God and neighours just like the people of Israel in our first reading, who have constantly being disobedient and proud in their relationship with God and their neighbours, an ugly attitude that is leading them to destruction.


So the Lord in anger handed them over to pillagers who plundered them; he delivered them to the enemies surrounding them. However, out of mercy God appointed judges for them, and rescued them from the hands of their plunderers. But they would not listen to their judges. They prostituted themselves to other gods, and bowed down before the idols.


Dear friends, today Jesus touched the very thing that this young rich man was not ready to give up, his money, his houses, his credentials, his power, pride and all his wealth and that was why he went away sad before the Lord. But, if we are honest enough, we will admit that we all have some things we would be very slow to let go if Jesus should make the same demand of us. Things we would not like God to ask us to give up.


In fact, it might be a good thing today for us to ask ourselves, what would be the most difficult thing for us to give up if Jesus should ask us to do so. It might be some thing we own like our house, or it might be a relationship, or our job, or our wealth or our secret immoral and sinful habits. Whatever one posses that will separate us from our mission of following Jesus and loving our neighbours, today we are called to give them up and come follow the Lord, just like  St. Pope Pius X, whose memorial we celebrate today, for he is known for his love for God and his neighbours in simplicity of heart. So, let us strive to follow St. Pius examples of faith, dedication and total commitment to God, for he put into practice the word of God he heard.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are so much attached to things of this passing world, help us to know that excess attachment to our earthly possessions could be an obstacle on our way to your Kingdom. Give us the grace to let go of things that often separate us from you as we learn to share with our neighbours especially the poor. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen Do have a great week ahead.

Saturday, 19 August 2023

Homily For Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, 20th August, 2023

Readings: Is. 56:1.6-7; Ps. 67; Rom. 11:13-15.29-32; Matt. 15:21-28

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia




Most people in our society today, hardly accept who they are. For some people spent all their resources and energy trying to convince others of what or who they are even when they are not, just to seek recognition and approval. Some even go as far as changing their identity, just for the sake of belonging to a particular class or to obtain favour or job opportunities. This is not the same with the Canaanite woman in our Gospel passage today, who when approached Jesus pleading for the restoration of her daughter was not granted immediately because of her humble background.


For Jesus said to her  ‘I was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.’ But the woman persisted, kneeling at his feet saying. ‘Lord help me.’ Jesus replied, ‘It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the house-dogs.’ She retorted, ‘Ah yes, sir; but even house-dogs can eat the scraps that fall from their master’s table.’ Then Jesus answered her, ‘Woman, you have great faith. Let your wish be granted.’ And from that moment her daughter was well again.


From this little story, it is clear that the woman was not going to give up, but kept pleading, even from her Canaanite background, to the point of Jesus recognizing her great faith. The irony of this passage is that, in Israel Jesus was trying to convince people that he was the Messiah, as he was challenged to prove it with a sign. But here in the Gentile territory he met a woman who was convinced he was the Messiah and he could not discourage her efforts.


For this apparent attempt to put her off was just a test, of which her great faith was confirmed by the acceptance of her humble background. Some people suggested that Jesus had been a racist and this woman changed him, but that’s not the case here, because Jesus was actually at the Gentile territory of Tyre and Sidon which are the two main Phoenician cities better known as Canaanitish tribes, which is an amalgamation of different groups of people known as the Canaanites living in the land of Canaan.


Therefore we can understand better why the woman accepted the place of a “dog” as a Gentile in relation to Israelites been the chosen children of God, to whom the message and grace of the Messiah came first. Hence she accepted that she may not be able to sit down at the Messiah’s table and eat with the “children,” but she should be allowed to pick up some of the crumbs of unmerited mercy and grace of God for the sake of her daughter.


In this dramatical gesture, she demonstrated her submission to the historical privilege of Israel as the chosen people of God over the Gentiles, as she wishes to partake from the grace that is freely given to the Gentiles which the Jews have rejected.


This was one of the background behind Paul’s missionary journey when he turned to Gentiles because the Jews have rejected the message of Jesus as the Messiah. Just as we heard him saying in our second reading today, “I have been sent to the pagans as their apostle, and I am proud of being sent, but the purpose of it is to make my own people envious of you, and in this way save some of them. Since their rejection meant the reconciliation of the world, do you know what their admission will mean? Nothing less than a resurrection from the dead! For God never takes back his gifts or revokes his choice.


Therefore we have to change from being disobedient to God, and now enjoy mercy because of our disobedience, so that those who are disobedient now, are so only because of the mercy shown to you, of which they will also enjoy mercy eventually if turned back to God. For God has imprisoned all men in their own disobedience only to show mercy to all humanity”.


Therefore, the event in the story of the Canaanite woman in our Gospel passage today can be interpreted as part of the development of redemptive history, moving from the event of the Old Testament towards the missionary activities of the New Testament, of which God through prophet Isaiah in our first reading today, made us to understand this development.


This is clear  when he said: “foreigners who have attached themselves to the Lord, to serve him and to love his name and be his servants, all who observe the Sabbath, not profaning it, and cling to my covenant, these I will bring to my holy mountain. I will make them joyful in my house of prayer. Their holocausts and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar, for my house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples”.


 This concept truly describe the Christian understanding of the relationship between the Gentiles and Jews, and the Church as universal, that is, open for all who wish to embrace God’s kingdom. Even though the kingdom had to be fully offered first to the Jews, in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of the kingdom. However, since they have rejected it, then it has to be made open to all.


That is why Jesus went into Gentile territory and did this miracle for this Gentile woman in a dramatical way that is different from the other miracles in the Jewish territory, which shows also the willingness of the Gentiles to embrace the faith. And in this woman, Jesus affirms that there are Gentiles who had greater faith than the Jews who were rejecting and challenging his teachings. Hence, this passage teaches us about God’s grace that he offers to all humanity and faith of the people who are willing to embrace his salvation.


Dear friends, we must stop wasting valuable time trying to prove who we are not, let us first in faith humble ourselves and accept who we are, then, work hard to improve who we want to be in relation to our faith in God. Let our faith in God help us to accept our present condition in order to look forward to who we will be in the future.


For when we accept who we are, God brings out the best in us and places us where we truly belong. So, whatever we want to do, let us have faith in God and in ourselves, and be determined, because, faith, determination, sacrifice and persistency are the secrets of any success in life.


Therefore, tell yourself today that you can get that which you desire, when you plan for it, work persistently for it, you will begin to see a different face in the things you do. The truth is that people are rewarded in public for things they do for years in private. So, let us learn from the Canaanite woman who accepted who she was and was determined with faith to achieve her dream through humility and persistency.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, the Canaanite woman accepted her humble background with great faith in your Son Jesus, as we humbly make a leap of faith today, with determination, sacrifice and persistency towards our dreams in life, may you grant our hearts desires. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed Sunday.

Friday, 18 August 2023

Homily For Saturday Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 19th August, 2021

Readings: Jos. 24:14-29; Ps. 16; Matt. 19:13-15

Rev. Fr.  Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




What determines our attitude and behaviour in life is our fundamental option, which has to do with our choice for or against God. This is a choice we make consciously or unconsciously that guides and shape our lives. Knowing the importance of this choice, Joshua in our first reading had to make this option for himself and his family and also encouraging others to do the same when he said to the people of Israel "choose this day whom you will serve... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord".


The choice for God is a choice for love, and a life of love is a sacrificial life neither easy nor comfortable. A kind of choice made by the people of Israel who said to Joshua: we have no intention of deserting the Lord and serving other gods! Was it not the Lord our God who brought us and our ancestors out of the land of Egypt, the house of slavery, who worked those great wonders before our eyes and preserved us all along the way we travelled and among all the peoples through whom we journeyed? What is more, the Lord drove all those peoples out before us, as well as the Amorites who used to live in this country. We too will serve the Lord, for he is our God.’  What a great Choice and lesson for us.


This tells us that we need to learn how to make a fundamental choice for God above all other things. This is important because most people are making wrong choices as a result of their too much attachment to the passing things of this world. Most people have made gods out of the material things of this world. And they want other people to join them to worship these material gods. For this reason most people are finding it difficult to listen to what God is saying to them, because the gods of the things of this passing world are looking very captivating but behind them are destruction and disaster.


 Dear friends, today we are required to chose whom we will serve: the living God or the gods of the things of this passing world. Let us chose the living God by identifying ourselves with Christ who is full of love, goodness and holiness and so build a good relationship with others. We must learn to sacrifice in humility just like Jesus who loves little children and care about them.


Little wonder Jesus said in our Gospel passage today: ‘Let the little children alone, and do not stop them coming to me; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’ So, Jesus appreciate it when in childlike humility we make the fundamental option to serve God and to sacrifice for the good of others, for we are called to taste and see that the Lord is good.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are called today to choose whom we will serve. As we make this fundamental option to serve you, help us to live by this option all the days of our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. It's another weekend, may the Holy Spirit guide and direct our activities.

Thursday, 17 August 2023

Homily For Friday Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 18th August, 2023.

Readings: Jos. 24:1-13; Ps. 136; Matt. 19:3-12

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




The fragile nature of our society today has placed in the minds of the youths a distorted image of what marriage and family life entails and truly represent in the society. This is because many young people today find themselves in a condition of radical instability and look for people to help them answer the fundamental questions of life. Today there are different notion and understanding of marriage especially among the youths. Marriage is seen as a business which anybody can engage or disengage at anytime.


Marriage among the youths of today is a thing of choice and contract which is suitable only when it serves their personal interest. Commitment, sacrifice and partnerships of a whole life are far from their understanding of what marriage truly represent. The fact remains that Marriage is the basis of every human family and indeed the basic cell of every community.


Little wonder in our Gospel passage today when the Pharisees engaged Jesus on the notion of divorce in marriage and it’s controversy. Jesus refer them to the fundamental principle of marriage when he said, Have you not read that the creator from the beginning made them male and female and that he said: This is why a man must leave father and mother, and cling to his wife, and the two become one body? They are no longer two, therefore, but one body. So then, what God has united, man must not divide.’


So, addressing the issue of divorce, Jesus said ‘It was because you were so unteachable that why Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but it was not like this from the beginning. Now I say this to you: the man who divorces his wife, except for unchastity, marries another, is guilty of adultery. And he who marries a divorced wife commits adultery. 


 Here Jesus emphasized on the real intention of God about marriage and celibacy, that they are two forms of life that help us to value human sexuality as gift from God. He ruled out divorce by placing men and women on the same level; no longer could a man opt to divorce his wife, except for extreme unchastity. Today there are lots of problems in family due to lack of understanding of what marriage truly means.


It is quite interesting to realize that social, economic and political factors were major determinants that shapes the youths present understand of marriage, as we see the youths giving importance to changing trends in marriage such as: single parent, inter-caste marriage, living in relationship or cohabitation, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender marriages, etc. Hence, marriage for them is more of a social phenomenon than spiritual union and physical companionship.


Little wonder Joshua in our first reading today reminded the people of Israel and all of us how faithful God has been to us and the need of us to be faithful with him,  when in the reading, he gathered all the tribes of Israel together at Shechem and they presented themselves before God.


This is because we have abandoned and divorced God, by trusting on our own power and ability which he has given us. Yet God still remembers the covenant he made with us, he is not ashamed to identify with us. All he wants is for us to come back to him now that we are still alive for he is a merciful and faithful husband who loves us as his bride.


Dear friends, today we are called to embrace the will of God and his teaching concerning family life and the issue of divorce. We should not let the trending ideas of disordered personalities in our world mislead us. Rather, we should value and respect the sanctity marriage.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, we have always failed to listen and follow you teaching, as a result, there are lots of problems in  our families due to lack of understanding of what marriage truly means. As we listen to your teaching today, help us to value our vocation whether marriage or celibate life and to constantly struggle to fix the problems in our families, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. God bless you.

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Homily For Thursday Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 17th August, 2023

Readings: Jos. 3:7-10.11 .13-17; Ps.114; Matt. 18:21-19:1

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




In the prayer our Lord Jesus gave us as a pattern of all prayers and as a fundamental principle of Christian life, there is a portion that point out something so important. This portion says “forgive us our trespasses as we for give those who trespassed against us” (Matt.6:12). By this pray we are making a covenant and commitment that will be a standard by which we are going to be judged as regards our relationship with others and with God. But often times we are not conscious of this principles especially when we have to face the difficult moment of forgiving a grievous offense.


Thus, Peter one of the disciples of Jesus being conscious of this fact, asked Jesus in our Gospel passage today saying: ‘Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘Not seven, I tell you, but seventy times seven. And he practicalized his answer with an example of a servant who owed his master a great debt that he and his generation cannot pay. But when he pleads for mercy, the master forgave him all the debts.


However, this same servant found a fellow servant who owed him as little as one hundred denarii, he seized him by the throat and began to throttle him and even when he pleaded for mercy, instead of forgiving him, he puts him in prison according to the norms of the law until he had paid his debt.


This unforgiven servant did to his fellow servant what the master could have done to him, but did not. When the master heard how he treated his fellow servant, he said to him: “You wicked servant! I have forgiven you all your debt because you appealed to me. Were you not bound then to have pity on your fellow-servant just as I had pity on you?


And, angry, the master handed him over to the torturers till he should pay all his debts.” Jesus then said, this is how my heavenly Father will deal with you unless you each forgive your brother from your heart.’ For God will apply the principle he has given us in our Lord’s Prayer, which will automatically put us where we properly belongs based on how we have related with other.


In this story, we see the extreme estimate of the debt the servant owed his master, ten thousand talents, even if him and his family had to work their whole life, they would never have been able to pay that debt. Because a denarius is a day's wage for a common workingman. While a talent is 6,000 denarii, or 20 years of daily wages. That means he would need to work 6,000 days to earn one talent and we are talking about ten thousand talents.


So, that’s a huge amount compared to hundred denarii his fellow servant owed him, in fact, there was no comparison between the two debtors at all. However, this will exposed to us the ugly attitude of unforgiveness and also help us to understand that our debt before God is so huge and countless for we cannot be able to pay them but he still forgive us.


This is what we see in our first reading today, for after the death of Moses, God assured his people of his mercy and protection when he said to Joshua, ‘This very day I will begin to make you a great man in the eyes of all Israel, to let them be sure that I am going to be with you even as I was with Moses.


Dear friends, Are there people we have vowed not to forgive? Have people hurt us so much that we can’t forgive them? Have we offended people and cannot be humble enough to ask for their forgiveness? Do we think that our sins are so huge for God to forgive? Are we finding it difficult to forgive those who have offended us? There is no doubt that forgiven a grievous offense can be very difficult, but when this is done, it is like recovery a lost treasure that contains: joy, peace, freedom and healing.


And today Jesus is asking us to learn how to forgive others always and unconditionally from our hearts, so that God will also forgive us always and unconditionally. Therefore, we must never refuse to forgive or reject an offer of reconciliation in our relationship with God and with our fellow human beings and if this becomes difficult, bring it to Jesus in prayer as you contemplate his patience and humility and mercy on the cross for us.


LET US PRAY: Almighty God, today you have made us to realize how unlimited you mercy is, as you exposed how huge our debts are in comparison with the little debts of forgiveness others owe us. As we make it a habit to forgive from the debt of our hearts all those who have offended us, may we discover and experience the hidden treasures that forgiveness brings. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a grace filled day.

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Homily For Wednesday Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 16th August, 2023

Readings: Deut. 34:1-12; Ps.66; Matt. 18:15-20

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




As human, we are not perfect because of our contingent nature, so we are likely to offend one another in any relationship we find ourselves. As a result of this, one of the major challenges we face in most relationship today is the ability to properly correct one another especially when one is straying from the norms set up for the good of the relationship.


In our Gospel passage today Jesus gave us the practical steps we need to follow in order to correct and reconcile with one another so as to build a stronger relationship when he said, ‘If your brother does something wrong, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother. If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you: the evidence of two or three witnesses is required to sustain any charge. But if he refuses to listen to these, report it to the Church as a community; and if he refuses to listen to the Church, treat him like a pagan or a tax collector.


Here, Jesus calls for fraternal correction in any relationship we find ourselves, for we are responsible for one another and these steps and stages give room for reconciliation. This fraternal correction must always be inspired by real charity which is one of the spiritual works of mercy. Though, this is never an easy task especially when one has to bear the sacrifice of forgiveness, because forgiving a very grievous offense is one of the most difficult things to do.


However, forgiven a grievous offense is like recovery a lost treasure that contains: joy, peace, freedom, healthy mind and healing. But how often do we seek to recover this lost treasure in our lives caused by unforgivingness? Hence Jesus today calls us to persistently seek for reconciliation until we gain our brothers and sisters back whenever they have offended us.


And if they refused to be reconciled we should pray for their conversion for that is how Jesus taught us to treat the pagans, the task collectors and sinners. For in all our proceedings we should seek direction in prayer, knowing that God manifests his mercy when he transforms people and lead them to conversion, as he changes us and turns us from selfish and rebellious individuals into humble and loving persons.


This is the case with the people of Israel in our first reading today, who were rebellious, but God through Moses correct them. Though, he did not make it to the promised Land but he was hourned by God before the people, for we were told that never has there been such a prophet in Israel as Moses, the man the Lord knew face to face.


Dear friends, today Jesus gave us the steps for fraternal correction and reconciliation. For it is our duty, obligation and responsibility to ensure in a fraternal charity that our fellow brothers and sisters, friends and neighbours, colleagues and collaborators are corrected and guided whenever they go astray. For each and every one of us have the responsibility to strengthen our relationship and be a good examples for one another as we work the path towards our salvation,


LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are rebellious and proud people, we lack the courage and disposition to accept corrections, help us to correct one another in fraternal charity as we also learn to accept corrections when corrected. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a favourable day.

Homily For Saturday First Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 18th January, 2025

Readings: Heb.4:12-16, Ps. 19, Mark 2:13-17 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. A CALL TO LEAVE OUR OLD SINFUL WAY OF LIFE AND FOLLOW THE LORD ...