Reading: Jer. 20:10-13; Ps. 69; Rom. 5:12-15; Matt.10:26-33
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike
One of
the most common human emotions is fear, which describes our emotional reaction
to something that seems dangerous. It is like an instinct programmed into the
nervous system through which we sense danger or the threat of harm or pain
whether physically, psychologically or spiritually. Oftentimes we encounter
things that triggers the emotion of fear especially in our world today where
everyday we struggle with all kinds of troubles and uncertainties projected by
the evil ones, and people are doing everything they can to overcome them.
sometimes, when children of God are confronted with ugly situation, they don't
know what to do and out of fear they fall victim and helpless. In fact, the
ugly situation in our country today, has instigated great fear in the lives of
people, that it seems to most people that God, His Church and even the government have abandoned them. This is
obvious because, we have lost our connection with God.
the fact remains that God and His Church have not abandoned us, for he is ever
and always closer to us more than we can ever imagine. Little wonder today in
our Gospel passage, Jesus tell us to fear not for he will watch over us. He
says: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul;
fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Can you not buy two
sparrows for a penny? And yet not one falls to the ground without your Father
knowing. Why, every hair on your head has been counted.
there is no need to be afraid; you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows”
The bird sparrows were the food of the poorest people for they could be
purchased for the cheapest price. But
God is providentially involved when one of these birds falls to the ground.
Showing us that God who is sovereign over the sparrow is also sovereign over
something as little as the hairs of our head.
we are encouraged not to give up as we encounter great percussions, troubles
and challenges, just like Jeremiah in our first reading, who was treated badly,
persecuted and endured all sorts of trials, indignities, humiliation and
discomfort on account of his message of truth. Yet, he trusted in the Lord and
committed himself wholeheartedly to God’s protection, knowing that the Lord’s
faithful will always triumph against the wicked and all those who are persecuting
them. This is exactly what Jesus is reassuring us when he said do not fear
those who can destroy the body, but rather fear the One Who can destroy both
body and soul. Moreover, the phrase do not be afraid is seen in the scriptures
about 366 time as an assurance of God’s presence and protection in our journey
of life.
we must trust that God will always protect and provide for us no matter how
difficult and challenging the situation may be for us. Little wonder St. Paul
in our second reading today calls us to trust in God, even though we may have
allowed ourselves to dwell in sin and fear, we should embrace the love of Jesus
who in his glorious sacrifice on the Cross has delivered us from sins and
death. For just as the disobedience of Adam brought sin into the world, the presence
of Jesus has brought life and salvation for all.
friends, do you know why there are so many troubles, wickedness and persecution
in our societies today? This is because humanity have lost a treasure and that
treasure is the fear of God. The scripture says that the fear of Lord is the
beginning of wisdom. But today we lack this wisdom, because we have no fear of
God in us. We will rather fear humans who have lost their consciences in sinful
things of this passing world and have foolishly built and attribute for
themselves powers and authority that belongs only to God. Thereby, forcing us
to worship them instead of God our creator, just for us to wake up and realize
how foolish and wrong we are in believing and worshipping them, because they
are no more, and all their powers and wealth are now decaying in the presence
of another set of foolish individuals who will begin to fight over these
vanities, for we will never learn from the mistakes of the dead.
is because we have forgotten that we are just managers of whatever we have in
this passing world including our lives. Yes we are not the owner of anything,
we only manage things entrusted to us, for God is the real owner of all things
that we have. So, do not be afraid for God is watching over us and our daily
the questions we need to ask ourselves are: do we still have faith in God? Are
we really courageous enough to withstand the scourges of persecution, knowing
that God will surely protect us? Do we listen and hear God speaking to us
through our daily activities? Do we still see the hands of God in what we do?
Are we really convinced of what we do with the gift of knowledge, skills and
talents God has given us? Do we pay attention to the word of God we hear
everyday in the house of God, the streets and through other means of
communication? Perhaps we are the one who have abandoned God and now we are
confused and afraid as a result of our greediness and selfishness that are
destroying our societies today.
no matter how we feel about the situation in our lives, our families, societies
and country, no matter how terrifying they may seem to appear, we are called
not to give up on God or His Church or the human agents through whom His help
comes to us, for God has not abandoned His people. We all need to have our ears
opened, so that we can hear and understand fully the message God is
communicating to us through this difficult moment in our society.
God is saying to us, fear not, come back to me, have courage for the storms
will soon be over. If we turn to God with all our heart, He will restore us and
heal our world. Therefore, we should not let fear control or destroy us, rather
we should have faith in God knowing that at night there are tears, but joy
comes with dawn.
PRAY: Almighty God, there are many things that frightens us everyday and course
us to fear, grant us the grace of courage to remain steadfast even in the midst
of all the troubles and challenges of life. We ask this through Christ our
Lord. Amen. Do have a spirit filled Sunday.