Friday, 25 November 2022

Homily For Saturday Thirty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 26th November, 2022

Readings: Rev. 20:1-7, Ps.94, Luke:21:34-36

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


The things of this world is so captivating that if we are not careful we will be like a foolish traveler who having encountered a pleasant garden forgets to continue towards his destination. This is exactly what Jesus is trying to draw our attention to in our Gospel passage today when he said: Watch yourselves, or your hearts will be coarsened with debauchery and drunkenness and the cares of life, and that day will be sprung on you suddenly, like a trap. For it will come down on every living man on the face of the earth. Everything on JUMIA

Here Jesus is reprimanding us concerning the danger of attaching ourselves so deeply in the things of this passing world. For we are often interested in external beauty of things around us while neglecting the essence of life. We are interested only on worldly goods and not the things of the heart like justice, mercy, forgiveness, love and compassion. So Jesus is telling us to change our ugly ways of life, for it is time for us to look into at our lives and examine ourselves to know whether we have been living in accordance with God’s will, or whether we have fallen astray. Then, we can also look forward towards the life that is to come which God has promised us through his Son our Lord Jesus Christ.Fashion Deals

And this coming of our Lord is what St. John in our first reading today is talking about when he said that: the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in its place in the city; where his servants will worship him, they will see him face to face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. It will never be night again and they will not need lamplight or sunlight, because the Lord God will be shining on them. For they will reign for ever and ever.  Black Friday Top Deals

Dear friends, we believe that our true homeland is in heaven. But, how watchful and prepared for the coming of the Lord? How are we preparing to embrace our heavenly home? Today people hardly reflect about the coming of Christ that was so strong in the early days of the Christian movement which left a strong impression upon the disciples of Christ. So like the servants awaiting for their master’s return, we are called to be ready and to watch at all times for the day of the Lord which will come at the hour we do not know. Home and Appliances

Hence, we are to be prepared knowing that our most important ‘treasure’ is our heavenly home which God has promised to give us. Therefore, the best thing we can do with our worldly possessions is to use them for the good of others especially the poor since we are responsible and accountable for one another’s welfare. And this divine generosity is meant to help us in preparation for the coming of Christ. Remember what really matters in life is our capacity and readiness to receive what God has in store for us in heaven.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we continue our struggles with the ugly events of this passing world, may you continue to guide us and strengthen us in our journey of life and help us to endure our trials and challenges, for you alone are our source of strength, hope and fulfillment in life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed weekend.

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Homily For Friday Thirty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 25th th November, 2022

 Readings: Rev. 20:1-4,11-21:2, Ps.83, Luke:21:29-33

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


One of the doctors and mystics of the Church St. John of the Cross says that: the further you withdraw from earthly things the closer you approach heavenly things and the more you find yourself in God. This  advice will be very helpful as we come to the end of this liturgical year and about to embrace the season of Advent, when the Church calls our attention on the need to be prepared for the coming of the Lord.Flash Sales

Hence, in our Gospel passage today, Jesus tells us about the passing away of the things of this world and the dreadful events associated with it in relation to the end time events. He illustrates the signs of this event with the story of the fig tree, telling us to take notice of the signs of the times for they will help us to discern between what is of true value and what is passing away. For heaven and earth will pass away, but the words of the Lord  will never pass away.Everything on JUMIA

Here Jesus, presents the final recommendations of the end time. He insists that we should pay rapt attention to the signs nature is giving us concerning the end time events, that these signs should lead to have hope founded firmly on the word of God which drives away fear and despair, knowing that the kingdom of God is very near to us. This is even more evidence in our first reading today, where we heard about the final defeat of the devil, the great enemy and deceiver of humanity. Fashion Deals

For he has been deceiving humanity by turning us away from our God and making us to believe that this world is our home. So we are reminded once again that all those who refuse to believe in God and chose to follow the devil and his false prophets will be destroyed and defeated completely. For he and his agents and those who follow him will be thrown into the burning lake of eternal darkness. While God’s faithful people will triumph victoriously into heaven as beautiful bride dressed for her husband.Black Friday Top Deals

Dear friends, how are we embracing the word of God we hear at this period? What signs are we seeing around us today? How can we interpret the signs of this times, the signs that tell us that this world is passing away? Do these signs make us to dread the second coming of the Lord or to joyfully embrace it in anticipation? Remember, the words of Jesus are truth that will never pass away. Therefore, Stand erect, hold your heads high, because our liberation is near at hand.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, humanity have been greatly deceived by the devil, who has made us to be so much attached to the things of this passing world. As we embrace your words this season, may our souls once again long and yearn for you our God, the living God. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. It’s Friday, may the joy of the Lord be our strength.

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Homily For Thursday Thirty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 24th November, 2022. The Memorial of St. Andrew Dung Lac and Companions

Readings: Rev.18:1-2,21-23,19:1-3,9, Ps.99, Luke:21:20-28

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


As we continue to reflect on the great event about the coming of the Lord. Jesus in our Gospel passage today continues his warnings concerning what will happen to the beautiful things of this passing world which he illustrated very well by telling us what will eventually happen to the great city of Jerusalem in relation to what will happen at the end of all things. This passage contains the truth that we need to be reminded often. That is, the need for us to be prepared for the day of the Lord despite all the beautiful and a seductive things we encounter in this world.Home and Appliances

Thus, as the great and holy city of Jerusalem was besieged and destroyed by the Romans in less than four decades after the death and resurrection of Christ, so will the things of this world pass away including those who are attached to them. Just as we also heard in our first reading today, the account of the declaration of the Angel of God at the end of the last trumpets how the world ends with the plagues, the final defeat of the devil and all the forces of the wicked, which is well illustrated with the fall of ‘Babylon’ that shall never rise again, for it has come to it’s final and ultimate defeat. While God has triumphed and won the ultimate victory for his faithful people.Flash Sales

Dear friends, there is no doubt that there are great signs of the end time event, but this should not be an occasion for fear rather, a period for intense preparations. Nonetheless, for the righteous it is a period of joy and happiness since our redemption from the powers of evil is close at hand. Although we do not know when, but, Jesus assures us that he will return in power and great glory. Therefore, we should take heed and do not be deceived by the beauty of the things of this passing world for our redemption is drawing near. Everything on JUMIA

This very kind of disposition is what we see in case of  St. Andrew Dung Lac and Companions whose memorial we celebrate today, for when they heard the Gospel they accepted it despite persecutions and even death. They realize that true happiness is found in interior living of the Gospel and not on material things of this passing world. They embraced martyrdom and became great instrument in preparing humanity towards the kingdom of God.Fashion Deals

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we make efforts everyday to prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ your Son, through the intercessions of St. Andrew Dung Lac and Companions give us the grace and courage to remain steadfast even in the midst of all the crisis in our world today. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Homily For Wednesday Thirty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 23rd November, 2022

Readings: Rev.15:1-4, Ps.98, Luke:21:12-19

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


The word persecution is often associated with Christian faith, for most times when we hear about persecution, the victims are often Christian faithful. But why do Christians often face persecutions? This is because in our world today we see and hear of human wickedness, intimidation, manipulations, kidnapping, killing and different other immoral activities people do for the sake of power, fame, money and lustful desires. And anyone who tries to resist, challenge, correct, change or stop these ugly attitudes, becomes an object of elimination. Yet in the midst of all these ugly situation, Christians are required to continue to speak about God’s goodness, love, compassion and forgiveness which humanity are not ready to embrace.  This of course, is the reason for the constant persecution of Christians.Black Friday Top Deals

So, we should not be surprised for Jesus in our Gospel passage today declares that his followers are going to be persecuted on account of bearing witness to his name, a reality that will put even their most cherished relationships to the test: they will be betrayed even by their closest relations and friends. However we should not prepare any defense, because God myself shall give us an eloquence and a wisdom that none of our opponents will be able to resist or contradict.

Little wonder Jesus gave us the details of the challenges that awaits us as his followers such as: arrests; persecution; trials before government authorities; betrayal by family and friends; hatred on account of his name; and even execution. He made us to know that we should not lay blames on a particular person or group of people, on the society, or even on our enemies for such ugly treatment. For they are rather an opportunity to testify and bear witness of him to the world. Flash Sales

Here, Jesus not only describes what his followers will have to endure, but offers assurance that he will support them and make them strong. So he recommends that here comes a time in the spiritual life of his followers when they will have to choose to endure, rather than despair. For by their endurance they will gain their lives. Hence, period of persecution is a time to witness through our endurance, courage and tenacity. Everything on JUMIA

Dear friends, the circumstances in which Jesus invites us to share the Good News is quite challenging and difficult, especially now that the world is passing through difficult times, for families, societies, countries, and churches are badly affected by the current economic situation that is affecting the whole world. But just as Jesus was not abandoned by his Father in his hour of need, we too will not be abandoned in this times of difficulty. For God knows what we are passing through now and in due time he we will give us victory and we will join the elders in our first reading today to say: how great and wonderful are all your works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are all your ways, King of all ages, for Jesus says that our endurance will win us our lives.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we struggle with the ugly situation in our world today, grant us the courage and strength to persevere in witnessing to the Gospel, especially in this time of persecutions and difficulties. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day. 

Monday, 21 November 2022

Homily For Tuesday Thirty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 22nd November, 2022. The Memorial of St. Cecilia

 Readings: Rev.14:14-19 , Ps.95, Luke:21:5-11

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


As we approach the season of Advent, we are reminded of the need to be well prepared for the coming of God’s kingdom. This is evident in our readings these days and more so in our Gospel passage today which presents to us warnings about the end times. Here we see how those who were listening to Jesus were anxious to know what signs to look out for concerning the End Times event. But the timing of such an event is God’s secret. Fashion Deals

So, today Jesus warns us not to waste our time seeking for signs, rather we should be prepared, we should remain firm in faith. He also warns us about following those who claim to know when the end is coming. We may see many of the signs written in Scripture happening already in our time and people are terrified looking for someone to show them the way. Jesus is the only Way, the Truth and the Life. For without him in our lives, we may be lost, because the future lies in his hands and nothing can destroy or hurt us as long as we remain faithful to his commands.Black Friday Top Deals

Dear friends, what signs are you searching for in this passing world? You better be prepared for our lives as Christians demands that we should be alert and ready, just like St. John tells us in our first reading about the harvest time for the harvest of the earth is ripe. Thus we should be prepared at all times for this world is passing away. Hence, we are called to abstain from things that will separate us from our God. We are called to look into our inner being, our interior life, in order to embrace the life of holiness and self-control that will help us to be more prepared just like St. Cecilia whose memorial we celebrate today.Home and Appliances

St. Cecilia, who came from an extremely rich family and was given in marriage to a young man named Valerian. She wore sackcloth next to her skin, fasted, and invoked the saints, angels, and virgins, beseeching them to guard her virginity. During her wedding ceremony she was said to have sung in her heart to God and before the consummation of her marriage, she told Valerian her husband she had taken a vow of virginity and had an angel protecting her. Valerian asked to see the angel as proof, and Cecilia told him he would have eyes to see once he traveled to the third milestone on the Via Appia (Appian Way). There he was baptized by Pope Urbanus. Following his baptism, Valerian returned to his wife and found an angel at her side. The angel then crowned Cecilia with a chaplet of rose and lily. Flash Sales

Cecilia was later arrested and condemned to be suffocated in the baths. And late an executioner was sent to cut off her head in the baths who struck her three times but was unable to decapitate her so he left her bleeding and she lived for three days. Crowds came to her and collected her blood while she preached to them or prayed. On the third day she died and was buried by Pope Urban and his deacons. Today St. Cecilia is regarded as the patroness of music, because she heard heavenly music in her heart when she was married, and is represented in art with an organ or organ-pipes in her hand.

LET US PRAY: Almighty God, we often failed to listen to your warnings concerning our excess desire for the things of this passing world and the need for us to prepare and be ready for your coming. Through the intercessions of St. Cecilia give us the grace and wisdom to be well prepared to stand before you whenever you call us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Sunday, 20 November 2022

Homily For Monday Thirty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 21st November, 2022. The Memorial of The Presentation of The Blessed Virgin Mary

 Readings: Rev.14:1-5; Ps.24; Luke:21:1-4

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Thanksgiving is one of the best way of showing gratitude to God for the good things we have received from him. This great act of charity should be done with grateful heart. Our attitude and intention towards this act is what God desires to see. Little wonder in our Gospel passage today, Jesus observes the attitude of people towards there thanksgiving offertory. He commented on the attitude of people who give out of their abundance, while commending the attitude of the poor widow who from her heart gave sincerely everything that she had, expressing her faith and love for God by this wonderful gesture. 

Fashion DealsHere, Jesus tells us that what matters is not the amount we give, but what lies in our heart, the strength of our generosity comes from the heart. Today Jesus invites us to open our heart and be ready to give in a sacrificial way like this poor widow in our Gospel. For God, who knows our heart, looks at our efforts. The truth is that the greatest gift we can give to anyone is the gift of love, for it is only in true love that one can truly give all that he has without reservations. So, as Christians it is our obligation to follow the Lord’s teaching and dedicate ourselves and all that we have to him wholeheartedly, in faith and love at all times.Black Friday Top Deals

This is what we see in the memorial of the presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary we celebrate today, that great moment when St. Joachim and St. Anne offered their firstborn child to the Lord at the Temple as prescribed by the Law, a gratuitous action of God’s grace for choosing Mary to be the mother of our Lord and her total availability to God’s plan. On this day we rejoice and celebrate the faith of Mary, the one who became the Mother of Jesus our Lord and Saviour of the world who through his death and resurrection has made us children of the resurrection. Thereby calling us to embrace his teaching. Let us all be inspired by the examples Mary who the Lord has set before us, that we shall also be righteous, virtuous and great in faith as she has shown us in her life time in thanksgiving to God.Home and Appliances

Dear friends, let our thanksgiving to the Lord not only come from the abundance of what we have, but from true and sacrificial love that comes from our heart expressing our gratitude, faith and love for God and our neighbour. Only such offertory and thanksgiving are pleasing to God and acceptable to him. Let us join the great saints and elders in our first reading today who followed the Lamb wherever he goes; for they have been redeemed from amongst men to be the first-fruits for God and for the Lamb, since they never allowed a lie to pass their lips and no fault can be found in them.Flash Sales

LET US PRAY: Lord God, all we have is giving to us out of your abundant good. Through the intercessions of Mary, may we learn to show gratitude in a sacrificial way for such great gift and so gain more favour from you. We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Do have a fruitful week ahead.

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Homily For Thirty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, 20th November, 2022. The Solemnity of Christ the Universal King

 Readings: 2 Sam.5:1-3; Ps.122, Col. 1:12-20, Luke 23:35-43

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Flash Sales

In the year 1925, the period when the world was still recovering from the ugly event of the First World War that ended in 1918, the period when humanity as a result of the war begin to turn away from God and the teachings of the Gospel in search for worldly powers and dominion. On account of this, Pope Pius XI promulgated  the Feast of Christ the King in order to call humanity to conversion and renewal of loyalty to God through Jesus the True Universal King. For the Pope believed that the celebration of the Feast of Christ the Universal King will be appropriate to constantly remind humanity about God. Everything on JUMIA

So, every last Sunday of the liturgical year, the Church invites us to celebrate the Lord Jesus as King of the Universe. For we are called to look to the future with more insight into the ultimate goal of history, towards the definitive and eternal kingdom of God through Christ our Lord. Given that he was with the Father in the beginning, when the world was created, and he will fully manifest his Lordships at the end of time, when he will judge humanity.<Fashion Deals/p>

But the questions that always come to mind as we celebrate this great feast are: what is the nature of this Kingship of Christ? How does it relate to the events of human history? What is the effect of this Kingship in our society today? What message or lessons can we learn from it? This same question is the issues in our Gospel passage today where we heard how the Lord Jesus was crucified on the cross between two criminals. For we heard the people saying: Let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One, the king of the Jews.’ Black Friday Top Deals

The soldiers also mocked him saying, ‘If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.’ One of the criminals hanging there abused him. ‘Are you not the Christ?’. ‘Save yourself and us as well.’ But the second criminal spoke up and rebuked him. ‘Have you no fear of God at all?’. ‘You got the same sentence as he did, but in our case we deserved it: we are paying for what we did. But this man has done nothing wrong. And he said to Jesus, ‘remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ And Jesus replied saying: ‘Indeed, I promise you, today you will be with me in paradise.’

Here, we see how humanity rejected the Prince of Peace by nailing him to the cross. But as Prince of Peace, he still offered peace to humanity despite our constant rejection of his peace. Though, humanity still cries out everyday for peace but nor is sacrificing for peace like Jesus who on the cross sacrifice all for peace and salvation of humanity. Hence, we see how on the cross the Lord reigns over humanity. For on the cross he  gave us the answers to the questions we have in mind concerning his kingship. He made us to know that his kingdom is beyond the activities of this passing world. 

He also showed us that mercy and compassion is the hallmark of his kingdom which was prefigured in the kingship of David in our first reading today. Little wonder, he made us to know that his kingdom does not need any physical proof, for we only experience it’s presence and effect in and around us.  So, we are called to look to the future with more insight into the ultimate goal of history towards the eternal kingdom of Christ. For he was with the Father in the beginning, when the world was created, and he will fully manifest his Lordships at the end of time, when he will come as a triumphant King and judge humanity based on our actions, deeds and faith.

For we heard  in our second reading today that he is the image of the unseen God and the first-born of all creation, for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth: everything visible and invisible. He has taken us out of the power of darkness and created a place for us in the kingdom of his beloved Son in whom we have redemption, and the forgiveness of our sins. Hence, we must know that there will be time for great separation, when the good will be separated from the bad, holy from sinful, righteous from evil, sheep from goats, of which our deeds will reveal who we are and where we truly belong. 

Home and Appliances

Dear friends, no doubt that we are living in a world full of greed and selfish people who are deeply rooted in ugly attitudes  of egoism and materialism, with uncontrollable desires for pleasure. We are called today to embrace the teachings of Christ the Universal King for this is what today’s celebration requires of us. 

So, as we celebrate this great feast, let us turn toward Christ for he is our true King of peace. And following him means carrying our own cross, forgetting our self, and faithfully obeying his commandment in a very sacrificial way. For it is by the blood of his cross, that Jesus reveals the nature of his Kingship, not in saving his life, but by offering it as a ransom for our salvation. 

Therefore, we must learn to reign with Christ through the Cross. For trying to do away with the cross in our lives will deprives our souls of these true love and loyalty to Christ the King of Peace, who today wants to reign supreme in our hearts and soul. So, let us join in the triumphant procession holding palm branches and singing Hosanna in the Highest, recalling the inscription above the cross: which says: Jesus the King of the Jews.

 Let us also say like the good thief, “Lord remember me in your kingdom” for this is the prayer and last request of a humble sinful soul. This should also be the prayer and desire of everyone of us today as we celebrate Christ the universe King of Peace. Let us show him honour, not just with palm branches but with the splendour of hearts full of love and merciful deeds. Let us in joy express and spread before his presence the garments  of our heavy heart weigh down by sins and shame. Let us do this along with the inner desires of our souls, so that he can passing through our souls and purify our whole being in order to rule in our hearts as the King of Peace, for that is the nature of his Kingship.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly King, as we celebrate the universal Kingship of Christ your Son, amidst the hostile forces and evil of this passing world, may we be victorious as you fill us with the peace and joy of your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a blessed Christ the King celebration.

Homily For Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, 19th January 2025

  Readings: Is. 62:1-5; Ps. 96; 1Cor. 12:4-11; John 2:1-11 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU Today is the second Sun...