Saturday, 19 November 2022

Homily For Thirty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, 20th November, 2022. The Solemnity of Christ the Universal King

 Readings: 2 Sam.5:1-3; Ps.122, Col. 1:12-20, Luke 23:35-43

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


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In the year 1925, the period when the world was still recovering from the ugly event of the First World War that ended in 1918, the period when humanity as a result of the war begin to turn away from God and the teachings of the Gospel in search for worldly powers and dominion. On account of this, Pope Pius XI promulgated  the Feast of Christ the King in order to call humanity to conversion and renewal of loyalty to God through Jesus the True Universal King. For the Pope believed that the celebration of the Feast of Christ the Universal King will be appropriate to constantly remind humanity about God. Everything on JUMIA

So, every last Sunday of the liturgical year, the Church invites us to celebrate the Lord Jesus as King of the Universe. For we are called to look to the future with more insight into the ultimate goal of history, towards the definitive and eternal kingdom of God through Christ our Lord. Given that he was with the Father in the beginning, when the world was created, and he will fully manifest his Lordships at the end of time, when he will judge humanity.<Fashion Deals/p>

But the questions that always come to mind as we celebrate this great feast are: what is the nature of this Kingship of Christ? How does it relate to the events of human history? What is the effect of this Kingship in our society today? What message or lessons can we learn from it? This same question is the issues in our Gospel passage today where we heard how the Lord Jesus was crucified on the cross between two criminals. For we heard the people saying: Let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One, the king of the Jews.’ Black Friday Top Deals

The soldiers also mocked him saying, ‘If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.’ One of the criminals hanging there abused him. ‘Are you not the Christ?’. ‘Save yourself and us as well.’ But the second criminal spoke up and rebuked him. ‘Have you no fear of God at all?’. ‘You got the same sentence as he did, but in our case we deserved it: we are paying for what we did. But this man has done nothing wrong. And he said to Jesus, ‘remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ And Jesus replied saying: ‘Indeed, I promise you, today you will be with me in paradise.’

Here, we see how humanity rejected the Prince of Peace by nailing him to the cross. But as Prince of Peace, he still offered peace to humanity despite our constant rejection of his peace. Though, humanity still cries out everyday for peace but nor is sacrificing for peace like Jesus who on the cross sacrifice all for peace and salvation of humanity. Hence, we see how on the cross the Lord reigns over humanity. For on the cross he  gave us the answers to the questions we have in mind concerning his kingship. He made us to know that his kingdom is beyond the activities of this passing world. 

He also showed us that mercy and compassion is the hallmark of his kingdom which was prefigured in the kingship of David in our first reading today. Little wonder, he made us to know that his kingdom does not need any physical proof, for we only experience it’s presence and effect in and around us.  So, we are called to look to the future with more insight into the ultimate goal of history towards the eternal kingdom of Christ. For he was with the Father in the beginning, when the world was created, and he will fully manifest his Lordships at the end of time, when he will come as a triumphant King and judge humanity based on our actions, deeds and faith.

For we heard  in our second reading today that he is the image of the unseen God and the first-born of all creation, for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth: everything visible and invisible. He has taken us out of the power of darkness and created a place for us in the kingdom of his beloved Son in whom we have redemption, and the forgiveness of our sins. Hence, we must know that there will be time for great separation, when the good will be separated from the bad, holy from sinful, righteous from evil, sheep from goats, of which our deeds will reveal who we are and where we truly belong. 

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Dear friends, no doubt that we are living in a world full of greed and selfish people who are deeply rooted in ugly attitudes  of egoism and materialism, with uncontrollable desires for pleasure. We are called today to embrace the teachings of Christ the Universal King for this is what today’s celebration requires of us. 

So, as we celebrate this great feast, let us turn toward Christ for he is our true King of peace. And following him means carrying our own cross, forgetting our self, and faithfully obeying his commandment in a very sacrificial way. For it is by the blood of his cross, that Jesus reveals the nature of his Kingship, not in saving his life, but by offering it as a ransom for our salvation. 

Therefore, we must learn to reign with Christ through the Cross. For trying to do away with the cross in our lives will deprives our souls of these true love and loyalty to Christ the King of Peace, who today wants to reign supreme in our hearts and soul. So, let us join in the triumphant procession holding palm branches and singing Hosanna in the Highest, recalling the inscription above the cross: which says: Jesus the King of the Jews.

 Let us also say like the good thief, “Lord remember me in your kingdom” for this is the prayer and last request of a humble sinful soul. This should also be the prayer and desire of everyone of us today as we celebrate Christ the universe King of Peace. Let us show him honour, not just with palm branches but with the splendour of hearts full of love and merciful deeds. Let us in joy express and spread before his presence the garments  of our heavy heart weigh down by sins and shame. Let us do this along with the inner desires of our souls, so that he can passing through our souls and purify our whole being in order to rule in our hearts as the King of Peace, for that is the nature of his Kingship.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly King, as we celebrate the universal Kingship of Christ your Son, amidst the hostile forces and evil of this passing world, may we be victorious as you fill us with the peace and joy of your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a blessed Christ the King celebration.

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  Readings: Deut. 26:4-10; Ps.91; Rom. 10:8-13; Luke 4:1-13 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia OVERCOMING OUR DAILY STRUGGLES AGAINST SINS AND...