Saturday 7 September 2024

Homily For Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, 8th September, 2024


Readings:  Is.35:4-7; Ps.146; James 2:1-5; Mark 7:31-37

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.



Hearing and Speaking are some of the great gifts of God to his creatures, especially the human person. Failure to put these gifts into positive use attracts heavy consequences to human existence.


 So, reflecting on the ugly situations of human life in our societies today, especially how people pay attention to the things of this passing world at the expense of the things of God who has given us the gifts of hearing and speaking, how the world has engaged our attention to herself that we have now become deaf and dump to things that concern our spiritual lives and positive coexistence of humanity is quite disturbing.


Yes, we claim to be hearing and speaking up about God and the ugly situations around us. Yes, we go to Church as often as possible to hear and speak with God about our situations; we engage in one spiritual activity or another.


But the questions that come to mind are: do we really listen and hear God speaking to us through those activities? Do we still see the hands of God in what we do? Are we really convinced of what we are doing in the house of God? Are we not confused about our faith as a result of the ugly events and scandals we experience and hear every day? The world really wants us to be deaf to the word of God and mute to speak the great things God is doing for us.


This is evident in our daily activities where humanity often pays deaf ears to the instructions of God by allowing herself to be deceived by the excess desires and attachment to things of this passing world. As a result of this ugly attitude we have separated ourselves from the presence of God out of pride and selfishness and these have made us deaf and dumb again.


Thus, today in our Gospel passage, we hear how Jesus dramatically and figuratively wishes to heal us of our deafness and dumbness caused by our constant embracing of the sinful things of this passing world which is well demonstrated in the healing of the deaf and dumb man. A man who represents the deafness and dumbness of humanity towards the word of God.


Hence, when this deaf and dumb man was brought to Jesus for healing. He took the man aside, put his fingers in his ears, touched his tongue with spittle, looked up to heaven and prayed, saying, " Ephphatha! Be opened". Immediately, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue loosed, and he was able to speak plainly.


These same words are used during baptism while touching the ears and lips of the baptized, a gesture that signifies the spiritual openness of one’s heart to God’s words and will. For our hearts are often deaf to God’s words, because of our excess attachment to things of this world. And our mouths are also sealed by corruption, greed and sinful habits we have embraced. But in our baptism, we are brought to Christ just like this deaf and dumb man for healing and restoration, so that we can hear the words of God and apply them in our lives and also express them to all humanity by our words and actions.


Dear friends, why have we become deaf and dumb again after our ears and lips were opened during our baptism? Why have we chosen to remain deaf and dumb in situations where we ought to listen or speak up? Why have we chosen to remain deaf and dumb towards our spiritual life? Why have we chosen to remain deaf and dumb to those ugly situations in our families, our offices, our societies and our country today? I know God has opened our ears and our lips. Let us put them to positive use for our spiritual growth and the well-being of our family, societies and our country, Nigeria.


Today, out of pride and greediness, we have often separated ourselves from the presence of God, and as a result, we have become deaf and dumb to his teachings and instructions. Hence, we all need to have our ears opened once again so that we can hear and understand fully the message of Jesus and share it with the world. I don’t know how far we have separated ourselves from God as a result of sin. I don’t know how deep our deafness and dumbness are. All I know is that today, God is saying to us, fear not, have courage, for the eyes of the blind shall be opened, ears of the deaf unstopped and the tongue of the mute shall sing for joy.


All we need is to trust God no matter the affliction we are passing through in this world, for he can save us from them all. Just as we heard the prophet Isaiah in our first reading saying: Say to all faint hearts, ‘Courage! Do not be afraid. Behold, your God is coming, vengeance is coming, the retribution of God; he is coming to save you. Then, the eyes of the blind shall be opened, the ears of the deaf unsealed, then the lame shall leap like a deer and the tongues of the dumb sing for joy; for water gushes in the desert, streams in the wasteland, the scorched earth becomes a lake, the parched land springs of water.


Also, St James, in our second reading, tells us not to compromise our faith in Jesus Christ by making distinctions between classes of people, for God has chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of his Kingdom. So do not be afraid to put into positive use God’s gifts of listening and speaking the truth to humanity. Let us not be dumb when we need to speak. Let us not be deaf when we need to hear. Let us not be silenced by the selfish and greedy attitude that is destroying humanity today. God has given us these wonderful gifts of hearing and speaking; let us put them to positive use and so change our lives, families, societies and countries.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, our strong desire for the things of this passing world has made us deaf and dumb towards your words. Let us hear your voice once more saying to us “Ephphatha, be opened”, so that we can hear your words deep down our hearts and joyfully proclaim it to all humanity through our actions. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy Birthday to Mother Mary. 

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