Reading: 1Kings 18:20-39; Ps. 16; Matt. 5:17-19
Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia
Jesus reminds us that he did not come on earth to abolish what had already been
revealed but rather to fulfil them. He came into the world in order to reveal
to humanity what true Law really means and to purify the Law to its original
meaning and purpose, which has been corrupted through human manipulations. He
came to fulfil the entire Law and not to destroy it, contrary to what the
scribes and Pharisees accused and think about him.
same notion was critical for Jewish converts in the early Church and also to
some people in our own time. The response of Jesus is still very relevant for
us today, especially when he speaks of "fulfilling" rather than
"abolishing" the law of the prophets as we have it in our Gospel
passage today and he added that: “the man who infringes even one of the least
of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be considered the
least in the kingdom of heaven, but the man who keeps them and teaches them
will be considered great in the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus points out that keeping and teaching the commandments of God is the sure
way to achieving greatness not just here on earth but also in heaven. This is
exactly what we see in the life of Elijah in our first reading today, who
decided not just to keep the laws and commandments of God, but to teach the
people who have abandoned the true God over idols, as he challenged four
hundred and fifty priests of Baal at the Mount Carmel. It was a great moment of
reckoning, as he confronted King Ahab for his continued worshipping of Baal the
pagan idol.
the victory of prophet Elijah in this battle was essential to remind the king
and the people of the need for them to obey the Law of God, for it is the
obligation of all the faithful to worship and serve only the One and True God
of all. The king and the people had not obeyed these laws, instead, they chose
to follow the false ways of the foreign pagan gods and idols, committing great
sin before God. So by keeping and teaching these commandments, Elijah was made
great before God and the people through his victory.
friends, today we are reminded that true greatness is found in keeping and
teaching the commandments of God, of which Jesus tells us that the greatest of
these commandments is to love God and love our neighbour. Therefore, true
greatness is rooted in our love for God and our neighbours and Jesus emphasises
that it is bad enough to break one of these commandments, but to teach someone
else to do the same is a terribly evil thing to do.
we should ask ourselves today, am I breaking these commandments and teaching
others to do the same through my attitude and way of life just like Ahab? Do I
follow my own opinions contrary to the commandments and laws of love which
Jesus has taught us by his way of life? Am I keeping and teaching these
commandments through my attitude and by way of life?
PRAY: Lord God, from whom all good things come, grant us the grace to keep and
teach your commandments by our way of life and so obtain the Joy of true
greatness in this world and your heavenly kingdom through Christ our Lord.
Amen. Peace be with you.
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