Sunday 9 June 2024

Homily For Monday Tenth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 10th June, 2024


Reading: 1Kings 17:1-6; Ps. 121; Matt.5:1-12

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia




Each day of our lives is a struggle for perfection, we grow from one level of understanding and knowledge to another. But what really gives value to this growth is the fundamental principles we follow. Because the fundamental principles of life help us to be focused and determined to achieve our goals. Therefore, Jesus knowing the value and importance of the faith he has come to offer humanity, laid down the fundamental principles that will guide his disciples in the new way of life which he is offering humanity.


These fundamental principles are what we have in our Gospel passage today in the famous Sermon on the Mount by the Lord Jesus, which is also known as the Beatitudes. This famous Sermon opens to us the interior life of Jesus: poor in spirit, gentle, merciful, hungry for justice, pure in heart, a peacemaker, yet prepared to grieve and suffer persecution for the cause of right.


These are guiding principles to a new life he has called us to live. Here Jesus gives eight characters of blessed people, which stands as graces to the fundamental principles of the Christian life. Each of these Beatitudes is a statement of an ideal way we ought to live and be in close contact with God.


These fundamental principles talk about the poor in spirit which brings to mind the low condition of mankind that looks up to a Redeemer and the glory to come. Those who mourn are blessed, for their true repentance, watchfulness, humble mind, and continual dependence on the mercy of God through Christ Jesus shall be comforted. The meek are blessed, for being patient, silent and submissive to the will of God and so are comfort even in this world. Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness are blessed, for their desires of spiritual blessings shall be satisfied.


The merciful are blessed, for their compassion, help and pity on the souls of humanity who are in sin and need mercy. The pure in heart are blessed; for they shall see God since their hearts are made pure in holiness and are capable of seeing God. The peace-makers are blessed, for they love and delight in the peace which Christ is offering to humanity. Those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake are blessed, for victory is theirs since they understand that, there is nothing in our sufferings that can be compared to the victory of eternal life.  This is exactly what God reassured prophet Elijah in our first reading after hearing the punishment due to the wicked, he was assured of God’s providence as a reward for his faithful.


Dear friends, we are called to embrace these fundamental principles of Christian life. For we are truly blessed when we are poor in spirit and when we mourn for our sinfulness, gentle, hunger and thirst for holiness. We are blessed when we are, merciful and peacemakers in a world that is full of wickedness, greed and corruption. Today, we are called to live our lives in these virtues and when we encounter challenges, difficulties, persecutions and troubles, we should remain faithful to the end for none of these tribulations shall be compared to the victory of eternal life.


 LET US PRAY: O God, from whom all good things come, grant us the grace to live out these fundamental principles of our Christian life and overcome this sinful world, so as to enjoy the beatific vision of eternal life in You, through Christ our Lord. Amen. As you begin your task this week, may the glory of God inspire you and elevate you to greater heights, do have a blessed week.

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