Friday, 29 March 2024

Homily For Holy Saturday of Easter Vigil, 31st, 2024


Readings: Gen 1:1-22; 22:1-18; Ex.14:15-15:1; Is 54:5-14; 55:1:11; Bar 3:9:9-15.33-4:4; Ez36:16-17.18-28;Ps. 51; Rom. 6:3-11; Ps. 118; Mk. 16:1-7


Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.




Today we celebrate Easter Vigil, which is the peak of the entire liturgy which began on Holy Thursday. It is a night which is regarded as the mother of all Holy vigils, since it is the night when the Church awaits in prayer the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, who has gone to search for our first parent, as for a lost sheep. He descended into the dead to visit those who live in darkness and the shadow of death, in order to free from sorrow the captives who are captured by the sin and death of our forefathers Adam and Eve. And to restore them not to their first earthly paradise. but to enthrone them into his heavenly kingdom where they are not forbidden to eat from the tree that was only a symbol of life, but rather, to behold him, who is life itself.


Thus, the liturgy of this night takes us through the journey along the paths of sacred Scriptures beginning with the account of creation to resurrection. Telling us that the creation story is itself a prophecy that is fulfilled in the person of Christ. It is not just information about an account of the process of the origins of things, but rather a pointer towards the true beginning of our being and the fulfilment of God’s plan for humanity.


Now the liturgy is divided into four parts, beginning with the blessings of the fire and the preparation of the Paschal Candle as we wait on the Lord, the liturgy of the word after the Easter exsultet, followed by baptismal renewal and celebration, then the Eucharistic celebration where we encounter the risen Lord at breaking of bread. The central message of this liturgical event is God’s victory over sin and death. An event that transforms our Sorrowful hearts into glorious joy as Jesus fulfils God’s plan for humanity.


Dear friends, our disposition today should be that of great joy and hope in the resurrection of Christ who has conquered our sins and death. Therefore, let us celebrate this victory with joy despite the hardships, the sufferings and the problems we encounter especially with the ugly situation in our world today. Let this great joy and hope that is rooted in the resurrection of the Lord help us to conquer all fears and worries, for we are victorious by the power of Christ’s victory.


LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, as we greatly anticipate your resurrection with joy and hope, may you fill our hearts now and always with the joy of your presence, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Easter Sunday to you all.

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