Saturday, 27 January 2024

Homily For Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, 28th January 2024

Readings: Deut. 18:15-20, Ps.95, 1Cor.7:32-35, Mark 1:21-28

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.



In our society today, for anyone to lay claim to anything, we often request that they should make reference to authorities in order to back up their claim to know or possess anything. And when such authority is not available we may not be taking them seriously. Little wonder our readings today talk about having the divine authority to speak and teach the word of God. In our first reading, we heard how Moses addressed the people of Israel and promised them the coming of the great prophet that would come from their midst. Here, he was speaking about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Thus, in our Gospel passage today we heard how the Lord Jesus, his works and preaching, stands as the fulfilment of God’s promises of which Moses and the other prophets had mentioned, for he speaks to them with Divine authority. This is even more evident in the manner in which he was able to rebuke the man possessed by an unclean spirit.


These spirits are malicious beings that might be demons or fallen angels who have followed Satan to rebel against God. They may seem mighty and powerful as Satan, but in the end, none of them were able to rise against God. For God alone is the source of all power and authority.


So Jesus being the Son of God wants to show us that he has been given all the power and authority over the evil ones. And through him, we have been given all authority and power over these spirits. Thus, when the man possessed by the evil spirits came to Jesus, he was able to recognize him and proclaim him as the Holy One of God, the Son of God and the Saviour of the world. But if these evil spirits recognized and proclaimed the Lord, how come some people to whom the Lord had taught and performed miracles still refused to believe in him and often doubted his power and authority in their lives?


Hence, today we are called to recognize the authority of Jesus and to know that his presence in the world brings about victory over the evil ones. The unclean spirit recognized Jesus as the power of God. For his power over demons is a direct defeat of the evil ones while the restoration of the possessed man signifies the inauguration of God's kingdom in the world. Now, Jesus has given us the gift of his presence in the person of the Holy Spirit, which God has bestowed on us in our baptism. In this gift resides the power and authority to evangelize the world and to confront evil and overcome it.


Dear friends, it is obvious to everyone that Jesus had authority, his authority does not come from his position in life or from worldly powers. Rather, his authority comes from his relationship with God his Father. He listened to his voice and spoke his words. Therefore, if we want to speak with authority, we must learn to spend time with God, listening to his voice and doing his will. But the questions we need to ask ourselves are: What is our notion about the authority of Jesus? Do we have any doubt about the authority of Jesus? How much of this authority dwells in you?


The man with unclean spirit identified the source of Jesus’ authority as divine, have we personally identified the divine authority of Jesus in our lives? If we have not, why not ask him to manifest his power and authority once more in your life? The fact remains that, we need to open up our hearts to truly embrace the authority of our Lord Jesus. We need to build up our interior lives around his authority. We need to be more close to God and continue to prepare ourselves physically and spiritually if we want to be victorious in this world.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, in a world full of evil and intimidation, we need your authority once again to speak and stand for what is right and just. As we struggle with our daily tasks, may we be courageous, knowing that the same Jesus who delivered the possessed man can heal our fears, anxieties and worries for his presence sets us free from every evil manipulation, he who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. Remember, the power to overcome resides in you. Do have a blessed day.

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