Monday, 25 December 2023

Homily For The Solemnity of the Lord’s Nativity ( Christmas). Monday 25th December, 2023.

Readings:Is. 52:7-10, Ps 98, Have 1:1-6, John 1:1-18

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




Today Christ is born, today the Prince of Peace is born, today a great light has shone on the darkened world of humanity. Today the people who walked in the darkness of sin and shame, a great light has shone, and God has visited his people. So, let us join the angels’ hymn of praise, as they sing out following the announcement of the new-born Saviour: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men of goodwill.”


For today we celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ our Saviour in a manger in Bethlehem. In the manger of Bethlehem, there appeared the great light which the world awaits. He is the Christ, the Word that was with God from the beginning. The Word is the true light that enlightens all men. This Word has come into the world, for the Word was made Flesh and dwell among us, the Son of God who became man. To him, the Father says: "You are my Son, today I have begotten you”. God has become one of us so that we can be with him and become like him, for this is how we come to know him.


Little wonder, prophet Isaiah in our first reading today says: “How beautiful on the mountains, are the feet of one who brings good news, who heralds peace, brings happiness, proclaims salvation, and tells Zion, ‘Your God is King, for all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” Thus, for those who dwelt in the land of deep darkness a great light has shone. This light means knowledge; it means truth, as contrasts with the darkness of falsehood and ignorance. This Light gives us life, it shows us the way to love. For in him is the fullness of love. Where there is love, light shines forth for the world; but when there is hatred, the world remains in darkness.


Hence, in Child Jesus lying in the manger, God has shown his glory, the glory of love in order to guide us along the way of love. From manger, a stream of light, love and truth will spread to every generation. In every age, it will touch men and women to enlighten them. And wherever people put their faith in Jesus, the grace of charity will spring up, the grace of love towards others, loving concern for the weak, the poor and the suffering, the grace of forgiveness and grace of peace in our homes, societies, and the world at large.


Dear friends, Christ is our Light and our Peace, and he proclaims his peace to those far away and to those who are near. This is why the prophet Isaiah called him "Prince of Peace". His kingdom is said to be one "of Endless Peace". Also, Pope Benedict XVI will say: that “among we Christians and Catholic, the word "peace" has taken on a very particular meaning: it has become a word to designate communion in the Eucharist. There Christ’s peace is present. In all the places where the Eucharist is celebrated, a great network of peace spreads through the world. The communities gathered around the Eucharist make up a kingdom of peace as wide as the world itself. For, when we celebrate the Eucharist we find ourselves in Bethlehem, in the "house of bread". Where Christ gives himself to us and, by so doing, he gives us his peace”.

At the Eucharist Jesus exchanges his Divinity with our humanity. He exchanges his glory with our sadness and pain. In the Eucharist Jesus exchanges his love with our hatred, in the Eucharist Jesus exchanges his mercy with our unforgiveness. In the Eucharist Jesus exchanges our sinfulness with his holiness and purity. So, today he has come to offer us his love are we ready to embrace it? Are we ready to say yes to Jesus? Are we ready to accept him and the salvation he has come to offer us? Are we ready to let go of our ugly behaviour in order to embrace the new life he is offering us? The new life of grace, peace, love, joy, faith, courage, wisdom and favours? If your answer is yes, then the essence of this Christmas has been fulfilled.


Therefore, let us join Mary, Joseph, the angels and the shepherds in the manger to sing the glorious hymns of praise saying: "Glory to God in the highest" and on earth, peace to people of goodwill". Let us spread this joy and peace everywhere we go even to the ends of the earth. And as we do this may the joy of the child Jesus fill our hearts, our homes, our societies, our country and the world a large, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.


Merry Christmas, wishing you a joyful and peaceful celebration of this season. God bless you.

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