Saturday, 30 September 2023

Homily For Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, 1st October, 2023. The Solemnity of Our Lady Queen & Patroness of Nigeria

Readings: Is.11:1-10, Ps.72, Eph. 2:13-22, Matt.2:13-14.19-23

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




Pondering, on the struggles, fears, tears, disappointments and betrayals that people are passing through every day just to survive in this world, especially in our country Nigeria. How some people have lost hope in themselves and even in everything they do as a result of a few individuals who out of greediness for power and wealth have frustrated the progress of our country. For there is no doubt that the root of all the problems in our world today is the love of power. For people are ready to do anything to be in power and to retain that power.


 This is what we see in the life of Herod in our Gospel passage today, where the Holy family of Jesus had to flee to Egypt because Herod planned to kill an innocent child for the sake of retaining his power. This ugly attitude is not far from us today, especially in our country Nigeria which is in a state of distress because of love of power and greediness among the people in power and even the common citizens.


The fact remains that the elements of good and bad seem inherent in the human person, little wonder the world involves both good and bad mixed. This will help us to understand the reason for the corruption, greediness, immoral and social decadence in our country today. So as we are celebrating our country Nigeria at 63 since our independence, we thank God who has made it possible for us to witness the day.


But today’s celebration should plunge us into deep reflection about the ugly condition of this country. We need to ask ourselves, what have we done right? What have we done wrong? How can we do better and what will the future of this country be like? This is because our country Nigeria needs a radical transformation from greed and selfishness to love and goodwill in a sacrificial way.


This is because the rate of corruption and greediness in this country is so appalling. People are never tired of acquiring and embezzling public funds for their own selfish gain. This shows that we have failed in our responsibility at different levels where we find ourselves. For we have failed to give that taste of love, joy, goodwill,  integrity, honesty, holiness, and compassion to our tasteless and corrupt families, societies and our country Nigeria. As a result of this life has become short, brutal and hopeless, with no money in circulation, no fuel,  no light, no food, no water, no good roads and the cost of living so high.


Dear Friends, why have we failed to be the salt and light of this nation?  Why have we chosen to mingle with darkness? Why have we chosen to remain silent and lose the sweet taste of love and goodwill God has given us? Is it the case that Christians are not involved in making policies in our societies and the implementations of those policies? I don’t think so,  for I know we are involved, but we have forgotten who we are, so we have been thrown out to be trampled underfoot by men of darkness and lawlessness.


The truth is that we need a radical transformation. A transformation that will bring about a new outfit that makes one a new person, with a new life, a new mind and a new way of doing things. And this is possible only when we understand the shortness of this life, the emptiness of this passing world and the danger of greediness, then we will be able to do things the right way and then our country Nigeria will be great again.


This country will be transformed only when the power of love and goodwill supersedes the love of power and when everyone understands that leadership is sacrificial and crucial to every human development. A situation where justice and faithfulness become the habit of every one of us in this country. Hence, all we need is good leaders who are not hypocrites. Leaders who will be truly servants of the people at all levels of leadership beginning from the self to the family, to societies and our country.


So, can I be such a leader in my family, in my society and my country? If my answer is yes. Then, we can begin to experience that peaceful coexistence and blessings that prophet Isaiah mentioned in our first reading and so bring the hostility going on in our country to the end just like St. Paul said in our second reading that we shall no longer be strangers in our own country but true citizens with the saints not just here in our country Nigeria but also in the kingdom of God.


LET US PRAY:  Lord God, out of selfishness and greediness we have committed a lot of crimes and injustice against one another, grant that through the intercession of Our Lady Queen and Patroness of Nigeria, we may resolve to have genuine love and goodwill in carrying out our activities in our country as you guide and direct us to learn how to do the right thing always by letting the power of love to transform the ugly situation in our country. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy New Month, I wish you a blessed Independence Day celebration.

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