Saturday, 30 September 2023

Homily For Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, 1st October, 2023. The Solemnity of Our Lady Queen & Patroness of Nigeria

Readings: Is.11:1-10, Ps.72, Eph. 2:13-22, Matt.2:13-14.19-23

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




Pondering, on the struggles, fears, tears, disappointments and betrayals that people are passing through every day just to survive in this world, especially in our country Nigeria. How some people have lost hope in themselves and even in everything they do as a result of a few individuals who out of greediness for power and wealth have frustrated the progress of our country. For there is no doubt that the root of all the problems in our world today is the love of power. For people are ready to do anything to be in power and to retain that power.


 This is what we see in the life of Herod in our Gospel passage today, where the Holy family of Jesus had to flee to Egypt because Herod planned to kill an innocent child for the sake of retaining his power. This ugly attitude is not far from us today, especially in our country Nigeria which is in a state of distress because of love of power and greediness among the people in power and even the common citizens.


The fact remains that the elements of good and bad seem inherent in the human person, little wonder the world involves both good and bad mixed. This will help us to understand the reason for the corruption, greediness, immoral and social decadence in our country today. So as we are celebrating our country Nigeria at 63 since our independence, we thank God who has made it possible for us to witness the day.


But today’s celebration should plunge us into deep reflection about the ugly condition of this country. We need to ask ourselves, what have we done right? What have we done wrong? How can we do better and what will the future of this country be like? This is because our country Nigeria needs a radical transformation from greed and selfishness to love and goodwill in a sacrificial way.


This is because the rate of corruption and greediness in this country is so appalling. People are never tired of acquiring and embezzling public funds for their own selfish gain. This shows that we have failed in our responsibility at different levels where we find ourselves. For we have failed to give that taste of love, joy, goodwill,  integrity, honesty, holiness, and compassion to our tasteless and corrupt families, societies and our country Nigeria. As a result of this life has become short, brutal and hopeless, with no money in circulation, no fuel,  no light, no food, no water, no good roads and the cost of living so high.


Dear Friends, why have we failed to be the salt and light of this nation?  Why have we chosen to mingle with darkness? Why have we chosen to remain silent and lose the sweet taste of love and goodwill God has given us? Is it the case that Christians are not involved in making policies in our societies and the implementations of those policies? I don’t think so,  for I know we are involved, but we have forgotten who we are, so we have been thrown out to be trampled underfoot by men of darkness and lawlessness.


The truth is that we need a radical transformation. A transformation that will bring about a new outfit that makes one a new person, with a new life, a new mind and a new way of doing things. And this is possible only when we understand the shortness of this life, the emptiness of this passing world and the danger of greediness, then we will be able to do things the right way and then our country Nigeria will be great again.


This country will be transformed only when the power of love and goodwill supersedes the love of power and when everyone understands that leadership is sacrificial and crucial to every human development. A situation where justice and faithfulness become the habit of every one of us in this country. Hence, all we need is good leaders who are not hypocrites. Leaders who will be truly servants of the people at all levels of leadership beginning from the self to the family, to societies and our country.


So, can I be such a leader in my family, in my society and my country? If my answer is yes. Then, we can begin to experience that peaceful coexistence and blessings that prophet Isaiah mentioned in our first reading and so bring the hostility going on in our country to the end just like St. Paul said in our second reading that we shall no longer be strangers in our own country but true citizens with the saints not just here in our country Nigeria but also in the kingdom of God.


LET US PRAY:  Lord God, out of selfishness and greediness we have committed a lot of crimes and injustice against one another, grant that through the intercession of Our Lady Queen and Patroness of Nigeria, we may resolve to have genuine love and goodwill in carrying out our activities in our country as you guide and direct us to learn how to do the right thing always by letting the power of love to transform the ugly situation in our country. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy New Month, I wish you a blessed Independence Day celebration.

Friday, 29 September 2023

Homily For Saturday Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 30th September, 2023. The Memorial of St. Jerome

Readings: Zech. 2:1-5.10-11; Ps. 31; Luke 9:43-45

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




As customary in our seminary, every 2nd November some persons are selected to visit the cemetery. On one occasion, I was privileged to be among the people to visit a cemetery at Oke Are in Ibadan. On our way to the cemetery which is located on a hill in the heart of Ibadan, passing through the market and streets all I could see were people struggling, buying and selling, fighting and cursing each other. I saw a lot of beggars, sick and poor people, among these people were the rich, the educated, as well as their leaders both traditional and political. It was indeed an interesting community.


But getting to the cemetery I saw in a wall the names and dates of so many men and women who had passed on from this interesting community. Then I asked myself in my deep reflection, where are all these people whose names are listed on this wall? Were they like us before? Are we going to be like them later? Where will all of us in this beautiful community be in the next hundred years? The answers to these questions are difficult to understand because we don’t think about the inevitable event of death


This is not different from what Jesus is reminding his disciples in our Gospel passage today, where after his great miracles, when everyone was full of admiration for all he did, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘For your part, you must have these words constantly in your mind: that the Son of Man is going to be handed over into the power of men.’ But they did not understand him. Just like prophet Zechariah in our first reading today who said: “Raising my eyes, I saw a vision. It was this: there was a man with a measuring line in his hand. I asked him, ‘Where are you going?’ He said, ‘To measure Jerusalem, to find out her breadth and her length”


Dear friends, today we are reminded about the true reality of life, that we all are going to die one day and the dust of our flesh and bones will return to the earth while our Spirit retires to God knowing that we will account for how we lived this life. We are going to give back to God the gift of life he has given us because our life is a temporal assignment.


So, why not start living this life according to the present reality since we do not know how and when we are going to account for it? Why not accept joyfully who we are now as we work hard to be better tomorrow? Remember, everything is in the hands of God, we brought nothing into this world and we are taking nothing out of it. So why not pay attention to the Word of God reminding us of this reality?


Little wonder St. Jerome whose memorial we celebrate today says: that ignorance of the scripture is ignorant of Christ. Hence today, we can recall his great contributions to the Church and the Christian faithful, especially for his compilation of the Latin translation of the Greek Bible. Jerome experienced all sorts of worldly pleasures as a young student of philosophy. But later his conscience led him to conversion into the Christian faith as he renounced all of his past sinful ways of life and devoted himself deeply into the study of the Scriptures, from which comes all his great works we still study today.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, our life is meaningless without you. Through the interception of St. Jerome, grant that we may realize the shortness of this life and so prepare to give account on how we have lived our lives in this world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Do have a blessed weekend

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Homily For Friday Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 29th September, 2023. The Feast of Saints. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels

Readings:  Daniel 7:9-10.13-15, Ps. 138, John: 47-51

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




For us to be fruitful in our given vocation as Christians, there is the need for us to build a personal relationship with God and building this relationship is not as difficult as some people think, because God desires to have such a relationship with us and this he often manifested through the instrument of angels and Archangels. Little wonder we celebrate today the three great Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael who are God’s most powerful instrument for safeguarding the human soul.


In these Archangels, we have a powerful link to God, especially in our constant struggle and the spiritual battle for the sake of our souls. This Archangels are categorized based on their responsibilities. Archangel Michael is known as the Prince and defender of the heavenly hosts. He defends us in battle and helps us to be humble, so that we may not fall into pride, ambition, greed and vanity like the devil who he defeated and sent away from heaven so that we can remain firm in our commitment to serving the Lord.


Archangel Gabriel is known as the Messenger of God. He helps us to have faith in God through his Words so that we may always hope in God. While Archangel Raphael is known for the manifestation of the healing and mercy of God, especially for the soul corrupted by sin. This shows us the extent God can go for the sake of humanity. The fact is that God loves us so much and it is not about our love for him, but his love for us.  This is manifested in the life of Jesus who loves us personally and desires to share in our daily struggles through the angels and Archangels.


All The Lord demands from us is to acknowledge his presence in our lives and cooperate with his grace, and when such a relationship is established our lives will change for good just like Nathaniel in our Gospel passage, who acknowledged that Jesus is the Son of God, of which Jesus commended him for his faith and goes on to tell him that he shall see great things in heaven including the angels ascending and descending in the presence of God. Likewise, Daniel in our first reading, who saw a mission of one coming on the clouds of heaven, one like a son of man. A thousand thousand waited on him, ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.


Dear friends, what is our experience of angels and Archangels? Is there any occasion where we can say that we have personally encountered or experienced the presence of an angel? What is our relationship with our guardian angels? If none we should desire to have one through our daily activities. For today we are reminded that God through the Archangels manifests his power and presence in human activities. So we are called to always cooperate with the will of God as directed by his angels and Archangels who minister to us. We are called to build a personal relationship with God through his Archangels, who are there to defend, guide and heal our souls from sin and death.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, you often send your  Archangels to guide and direct our affairs in life. Through their faithful direction and protection, may our life advance boldly along the path of salvation, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Homily For Thursday Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 28th September, 2023

Readings: Haggai 1:1-8; Ps. 149; Luke 9:7-9

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




Oftentimes, we hear people expressing the phrase: guilty conscience, which is used to express the ugly condition of human conscience which is that part of our life that tells us whether what we are doing is right or wrong. For if you have a guilty conscience, you feel guilty about something because you know it was wrong. But if you have a clear conscience, you do not feel guilty because you know you have done nothing wrong.


This is the situation Herod finds himself in our Gospel passage today who out of pride and selfishness had killed John the Baptist thinking that by that he could silence the voice of truth, but when he heard of the great works of Jesus and could not comprehend it, he perceived that John the Baptist, the voice of truth had returned to life again, when he said: John? I beheaded him. So who is this I hear such reports about?’ And he was anxious to see Jesus. A situation that shows the behaviour and character of a guilty conscience.


Here, we see how the guilty conscience of Herod made him to shiver concerning the personality of Jesus in relation to John the Baptist. This is what happens to us whenever we try to take the role of God in our relationship with others or treat other people badly. And this ugly attitude is what a lot of people are practicing today and as a result, many people are suffering the consequences of a guilty conscience.


This is because most of us are so much attached to worldly things. We have let our pride, our ego and our selfish desires to blindfold us from the true realities of life. Little wonder, the Lord in our first reading said: Reflect carefully how things have gone for you. You have sown much and harvested little; you eat but never have enough, drink but never have your fill, and put on clothes but do not feel warm.


Dear friends, have you offended God or other people and you have a guilty conscience about it? What are the things that make us have a guilty conscience? What is the essence of our existence in this world at the expense of injustice to other people? What does God really require from us in this life? Do you know that without God everything in life is vanity vanishing?


Therefore, let us not be carried away by the beauty of the things of this passing world by hurting other people, for nothing lasts forever. Hence we should remain steadfast in our faith in God, who has called us to love him and to love one another. Let us remain faithful to Christ’s mission and be committed wholeheartedly to what God has called us to do.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, we have come to you with our guilty conscience, for we are so much attached to things of this passing world, with little or no attention to your teachings. Help us to realise that without you life and all we have is nothing but vanity. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Homily For Wednesday Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 27th September, 2023. The Memorial of St. Vincent De Paul

Readings: Ezra 9:5-9; Ps.Tobit 13; Luke 9:1-6

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




The way things are going in our world today, we need to think twice about our faith as Christians, and whether we are actually ready to live out our faith in the midst of a hostile environment. Because the hostility, persecution and influential power of things in this world are not stopping soon, rather, it is getting tougher. Therefore, if we are really willing to live out our Christian faith and obligations towards the mission of Christ, then we need to make a radical decision towards our discipleship in a personal and radical way.


This is what Jesus is teaching his disciples in our Gospel passage today, when he called the Twelve together and gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. He said to them, ‘Take nothing for the journey: neither staff, nor haversack, nor bread, nor money; and let none of you take a spare tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there; and when you leave, let it be from there. As for those who do not welcome you, when you leave their town shake the dust from your feet as a sign to them.’


Here, Jesus does not directly intend to cause tensions and divisions but he wants to expose the sacrificial nature of the mission. Hence, Jesus demands a total commitment towards the journey of discipleship once begun or has not begun at all. Because following Jesus demands the sacrifice of all that we have. For none of us can become his disciple if we do not give up our excess desire for worldly pleasures and possessions.


We must learn to pay our unreserved loyalty and allegiance to Jesus over all other competing loyalties in our lives including family, self-interest, and possessions, just like Ezra in our first reading who addressing the situation of his people said: My God, I am ashamed, I blush to lift my face to you, my God. For our crimes have increased until they are higher than our heads, and our sin has piled up to heaven. But now, suddenly, the Lord our God by his favour has left us a remnant and granted us a refuge in his holy place.


Dear friends, we are called today to make a radical decision to sincerely and faithfully carry out the mission of Christ entrusted to us. But how much are we willing to let go for the sake of the mission of Christ? Why are we finding it difficult to follow Jesus?  What are the habitual desires and possessions that are holding us for making this radical decision today? It is time for us to let them go in order to focus more on the mission Christ has entrusted to us.


Therefore, let us follow the examples of all those who had given their time, effort and even lives for the salvation of many souls just like St. Vincent De Paul whose memorial we celebrate today for he sacrificed his life to help the poor and through the virtue of charity conquered most of his oppositions and those of the poor around him.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, today we are called to a sacrificial journey of Christ's mission. Because our excess desire for the pleasurable things of this passing world has weakened our hearts towards our mission, give us courage and grace to let go of our ugly desires, so as to hold firm in our faith despite losing people and things that are dear to us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Monday, 25 September 2023

Homily For Tuesday Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 26th September, 2023

Readings: Ezra 6:7-8.12.14-20; Ps.122; Luke 8:19-21

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




One of the psychological and spiritual needs of the human person is the sense of belonging, this need is just like the need for food, clothes and shelter. The feeling of belonging is fundamental to our sense of happiness and well-being, for it gives value to life and helps us in coping with some painful emotions as it improves our motivation. Hence, we often want to belong and identify with one another, to our friends and families, to our culture and from one association and group to another.


However, one of the common and safest place to belong is our families, especially when it is rooted in the family of God. So today in our Gospel passage, Jesus speaks about belonging to his family and his relationship with members of his family. For when he was told that his mother and brothers were standing outside and want to see him’. He said : my mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice.’


Here, Jesus speaks of two ways the people around him could be identified as members of his family. Firstly he talks about those who belong to the family of his birth that is, his mother, father and relations. Then his other family which is made up of those who do the will of God.


This family he says, is his true family where doing the will of God is the only way of belonging to this family. This is not to say that Jesus is rejecting his biological family; to do so would contradict his own teaching about loving one's parents and loving one's neighbours. However, Jesus is using this opportunity to emphasize that our relationship with God is more important and should be based on our total commitment to doing the will of God through him.


Surprisingly, Mary the mother of Jesus belongs to both sides of the family, for she gave birth to Jesus and also was the first to do the will of God when she said, “Let it be done unto me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). For this reason she is the first disciple of Jesus and a model for all Christians.


Thus, to be a Christian or a disciple is to enter into the family of Jesus and embrace a new relationship with God and with one another and this is the most important place to belong. All other bonds, including those of blood, should be considered secondary. Because, belonging to God is fundamental to our basic relationships, prior to all human relations.


For we belong first to God before belonging to our families, after which we all go back to God where we ultimately belong, which will be determined by how we have done the will of God here on earth. And our first reading we heard how the chosen people of God through the help of King Cyrus and Darius. Rebuild the Temple that was destroyed out of disobedience. And now they came back as one family to joyfully dedicate this Temple of God.


Dear friends, where do we ultimately and truly belong? Do you belong to the true family of Jesus? As Christians, we claim to belong to God, do our attitudes and decisions show that we truly belong to God? Do we not often commit ourselves to things contrary to the faith we professed in God? So, today we are made to know that doing the will of God is the ultimate way of belonging to the true family of Jesus. Therefore, we are called to do the will of God always in order to truly belong to that true family of Jesus where love of God and love of neighbour unite us together.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, we truly belong to you, give us the grace to always do your will and as we carry out your activities today, grant success to the works of our hands, through Christ our Lord. Amen. God bless you.

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Homily For Monday Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 25th September, 2023

Reading: Ezra 1:1-6; Ps. 126; Luke 8:16-18

Rev.  Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia




Light is a very familiar word in the scriptures, light is a symbol that represents awareness, knowledge, and understanding. Light clarifies, Illuminates, Inspires, defeats darkness, shines fully and freely, it guides, stimulates and motivates, provokes action, irritates those who like darkness, confirms truth, purifies, exposes sin, warms and assures us of safety and also facilitates progress.


Little wonder, Jesus in our Gospel passage today said: No one lights a lamp to cover it with a bowl or to put it under a bed. No, he puts it on a lamp-stand so that people may see the light when they come in. For nothing is hidden but it will be made clear, nothing secret but it will be known and brought to light.


So, as people who have been purified by the light of Christ through our baptism, we are entrusted with the mission of illuminating the darkness around us. For during our baptism, we were given a candle light which we are to keep brightly burning as a flame of faith in our hearts as we journey with others towards our heavenly kingdom. This, therefore, clearly defines our role in the mission of Christ, which is to illuminate the darkness and reflect the glory of God in the darkness of the passing world.


Hence, every Christian is called by God to influence the world positively through the light of our faith, just like Cyrus king of Persia in our first reading, who was the light that illuminated the darkness in the midst of the people of Israel who are in the darkness of exiles. For he ordered the people to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple of God and to free them from the darkness of exiles and slavery brought the light of hope to the people and illuminated the darkness of sin and wickedness.


Dear friends, the focus of today’s message is that all of us are called to positively influence the lives of humanity through our attitude and character which should be like that of purifying light. Where there is darkness we should let the light of Christ illuminate. Where pride, selfishness, corruption and greed have brought darkness, let the light of our good attitude and character illuminate it once again. Where sin and immorality have made humanity filthy and ugly, let our light of holiness purify and wash us clean. Therefore, we must not let our lights be hidden under the darkness of the passing world, rather we must let it shine anywhere we find ourselves.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, as we struggle every day to truly carry out the mission entrusted to us, give us the grace and courage to dedicate ourselves, our time, our energy and our effort to become the true light that illuminates our families, society and the world filled with the darkness of sin and evil. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a fruitful week.

Saturday, 23 September 2023

Homily For The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, 24th September, 2023. Today Is My Priestly Anniversary (Please Keep Me In Your Prayers)

Readings:  Is. 55:6-9, PS.145, Phil 1:20-24.27. Matt. 20:1-16

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




Oftentimes, when we are passing through the dark moment of life, it seems as if all hope is gone. We put up all our energy and enthusiasm struggling and hoping for better and brighter opportunities. Sometimes it seems as if that brighter moment won’t come. The truth is that, our time of favour and success is not determine by how long or strenuous we have struggled, but by our disposition towards God's time of grace and generosity, for God alone decides how to reward us for our efforts. All we need is to be available and disposed to doing his will at all times.


This is what the parable of the vineyard labourers in our Gospel passage today is teaching us, especially as regards to our disposition towards embracing the kingdom of God. For the vineyard owner went out at different times and gathered people to work in his vineyard. And as time goes on, he continued to look for more workers, and went out along the way to seek for unemployed workers even at the eleventh and final hour calling all into his vineyard.


At the end, the landowner went beyond justice. For motivated by compassion and having employed labourers at different times, decided to paid them the same wages as agreed with those who were hired first, of which they felt bad for the landowner’s generosity towards those hired last.

Here the human mind suspects injustice, while the heart of God sees only an opportunity to be generous. This generosity of God calls us to be generous too; but out of envy we often selfishly consider ourselves more deserving than others.


From this parable, the vineyard owner represents God Himself, while all the labourers represent all of us who are called to work in the Lord’s heavenly vineyard. Thus, we heard how God is reaching out to us at every moment and stage in our lives. He keep sending messengers, prophets, and teachers to call us and to remind us the need for us to be reconciled and be reunited with him.


Little wonder we heard prophet Isaiah in our first reading saying: seek the Lord while he is still to be found, call to him while he is still near. Let the wicked man abandon his way, the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn back to the Lord who will take pity on him, for our God is rich in forgiving; and his thoughts are not our thoughts, his ways not our ways. This shows how God loves us so much that he constantly tried to call us and to bring us back to himself.


Dear friends, God has plan and time of everyone of us. But how are we responding to God’s call and plans? How are we waiting for God's time? What is our disposition towards God’s generosity to others? What is our attitude towards those whom God has lifted up to our level? What is our attitude towards those who are waiting on God’s time. Do you consider yourself more deserving than others?


From today’s parable, we can identify three kinds of persons. First, those who are like the landowner who hires people to get a job done, but with sympathies for those to be employed. Secondly, the unemployed waiting desperately in the market place and thirdly, the labourers who considered themselves more deserving than others. Thus, we all need to ask ourselves, among these three groups where do I belong?


This is important because the way workers and labourers are being treated in our societies these days are really appalling. But God is assuring us today, that even though we are the least, the nobodies and most neglected in the eyes of the world, he will not forget us, for he has time and plan for everyone and will continue to provide for our daily needs.


However, he warns those of us that are greedy and selfish to change from our greed and sinful ways, because when his time comes, the last will be the first and the first, last. For in his kingdom, there is time and plan for everyone with equal grace and equal status. But do not miss your turn out of inpatient. Wait on the Lord for your time and turn is very close.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, today we are reminded of your constant efforts to reach out to us at every moment of our lives. In the darkest moment of our lives, help us to realize that you are reaching out to us always even at the very last hour, as long as we are still breathing and living, for it is never too late for us to experience your generosity and mercy. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy Sunday and God bless.

Friday, 22 September 2023

Homily For Saturday Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 23rd September, 2023. The Memorial of St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Readings: 1 Tm 6:13-16; Ps. 100; Luke 8:4-15

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




Our disposition towards whatever we do in life determines how successful we can be. And experience has shown that people’s disposition varies depending on their interests. So to be fruitful in whatever we do we must have to develop a right disposition towards it. Knowing how important this is needed in understanding his mission, Jesus in our Gospel reading today, used the parable of the sower to describe different kinds of human disposition and response towards the Word of God.


He said; a sower went out to sow his seed. As he sowed, some fell on the edge of the path and was trampled on; and the birds of the air ate it up. Some seed fell on rock, and when it came up it withered away, having no moisture. Some seed fell amongst thorns and the thorns grew with it and choked it. And some seed fell into rich soil and grew and produced its crop a hundredfold.’ Saying this he cried, ‘Listen, anyone who has ears to hear!’


In this parable Jesus categorized our different disposition towards the Word of God in relation to our interior life. Thereby giving us the guidelines that will help us to examine our attitudes towards the seed of God’s Word,  whether our soul is like dry rocky ground, whether our soul is full of the thorns of the things of this passage world or do we regularly seek to nourish our soul and prepare it to receive the Holy Word of God? So we are called to create a fertile disposition within our heart in order to do the will of God.


This is important because today and even in the scriptures, there are many who hear the words of Jesus and do not understand it because of wrong disposition. For instance, in the scriptures we have the religious leaders who are against the teachings of Jesus, the crowds that responded positively to Jesus, especially to his miracles of healing, yet turned against him at the end and demanded his crucifixion.


Also, some disciples such as Judas might also be included among those who fell away when trouble or persecution came on account of the Word. While the rich young man who was unable to part with his possessions, provides a clear example of one who hears the word, but the love for the passing things of this world and the lure of wealth choked the word, and it yielded nothing.


But what about the good soil? These are those who hear the Word, understand and internalize it, who indeed bear fruit and yield an abundant harvest. Our mother Mary and the apostles excluding Judas are good example of such people. Therefore, the different kinds of ground on which the seed falls represent different ways by which we receive the Word of God. And St. Paul in our first readings today says: I charge you to keep the commandment unstained with no faults or failures, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,


Here, St Paul reminds us of our basic Christian faith which teaches that, in order for us to rise with Christ we must first die to ourselves. That is, those things which leads us to the ways of this world must die and we must be reborn to the life of faith. Then we will rise with Christ and share his glory, just as we read in the parable of the Sower. For the Sower being Christ himself, teaches us how to manage the challenges of life in order to yield a rich harvest of faith and attain eternal joy of heaven.


Dear friends, today, our hearts are the fields in which the Word of God is scattered, to which do our hearts belong? the path way, the rocky ground, the thorns or the good soil? Whichever one, we are called to pay attention and take some time to appreciate God’s Word in our lives by allowing it to bear solid root in us and germinate to bear great fruit. This is what we see in the life of St. Pio whose memorial we celebrate today.


For he made his heart a fertile place for the Word of God to dwell and bear great fruits as he embraced the sacrificial nature of the mission of Christ and lived by it. He remained faithful to Christ’s mission and committed himself wholeheartedly to what God has called him to do. Being a pious and devoted disciple, he never ceased ministering to the people and in being an exemplary person in faith. Many came to believe in God through him and many were strengthened in their faith through his works and piety. Though St. Pio experienced great difficulties in the cause of his mission, this was so serious that they almost have his faculty of hearing confessions taken from him because of his spiritual experiences and grace.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are often distracted from hearing and assimilating your Word we hear everyday, give us grace to remain open to receiving your Word, so as to bear fruit abundantly. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed and peaceful weekend.

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Homily For Friday Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 22nd September, 2023

Readings: 1Tim. 6:2-12; Ps. 49; Luke 8:1-3

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




In his mission to save humanity, Jesus involved a lot of people, some he called to follow him, some desired to follow him but could not, while some decided to follow him because of their personal experience of him and what they could gain from him. But only a few followed him in order to provide for him and contribute towards the success of his mission. These is the dispositions and personality of those involved in the mission of Christ in our Gospel passage today.


For when Jesus made his way through towns and villages preaching, and proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom of God. He went with his twelve disciples whom he had called, as well as certain women who had experienced him personally through his divine healing and deliverance. Along these groups are several others who provided for them out of their own resources.


This Gospel passage actually points out the nature of the mission of the Church in proclaiming the word of God and our part in this mission. Thus, we are reminded of how God has called us to follow Christ and contribute to the salvation of humanity. And St. Paul in our first reading tells us that, we must learn to sacrifice for the mission knowing that the love of money is the root of all evils’ and there are some who, pursuing it, have wandered away from the faith, and so given their souls several numbers of fatal wounds.


But, as people dedicated to God, we must avoid all that. We must aim at becoming saintly and religious, filled with faith and love, patient and gentle. We must fight the good fight of the faith and win for ourselves eternal life. Thus as children of eternal life, who are judged worthy of a place in the heavenly Kingdom, we are to be fully involved in the mission of Christ.


For there are men and women of our time who give themselves to noble causes. They give themselves to the service of others: they are those who see to the good of others and contribute to the growth of God’s Kingdom just like the women in our Gospel passage today. These are people of noble cause, like parents who teach their children the ways of the Lord by their practical way of life, like people who help the weak and the vulnerable, like friends who speak the truth and stand by it and political and Church leaders, who renounce power rather than compromise principles and uses every opportunity they have to evangelize the people.


Dear friends, are we really part of this mission of Christ? In what ways are we supporting the mission of Christ? Are we ready to contribute towards this mission by our ways of life? Do we desire to be part of this mission but lack the courage and discipline? Or do we think that this mission is not for us? The fact remains that as baptized persons, it is our obligation to carry out this mission and it is not optional. It is an obligation we must carryout irrespective of our status, position, environment and deposition.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, the women in our Gospel today involved in your mission and contributed towards the success of your evangelization because they have experienced your love and mercy and wished to reciprocate this love, help us to also realized how much of your love and mercy we have enjoyed and so be deposed to embrace and contribute to the mission of our salvation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Homily For Thursday Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 21st September, 2023. The Feast of St Matthew, AP& Evangelist

Readings: Eph 4:1:-7.11-13, Ps.19, Matt. 9:9-13

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




In life we make choices and the choices we make everyday communicate our inner most desire which also determine how meaningful, valuable, healthy and fruitful our lives and mission are going to be. This is not different in the life of Jesus who on account of his mission to save humanity had to make choices of people who will be his instruments of evangelizing in the world. For no doubt Jesus had been calling people from different works of life to be part of his mission, but today’s call and choice of Matthew a man identified with sinners because of his work as a tax collector, was quite strange to some people.


Little wonder in our Gospel passage today after Jesus had called Matthew to follow him, he had a dinner in his house and while at the dinner, it happened that a number of tax collectors and sinners came to sit at the table with Jesus and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, ‘Why does your master eat with tax collectors and sinners?’ When Jesus heard this he replied, ‘It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick. Go and learn the meaning of the words: I desire mercy, not sacrifice. For I did not come to call the virtuous, but sinners.’  


Here we heard the inner most desire of Jesus for sinful humanity in need of salvation. The call of Matthew is like the call of each of us, a choice that demonstrates Jesus' desire for sinners to repent. For all he desires is mercy and not sacrifices, repentance and not pride. Jesus is calling us to repentance, he is inviting us to make a fundamental choice for God just like St Matthew.


For Matthew who though sinner, stood up and followed Jesus at his call for repentance, we too are to respond to this invitation without delay. Let St. Matthew be an inspiration and hope for every one of us. Let him be an example that will remind us that there is no one beyond the reach of God’s mercy and love. For he is capable of transforming our ugly ways of life into a glorious instrument for human salvation.


Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Matthew, we are called to imitate him. For tradition has it that after his conversion, Matthew became a great evangelizer, who went about preaching the Good News to many people. It was told that he went to Ethiopia where he had a growing communities of Christ faithful. And according to tradition, he was martyred while celebrating the Holy Mass on the Altar, after he rebuked the local king in Ethiopia who lusted and desired to have his own niece who had dedicated herself in holy virginity to God. Here we see how Matthew, who was once a sinner was called and transformed into great saints and great instrument of evangelization.


Dear friends, St Paul in our first reading tells us that each one of us, has been given our own share of grace in Christ mission. For some are called to be apostles and evangelist like Matthew; some prophets; some pastors and teachers; so that together we are united in the work of service, building up the body of Christ. But how are we contributing to this mission? What is our disposition towards the call of Jesus? Our choice in life is it reflecting our faith in the mission of Christ?


LET US PRAY: Lord God, despite our sinfulness,  you called and chose us to be instrument of your salvation to all humanity. Through the intercession of St Matthew, give us the grace to make good choices that will help us to respond positively to your call for repentance and evangelization. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing a blessed day.

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Homily For Wednesday Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 20th September, 2023. The Memorial of St. Andrew Kim Taegon And Companion

Readings: 1Tim. 3:14-16; Ps.111; Luke 7:31-35

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




Reflecting on the disposition of humanity today towards the Word of God, I can not but asked myself questions about our faith in God who we often claim to love and belong to. This is because, despite all the articles of faith and evidence in both scriptures and historical tradition, we still do not have a good grasp of who God really is in our lives.


This very disposition is always the case with every generation and this is what Jesus is addressing in our Gospel passage today when he said: What description can I find for the men of this generation? What are they like? They are like children shouting to one another while they sit in the market-place: “We played the pipes for you, and you wouldn’t dance; we sang dirges, and you wouldn’t cry.” For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a possessed; the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!


Here Jesus made us to know that the problem with this generation is that we have failed to listen neither to the message of John the Baptist nor that of Jesus. No doubt that John’s uncommon lifestyle made people to accuse him of having a demon, while Jesus’ habit of eating and drinking with sinners affect his reputation among the Jews. But Jesus made us to know that his generation finds reason to take offence at both John and Jesus himself.


So, Jesus compares those who are rejecting his message to that of children in the marketplace who cannot decide whether they want to play a wedding song or a funeral song; but can’t get the people to dance when the tune is piped. For they played their pipes, and expect others to dance; they beat their breasts in lamentation, and expect others to weep. They complain if others do not comply with their demands.


To such a company Jesus refers to as evil generation in which himself and John the Baptist found themselves. Just as in our own generation today, some people have refused to repent when challenged by the teachings of John the Baptist and some people also refused to join the celebrations of Jesus and to take his message seriously.


Dear friends, what is our attitude towards the Word of God we hear every day? Why have we failed to take the Word of God seriously? Why have we failed to embrace the article of faith made available for us by the Lord in our scriptures? Why do we take for granted the signs and messages the Lord is giving us.


Little wonder we heard St. Paul in our first reading today saying : I want you to know how people ought to behave in God’s family – that is, in the Church of the living God, which upholds the truth and keeps it safe. Without any doubt, the mystery of our religion is very deep indeed: He was made visible in the flesh, attested by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed to the pagans, believed in by the world, taken up in glory.


Hence, today we are called Just like St Andrew Kim Taegon and Companions whose memorial we celebrate today, to  make the ultimate choice to belong to the family of Jesus. For they gave up their lives during the persecution of Christians  in Korea as light of faith for the people a good example of how to do the will of God. So let us not be like market people who pay no attention to the message the Lord has for us.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, enkindle in us once again the fire of your love, so that we may embrace your message and so become your great servants dedicating our lives and service to loving you and our neighbours just like St Andrew and Companions. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.  Do have a lovely day.

Monday, 18 September 2023

Homily For Tuesday Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 19th September, 2023

Reading: 1Tim. 3:1-13; Ps. 101; Luke 7:11-17

Rev.  Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia




Pondering, on the struggles, fears, tears, disappointments and betrayals that people are passing through everyday just to survive in this world especially in our country Nigeria. How some people have lost hope in themselves and even in everything they do, just like the widow of Nain in our Gospel today who had lost her only son, her only hope, the only thing she had. But it pleased God to restore her joy back even when all hope had gone.


For we heard  that when Jesus saw the woman he felt sorry for her and said: ‘Do not cry’. Then he went up and put his hand on the bier and the bearers stood still, and he said, ‘Young man, I tell you to get up.’ And the dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him to his mother. Everyone was filled with awe and praised God saying, ‘A great prophet has appeared among us; God has visited his people.


Here we see the compassionate heart of Jesus on the widow and the restoration of her son. Let us to know that God on appointed time will restore our lost hope and confidence again so that we will know that he, the Lord, is our God. He made us and we belong to him for eternal is his merciful love and he is faithful from age to age.


Dear friends, I don’t know what you are going through now. I don’t know what seems to be lost in your life or your family. I don’t know how bad things have become for you now. One thing I know is that God has not abandoned you. God has not forgotten you. Your time has come, it may be today, this month, this year or very suddenly just like the widow.


All we need to do is to pay attention to what St. Paul is telling us in our first reading today as regards what should be the character of a good leader when he said: To want to be a presiding elder is to want to do noble work. That is why the president must have an impeccable character. He must not have been married more than once, and he must be temperate, discreet and courteous, hospitable and a good teacher; not a heavy drinker, nor hot-tempered, but kind and peaceable.


Therefore, what God wants from us is to be a good person even in the midst of all the challenges we face every day. So as you go about your activities today, know that God has not forgotten you, cheer up for God understands what you are passing through, and as it pleases him, he is just waiting for the right time to restore your joy back and bless you.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we struggle with our daily challenges, may we experience your saving help and so be a shining splendour in our family, society and in the world at large. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Homily For Saturday First Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 18th January, 2025

Readings: Heb.4:12-16, Ps. 19, Mark 2:13-17 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. A CALL TO LEAVE OUR OLD SINFUL WAY OF LIFE AND FOLLOW THE LORD ...