Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Homily For Wednesday Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 30th August, 2023

Readings: 1 Thess.2:9-13, Ps.139, Matt.23:27-32

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia




In our society today, the word “packaging” is one of the popular terminologies used by people to describe how they make things that are not too good to look extremely good, and this has s serious negative effect in our society today, as we have lost focus of how we ought to do things right. Thus, most people and things that appear to be good to us are not really what we think they are.


For most people and the things we see are like whitewashed tombs that outwardly appear beautiful and draw the admiration of people, but within them are full of dead man's bones and all sorts of corruption just the way Jesus described the attitude and lifestyle of Scribes and Pharisees in the Gospel passage, when he addressed their attitude which is not far from what we have today in our societies.


This is because the scribes and the Pharisees are interested mostly in the external beauty of things around them while neglecting the essence. They are self-satisfied, and think that they are above the law. They look good from the outside but ugly and dirty within. They neglected the deeper things around them. They are interested only in worldly goods and not the things of the heart like justice, mercy, love and compassion.


So Jesus challenged them as he challenges us to change our ugly ways of life, to change from within us. Though it is very difficult to change, nevertheless, we need to change in so many ways, especially as regards our attitude towards the things of this passing world.


Dear friends, we, must stop living like a whitewashed tomb. Though, we might not feel very comfortable with the idea of Jesus rebuking and uttering terrible words of admonition to the Scribes and Pharisees. But the questions we need to ask ourselves are: Have we really embraced the Word of God we hear every day? Is the Word bearing fruits in our lives?


Also, can we recognize in this fragile condition in our society, the great deeds that Jesus is doing to save humanity and the need to turn back to God by changing our ugly life of whitewashed tomb? Hence, Jesus is saying woe to us for failing to embrace and live out the Gospel teachings, because he seems to expect some sort of changes in us when we hear his Words or when we encounter him in prayers.


Therefore, God is calling us to repentance, He wants to come into our souls and dwell. But he cannot dwell in a heart that is like a whitewashed tomb. Thus, Jesus is rebuking all humanity, he wants us to stop living a life of packaging, deception and corruption.  This is what St. Paul is telling us in our first reading today when he said, You can remember how we taught you what was right, encouraging you and appealing to you to live a life worthy of God, who is calling you to share the glory of his kingdom.


Hence, if we believe in God, and put our trust in Him, we will have the assurance and guarantee of restoration, for God does not want us to suffer the consequences of our sins, that is why He keeps reminding us about the upcoming danger. But, if humanity constantly refuses to change, we will end up in self-destruction.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are living in a world of whitewashed tombs, help us to be wise enough to discern and not be carried away or be distracted by the beauty of the whitewashed tombs we see in most people and things around the world today. And as we struggle with the events of life, may God guide and direct our paths. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. God bless you.

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