Saturday, 8 April 2023

Homily for The Solemnity of Easter Sunday, 9th April, 2023

Readings: Acts.10:34.37-43; Ps. 118; Col 3:1-4; John 20:1-9

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.




For over forty days we have journeyed with our Lord Jesus, we listened to him speaking of his mission to redeem humanity. Like his first disciples we experienced his love, healing and compassion, we believed in him even when we lack the full knowledge of his mission.


On Ash Wednesday as customary, we put on ashes in penitent for our sins. We fasted and abstained from food and other things, and we did great charity works all these forty days. On Palm Sunday, we shouted Hosanna!! Hosanna!! Filio David, on Holy Thursday we dine with the Lord, though with divided minds as he told us about the betrayal and his passion.


On Good Friday, Jesus was taken away from us, in our presence, he was judged, and condemned and we cried out crucify him!! Crucify him!!, he was indeed crucified on account of our sins. In sorrows and agonies, we were scatted and hopelessly went back to Emmaus in our ugly ways of life. But for some like Mary Magdalene, Peter and John, we wondered in great silence of Holy Saturday, what must have happened to the mission of Christ, in fear and hope we waited patiently in all night vigil meditating on the words of God in search of an answer to the mystery of the salvation of humanity promised to us by Jesus.


Behold this point, the voice of an angel singing: Exult!!, let them Exult!!, the host of heaven, Exult!!, let Angel ministers of God Exult, let the trumpet of salvation sound aloud our might King’s triumph!  Be glad let earth be glad for the stone has been taken away from the tomb, our Lord has risen, Jesus is risen, light has triumph over darkness, life over death and joy over sorrow. What a glorious day, a day of victory, a day when the salvation of humanity is won, a day of personal encounter and experience of the new life of the risen Lord.


Let us then celebrate the Lord’s victory. let us like Mary Magdalene, Peter and John run towards the empty tomb with open heart to encounter Christ, who had died and is risen in order to renew us and remove from our hearts the guilty of sin and death, so that we can embrace his divine and eternal life. Let us join the angels to sing a new song to God for victor over death and shame. Let thank God for the grace of new life he is offering us today. Let us sing and say:

You are the source of our new life;

In your light we see light,

You show to us your goodness;

You bid us taste and see

We come to you; we bless you Lord;

We glorify your name!

We praise you Lord; we worship you

We thank you for your gift of New Life.

(New Life! New Life, You came to bring us new life,

New life, New life, we find such Joy in your abundant Life.


Dear friends, Christ has come to give us new life, a new life of grace, a new life of peace, a new life of hope, a new life of courage, a new life of joy and purity of heart. This is the fundamental principles of our Christian faith; this is the victory that transforms us and unites us with our Lord. Hence, if Jesus is risen, and is alive, who will ever be able to separate us from him? Who will ever be able to deprive us of the love of him who has conquered hatred and overcome death by showing us the path of sacrificial love.


Yes, Jesus loves us with a deep and everlasting love. For today he has  paid all our debts to God; he supplies all our daily spiritual needs; he sympathizes with us in all our troubles; he bears with all our infirmities, and will not reject us because of our weaknesses. He regards us as part of himself:  We share in the glory that he has received from his Father. These are the privileges of all true Christians who are called to the heavenly kingdom. So today, Jesus is teaching us that the Kingdom of Heaven is not a matter of ritual or ceremonious fasting or feasting. But is about building a personal relationship with God who loves us personally and unconditionally.


Therefore, I don't know what has been your experience in this world, I don't know how you woke up today, I don't know what troubles you mind. But all I know is that today is another gift of God to humanity, a day of joy, a day of victory. I am excited, hopeful and am going to live it with all joy, not trying to change things that I could not change or try to fix things that do not want to be fixed.


I will not let the ugly situation of the things of this passing world or any ugly event of my past life of sin distract me today or steal my joy. I will focus on the blessings that comes with the joy of the risen Lord and this new life of grace and hope. From today I will follow the directives of the Lord, for his ways are right and the upright walk in them, but the transgressors stumble and fall.


So, let us proclaim the Easter victory and spread it throughout the world with the joyful song of Alleluia saying: Up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph o'er His foes. He arose a Victor from the dark domain and He lives forever with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!


LET US PRAY: Almighty God, May the joy of the risen Lord fill our hearts today and always, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. Happy Easter to you and your house hold.

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Homily For Monday First week of Lent Year C, 10th, March 2025

  Readings: Lev. 19:1-2.11-18; Ps.19; Matt. 25:31-46 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia THE DAY OF GREAT SEPARATION, WHERE WILL YOU BE? As we...