Thursday, 30 March 2023

Homily For Friday Fifth Week of Lent Year A, 31st March, 2023

Readings: Jer.20:10-13; Ps.18; John 10:31-42

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.




Coming very close to the peak of our Lenten season, when we recall the great price Jesus paid for our redemption. The Gospel passage today, reminds us of the trouble Jesus has to bear from the Jewish authorities on account of his personality just like prophet Jeremiah was also persecuted terribly and suffered in the hands of those who used to be his friends as we have it in our first reading today, where we heard of his lamentations and words for all those who have persecuted and plotted against him.


So, in the same way Jesus was misunderstood and persecuted by the people who should understand him better. This is because they have wrong conception about God. Hence, Jesus challenged them to accept his personality as the Son of God who reveals the love of the Father and gives eternal life. But because of the unclear image of God they have in their minds they could not accept the teachings of Jesus in relation to God the Father. Thus, they tried to stone him, this of course is the danger of having wrong conception about God.


Dear friends, most people have wrong conception about God and behave the same way like those in our readings today, where in the name of God, some persons are ready to kill others. In fact throughout history, Jews, Christians and Muslims, have fought in the name God. Today the same thing is still happening in our societies and countries. These ugly attitudes will continue to happen because we do not have the right image of the God whom we claim to be serving.


The Jews condemned Jesus because of the particular image they have about God which prevented them from accepting the teachings of Jesus and since they were also deeply biased and have prejudice against Jesus, it was difficult for any words of truth or reason to change their minds. So, they persecuted the Lord just as their ancestors had persecuted Jeremiah and the other prophets.


In a similar way, through our disobedience, pride and ignorance, we may have behaved or behaving just like those in our readings today, who have persecuted the prophets and also refused to listen to the truth which Jesus has told us as regards his personality. But brethren, what image of God do we have in our minds? Is it the image of a God who is Pure, Loving and Merciful? Or an image of one who dominates others and condemns them?


LET US PRAY: Lord God, may this season of Lent guide us to have a true image of you in our minds and may this image reflect in our relationship with others. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

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Homily For Saturday First Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 18th January, 2025

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