Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Homily For Thursday First Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 12th January, 2023

Readings: Heb.3:7-14, Ps. 95, Mark 1:40-45

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.



In the scriptures and even in our daily lives there is no doubt that the compassionate love of Jesus in solidarity with human sufferings is evident.  Little wonder, we have great events in the scriptures that illustrates the compassionate concern of Jesus in the struggles of humanity and how he wishes to set us free from the shackles of our troubles.


This is evident in the occasion of our Gospel passage today, where a leper, came up and bowed low in front of Jesus and said to him, if you will, you can make me clean. Feeling sorry for him, Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him and said, ‘Of course I will! Be clean!’ And immediately his leprosy was cured at once.


Here, the touching of Jesus is very significant since no ordinary person would dare to touch a leper. We can think of the inner healing that must have resulted from the touch of Jesus, that moment of physical contact which the leper had not experienced for a long time due to rejection. Touch is something we all need, but are so often lacking in our relationship with God and one another, and it is even becoming worst in our societies today following the effect of social and physical distancing during corona virus pandemic. But this cannot stop Jesus from reaching out to his children who call on him for healing and restoration.


Thus, this leper was despised, feared, shunned and rejected in the society, but when he approached Jesus in humility, he becomes the object of divine attention. We too just like the leper, are in need of healing, including the healing that comes from the touch of Jesus, all we need is to approach Jesus in humility and we will become a person of divine attention.


More so, the story of this leper is a good example of how we sinners can and should appeal to Jesus for cleansing especially from our sins. We should come in faith knowing that God is always willing to cleanse every sinner who comes to Him. So, let us sincerely turn to God once again with all of our hearts and with all of our strength, just like the leper who came to Jesus with faith, knowing that he could heal him and make him better.


This is what all of us must have as well, a strong and genuine faith in God. If only we would listen to him today; and do not harden our hearts as we heard in our first reading today, who knows, today may be our great opportunity to be restored and what is needed is to put our faith in action and say Lord if you will you can restore me.


Dear friends, I don’t know what type of leprocious problems you are passing through? Are you weigh down by sin or sickness? Are you feeling helpless and rejected? Or do we know people who are helpless and need some help? Do we feel the need of Jesus’s help in some part of our life? Let us pause for a moment and imagine Jesus looking at us. How does he sees us? What are you saying to him and what is he saying to you?


Brethren, Jesus in solidarity with human sufferings, wishes to set us free from sickness, troubles, challenges and manipulations from the evil ones. He desires to be with us as we struggle everyday to overcome the challenges in our lives, in our families, society and the world at large. Therefore, we should not be afraid to approach Jesus for healing and restoration, all we need is an active faith like the leper in our Gospel passage today.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, humanity is in deep darkness caused by different forms of leprosies and only you can heal and restore us. For you know our inner most being and the challenges we are facing today, come to our aid we pray and cleanse us from all our physical, emotional, economical and spiritual leprosies, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace be with you.

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