Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Homily For Wednesday Third Week of Advent Year A, 14th December, 2022. The Memorial of St. John of the Cross

Readings Is. 45:6-8,18,21-25, Ps. 85, Luke: 7:19-23

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


In our world today, there are so many people who are confused about their faith in Christ Jesus as the Messiah. And the way things are going in our world today, we really need to think twice about our faith as Christians, whether we are actually ready to live out our faith in the midst of the ugly situation that are challenging our faith in God. For some are yet to embrace the teaching of the Church about the person of Jesus and his coming in glory, just like the disciples of John the Baptist who in our Gospel passage today came to Jesus asking him whether he is the Messiah and Saviour that the world had been waiting for, since John the Baptist sent them.

Thus, Jesus told them to Go back and tell John what they have seen and heard: the blind see again, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, the Good News is proclaimed to the poor and happy is the man who does not lose faith in me. For all had proclaimed the fulfilment of the Lord’s prophecies and promises, and no further explanation or proof is required.

Here, we can see that some situation can make someone as great as John the Baptist to have doubts about the person of Christ. But this was because at that time, there had been plenty of false Messiahs that arose and led the people into rebellion as we have it in our world today. But they all failed, since they were all false and not the true Messiah. Although St. John the Baptist had indeed seen the signs when he baptised the Lord, and he recognised Him as the Lamb of God, the Saviour, but he did still have some doubts.

Dear friends, we may somehow have some doubt about the coming of the Lord. But this should not discourage us. For if someone as dedicated and faithful as St. John the Baptist had doubt in the Lord, then all the more shall all of us experience such doubt. However, we should hold on to our faith because our doubt can not change what God has planned. Because if we do not hold firm to our faith in God, we will end up losing our faith as well as our way and the grace he is offering us. 

That is why in this season of Advent  we are reminded of the salvation and grace that God has given to us to hold on for his coming into our souls. And prophet Isaiah in our first reading tells us to hold on to God for apart from him, all is nothing. Let us turn to him and be saved for he is a God of integrity and a Savour. Let us learn from St. John of the Cross whose memorial we celebrate today. 

St. John of the Cross is one of the great doctors and mysticists of the Church who truly understands and embraced the authority of Jesus and so inspires in our soul, how to continue to be in love with the Lord, he said:  What more do you want my soul and what else do you search for outside, when within yourself you possess all the riches, delights, satisfactions, and fullness of the kingdom of your beloved whom you desire and seek. Therefore, be joyful and glad in your interior recollection with him for you have him so close to you. Desire him deep within your soul, and there adore him. Do not go in pursuit of him outside yourself for he is deep with you. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are so fragile and weak, always quick to doubt. Help us to hold on to our faith in you even in the midst of all our doubts. May we not allowed our fears and doubts to mislead or distract us from the blessings of this season. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a fruitful day.

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  Readings: Sir.1:1-10; Ps. 93; Mark: 9:14-29 Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE PUT THEIR FAITH INTO POS...