Sunday, 25 December 2022

Homily For The Solemnity of the Lord’s Nativity ( Christmas Day). Sunday 25th December, 2022

Readings :Is. 52:7-10, Ps 98, Hab. 1:1-6, John 1:1-18

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Today Christ is born, today the Prince of Peace is born, today great light has shone on the darken world of humanity. Today the people who walked in darkness of sin and shame, a great light has shone, God has visited his people. So, let us join the angels’ hymn of praise, as they sing and proclaimed the mystery  of the announcement of the new-born Saviour saying: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men of good will.”

 Concerning this mystery John in our Gospel passage today says: In the beginning was the Word: and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things came to be, not one thing had its being but through him. All that came to be had life in him and that life was the light of men, a light that shines in the dark, a light that darkness could not overpower.

Yes, today we celebrate Christmas, the Birth of Jesus Christ our Saviour in a stable in Bethlehem. In the stable of Bethlehem, there appeared the great light which the world awaits. He is the Christ, the Word that was with God from the beginning. The Word that is the true light that enlightens all men. This Word has come into the world, for the Word was made Flesh and dwell among us, the Son of God who became man. To him the Father says: "You are my Son, today I have begotten you”. God has become one of us, he has come to offer us his Divinity in exchange for our sinful humanity, so that we can be with him and become like him, for this is how we come to know him.

Little wonder, prophet Isaiah in our first reading today says: “How beautiful on the mountains, are the feet of one who brings good news, who heralds peace, brings happiness, proclaims salvation, and tells Zion, ‘Your God is king, for all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” For, those who dwelt in the land of deep darkness a great light has shone. This light means knowledge; it means truth, as contrasts with the darkness of falsehood and ignorance. This Light gives us life, it shows us the way to love. For in him is the fullness of love. Where there is love, light shines forth for the world; but when there is hatred, the world remains in darkness. So this Christmas the Lord has come to illumine the darkness of our sinful world with the light of true love.

For the Lord loves us so much that He became part of us, making Himself visible and approachable by all. He embraced our humble nature by coming into our midst. He offered us the light of hope and salvation, by bringing it within our reach so that we can approach without fear or shame. For he has never left us alone, since he has always desired to bring us back to Himself in order to share in his life forever through His Son the Word made Flesh and dwells among us.

But, many of us have failed to acknowledge this great gesture. We have failed to open up our hearts for the Lord to dwell. Little wonder, Mary and Joseph find it very difficulty to secure a place in Bethlehem for the child Jesus to be born. Our hearts are now like  those innkeepers and other accommodation places in Bethlehem that refuse to accommodate the Holy family of the child Jesus. Today humanity are so attached to worldly things that we have no place at all for the Lord in our hearts and souls. 

In fact, we are working hard to switch and change the focus and reasons for celebrating Christmas. We want to remove Christ and separate him from Christmas and call it something else. This is what humanity wants now. For we can see all around us that Christmas celebrations are gradually becoming a circular social events that will not be centred on Christ but on other worldly things. 

Today, we focused our attention on pleasurable dimension of Christmas. That is why people are more comfortable with merrymaking, parties and all kinds of immoral activities that separate us from the essence and true spirit of the season. For they ensure that Christ is made absent from all our celebrations. This is the present disposition of most people in our world today and worst of all among us Christians who celebrate Christmas without understanding or showcasing its significance and importance in our lives and to humanity at large. 

Little wonder some people often ask: what is so special about Christmas? What does Christmas signifies in our lives? Why do people’s attitude change during Christmas? What is it that makes us talk about the spirit of Christmas? Why is it that every Christmas season we let loose of our generosity. Why do we have to travel, Why do we have to visit people especially the sick, the prisoners? Why do we have to feed the hungry at this Christmas season? What is so special about Christmas that makes us to be more charitable, more accommodating and more sacrificial without seeking for any rewards? 

The answer to these questions is found in the message of the Angel who announced the Good News of great joy to us. For today a Savour is born to us, the Prince of Peace is born to us. He is the Word made Flesh and dwells among us. He is the love of God made manifest in our midst. Hence Christmas is the manifestation of the mystery of God’s love for humanity, so we celebrate it with great joy.   

Dear friends, let us reflect deep and rediscover the true meaning of Christmas and so return to the Lord who is the main focus of our celebrations. Let us not allow the worldly desires, it’s temptations and distractions distract us from the true meaning of Christmas. let us return to the Lord once again and make this year’s Christmas focus on Christ and his mission of our salvation. For Christmas is a time when we should imitate and follow  the good example of Jesus our Lord and Saviour who loves us so much. Let us learn to love one another especially those whom we encounter in life, our families members, our relatives, our friends and neighbours especially those who have lost hope and joy of this season love.

Remember that in the Child Jesus lying in the little manger of our souls, God has shown his glory, the glory of love in order to guide us along the way of love. From the manger, a stream of light, love and truth will spread to every generation. In every age, it will touch men and women to enlighten them. And wherever people put their faith in Jesus, the grace of charity will spring up, the grace of love towards others will be available, loving concern for the weak, the poor and the suffering will fill our hearts. And the grace of forgiveness and grace of peace needed in our homes, societies, and the world at large will be activated. 

Therefore, Christ the love of the Father is our Light and our Peace, and he proclaims his peace to those far away and to those who are near. This is why prophet Isaiah called him "Prince of Peace". His kingdom is the one "of endless peace". Little wonder Pope Benedict XVI will say: that “among we Christians and Catholic, the word "peace" has taken on a very particular meaning: it has become a word to designate communion in the Eucharist. There Christ’s peace is present. In all the places where the Eucharist is celebrated, a great network of peace spreads through the world. The communities gathered around the Eucharist make up a kingdom of peace as wide as the world itself. For, when we celebrate the Eucharist we find ourselves in Bethlehem, in the "house of bread". Where Christ gives himself to us and, by so doing, he gives us his peace” and his Divinity in exchange for our sinful humanity.

Hence, let us join Mary, Joseph, the angels and the shepherds in the manger to sing the glorious hymns of praise saying: "Glory to God in the highest" and on earth, peace to people of good will". Let us spread these joy and peace everywhere we go even to the ends of the earth. And as we do this may the peace and joy of the child Jesus fill our hearts, our homes, our societies, our country and the world at large, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Merry Christmas, wishing you a joyful and peaceful celebration of this season. God bless you.

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