Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Homily Wednesday First Week of Advent Year A, 30th November, 2022

The Feast of St. Andrew Apostle 

Readings Rom 10:9-18; Ps.19:2-5; Matt 4:18-22

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


As this month comes to an end, liturgy of today presents to us the feast of St Andrew one of the Apostles of Christ and our Gospel today tells us the story of how a call from the Lord changed the direction of the lives of the first disciples, who left everything and followed him. Andrew being one of them, was previously one of the disciple of St. John the Baptist before becoming a follower of Christ. Andrew according to scriptures proclaimed the good news to his brother, Peter (John 1:40-41). He was the one who brought the boy with loaves of bread and fish to him, that he might give them to the people all waiting in hunger. And St Andrew sets an example that points certain things at the heart of preaching the Gospel. He was involved in introducing the Greeks to Jesus and also joined in spreading the Gospel beyond the confines of Palestine. Home and Appliances

The life of St Andrew shows us that being a preacher involves having a clear conviction and faith in Jesus and readiness to share this faith and conviction with others. He dedicated himself just as his brother Peter and the other Apostles in ministering to the people and proclaiming the Lord’s coming. And even after the Lord had ascended into Heaven, he continued to preach the faith. He brought the faith to many places such as Ukraine, Russia, Balkans, Greece and other places. Nexus Brand Day

Andrew worked hard in spreading the Good News to those who are yet to witness the Lord and embrace his salvation. For through him many were converted and inspired by his works and preaching. He also established many Churches and built foundation for many Christian communities. He was  the first Bishop of the Christian community in the city of Constantinople. However, Andrew like other Apostles encountered persecution and sufferings in Greece, where he was arrested, and was greatly tortured and eventually martyred by crucifixion. He was crucified on an X-shaped cross, which is referred today as the Cross of St. Andrew, in memory of his faith and dedication to the mission of Christ.

Sunday Super SaversDear friends, how are we responding to the invitation to leave behind the things of this passing world and following the Lord? For following the Lord requires leaving behind the things if this passing world. So, today we are called like St Andrew to follow Jesus and following Jesus means leaving behind the life we have now and embrace the new life God is offering to us. When we opt to follow Jesus, our life revolves around him. It’s no longer what we feel like doing, but what his word instructs us to do. It also means leaving behind our sinful ways of life and embrace holiness of life. Therefore, let St. Andrew be our inspiration and role model in our responding to the calling of the Lord to spread the Good News. 

So let us be conscious of what St. Paul is telling us in our first reading saying: But they will not ask his help unless they believe in him, and they will not believe in him unless they have heard of him, and they will not hear of him unless they get a preacher, and they will never have a preacher unless one is sent. Hence, the Lord is sending us, let us follow the good examples of St. Andrew in responding to the Lord Invitation to follow him.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are called to follow your Son Jesus, as we respond to this call, may we through the intercession of St Andrew find inner joy in our soul that will prompt us to spread the Good News of the Gospel with faith and conviction. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a fruitful day.

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