Wednesday, 11 May 2022

The Homily for Thursday in Fourth Week of Easter Year C, 12th May, 2022

 The Homily for Thursday in Fourth Week of Easter Year C, 12th May, 2022

Readings: Acts. 13:13-25 ; Ps.89; John 13:16-20

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


A good follower of anyone is generally referred to as a disciple and a true disciple is simply a learner, a student of a teacher and the goal of such student is to become like the teacher. This does not mean that the disciple will become equal to the teacher, but will develop the same qualities and skills as that of the teacher. 

So today, as Jesus continues with his instruction on what it means to be his follower in respect to the mission he is about to entrust to his disciples he said to them after washing the feet his disciples: “truly, truly I say to you no servant is greater than his master, no messenger is greater than the man who sent him… whoever welcomes the one I send welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me”.

Thus, as we listened to the Scripture, we are reminded to follow the Lord and obey his ways, his teachings and ensure that we are walking in the path of truth that he has shown to us. Also, as disciples of Christ there is need to know the purpose of our life and mission which is to become like Jesus in deeds and in character. By so doing we will have confident that God will enable us to carry out the work that He has entrusted to us even when persecuted, knowing that neither the activities of men nor the devil can affect our soul. 

A good example of a man who followed the example of Jesus as his Lord and Master is St. Paul, who in our first reading today demonstrated great courage and faith in Jesus. For as he visited the Jewish community in the city of Antioch in Pisidia in Asia Minor and was asked to speak to the people in the synagogue, he began by speaking of the coming of Jesus the true Messiah in whose name he has been preaching and travelling around the community. Paul began by reminding the people of God’s historical plan for the salvation of humanity, and how He had always guided His people from the time of Moses to the coming of the Messiah.

Therefore, as followers of Christ, we are reminded that we have also received the same message of truth and encouragement from the Lord through our faith in him. Now like St. Paul, we have to be courageous in following the instructions of our master Jesus especially at this difficult moment when so many people around the world are suffering from the effects of ugly situations in our world today. Many people have lost their lives, their loved ones, their jobs. Some are isolated from people they loved, hunger and starvation have turned people to what they are not, fear and uncertainties have become the lot of the common man in the street, kidnapping and violence have become the order of the day. 

Dear friends, in the midst of all these difficulties, we are called to be courageous, hopeful, steadfast and to share with others the massage of hope that we have received from the Lord. We are called to bring God’s light into the darkness of lies, deceit, corruption and greed in the world. Following the example of our Master Jesus, we are called to awaken hope once again in the hearts of humanity. No doubt that this is a very difficult task, but we cannot run away from it. All we need to do is to stand on the strength of our hope and belief in God, so that in all our words, actions and deeds the power of God will be made present in the world through us.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we follow the example of Jesus our Lord and Master, grant us the grace of courage and faith so that as your true disciples, we may have confidence to carry out your mission in the world, even in the midst of persecution, sufferings, sickness and death, knowing that your love and care for us surpass all our challenges. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed and peaceful day.

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