Friday, 16 July 2021

Homily for Saturday Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 17th July, 2021

 Homily for Saturday Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 17th July, 2021

Readings: Exo. 12:37-42; Ps.136; Matt:12:14-21

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


One of our great music legends, Lucky Dube, truly captured the cause of the ugly situation and attitude of humanity in the world today in his song titled Crazy World. In the second part of this song he said:

Leaders starting wars anytime they want

Some for their rights

Some for fun and their own vain glory, letting people die for the wrongs that they do

Oh it's painful. Come on now little boy

Say your prayers before you sleep

Little boy went down on his knees

And he said:

"Oh Lord! Now I lay down to sleep

I pray the Lord my soul to keep

And if I die before I wake

I pray the Lord my soul to take"

'Cause we are living in this crazy world

Oh Lord'.

This is exactly the condition of the world we are living in today. The world were people who are entrusted with the noble task of leading and managing the resources and affairs of the people, make decisions to eliminate and destroy them just for their personal gain and selfish interest, as we have it in our Gospel passage today, where the Pharisees who are the leaders of the people, because of their selfish interest and pride went out and began to plot against Jesus, discussing how to destroy him, because of his great works and teaching for the people.

Jesus knew this and withdrew from their district. Many followed him and he cured them all, but warned them not to make him known. This was to fulfil the prophecy of Isaiah which reminds us about the figure of the suffering Servant of Yahweh, in the person of Jesus. Here Jesus experienced constant opposition and hostility in the hands of the Pharisees who sort to destroy Him. So, Matthew in this Gospel identifies Jesus with the Suffering Servant who is filled with God’s spirit, in spite of the aggression of his opponents, he does not suspend his ministry of healing, forgiving and spreading the Good News. For he is full of gentleness and compassion. 

Hence, Jesus the suffering Servant of God, the lovable and gentle teacher, has come to bring the light of truth to this crazy world, for he does not seek the death of sinners, but their conversion and salvation. Therefore in him, we also can find the courage and strength to persevere in this times of difficulty, suffering and persecution. For God has chosen us as His beloved sons and daughters. He has given us His Spirit so that we can stand firm against all the evil activities going on in this crazy world.

But as for those who have chosen to be instruments of destruction, manipulation and deception of humanity just for their selfish interest or for vain glory or for fun thereby letting people die for these wrongs that they themselves do. Such people will have no share in the kingdom of the Lord, for the evils they have done will be their portion and lot. This is exactly the attitude of the Egyptians in our first reading today, of which they Lord through Moses led his chosen people out of their midst to the promised land, for such is the ugly attitude of humanity today, but God will never abandoned is chosen.

Dear friends, there is no doubt that we are really living in an evil and crazy world, but we must know that the transcendent power and authority belong to God. Yes we are affiliated in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. Thus, we must know that true greatness is found in service and not in domination or subjection of others. Good leaders serve the community, they subdue arguments and divisions, they maintain unity in times of distress and act as role models for the young ones. 

Therefore, it is time for us to put off our old self which leads to evil desire, manipulation, covetousness, selfishness and greed, in order to put on a new person born of love, compassion, contentment, purity and forgiveness. We all are called today to serve in any capacity we find ourselves, bearing in mind that one should not strive to be a leader but a servant because leadership is a gift given to one by God. Remember, you don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started in order to be great.

LET US PRAY: Almighty God, like little boy we go down on our knees with all humility, asking for your grace and courage to overcome the evil and ugly situation going on in this crazy world, where humanity are being manipulated, deceived and destroyed because of few people’s selfish interest. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a pleasant weekend.

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