Monday, 22 March 2021

The Homily of Tuesday in Fifth Week of Lent Year B, 23rd March, 2021

 The Homily of Tuesday in Fifth Week of Lent Year B, 23rd March, 2021

Readings: Num. 21:4-9; Ps. 101; John:8:21-30

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


The symbol of the cross has become the universal image of Christian belief, an instrument of salvation which often appear in Christian art works. This is because countless generations of artists have turned it into a thing of beauty to be carried in procession or worn as jewelry and other religions activities. But, the cross in the eyes of early Christians had no beauty, it was a sign of sorrow, a symbol of courage, an expression of faith which stood outside the city walls, decorated only with decaying corpses, as a threat to anyone who believes in Jesus. However, this ugly event has turned into a glorious act? Which shows the power of God over humanity. Telling us that God is the source of victory, He has the power to turn ugly situation into a glorious one. 

This is evident in our first reading today, where we heard of the rebellion of Israel against God, their lack of gratitude and appreciation for all that God had done for them. The people had repeatedly grumbled and disobeyed the Lord, spurning his love and committed all sort of sins and betraying God for pagan idols. At this God sent fiery serpents among the people; their bite brought death to many in Israel. Then, they cried to Moses confessing that they have sinned against God. So Moses interceded and made a fiery serpent and put it on a standard. So, if anyone is bitten and looks at it, will live. 


That's why in our Gospel today, Jesus is reminding us yet again, how sin leads to death, and how he himself is going to die as he has repeatedly mentioned to his disciples of his upcoming passion and death. He mentioned of how he would suffer and die and be lifted up on the Cross for the salvation of humanity, pointing out the true reality of what had happened with Moses and the Israelites. The truth is that, God reveals his love, his greatest glory when his Son was lifted up on the cross for there the victory of our salvation was achieved and at the Cross Jesus tells us everything and solves all our difficult problems.

Dear friends, as we struggle with the ugly event of situation in our world caused by sin and human frailty, thereby leading to the death of many people and the restriction of human movement and interaction, let us deeply look at the Cross of Christ, what do we see? How do we feel about the Cross? What does the Cross represents in our life? Do we feel the love of Jesus? Can we perceive the expensive price of our salvation? As we reflect about these, let us return to God, for it is time to let go of our sinful ways of life. But what is keeping us from returning to God? Today we are called not to die in our sins, rather, we should look up to the Cross of Christ and find the strength and mercy of God.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, your Son paid the price of our salvation on the cross and saved us from sin and death. As we resolve to embrace his mercy, may he change all the ugly situation in the world, societies and our families. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. It's a beautiful day, so cheer up, because God cares about you personally.

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