Monday, 4 January 2021


 Tuesday After the Epiphany of the Lord, 5th January, 2021

Readings: 1 John 4:7-10, Ps.72,  Mark 6:34-44

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


One of the common words we use to express our feelings is the word “love” and this word means a lot of things to different people. But what is love? For me, love is God’s nature which he shares with us. That is why love is beyond human nature. When we love, we are actually acting out that very nature of God in us. For love is greater than human nature because it is the nature of God that we share. 

Therefore, to understand the depth of God's love for us there is a principle that we need to abide with, that is, the principle that says that everyday is a gift from God to us. A gift that shows how much He loves us by sending His Son whose life giving sacrifice means salvation for all humanity. But the world prefers darkness to light, death to life and these have made the world a difficult place to live in. 

Today in our first reading we are told that God loves us so much that he sent his Son Jesus to be the expiration for our sins. And the event of feeding of the five thousand as we have in our Gospel passage today, speaks of the generosity of God and his kindness towards us. Telling us that when God gives, he gives abundantly. He gives us more than we need for ourselves so that we can share with those who lack. In fact, we can interpret this miracle as the fruit of sharing with one another, for it is possible that once the disciples began to share the little food they had with those around, others also who had actually brought some food with them started sharing what they have and indeed grace multiplied what they have to the point of having left over. 

Dear friends, God loves us so much, that he is willing and ready to satisfy our unquenchable hunger for physical and spiritual things. How I wish humanity can give up greed, selfishness, hatred, embezzlement of our common resources in order to embrace true love for one another and learn to share our resources with one another for the purpose for which they are meant for, believe me, the world will witness another miracle of multiplication of resources that will be enough for everyone with left over for the future generations. 

But we have failed to embrace this love, we have failed to share this love with one another or give up these ugly attitudes. Therefore, let us embrace Jesus and the love he is offering us. Let us like Jesus have compassion and love for everyone, for that is the very nature of God which we share.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are really hungry, in need of your love and satisfaction both physically and spiritually, feed us once again with your heavenly grace and multiple the little bread and fish we share with others and provide for us the basic needs of life. And as we carryout how daily activities this year, give us a generous heart that we may freely share your love with those we encounter. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have lovely day.

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Homily For Tuesday Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 25th, 2024

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