Tuesday of the Fourth Sunday of Advent Year B, 22nd December, 2020.
Readings : 1 Samuel 1:24-28, 1 Samuel 2:1,4-8 , Luke: 1:46-56
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.
As we look back to all the events that happened this year and how we are able to manage to survive all of them. I think it is indeed necessary to contemplate the victory and greatness of our God, which knows no limits. Just like Mary in our Gospel passage and Hannah in our first reading. For in our first reading today, we heard from the Book of the prophet Samuel, how Hannah filled with joy came to thank God for answering her prayers. For she once came to the Lord in sorrow and frustration and she prayed to the Lord to help and rescue her from her troubles.
The Lord heard her prayers, and blessed her with a child, who was to be known as Samuel. And since Hannah had promised that if she had a son, she would dedicate and offer him to the Lord, and thus, in our first reading today, we heard how she joyfully came to the Lord and offered Samuel to be God’s servant. And in our Psalm today we heard the great song of joy that Hannah sang, in thanksgiving to God who had shown her love and blessings.
In the same light, we heard in our Gospel passage how Mary sang the magnificat in honour to God for the great thing he has done not just for her but for all humanity. Thus, Mary having heard that her cousin Elizabeth at the time, who had been long barren had conceived a child just like Hannah came and found out that what the Lord had revealed to her through the angel Gabriel was indeed true, that her cousin Elizabeth had miraculously conceived in her old age. And herself, about to have a Child without any human relations but by the power of the Holy Spirit. These made Mary to rejoice greatly, for it was truly a great and joyful moment which God has shown to all his people.
Dear friends, the world is so busy preparing for the coming of her Savour. The streets are full of people struggling and bobbling, the markets are full of people buying, selling, cheating and chatting, the Churches are full of people praying, singing and celebrating. We are so busy with everything except the very essence of the season that is, the salvation of our souls. Today God is calling us to reflect deeply and to dispose ourselves to embrace him with joy just like Mary and Hannah. He wants to come into our soul to share the joy of his presence with us. Jesus is coming to us, for he comes to us more than we go to him. As we await his coming, may God help us to be well prepared physically, materially and more importantly spiritually.
LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, only the soul for whom you have done great things can truly proclaim with fitting praise the joy of your presence. As we embrace the season of Christmas, we joyfully surrender unto you, our whole life, our senses, our judgement, for our spirit rejoices at the coming of Christ Jesus our Savour, and may this joy always remain in our hearts through Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace be with you.
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