Saturday, 17 October 2020


 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, 18th October, 2020. Mission Sunday

Readings: Is 45:1.4-6, Ps. 96, 1Thess.1:1-5 Matt. 22:15-21

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


At the time of Jesus, one of the great means of exchange is the use of coin, A coin as we know is a small, flat, round piece of metal used primarily as a medium of exchange or legal tender use in order to facilitate trade. They are most often issued by the government with a particular images, numerals and inscriptions. It is a very important commodity use in payment of taxes and other important goods, this gives great value to anyone who has enough for it in his possession.

So in the occasion of our Gospel passage today, when the Pharisees and Herodians attempted to trap Jesus using the mandatory law of paying tax to Caesar. It was a serious trap for Jesus, because a negative response from him would make him a serious enemy of Rome; a positive response would make him lose the trust of his own people, who generally detest paying this tax. Thus, Jesus said to them: “why do you set this trap for me? Bring me a coin and let me see it.’ They handed him one and he said, ‘Whose image and inscriptions is it?’ Caesar’s they told him. Jesus said to them, ‘Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.’ This reply took them completely by surprise.

But what do this reply means? Here Jesus requests a coin; he secures the coin; he inquires about the image and inscription of the coin; and they respond by identifying the coin with Caesar. In the context of these actions Jesus is probably holding the coin this implies that the true image of the coin is in his possession but the empirical image and inscription of the coin are the sum total of the things that belong to Caesar. In order words the true image and inscriptions of anything comes and belongs to God. However the empirical image of corruption, greediness, pride, operation and deception that are found in this coin belongs to Caesar and should be rendered back to him.

 Thus, Jesus affirms, that one’s obligation to the government is necessary as long as it is for the good of all, while insisting that one’s obligation to God is always greater and this should be done by rendering the true image of the coin to God which ultimately belongs to Him. And this is what prophet Isaiah is pointing out in our first reading as he expatiate on the relationship between faith and politics which was well demonstrated in the person of Cyrus whose right hand God had used to subdued nations and uncovered the loins of kings. 

In the same light, St. Paul in our second reading encouraged the Church of Thessalonians to remember their faith, love and hope in God even in the midst of their struggles against the political powers and authority around them.

Dear friends, in our struggles against the ugly political powers and authorities of our generation, we all, in one way or the other possess the coins of this life, but whose image and inscription are in the coin we possess. Are we possessing the coin with the true image and inscription of God or the coin with the empirical image of sin, corruption, greed, selfishness and deception? Today as we celebrate the Mission Sunday, Jesus is telling us to render back to the Caesars of this world all the ugly and sinful coins in our possession for they belong to Caesar. While rendering to God the true image of the coin with the inscription of love, mercy, justice, forgiveness, charity and holiness for they truly belongs to God.

LET US PRAY: O God, whose providence never fails in its design, grant that we may always render to you what really belongs to you, as we do away with all that offends you and our fellow neighbours, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful Mission Sunday celebration.

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