Sunday, 12 January 2025

Homily For Monday First Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 13th January 2025

Readings: Heb. 1:1-6, Ps. 97, Mark 1:14-20

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia


Today marks the beginning of the Season of the Ordinary Time in this current Liturgical year. Today we are reminded of our call and vocation as Christians, which is well illustrated in our Gospel passage today.

The Gospel gives us the account of the calling of the first Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, the four fishermen, Peter and his brother Andrew, as well as James and John, the sons of Zebedee, whom he called just right after he began his ministry after his baptism at the Jordan.

Here, we heard how Jesus called them, and they responded by leaving everything behind, their boat, their families and their profession, to follow the Lord. Today, we are called like these Apostles to follow Jesus, and following Jesus means leaving behind the life we have now and embracing the new life he is offering to us.

When we opt to follow Jesus, our life revolves around him. It’s no longer what we feel like doing, but what his word instructs us to do. It also means leaving behind our sinful ways of life and embracing the holiness of life.

And this is what our first reading today is emphasizing, telling us that at various times in the past and in different ways, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets; but in our own time, the last days, he has spoken to us through his Son, who is the radiant light of his glory and the perfect copy of his nature, sustaining the universe by his powerful command. Thus, he is the one calling us to follow him.

Dear friends, in this call of following the Lord, what have we left behind? What have we sacrificed? Today, we are called to really examine our conscience to know where we are as regards our vocation as Christians. How have we personally experienced Jesus?

When was your spiritual turning point? Do we have a personal conviction about God that is not based on what people told us of him? In case we have not personally experienced him, all we need to do is sincerely seek God in those common events in our lives, and we will realize how much God is willing to reveal himself to us.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, today we are reminded of our call to follow your Son Jesus, as we respond to this call, may we find inner joy in our soul that will prompt us to spread the Good News of the Gospel with faith and conviction. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a fruitful week ahead.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Homily For Sunday The Feast of The Baptism of The Lord Year C, 12th January, 2025


Readings: Is. 40:1-5.9-11; Ps. 104; Titus 2:11-14.3:4-7; Luke 3:15-16.21-22.

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Today, we celebrate the feast of the Lord’s baptism, an event which marks the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of the first part of the Ordinary Time of the liturgical calendar. However, this feast is not just about the Lord’s baptism, but our baptism as well and the renewing of its grace in our lives. The celebration of the baptism of Jesus reminds us of our identity and mission as Christ's faithful.

Today’s feast reminds us of who we are and our obligations and commitment to God on the day we were baptized. This feast reminds us that Jesus received baptism not because he needed it; rather, it is to sanctify the water of baptism and also identify himself with his people, who, as a result of John's preaching, are now aware of their sins and their need for repentance.

So, from our readings today, we heard Prophet Isaiah in our first reading talking about the promise of God’s salvation and the coming of the One through Whom God would redeem all of His people. He also talks about how God would send a servant to prepare a way for his coming.

In our Gospel passage, we see the manifestation and God’s confirmation of these two personalities. For when John had baptized all the people and while Jesus, after his baptism, was at prayer, heaven opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily shape, like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, saying: ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.’

 In the second reading, we heard Paul telling us that God’s grace has been revealed, and it has made salvation possible for the whole human race and taught us that what we have to do is to give up everything that does not lead to God, and all our worldly ambitions; that we must be self-restrained and live good and religious lives here in this present world.

And while we are waiting in hope for the blessing which will come, Paul stressed the importance of professing our faith in Jesus Christ, which is an essential aspect of the rite of Baptism. This, of course, shows God's revelation to mankind, especially about the mystery of the Trinity. A Moment of Encounter with the Trinity and also a moment of revelation of the true identity and mission of Jesus.

Thus, the Catechism of the Catholic Church CCC 1279 emphasizes that by our baptism, we become adoptive sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus, members of his Church, heirs of heaven and temples of the Holy Spirit.

So, we are incorporated into the Church, the Body of Christ, and made sharers in the priesthood of Christ. Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other Sacraments (CCC 1213).

Hence, let us come and receive the immortality that flows from baptism through the testimonies of water, Spirit and Blood which bear witness to the love of God for humanity. We are told by one ancient author that this is the water that is linked to the Spirit, the water that irrigates Paradise, makes the earth fertile, gives growth to plants, and brings forth living creatures.

In short, this is the water by which a man receives new birth and life, the water in which even Christ was baptized, and the water into which the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove. And whoever goes down into these waters of rebirth with faith renounces the devil and pledges himself to Christ. He comes up from baptism, throws off his servitude, and becomes an adopted son of God and a co-heir with Christ, resplendent as the sun and purified.

Therefore, the baptism of Jesus reminds us of our mission that is, to experience the presence of God within us and share it with others, to acknowledge our own dignity as God’s children, to live as children of God in thought, word and action, to lead a holy and transparent Christian life.

We are not to desecrate our bodies with impurity, injustice, intolerance, jealousy or hatred in order to grow daily in intimacy with God and be co-creators in building up his Kingdom on earth.

Hence, every baptism is a moment of decision, a moment of identification with the people of God, a moment of approval, a moment of conviction, a moment of certainties and assurance, a moment of equipment and indeed a moment of personal encounter with the Trinity.

Dear friends, today is a special day for us to remember the graces we have received at baptism in order to renew them. We can recall that on the day of our baptism, we were anointed with the Oil of Catechumens, the sign of Christ's gentle strength, to fight against evil.

Also, blessed water was poured over us, an effective sign of interior purification through the gift of the Holy Spirit. We were then anointed with Chrism to show that we were thus consecrated in the image of Jesus. A white cloth was placed on our forehead as a sign of purity.

More so, the candle lighted from the Paschal Candle was given to us as a symbol of the light of Faith which our parents, godparents and ourselves must continually safeguarded and nourished with the life-giving grace of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, this is another day for us to renew our baptismal promises, consecrating ourselves to the Holy Trinity and rejecting Satan and all his empty promises, which our world is constantly projecting to us through all means of media and social communications.

So, as we enter the first half of the ordinary time, we are called to reactivate the grace and gift we received at our baptism in order to faithfully carry out the mission entrusted to us by the Lord.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift and grace of baptism. As we celebrate today’s feast may we rediscover in a new way the beauty of our baptism and so be filled with the grace and joy of Christ’s presence, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. Have a fruitful Sunday celebration.

Friday, 10 January 2025

Homily For Saturday After the Epiphany of the Lord, 11th January, 2025

Readings: 1 John 5:14-21, Ps.149, John 3:22-30

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


As Christians, one of the mandates that Jesus gave to us is to proclaim the Good News of our salvation, for in this mandate, every one of us has a special role to play. But the question is, what is our role in the mission of Christ, and how are we playing this role?

Today’s Gospel passage presents to us the humility with which John the Baptist plays his role in the mission of Christ. John knew who he was in the sight of God. He knew his strengths and his weaknesses; he knew that his life was centred on Christ.

This was not a burden for him, for he clearly understood God’s sovereignty; he understood who Jesus was. He rejoiced in the coming of Jesus and his role in the mission and life of Jesus. He knew he was the announcer of Good News, but not the Good News itself.

However, he did not have to make a public show of himself. He was not out to promote his ministry or reputation. Even though it seems as if he is becoming insignificant when Jesus arrives, he does not feel so. He aimed to identify Jesus to the people, which he did with all humility as we heard him say, “he must increase, but I must decrease”.

Thus, John shows us what it means to be a true disciple of the Lord. As disciples, we should not allow pride, ambition, ego and selfish desire to dictate how we live our lives. If not, we will easily be carried away by worldly temptations and lose our way by falling deep into the trap of sin.

Rather, we are called to be humble and to be faithful to God at all times. Hence, St. John, in our first reading today, tells us to struggle to free ourselves from sin and reject the path of sin so that we will not end up being trapped more and more in the path of sin, for this may make us end up in eternal damnation if we are not careful.

Dear friends, we all have a significant role to play in the plan of God, John understood his role in the mission of Christ and showed great humility in exercising it. But do we have any clue of what our role is in the mission of Christ? In what ways do we exemplify humility in the little task entrusted to us? Let us learn from John the Baptist how to humbly exercise our role in any task or mission entrusted to us.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, John the Baptist humbly remarked that it was only right that while his Lord and Master increased in importance and prominence, he should decrease, thereby showing and teaching us what it means to be humble servants and disciples. As we contemplate his life, may we learn to be humble in carrying out the mission and vocation entrusted to us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Have a peaceful weekend.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Homily For Friday After the Epiphany of the Lord, 10th January, 2025

Readings: 1 John 5:5-13, Ps.147, Luke 5:12-16

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Reflecting on the ugly situation in our lives, our families, societies and the world at large, there is no doubt that most people are sick and in need of God’s healing touch. Thus, our Gospel passage today presents to us the story of a leper who approached Jesus for healing.

He made this request with faith and trust in the power of Jesus. He said: “Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.” Probably, he may have heard stories of Jesus' many healings. So in response, Jesus immediately touched him, saying: “I will be clean.” The man was healed immediately.

This can be symbolic in relation to what God has done for humanity. For a while, we were still in a state of sin, corruption and deep darkness as a result of the evil activities in this world.

The Lord has not abandoned us; rather, he always reached out to us and touched us with his generous love and often had mercy on us for our sins, which had separated us from God just as the leper had been separated and cast out from the society.

Here also, the touching of Jesus is very significant. No ordinary person would dare to touch a leper. Think of the inner healing that must have resulted from the touch of Jesus, that moment of physical contact. Touch is something we all need but are so often lacking in our relationship with God and one another. Thus, we too, need healing, including the healing that comes from the touch of Jesus.

And the truth is that we all have received this amazing loving touch of God, his mercy, compassion, forgiveness and healing. This is what St. John, in our first reading today, is reminding us when he spoke about overcoming the challenges of this world by believing in Jesus, who, through the testimonies of water, Spirit and Blood, bears witness to the love of God.

Dear friends, I don’t know what type of leprocious problems you are passing through, I don’t know how severe or hopeless your condition is. All I know is that Jesus is willing to help us if we come to him in faith. So, let us put our trust in the healing power of Jesus.

The story of this leper is a good example of how sinners can and should appeal to Jesus for cleansing, especially from their sins. We should come in faith, knowing that God can cleanse us because he is always willing to cleanse every sinner who comes to him.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we come to you today just like the man in our Gospel passage, you know our innermost being, so we ask that if you will, you can cleanse us, our families, our societies and the world from physical, emotional sinful, greed, unforgiveness and spiritual leprosies. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Homily For Thursday After the Epiphany of the Lord, 9th January, 2025

Readings: 1 John 4:19-5:4, Ps.72, Luke 4:14-22

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


For the past few days now, we have been hearing about love from the first letter of St John. As we know, John is one of the inner circle of the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is known as the beloved disciple of Jesus as his character and personality portray this, and all his teachings are centred on love.

Thus, our first reading today, centers on the summary of God’s commandments, that is, the love of God and the love of neighbour. Here, John was just very practical because anyone who loves God will naturally love all God’s children, who are, of course, in a very real sense,e, our neighbours. 

We must love every single person because we are all created in the image and likeness of God. It is not possible to separate the love of God from the love of neighbour, for it is one commandment with two parts which will be the criterion for the final judgement of God.

John tells us that these commandments are not burdensome. Not because they are always easy to carry out fully but because we live in the strength of the Holy Spirit and also because they are in total conformity with our nature made in the likeness of God; there is nothing artificial or arbitrary about them. 

To observe them is to become more and more what we are meant to be, that is, living in that image of our Creator, which we share with him. This is the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ as we have it in our Gospel passage today, where we heard Jesus proclaimed his mission and goals as the fulfilment of all the wonderful promises of God’s salvation for humanity.

Dear friends, our Lord Jesus has taught and revealed to us what it means for us to love. He often reached out to us, even to the worst and the most wicked sinners. He always touches us with his love and also calls us to follow his example. But are we willing and able to commit ourselves to follow his example? I don’t know if you have ever loved someone and you show it, or someone loves you and shows it. 

The truth is that it feels right and awesome because love brings healing and wholeness into people’s lives. Thus, it is by loving God in our neighbours that we can share and experience this nature of God in us and by so doing we will conquer the world full of hatred, self-centeredness, greed and sin. 

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, love is your gift to humanity, help us to embrace this gift of love and learn to share it with one another, just as Jesus has taught us who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. Have a lovely day.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Homily For Wednesday After the Epiphany of the Lord, 8th January, 2025

Readings: 1 John 4:11-18, Ps.72, Mark 6:45-52

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Recalling my first time sailing through the sea on a boat for forty minutes with a group of friends. It was fun, we were all putting on our life jackets with all the safety measures and cation.

But I must confess that it was not too pleasant when we had to navigate through the waves of the sea. Then I realized what it means to be on the sea with heavy storms. A condition where the need to look for a Saviour is highly expected.

Such was the case with the disciples of Jesus in the Gospel passage today. It is a story about panic, for after the miracle of the multiplication of loaves, Jesus asked his disciples to get into the boat and sail to the other side while he went to pray. With the waves breaking over the boat, the disciples were afraid.

Hence, they needed help from anywhere. It was at this point that they saw Jesus walking on the sea, and he said to them: “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid”.

This story signifies God's chosen people on a transit of faith, frightened by the guilt of sin and wounded by the waves of the sea, the abode of evil forces and monsters of this world. The boat can be taken as a symbol of the young Christian Church struggling with the world’s principalities and powers, while the storm is a symbol of persecution suffered by this young Christian community.

However, John, in our first reading, tells us that God abides in us and his love is perfected in us, for there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. Thus, Jesus says: "Do not be afraid" as we struggle with the storms of this passing world for he abides with us.

Dear friends, today Jesus is calling us to journey on his boat of life with an unwavering faith and a repented heart because, the world is being tossed around by the waves of the evil forces, the enemies of humankind. And it is only God who can subdue it, for he has promised to restore us to himself.

Therefore, I don't know the great storms of doubt and fear in your soul as a result of the power of the evil forces of this world. All I know is that with great faith in God, the words of Jesus: “Take courage, it is I,” will surely resound in the hearts of all of us, especially those victims around us and all Christians who live in a hostile community.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we thank you for constantly intervening in our daily storms of life. As we go about our duties today may you guide us through the storms of life. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Monday, 6 January 2025

Homily For Tuesday After the Epiphany of the Lord, 7th January 2025

Readings: 1 John 4:7-10, Ps.72, Mark 6:34-44

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia


One of the common words we use to express our feelings is the word “love” and this word means a lot of things to different people. But what is love? For me, love is God’s nature which he shares with us. That is why love is beyond human nature.

When we love, we are acting out that very nature of God in us. Love is greater than human nature because it is the nature of God that we share. Therefore, to understand the depth of God's love for us, there is a principle that we need to abide by, that is, the principle that says that every day is a gift from God to us.

A gift that shows how much He loves us by sending His Son, whose life-giving sacrifice means salvation for all humanity. But the world prefers darkness to light, life, and death, and these have made the world a difficult place to live in.

Today, in our first reading, we are told that God loves us so much that he sent his Son Jesus to be the expiation for our sins. And the event of feeding of the five thousand as we have in our Gospel passage today, speaks of the generosity of God and his kindness towards us.

Telling us that when God gives, he gives abundantly. He gives us more than we need for ourselves so that we can share with those who lack. In fact, we can interpret this miracle as the fruit of sharing with one another, for it is possible that once the disciples began to share the little food they had with those around, others also who had brought some food with them started sharing what they have and indeed grace multiplied what they have to the point of having left over.

Dear friends, God loves us so much, that he is willing and ready to satisfy our unquenchable hunger for physical and spiritual things. How I wish humanity could give up greed, selfishness, hatred, and embezzlement of our common resources in order to embrace true love for one another.

Let us learn to share our resources with one another for the purpose for which they are meant; believe me, the world will witness another miracle of the multiplication of resources that will be enough for everyone with left over for future generations.

But we have failed to embrace this love, we have failed to share this love with one another or give up greed and our other ugly attitudes. Therefore, let us embrace Jesus and the love he is offering us. Let us, like Jesus, have compassion and love for everyone, for that is the very nature of God which he shares with us.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are really hungry and in need of your love and satisfaction both physically and spiritually; feed us once again with your heavenly grace and multiply the little bread and fish we share with others and provide for us the basic needs of life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a lovely day.

Homily For Monday Second Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 20th January, 2025. The Feast of Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi

  Readings: Phil 2:1-11, Ps. Is.12:2-6, Matt.13:44-46 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. WHAT IS YOUR ULTIMATE TREASURE?    Today we celebrate...