Readings: Hosea 10:1-3. 7-8.12, Ps. 105, Matt 10:1-7
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.
things of this passing world is so captivating and we are becoming so
comfortable as if this world is our home. The truth remains that this world is
not our home we are passing by. So, if we are not careful we will be like a
foolish traveler who having encountered a pleasant garden forgets to continue
towards his destination. The world is a pleasant garden and we are just passing
by. This is exactly what Jesus is calling our attention to in our Gospel
passage today, when he commanded his twelve disciples to go and proclaim to the
people that the kingdom of heaven is close at hand.
Jesus continues with his missionary discourse, he summoned his twelve apostles
and send them out with the clear instruction to proclaim the Good News of the
kingdom of heaven. He sent them on a mission of teaching and healing to
proclaim the message of God’s saving love to those who were in most need of
hearing it.
In a
similar way, we heard in our first reading how the Lord sent prophet Hosea,
just before the end and the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, to
remind the people of all the sins they had committed, warning them of the
impending suffering and destruction for all the sinful things they had done.
For time shall come when they will say to the mountains, ‘Cover us!’ and to the
hills, ‘Fall on us! But they will find no response. He advised them to sow
integrity for themselves and reap a harvest of kindness, they should break up
their fallow ground: for it is time to go seeking the Lord, until he comes to
rain salvation on us.
today Jesus is calling us to change our ugly and sinful ways of life,
especially as regards our attitude towards the things of this passing world. He
is also commanding us just as he commanded his apostles to tell humanity,
especially those we encounter every day, our family members, neighbours,
colleagues, friends, in fact everyone around us, we should tell them that the
kingdom of heaven is very close at hand.
it's time to truly seek God with all our hearts, it's time to turn away from
our sinful way of life, it's time to say yes to God for tomorrow may be too
late. We should not be ashamed or afraid to carry out this mandate, for when
God calls us, he supplies us with the means and courage necessary to accomplish
the task entrusted to us. For we are never alone, he is always with us.
friends, what are we doing in this passing world with the gift of life that God
has given us? For today we are called not to be too comfortable with this thing
of this passing world for God’s kingdom is very close at hand? We should never
think that we still have all the time to keep ‘enjoying' the pleasant things of
this passing world.
we are all travelers in this world. But how many ears must we have before we
can hear the call for repentance, how many deaths will it take till we know
that soul of many people has gone from this world. How many words of God will
we hear before we know that one day we will be no more in this passing world.
The answer dear friends is blowing in the wind. Therefore let us not be like a
foolish traveler who having encountered a pleasant garden of this passing
world, forgets to continue towards his destination which is God’s heavenly
PRAY: Lord God, you called us today to reflect on our heavenly kingdom, give us
grace to repent and turn to you for mercy, help us to have the missionary zeal
that will enable us to live with integrity, purity and detachment from the
thing of this passing world as we spread the Good News of your kingdom to
humanity. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace be with you.