Reading: 2Kings 11:1-4.9-18.20; Ps.132; Matt. 6:19-23
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia
day under terrible scourges of the sun and noisy streets, people struggle to
acquire things that they value as treasures of life. The quarrelling and
fighting, the early morning rush, the traffic jam, the aggressive words all
just to acquire things of this life and people are never tired of acquiring
properties for themselves and their generation yet to come, forgetting that all
these things sooner or later pass away as we ourselves expire from this world.
in our Gospel passage today we are called to reflect on what should be our
ultimate treasure and how we can acquire it. For Jesus said: Do not store up
treasures for yourselves on earth, where moths and woodworms destroy them and
thieves can break in and steal. But store up treasures for yourselves in
heaven, where neither moth nor woodworms destroy them and thieves cannot break
in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Jesus knowing how humanity is so attached to the things of this passing world,
calls our attention to what should be our ultimate treasure. He made us know
that the kingdom of God is the greatest and ultimate treasure anyone can and
should acquire. It will be a waste of time trying to store up our treasures in
this world because the world as we know is passing away likewise the things in
world is not a safe place to store one’s ultimate treasures. The safest place
to store our treasures is in heaven. For heaven itself is the ultimate treasure
that cannot be compared to anything whatsoever we have in this world and it is
so precious and great, that it is worth more than our entire life and our
worldly possessions and treasures. This is exactly what we see in the life of
St. Aloysius Gonzaga whose memorial we celebrate today. Though born into a
wealthy family, he renounced the world’s riches and honour in order to live a
life of service, simplicity, holiness and piety.
we must do all that it takes to ensure that our focus is on things of heaven
and how to acquire them. Because losing it over the temporal pleasure, vain
glory, fame, power and influential things of this passing world will be
complete foolishness. For none of them last forever and what good is it for us
to gain the whole world but lose our soul out of God’s Kingdom just like
Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah in our first reading today, whose selfish
ambition led to the death of so many people including herself.
friends, the questions we need to ask ourselves today are: where and what is
our ultimate treasure in this life? if the Lord should give us the opportunity
to request what our heart desires, what would you request? How many of us are
paying attention to ultimate heavenly treasures? How many think and search for
the ultimate treasure of our souls? How many desire to personally discover God
in their life knowing that he is the ultimate treasure anyone can acquire in
this world?
How I
wish we would understand the shortness of this life, the emptiness of this
passing world and the danger of losing our soul out of greediness for the
things of this passing world. Then, we will sincerely desire to experience God
personally, because in him lies the ultimate treasure of life. Discovering God
personally is the greatest treasure one can ever have.
PRAY: Heavenly Father, the world is full of distractions coming from false
treasures of this passing world. Through the intercession of St. Aloysius, give
us wise and discerning hearts in order to give up all our attachment to worldly
possessions in pursuit of the heavenly and ultimate treasure of your kingdom.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace be with you.