Acts. 13:44-52; Ps.98; John 14:7-14
Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia
use of the imagery of Father and Son by Jesus is one of the means, Jesus used
to explain his relationship with God. But oftentimes, the people and even his
disciples find it difficult to understand the systematic fashion of this
relationship. So in our Gospel passage today, Jesus tried to explain this
relationship to his disciples when he said to them: If you know me, you know my
Father too. From this moment you know him and have seen him.
Philip said, ‘Lord, let us see the Father and then we shall be satisfied'. But
Jesus said: you must believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the
Father is in me; I tell you most solemnly, whoever believes in me will perform
even greater works because I am going to the Father and whatever you ask for in
my name I will do it.
Jesus is saying that if we want to know God and understand his ways in relation
to humanity, all we need to do is to look at him (Jesus) as the Son of the
Father who has come to reveal the true image of God to humanity. We are to
observe what he does, listen to what he teaches, watch how he behaves, what and
who he loves, and what he rejects or defends. For by so do we will discover God
in him because as the Son, he is the true human image of God. He is one with
the Father in unity of existence and life and this is evidenced in the Words he
spoke and the works he performed.
Consequently, those who believe in him are endowed with the
power of the Holy Spirit and will do greater works than he has done. For he has
gone to the Father and whatever they ask in his name he will do it because they
will be asked by the Holy Spirit in union with the name of the very person of
Jesus whose request the Father will always grant.
friends, the questions we need to ask ourselves today are: what is my
relationship with Jesus and God the Father? Do we believe in God as our Father?
Do we personally and truly know and believe in Jesus? Have we any personal
experience of the power of the Holy Spirit? The truth is that we can only do
great work in his name when we have a personal experience and encounter with
the risen Lord, just like the disciples who were filled with the joy of the
Holy Spirit and spoke out boldly to the people about the good news of Jesus and
when they where rejected out of jealousy by the Jews as we have it in our first
reading, they turned to the gentiles who embraced the good news with joy.
I don’t know what you want God to do for you, I don’t know what prayer points
you recite every day, I don’t know how deep your requests are. All I know is
that if we truly have a personal relationship with Jesus and believe in him, we
are going to be endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit and will do greater
works than he has done for he has gone to the Father. And whatever we ask in
his name he will do it, because we will be asked by the Holy Spirit in union
with the name of the very person of Jesus, whose request the Father will always
PRAY: Lord God, in the celebration of Easter you graciously give to the world
the gift of heavenly remedies, grant that we your children may have a personal
experience of your presence in our lives so that presenting our needs before
you, we may find favour in your presence. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Wishing you a fruitful and peaceful weekend.