Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.
people want to see signs before they can accept or believe whatever we have to
present to them. This is the case with the crowd in our Gospel passage today,
as they asked Jesus for signs. He said to them, ‘this is an evil generation
that asks for a sign! But the only sign that will be given is the sign of
Jonah, telling us that, on Judgement day the men of Nineveh will stand up with
this generation and condemn it, because when Jonah preached they repented; and
there is something greater than Jonah here with us, that is, Jesus himself.
Jesus presents to us the final recommendations of the end time, pointing out
that he is the greatest and only sign we need just like Jonah was to the people
of Nineveh. He insists that we should pay rapt attention to the signs nature is
giving us concerning the end-time events, that these signs will make us have
hope founded firmly on the word of God which drives away fear and despair,
knowing that the kingdom of God is very near to us. We should also be careful
about following those who claim to know when the end is coming. For we may see
many of the signs written in Scripture happening already in our time and people
are terrified looking for someone to show them the way. We should know that
Jesus is the only Way, the Truth and the Life.
St. Paul in our first reading today reminded us about Christ as the sign of
God’s promise when he said: it is about Jesus Christ our Lord who, in the order
of the spirit, the spirit of holiness that was in him, was proclaimed Son of
God in all his power through his resurrection from the dead. Through him we
received grace and our apostolic mission to preach the obedience of faith to all
pagan nations in honour of his name.
friends, what signs are we seeing around us today? How can we interpret the
signs of this time, the signs that tell us that this world is passing away? Do
these signs make us dread the second coming of the Lord or do we joyfully
embrace it in anticipation? Remember, Jesus warns us not to waste our time
seeking for signs, rather we should be prepared, and we should remain firm in the faith. He reminds us that he is not just the sign of Jonah, but something far
greater than Jonah, and without him in our lives, we will be lost, because the
future lies in his hands and nothing can destroy or hurt us as long as we
remain faithful to his commands. Nonetheless, what he requires of us in this
world is for us to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with our
PRAY: Heavenly Father, in a world full of confusion and deception, help us to
remain faithful in following our Lord Jesus knowing that he is the greatest
sign of all times. And as we carry out our task this week, may your favour be
with us now and always. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a
blessed week ahead.