Reading: Ex. 34:4-6.8-9; Ps. Dn. 3:29-34; 2Cor.13:11-13; John 3:16-18
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia
doubt that humanity perceive God as a mystery and in need he is a great mystery.
But when we perceive something as a mystery, it does not really mean that we cannot
know anything about that thing. It simply means that we cannot know everything
about that thing. We only know to the extent our reasoning faculty can perceive.
This means that perceiving God as a mystery shows that we can know something
about him, but we cannot known everything about him.
the questions are: what do we know about God? How has God revealed himself to
us? How have we perceived and understand this revelation? What impact has this
revelation and understanding made in our lives as human beings living in the
world he created? The answer to these questions are found in the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity which we
celebrate today.
wonder, every first Sunday after the great event of Pentecost, that marks the
end of Easter season and the Church haven filled with the Holy Spirit, our
attention are turned to the mysteries of heaven, where we gaze with an eye of
faith into the mystery of God’s revelation of his mystical nature as Trinitarian
form of Love.
is, in a form of three Persons, Father, Son and Spirit who are ONE GOD in
substance and essence. Here, the Father is love, the Son is love made Flesh,
and the Spirit is love in Action. For there is wholly ONE purest, infinite and
eternal LOVE which is God, and Love Personified which is God himself in the
person of Jesus and Love in Action which is the Holy Spirit. This of course is
the mystery of the Trinity, a reality
that surpasses human reason.
So, the Church through revelation has come
to know, understand and perceived that the Holy Trinity works in one unity and
essence. For the invisible Father and invisible Son sent the visible son in the
person of Jesus, so as to be visible in the world in order to save humanity.
And the actions of the invisible Father through the visible Son are made
presence in the world by the Person of the Holy Spirit. The Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit are of the same substance and essence that manifest in three
persons of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This is the
mystery of God's nature we celebrate today as revealed.
today’s solemnity reveals to us that
“God is love not in the oneness of a single Person, but in the Trinity of one
substance”, as we have it in the Preface of today’s celebration. Telling us
that God who is Love is the creator and merciful Father; he is the
Only-Begotten Son, the eternal Word of Wisdom incarnate, who died and rose for
us; he is also the Holy Spirit the Paraclete, who moves all things in history,
toward their final and full recapitulation.
is a special feast that gives us the opportunity to gaze into the communitarian
life of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who live in a communion of
love and calls us to participate in this love. Thereby reminding us of the
marvelous plan of our salvation, that finds its origin in this Trinitarian love
of the Father, who sent the Son and the Holy Spirit for the redemption of
humanity. For we have been called to share in this family of love. This family
of love is God’s nature that he shares with humanity through the Son Jesus, the
Word Made Flesh and the Holy Spirit the Paraclete.
in this Sunday’s solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, we celebrate the summary
of God’s revelation of Himself to humanity which was brought about through the
paschal mysteries of Christ’s Death, Resurrection and Ascension to the right
hand of the Father, and the gracious outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This great mystical
revelation of the Triune God can not be totally comprehended by human mind and
language, hence the Church has called us to live it with deep faith and apply it
in our daily lives.
wonder, our readings today tell us about this Trinitarian nature of God in
human history, In the First Reading, we heard about the revelation of God’s
Name and His active participation in the life of His people, as He proclaims
before Moses in the cloud on Mount Sinai saying: “The Lord, a God merciful and
gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” a
God who pardon our sins and iniquities and take us as His inheritance.
is a great act of love of which our Gospel passage today testifies to this in
the famous John’s Gospel telling us that: “God so loved the world that he gave
his Only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have
eternal life. ” This clearly shows us love in action, illustrating that God is
not closed or satisfied with his own self-sufficiency, but he is that life of
love that wants to communicate itself with His fragile creatures in an open and
deep relationship.
St Paul in our second reading encouraged us to rejoice, mend our ugly ways of
life, heed his appeal, agree with one another, live in peace, so that the God
of love and peace will be with us. He then, introduced and commended us into
the grace and life of the Triune God saying: “The grace of the Lord Jesus
Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
inviting us to share and participate in the communitarian family of love in the
Trinity, that is now open for all humanity. That is why we are Baptize in the
name of the Trinity, we are blessed in the name of the Trinity, we are
consecrated to the life and family of God through the Trinitarian formula.
friends, today’s solemnity invites us to embrace the new life we have found in
the Trinity, that new life that calls us to the reality of love that is
contained in the mystery of our faith. The One love of the Father, that is made
Flesh in the Person of the Son Jesus, and in action in the Person of Holy
Spirit, in a purely physical unity of which humanity are called to participate.
Jesus has revealed to us that we are essentially “God’s children”, creatures
who live in relationship with the Creator God the Father, and are called to
share this relationship with one another. Thereby reaching out to God and to
our fellow mankind, in whose life we discovers the image of our common love in
the Father.
in this love comes the model of the human community, originating from the
Triune Family to our individual human families down to the society and the
world at large, pointing to us that humanity are one, related in the one love
of God our common Father, through His Son Jesus in the active power of the Holy
is the faith we have embraced and are called to share with all humility.
Therefore, we are called to grow in this mission, knowing that, the Trinity is
at the same time unity in love and in mission, the more deep this love dwells
in us, the stronger the urge to pour it out and spread it to all, beginning
from our family, down to the society and to the ends of the Earth.
PRAY: Heavenly Father, as you reveal the mystery of your nature which is love
and calls us to share and participate in it, grant that humanity may come to
embrace this loving kindness, and so be united as one family sharing one common
Father in love and truth, we ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen. Do have a fruitful Sunday