Rev. Fr.
Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.
is no doubt that threat breeds fear, insecurity and anger which brings about
the negative feeling we called hatred. Little wonder the word ‘Hate’ is often
used to express a negative feeling towards something or someone who we presumed
to have some threat over us or something related to us. Meanwhile, hatred as we
know is direct opposite of love.
definition is very important in order to understand the teaching of Jesus in
our Gospel passage today, when he said to his disciples: “If the world hates
you, remember that it hated me before you. If you belonged to the world, the
world would love you as its own; but because you do not belong to the world,
because my choice withdrew you from the world, therefore the world hates you.”
Jesus who has been talking to his disciples about love and commanding them to
love one another is today warning and telling them that, there is no guarantee
that they will be loved in return by the people of the world. He used himself
as an example of how they may be treated, that if the world hated and
persecuted him so badly, his disciples should expect to be treated the same
way. But why did the worldly-minded people hate and persecuted Jesus and his
is because the presence and words of Jesus bring great light and judgment to
the darkness of this world, and the people of the world loves darkness rather
than the Light, since their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates
the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be
exposed. So the presence of Jesus the light of the world threatens the people
of the world and this breeds fear, insecurity and anger which brings about the
negative feeling of hatred for Jesus and those who associate with him.
so, it is important to note that, when Jesus talks about the “world” as we have
it the Gospel passage, he is not referring to the physical world but the people
who are so attached to the things of this world. People who have made the
things of this passing world their God and have come to trust in their ability
to exploit others and acquire the earth as their own.
try very hard to cover their sin and silence the voice of conscience accusing
them of their sins. But here are Christians constantly reminding them of their
sins as they strive to live a life of holiness which of course stirs up again
all those thoughts and feelings of guilt which they wished to silenced. Hence,
this threat breeds fear, insecurity and anger that gives birth to hatred of
Christian by worldly minded people.
friends, today we are called to bear witness even in the face of hatred and
hostility. For spite of the world’s hatred, we should never respond with
retaliation or hatred. Yes, there may be times to ask God to judge the wicked.
There may be times to shake the dust off our feet and move on, of course we
have to, knowing that we can do so through the Spirit of truth dwelling in us.
For through our Baptism, we have received the Holy Spirit in us, which helps us
strive to live a life of love and righteous even in the midst of persecutions
and hatred.
PRAY: Almighty and eternal God, who through the regenerating power of Baptism
have been pleased to confer on us the heavenly life, grant us, we pray, the
grace to bear authentic witness of your love and peace in the world full of
hatred and strive. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a lovely
and peaceful weekend.