Readings: Acts 15:1-6; Ps.122; John 15:18
Rev. Fr.
Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.
Sunday we have been listening to Jesus’ instructions to his disciples
especially as regards to the relationship between him and those who wish to be
his disciples. To drive this message down to the level they will understand
him, he used the imagery of Vine and branches. The vine as we know is the
source of life for the branches. It provides the water and nutrients by which
the grapes are produced. Without the vine, no fruit could ever be produced. And
branches utterly dependent upon the vine.
So as
Jesus and his disciples were passing through the vineyards that surround the
city after they had concluded their meeting in the upper room in Jerusalem
where they celebrated the Passover, Jesus told them the parable of the Vine and
the branches as we have it in our Gospel passage today saying: ‘I am the vine,
you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in
plenty; for cut off from me you can do nothing.’
Jesus is emphasizing on the need to remain faithful in our relationship with
God, as we know in the scriptures, Israel is pictured as a vine which is to
produce good fruit. But has failed. Thus, Jesus made them to know that he is
the true, genuine and authentic Vine. But in the Old Testament, God’s vine was
Israel. He used them to accomplish his purpose in the world. However, he is the
true Vine through whom humanity have life.
the major purpose of this parable is for us to remain faithful in our
relationship with God and also to be fruitful in our Christian faith. Because
as God’s chosen people, we are expected to produce great, sweet, beautiful,
rich fruit of righteousness, holiness, justice, peace, joy and unite to the
world. But most of us, just like the Israelites and those men in our first
reading today have failed to produce good fruits of love and unity, as we prefer
to produce sour, rotten, stinking, tasteless fruit of sin, corruption, greed,
cruelty, exploitation and hatred in the world.
friends, as branches of Vine which is Christ, our fruit should be the natural
outflow of the life of the Vine. For when we are united and identified with
Jesus we produce from his Vine the fruit of the Holy Spirit, that sweet and
rich wine of love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, self control, holiness,
courage and faith which is lacking in the world today.
the questions we need to ask ourselves today are: are we still connected with
Jesus the true Vine? What kind of fruit are we producing in this world? What is
stopping us from producing good fruit? Do we need to be pruned of our ugly
habitual sins? Remember, God prunes a branch so that it may bear more fruit and
this pruning is not done only once for it is a constant process.
PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are so much attached to so many things in this
passing world, as we find delight in Jesus our true Vine, prune us where we
need to be pruned, so that we may remain faithful in our relationship with you
and so bear good fruit of your love and peace in our families, societies and
the world at large. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Do remain blessed.