Readings: Acts.6:1-7; Ps.33; 1 Pet. 2:4-9; John 14:1-12
Rev. Fr.
Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.
is one of the important things in human existence, the human identity is made
up of the physical composition of the body and soul in relation to the
environment and scientists tell us that humanity is one among the many living
things on earth. Thus individual human identity is rooted in the
identifications of what each associates his/herself with.
so, all identity is ultimately in relationship with something else. For
instance, if a person identifies his/herself with a group of people or thing,
such a person becomes part of that group or thing and that becomes the person's
identity. So the questions we need to ask ourselves today are what is my
identity? Who am I identifying myself with? What is my true and ultimate
are fundamental questions because they points out to the fundamental reality of
who we are and what we have identified ourselves with. A lot of people do not know who they are
or what they have identified themselves with. A lot of people today are
sufferings and struggling because they do not know who they are and the
identity they bear. Some have misplaced their identity with some thing else,
some are putting on an identity that doesn’t belong to them.
the fifth Sunday of Easter, the Church through our readings presents to us our
true and ultimate identity as we have it in our second reading which says: you
are a living stone, a chosen race, a royal Priesthood, a Holy nation, God’s own
people. And in our Gospel passage, Jesus tell us that he is the Way, the Truth
and the Life. While in our first reading, we heard how seven good men were
chosen as ministers to serve the people and this becomes their personal
all of us who are called Christians bear the identity of Christ who is the way,
the Truth and the Life and are called to turn our focus on him as our Lord and
Saviour and put our faith and trust fully in him. No doubt that our Lord Jesus
has shown us his true identity. He has shown us the ultimate proof of his love
for us through his suffering, crucifixion, death and resurrection and this
identity is what we are to present to the whole world in words and deeds.
as a living stone, a chosen race, a royal Priesthood, a Holy nation, God’s own
people, we are called to really examine our conscience to know if we have
actually embrace this identity as regards to our vocation as Christians. How
have we personally identified ourselves with the identity of Jesus as the way, the Truth and the Life? For in him we
find our true identity.
But, are
we still like the disciples who before the resurrection do not know neither
their identity nor the true identity of Jesus, as they were not able to fully
comprehend at first all that they have heard and witnessed from Jesus? They did
not yet fully comprehend the identity of Jesus as God incarnate in the flesh.
That was why Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father and they will be
satisfied. But after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, the disciples
through the power of the Holy Spirit embrace their true identity and they
proclaimed the good news to all.
very few, they began the Church and many more came to believe and identified
with them through their courageous preaching and testimony of their faith in
Jesus. They gave up their lives and became martyrs of the Church. They died defending the faith and identity they have
found in Jesus and his Church. They left us with the true identity of the
Christian faith.
friends, our identity is one of the most important thing to the society. We are
often quick to identify ourselves with people or disassociate ourselves with
people because of the value we hold as our identity. But the surprising thing
is that most people do not know their true identity. Many people spend their
entire live without knowing who they really are.
So friends
I ask you, Who are you? What is your identity? What is the source of your
identity? Whose identity are you putting on now? Why are you putting on someone
else identity? Why have you misplaced your identity. What is your purpose on this earth? To discover these, we
must ensure that we cooperate with God's plan for us and identify ourselves in
him. For he made us to know that we are living stone, a chosen race, a royal
Priesthood, a Holy nation, God’s own people.
fact remains that every human person has a special role to play in the Master
plan of God and this gives us our true identity. But the questions are, how are
we playing this role? Are we playing according to the master plan or against
it? Are we confuse about who we are and our role in this master plan of God? Have
we deviated from our true identity.
there are division, manipulation and multiplication of Churches because people
have lost the true identity of the Christian faith as a result of sin,
selfishness and pride of people who wish to use the name of Jesus to achieve
their selfish desires. Therefore, it’s time for us to embrace and defend our
true and ultimate identity which we have found in Jesus and his Church. For by
the virtue of our baptism we share in that great Identity of the Church as a
living stone, a chosen race, a royal Priesthood, a Holy nation, God’s own
people. That’s who we are, that’s who we are called to be, when we follow Jesus
who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
PRAY: Lord God, in you we have our true and ultimate identity, grant we pray
that your Church will continue to uphold the true and ultimate identity of your
Son Jesus who is the way, the Truth and the Life. So that, through our baptism
we may courageously defend our faith and our identity as a living stone, a
chosen race, a royal Priesthood, a Holy nation, God’s own people. Amen. Do have
a grace-filled Sunday.