Saturday, 25 March 2023


Readings: Ez. 37:12-14; Ps. 130; Rom. 8:8-11; John 11:1-45

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia




As human beings, there is this constant fear of what becomes of us when we die. Where are we going when we die? Is death the end of life? Is there another life after death? These questions becomes more interesting especially at this time when the whole world is facing the terrible crisis of war, natural disasters, insecurity and people are dying in their thousands, with many more people now suffering from diseases and preventable sickness, we can see how the whole world is gripped with fear of death.


Little wonder, most  people have all kinds of questions and reservations about terminologies such:  ‘death, resurrection, heaven and hell', they often wonder what it will be like. I find the answer to these questions in today’s Gospel reading, where Jesus showed us the power of life over death, in bringing back to life a man who was dead and was buried for four days, witnessed by many people who happened to be there. The story of the resurrection of Lazarus was a great proof for all those who witnessed it, showing the power and authority of Jesus over life and death. This is something that no one could believe.


In this Gospel we heard how Jesus wept for his friend Lazarus. This reveals Jesus' compassion towards the week and sinful nature of humanity. Telling us how this compassionate love of Jesus which springs from the love of God the Father is linked to his historical and physical solidarity with human suffering, and constitutes the basis of the church’s liberating activity. Hence, this passage of the resurrection of the dead Lazarus is presented to us this fifth Sunday of the Holy Season of Lent to prepare us for the celebration of the Lord’s own Resurrection at Easter. The event which shows the triumph of life over death and good over evil.


Thus, when in the Gospel according to Luke 20:27-38, Jesus was asked a very specific question about resurrection and heaven by the Sadducees, who do not believe in an afterlife at all. Jesus in response, distinguishes between “children of this world” and “children of the resurrection”. For him, the children of this world focus their attention on achievements. Taking wives and husbands, building mansions and acquiring wealth. They get involved in projects in such a way that they are ready to kill. They sacrifice important values to attain high positions for themselves and their families; they scheme and connive togther to prove themselves better than others.


This is not far from what we are experiencing in our country today, where people are acting in a very selfish and irrational manner in the different political offices, in public sectors, in banks, markets and shops, hoarding money and increasing the price of many essential goods and services, thereby denying many of those who need the goods the opportunity to get something especially the poor as many have hoard the money in there houses and offices and we are all suffering.


The root of this, is that many of us are so afraid of facing death that we end up acting in self-preservation and selfishness, even causing hurt to others while doing so. This shows that we have no faith in God anymore, that is why we end up doing all these ugly things out of fear of death. Hence, we must know that fear is the method by which the devil is trying very hard to prevent us from turning to God.


The truth remains that, the more we fear death, the more in fact we draw closer to it, because we have little or no faith in God. We have forgotten that life or death is in the hands of God alone, and none of us have the power to extend our lives for even a single second.


On the other hand, the children of the resurrection are those who are judged worthy of a place in heaven. They have no fear of death because the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in them, and he who raised Jesus from the dead will give life to their own mortal bodies through the Spirit of Christ living in them.


They are men and women of our time who give themselves to noble causes. They give themselves to the service of others: they are those who see to the good of others. Those parents who teach their children the ways of the Lord by their practical way of life, they help those that are victims of the challenging event of our time. They are friends who speak the truth and stand by it. They are political leaders who renounce power rather than compromise principles. They are public officials including police officers, businessmen and women who stands for what is right and just in the societies.


They often do not see tangible results, their sacrifices may seem useless. But they maintain their dignity, their sense of self worth, their sense of righteousness, they “cannot die”. They are sons and daughters of God who have conquered death. So, like Jesus they teach us to understand what it means to be the same as the angels, what it means to remain faithful to our belief, what it means to have faith and hope in God, what it means to say that this world is not my home.


Dear friends, as we move towards the holy week, the readings invite us to journey with the Lord in his passion so as to share in his resurrection. For we heard the Lord in our first reading saying: I am now going to open your graves; I mean to raise you from your graves and put my spirit in you, and you will live, and be resettled in your own soil.


And St. Paul in our second reading said: if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, then he who raised Jesus from the dead will give life to your own mortal bodies through his Spirit living in you. Therefore, we do not have to be afraid of death, for God has conquered death through the grace of resurrection. But do you believe in resurrection?


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are often afraid of death. Help us to realize that you have conquered death and have giving us the grace of resurrection we asked this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy Sunday to you.

Friday, 24 March 2023

Homily For Saturday Fourth Week of Lent Year A, 25th March, 2023 The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

Readings: Is. 7:10-14.8:10; Ps.40; Heb.10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.




Every 25th of March, the Holy mother Church celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, an event that marks exactly nine months before the birth of Jesus at Christmas, recalling the very moment when our Lord and Saviour was conceived in the womb of Mary, as she responded to the revelation of God’s Good News through the Archangel Gabriel saying: I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word. With this response the Word became flesh and dwells among us through a humble Virgin, thereby revealing the arrival of the long awaited Saviour into the world as we have it in our Gospel passage today.


meanwhile,  in our first reading, we heard how king Ahaz also received revelation from God through prophet Isaiah, of the coming of God’s salvation to his people. But Ahaz refused to accept the sign, out of false humility, saying that he would not put God to the test even when the prophet had specifically said that God will give him a sign. This shows lack of faith and disobedience from king Ahaz which is quite opposite to that of Mary who humbly accepted God’s will.


When compared the response of Mary to that of Ahaz, who further led the people of Judah into sin, as he did not follow or obey God’s laws. We will see that his lack of faith is indeed opposite to Mary’s total submission to God. Ahaz pride and false humility is opposite of Mary’s total humility and devotion to God.  Hence, Mary became the role model for all of us, as her obedience and willingness to accept her role as the Mother of God and Saviour is something that all of us Christians should also emulate in our own lives.


Dear friends, this Holy season of Lent have been filled with a lot of uncertainty, sorrow and grief, challenges and trials, obstacles, difficulties and suffering all over the world. But we are consoled in today’s Solemnity of the Annunciation of our Lord and Saviour with the words of the angle, telling us to rejoice most highly favoured for the Lord has special plans for us, if only we can say like Mary: “let it be done to me according to your will”.


Thus, we are called to draw strength, faith and courage from Mary in her total submission to God’s will, knowing that despite all the darkness, sorrow and uncertainties in our families, societies, country and the world, God will not abandoned his people. So let us learn to accept and submit to God's will like Mary, because his promise for salvation is a reality that we will surely experience.


Therefore, let us entrust ourselves in humility to God just as Mary had done. Let us ask for his mercy and forgiveness as we also forgive one another. It is not time to judge people or lose faith. Rather, it is time to pray for each other as we grow stronger in faith and in our love and devotion to God. knowing that he is closer to us in this turbulent times for he does not fail in his promises.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, this occasion of the annunciation reminds us of your promises and plans to redeem humanity, as we listen to your words today, may we respond positively to your requests and so be filled with the joy of your presence, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a safe and peaceful weekend.

Thursday, 23 March 2023

Homily For Friday in Fourth Week of Lent Year A, 24th March, 2023

Readings: Wisd. 2:1.12-22; Ps. 34; John 7:1-2.10.25-30

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.




There is no doubt that our societies today are full of evil and wickedness against one another. So,  everyday we struggle against the malice of the evil ones, and people are doing everything they can to overcome them.


This is evident in our readings today. In the first reading, we heard how unsound some people can be in their thinking. This no doubt reveals the thoughts of the wicked people who rejected the message of God’s truth and persecuted the prophets saying, “let us lie in wait for the virtuous man, since he annoys us and opposes our way of life, reproaches us for our breaches of the law and accuses us of playing false to our upbringing. He claims to have knowledge of God, and calls himself the son of God”. Such are the ways of the evil ones.


In a similar way in our Gospel we heard of the opposition against Jesus and the efforts his enemies made to try to harm him. This happened in fulfillment of the prophecy about the suffering Servant of God. It is at this point that Jesus made one of the most revealing statement at the Temple before everyone who gathered at the temple, not long before the beginning of his Passion. He stood firmly against all those who had doubted, rejected and persecuted him, showing how those who refused to believe in him and his truth were blinded by their pride and arrogance, their unwillingness to listen, and their lack of knowledge and faith in him. 


Dear friends, as we draw closer to the season of Holy Week, the readings begin to speak about the coming of the Lord’s Passion, the suffering servant of God. For out of pride and selfishness the Pharisees turned against the Lord Jesus. Their malice and worldly concerns and also their ugly desires truncated their faith and obedience to God. In the same way the root of all these evil in our world today is none other than pride, selfishness, arrogance and over ambition in our hearts.


Therefore, as we struggle against the evil of our time we can take consolation from today’s Psalm which tells us that the Lord is close to the broken-hearted; those whose spirit is crushed he will save. For many are the trials of the just man but from them all the Lord will rescue him, for the Lord ransoms the souls of his servants and those who hide in him shall not be condemned. This is a reminder that God will not forget his faithful ones, but those who have acted with injustice and evil, will have to answer for their misdeeds, unless they repent from their sins.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we struggle with the ugly situation in our country  today, gift us grace not to give up, may we remain faithful in all trials and temptations. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. God bless you.

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Homily For Thursday Fourth Week of Lent Year A, 23rd March, 2023

Readings: Ex. 32:7-14, Ps. 105, John 5:31-47

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.




Humanity have always rebelled against God despite all his love, care and mercy for us. Sometimes it seems as if the more God cares, loves and blesses us the more we disobey and separate ourselves from him. This is obvious in our readings today. In our first reading, we heard how the Israelites rebelled against God in a very terrible manner, because they made for themselves a golden calf, as a god and worshipped it. while it was not too long that God had delivered them from the hands of the Egyptians and opened the sea for them to pass safely on the dry ground, while destroying all the chariots and armies sent after them.


This happened just because Moses had spent forty days and forty nights in the mountain, trying receiving the commandments for them. So, the people being impatient and weak in faith, chose to take the drastic action of forcing Aaron to make for themselves a golden calf to serve as god over them. Hence, they committed all sorts of atrocities and terrible sinful deeds with the golden idol, and God was very angry with them and about to destroy them. But Moses interceded and pleaded on their behalf, for him to show mercy and to forgive them. Of course, God spared the people but some of those worst offenders and the leaders of the rebellion were indeed not spared by the wrath of God, for it was by their instigation that the whole people of Israel ended up disobeying God and sinned against him.


This same attitude is what Jesus is addressing in our Gospel passage today, as he rebuked the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law who opposed him just like the people who disobeyed God and hardened their hearts by making idol for themselves to be worshipped as their god. While the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law proudly claimed themselves as the sole guardians of the faith, they ended up idolizing their way of observing the laws of Moses to the point that they forgot why they have the Law in the first place, since they refused to listen to Jesus. Thus he rebuked and reminded the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law as he do the same to us that we need to get rid of our pride, corruption and idolatry.


Dear friends, why have we remained stiff-necked and rebellious? Why do we often exchange the God of glory for the image of a bull that eats grass? Why have we let pride, greed and corruption take away our love for God? Why are we quick to forget what the Lord has done for us? Why do we preferred to offend him despite all his love for us? Today we are reminded of how merciful God has been to us, how patient he has been with our stubbornness, our constant disobedience, our sinful ways and our rebelliousness.


God has continually forgiven us when we seek his forgiveness and mercy. Because he has always loved us so much even when we have disobeyed him and committed so much evil before him. So, it’s time to return to God not forgetting that he still despises our sins and wickedness, for he loves us, though sinners but despises our sins. Because sin brings corruption on us, and no corruption and wickedness can remain in God’s presence.


Therefore, this turbulent moment in our country, we are called to make good use of the opportunities we have received in this Holy Season of Lent, by ensuring that we approach the throne of God’s mercy and love. Let us humble ourselves before God and strive to repent from our mistakes and sins, knowing that God is always ready to forgive us if we ourselves are willing to change our ugly and sinful ways of doing things.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are stiffed- neck and rebellious people who have often taken your love and mercy for granted. As we listen to your words today, may we repent of our sinful ways of life and sincerely embrace your words today. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Homily For Wednesday Fourth Week of Lent Year A, 22nd March, 2023

Readings: Isaiah 49:8-15; PPs.145; John 5:17-30

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.




The second stanza of one of the beautiful songs in our hymn book titled “By and By”, composed by Charles A. Tindley says:

Oft our cherished plans have failed,

Disappointments have prevailed,

And we've wandered in the darkness,

heavy-hearted and alone;

But we're trusting in the Lord,

And, according to his Word,

We will understand it better by and by.


This song will help us understand why Oftentimes when we have good and wonderful intentions, which we feel is the best thing in our life, does not work out the way we want it. This is because our intention may be good and wonderful but as long as it does not fall in line with the will of God, we may only struggle with them, but will not achieve the desired results.  So for our cherished plans not to fail, we must learn to outline our intentions with the will of God, just like Jesus in our Gospel passage today.


For we heard how Jesus outlined his intentions with that of his Father when he said ‘I tell you most solemnly, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees the Father doing: I can do nothing by myself, because my aim is to do not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.’


Here, we see that Jesus' conviction came from within. That is from the will of God his Father, who sent him for the salvation of humanity and this was the priority of his life. Jesus spoke of God as a loving father with whom he related closely and confidently. The relationship was so great that the work of Jesus is the same as the work of the Father. But those who could not understand this relationship feels threatened. That is why they seek for a way to kill him.


This should not be our attitude, rather we should seek to outline our intentions with that of God by building a good relationship with him. Though it may be hard to understand and build a relations between divinity and humanity; but through prayers we can develop the willingness to do and fulfil the will of God. And when this is done we will surely achieve our cherished plans.


Dear friends, I don't know the cherished plans in your heart right now, I don’t know your cherished plans which have failed and it seems as if disappointments have prevailed, thereby wandering in the darkness of confusion and heavy heart all alone. Today Jesus is inviting us to make those cherished plans according to the will of God including all our troubles, all our challenges and  disappointments and he will help us to succeed.


For we heard the Lord saying in our first reading: At the favourable time I will answer you, on the day of salvation I will help you. For a woman does not forget her baby at the breast, or fail to cherish the son of her womb. Yet even if these forget, I will never forget you. Therefore, we have to ensure that all our cherished plans are in line with the will of God, then we will tell the story of how we overcome our most troublesome and darkest moments, then we will understand it better by and by.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, as we learn to outline our intentions with your will, may you direct our cherished plans to suit your will and so achieve the desired results. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you the best of God's favour.

Monday, 20 March 2023

Homily For Tuesday Fourth Week of Lent Year A, 21st March, 2023

Readings: Ezek. 47:1-9.12 , Ps. 46, John 5:1-16

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia




In this life, there is a principle that we need to understand, that is, the principle that says that everyday is a gift from God. For it is another great opportunity to experience and encounter the Lord. So, I don't know how you woke up today, I don't know what troubles your mind. But all I know is that today is another gift of God to us, I am excited, hopeful and am going to live it with all joy, not trying to change things that I could not change or try to fix things that do not want to be fixed.


But I will do my best to overcome my daily challenges knowing and hoping that one day I will hear Jesus saying to me, do you want to be healed again? Rise, take up your pallet and walk, just as he said to the sick man in our Gospel reading today. Here we see how a man who was struggling for thirty-eight years to overcome the ugly situation in his life was heal by a single command from Jesus.


This happened on a day like every other days, when he heard Jesus saying: do you want to be healed? As the man was busy narrating his past failed efforts of having no one to put him into the pool when the water is disturbed; Jesus said to him, rise, take up your pallet and walk and immediately he was restored.


This great and miraculous event brought deep joy into the life of a hopeless man, who out of joy went about expressing his joy as a result of his healing. And this draws the attention of the people who marveled at what had happened to him. But the Jews were more concerned about the Sabbath law rather than the mercy and love of God . An ugly attitude that sometimes happens among us where we disregards the good of others over laws and regulations.


Dear friends, the Lord wishes to heal us no matter the duration of the situation we are passing through. But we shall not let the ugly and failed events of the past to distract us from receiving God’s blessings today. We should rather focus on the blessings that comes with the gift of today.


We must learn to follow the directives of the Lord, knowing that he will lead us to the healing water that flows east down to the Arabah from the sanctuary and in it, we shall find every kind of fruit tree with leaves that never wither and fruit that never fails; their fruit will be good to eat and the leaves medicinal, thereby making all things wholesome again as we heard in our first reading today. Who knows if today is you day of encounter and restoration. So don't give up for the future is going to be great.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, a lot of people are passing through difficult situation which has lingerer for a long time. As we listened to your words today, may we hear the voice of the Lord saying: arise, take up your pallet and go home. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.  It's Tuesday, may the Holy Spirit guide your paths and bring your plans and purposes to glorious end.

Sunday, 19 March 2023

Homily For Monday Fourth Week of Lent Year A, 20th March, 2023

The Solemnity of St. Joseph, husband of Mary

Readings: 2 Sam. 7:4-5.12-14.16, Ps. 89,  Rom. 4:13.16-18.22, Matt. 1:16.18-21.24

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.




Today, we celebrate the solemnity of St Joseph Husband of Mary a man of great virtues. Thus, the liturgy presents to us the events preceding the birth of Jesus and invites us to contemplate in a special way the roles St Joseph in the life of Jesus and Mary.


In the Gospel, Mary was presented as a virgin betrothed to Joseph. That means, they were not yet living together, because they were not yet married. Meanwhile, Mary, after the annunciation, came to be with a child by the power of the Holy Spirit. When Joseph realized this, he was heartbroken. What will he do? How is he going to handle this? The Gospel tells us that Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put Mary to shame, resolved to send her away quietly.


Joseph seeks to do his will quietly before the angel spoke to him about his mission and role.  We could imagine the great trauma Joseph was passing through when we think about the love he has for Mary. But even in these circumstances, he intends to do the will of God and decides, surely with great sorrow, to send Mary away quietly. We need to meditate on these words in order to understand the great trial that Joseph had to endure.


Hence, we can see how this Gospel passage reveals to us the magnanimity of Joseph’s heart and soul. How he wished to follow his own plan, but God was reserving another plan for him, a greater mission. Joseph was a man who always listened to the voice of God, he was deeply sensitive to his secret will, he was a man attentive to the messages that came to him from the depths of his heart. He did not persist in following his own plan, he did not allow bitterness to poison his soul; rather, silently he was ready to make himself available to the event of the new mission entrusted to him, what a great virtue.


Little wonder, Pope John Paul II, who was very devoted to St Joseph, emphasis in his Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos, “The Guardian of the Redeemer”, that the silence of St Joseph is a model for contemplating the mystery of God in an attitude of total availability to the divine desires. Showing us that Joseph’s silence does not express an inner emptiness but, on the contrary, the fullness of the faith he bears in his heart which guides all his thoughts and actions.


It is this great virtues and personality that made him stand out in the fulfilment of God’s promise to Abraham and David in our first reading, which St. Paul affirms in our second reading and is well portrayed in the psalmist telling us that his dynasty will last forever which consist not on account of any law but on account of the righteousness which consists in faith.


Dear friends, we really need to embrace great virtues of St Joseph, especially the virtue of silence. Therefore, let us cultivate this virtue of silence and allow ourselves to be filled and guided by silence, especially in a world full of noise and distractions. A world  that encourages neither recollection nor listening to God nor one another. The truth is that, our world is in dear need of people with St Joseph’s kind of virtues, we all are in need of such silence if we really wish to make great and positive decisions  that will make a difference in our society today.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, as  we embrace this Holy season of Lent, let us through the intercessions of St. Joseph, cultivate the inner attitude of silence and recollection, in order to fully embrace the spirit of the season so as to joyfully experience the glory of Easter. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a grace-filled day.

Homily For Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, 19th January 2025

  Readings: Is. 62:1-5; Ps. 96; 1Cor. 12:4-11; John 2:1-11 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU Today is the second Sun...