Friday, 8 July 2022

Homily for Saturday Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 9th July, 2022


Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8, Ps. 93, Matt 10: 24-33

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


The goal of every disciple is to become like the master. This does not mean that the disciple will become equal to the master, but through the training he becomes like or similar to the master in his own unique way. For a good disciple develops great qualities and skills like that of the master. Hence, Jesus knowing the difficulties and challenges his disciples will encounter, needed to train and instruct them properly, so that they can stand firm in the midst of oppositions and persecution.

Thus, today in our Gospel passage, Jesus continues with his instruction on what it means to be a firm disciple in respect to the mission he is about to entrust to his apostles. Hence he said to his Apostles:  The disciple is not superior to his teacher, nor the slave to his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, what will they not say of his household? What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell. 

As disciples, this encouraging words of Jesus is very apt now that we are passing through difficult moment of poverty, sickness, persecution, intimidation, greed, immorality, killings, wars, famines, genocide in our families, societies, country and the world at large. This ugly condition can make someone to completely lose hope in humanity and also in God.  But Jesus do not want us to lose hope, rather he wants us to be that firm and strong disciples that will stand firm and courageously face the ugly situation we encounter everyday. For Jesus needs firm disciples that will speak and stand for his Gospel no matter the cost. 

Hence, we heard the Lord saying through prophet Isaiah in our first reading: Whom shall I send? Who will be our messenger?’ I answered, ‘Here I am, send me. This prophecy gives us the assurance that the Lord wants us to have faith and trust in Him, despite everything that we may be suffering and enduring because of the sins and wickedness of the evil ones. 

Dear friends, in the midst of persecution are we really firm disciples of Jesus? This question is important because as disciples of Jesus, our purpose in life is to become like him in deeds and in character. By so doing we will have confident that God will enable us to carry out the work that He has entrusted to us even in the midst of persecution, knowing that neither men nor the devil can affect our soul. We can be confident of God’s intimate care for us because He knows even the numbers of the hairs on our head.

Therefore, as true disciples of Jesus we must have confidence and remain firm in faith even in the midst of persecution, sufferings and sickness, because, his love and care for us surpass all our challenges. Thus we are called today to follow God wholeheartedly by living a life of holiness, purity, courage and simplicity, and by so doing inspire others to be part of this mission.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, there is no doubt that our world is full of oppositions and persecutions of your faithful people. Grant that we may follow you wholeheartedly and stand firm in the midst of all the oppositions and persecutions we may encounter in our daily lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a lovely and peaceful weekend.

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Homily for Friday Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 8th July, 2022

Readings: Hosea 14:1-9, Ps. 51, Matt 10: 16-23

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Reflecting on the ugly attitudes of humanity, especially in some ugly events that happens around us. How selfish, cruel and heartless people behave towards each other. Everywhere we see and hear of human wickedness, intimidation, manipulations, kidnapping, killing and different other immoral activities for the sake of power, fame, money and lustful desires. And anyone who tries to resist, challenge, correct, change or stop these ugly attitudes, becomes an object of to be eliminated. 

 In fact, the evil ones are so cruel that sometimes we wish that God should just wipe them away from the face of the earth and when this is not coming  forth, we complain and feel so helpless. Yet in the midst of all these ugly situation, we are required to continue to speak about God’s goodness, love, compassion and forgiveness. A very difficult task to do, especially when we are suffering as victims of the ugly situation.

Little wonder today in our Gospel passage, Jesus made known to his disciples the difficult nature of his mission, he taught them how to persevere in times of persecution, troubles, afflictions, and sufferings. He warned them that they will encounter hostility and hatred because of him, but they are to continue to bear witness to the Gospel values. Jesus said to them: “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be wise as serpents and yet as innocent as doves.” 

He continued saying: Beware of men: for they will hand you over to lawless men and drag you before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them. But when they hand you over, do not worry about how to speak or what to say; for what you are to say will be given to you when the time comes; because it is not you who will be speaking; the Spirit of your Father will be speaking in you.”

Hence, Jesus knowing that the mission to change the sinful and ugly attitudes of humanity will be like sending a helpless sheep in the midst of hungry wolves, so he advised his disciples as he advise us today to be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. He also gave us the ultimate reassurance and promise, that the one who endures to the end will be saved.

The truth is that God still cares for humanity despite our sinful and ugly attitudes. This is evident in our first reading today, when speaking through prophet Hosea the Lord said: “come back to the Lord your God; your iniquity was the cause of your downfall. Take all iniquity away so that you may have happiness again”. Yes our sinful attitudes have brought humanity into destruction and death, but the Lord still loves us, and wants us to repent from our sins and wickedness, so as to  embrace God’s righteousness and mercy once again.

Dear friends, we must learn to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves in dealing with the hungry wolves of this passing world. This is because the circumstances in which Jesus invites us to share the Good News is quite challenging and difficult, especially now that the world is passing through difficult times, as families, societies, countries, and churches are badly affected by the ugly situation born out of the evil forces manifesting themselves in different forms, of which it’s troubles and conflicts are affecting the whole world. Yes our sinful attitudes have brought humanity to destruction and death, but the Lord still loves us, and wants us to repent from our sins and wickedness, so as to embrace his righteousness and mercy once again. 

Therefore, just as Jesus was not abandoned by his Father in his hour of need, we too will not be abandoned in difficult times. Because God knows what we are passing through now. All we need to do is to listen to him speaking to us through the Holy Spirit. Remember, as helpless sheep in the midst of hungry wolves of this passing world, the greatest Gospel we can preach is the Gospel of love by our way of life even in the midst of the ugly attitudes of sinful humanity. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, may the Holy Spirit enlighten, strengthen and grant us the courage and strength to persevere in witnessing the Gospel, especially in this difficult times. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Homily for Thursday Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 7th July, 2021

 Readings: Hosea 11:1:4.8-9, Ps. 80, Matt 10:7-15

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


In every generation God always send messengers to remind us of his love and plan for humanity. But the rebellious nature of humanity have always kept us away from responding to God's invitation to Life of love, holiness, faithfulness and integrity. Nevertheless, God has not stopped caring and stretching his hands of love to us. This is exactly what we have in our readings today.

In our first reading we heard how God through prophet Hosea demonstrated his compassionate fatherly love for his rebellious people saying: When Israel was a child I loved him, and I called my son out of Egypt. But the more I called to them, the further they went from me; they have offered sacrifice to the Baals and set their offerings smoking before the idols. I myself taught Ephraim to walk, I took them in my arms; yet they have not understood that I was the one looking after them. I led them with reins of kindness, with leading-strings of love. I will not give rein to my fierce anger, I will not destroy Ephraim again, for I am God, not man: I am the Holy One in your midst and have no wish to destroy.

Here, we heard of God’s anger and dissatisfaction with the constant disobedience and rebellious attitude of the people and the upcoming consequences for their sins. But God in his compassionate love, wishes to save the people. Showing us that in God, we have a compassionate and loving Father who always care about us despite our constant disobedience and rebellious attitude towards Him. And out of His love for us, He has not stopped sending His messengers to help guide us out of the wrong path we are taking. In fact, out of love, He sent Jesus His only begotten Son to be our Lord and Saviour. 

Thus, in our Gospel passage we heard how Jesus went about doing good, healing the sick and setting captive free from the shackles of the evil ones and to continue this great mission he invited his disciples and sent them out, commanding them to see themselves as someone who gives freely of the good they have received from God. They should offer to others what they have received from God, knowing that it has cost them nothing. They are to live a life of detachment that is, in this mission, they are to depend totally on God's providence. Unfortunate many of the disciples have to face rejection and persecutions from people, who through their rebellious attitude have refused to believe in God even though he has always been so patient, loving, caring and forgiving to us.

Dear friends, why is it that the more God loves us the more we separate ourselves from him? Today, we are called to repent from our sinful and rebellious attitudes and embrace the compassionate love and care that God is offering us. And as disciples of Christ, we have received a lot from God without payment; we should learn to give without expecting reward. Calling us to acknowledge with gratitude all that we have received from God and give freely to others that which we have received. For this act of charity will purify us from pride and self-righteousness, because we are all recipients of God's love, mercy, forgiveness, favour, protection, healing and deliverance. 

Therefore, we must offer to others these same gifts which we have received. We are to show love to people, forgive, help the needy and share with one another the gifts God has blessed us with, and if our love and care are rejected, we should offer it as a sign for the judgement day. Remember, your kind gestures today can turn someone's life around now or later and by so doing we extend God’s divine compassion to rebellious humanity.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, you have sacrificed a lot to save us from our rebellious and sinful attitudes, open our hearts once again to repent and embrace your compassionate love and care for us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Homily for Wednesday Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 6th July, 2022

Readings: Hosea 10:1-3. 7-8.12, Ps. 105, Matt 10:1-7

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


The things of this passing world is so captivating and we are becoming so comfortable as if this world is our home. The truth remains that this world is not our home we are passing by. So, if we are not careful we will be like a foolish traveler who having encountered a pleasant garden forgets to continue towards his destination. The world is a pleasant garden and we are just passing by. This is exactly what Jesus is calling our attention to in our Gospel passage today, when he commanded his twelve disciples to go and proclaim to the people that the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. 

Here, Jesus continues with his missionary discourse, he summoned his twelve apostles and send them out with the clear instruction to proclaim the Good News of the kingdom of heaven. He sent them on a mission of teaching and healing to proclaim the message of God’s saving love to those who were in most need of hearing it. 

In a similar way, we heard in our first reading how the Lord sent prophet Hosea, just before the end and the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, to remind the people of all the sins they had committed, warning them of the impending suffering and destruction for all the sinful things they had done. For time shall come when they will say to the mountains, ‘Cover us!’ and to the hills, ‘Fall on us! But they will find no response. He advised them to sow integrity for themselves and reap a harvest of kindness, they should break up their fallow ground: for it is time to go seeking the Lord, until he comes to rain salvation on us.

So, today Jesus is calling us to change our ugly and sinful ways of life, especially as regards our attitude towards the things of this passing world. He is also commanding us just as he commanded his apostles to tell humanity, especially those we encounter every day, our family members, neighbours, colleagues, friends, in fact everyone around us, we should tell them that the kingdom of heaven is very close at hand. 

Thus, it's time to truly seek God with all our hearts, it's time to turn away from our sinful way of life, it's time to say yes to God for tomorrow may be too late. We should not be ashamed or afraid to carry out this mandate, for when God calls us, he supplies us with the means and courage necessary to accomplish the task entrusted to us. For we are never alone, he is always with us. 

Dear friends, what are we doing in this passing world with the gift of life that God has given us? For today we are called not to be too comfortable with this thing of this passing world for God’s kingdom is very close at hand? We should never think that we still have all the time to keep ‘enjoying' the pleasant things of this passing world. 

Remember we are all travelers in this world . But how many ears must we have before we can hear the call for repentance, how many deaths will it take till we know that soul of many people has gone from this world. How many words of God will we hear before we know that one day we will be no more in this passing world. The answer dear friends is blowing in the wind. Therefore let us not be like a foolish traveler who having encountered a pleasant garden of this passing world, forgets to continue towards his destination which is God’s heavenly kingdom.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, you called us today to reflect on our heavenly kingdom, give us grace to repent and turn to you for mercy, help us to have the missionary zeal that will enable us to live with integrity, purity and detachment from the thing of this passing world as we spread the Good News of your kingdom to humanity. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace be with you.

Monday, 4 July 2022

Homily for Tuesday Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 5th July, 2022

Readings: Hosea 8:4-7.11-13, Ps. 115, Matt 9:32-38

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Walking through the streets I observed how people are struggling with the things of this passing world. I saw their passion, their determination and willingness to achieving great things of life at the expense of things that prepares us for eternal life. For life has become nothing for some people. Greed, corruption and selfishness have rendered so many people into perpetual poverty and suffering. 

Thus, reflecting on these, my mind turned towards the words of Jesus in our Gospel passage today, when he saw the crowds and had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to his harvest’. 

Here, Jesus had compassion on humanity who were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd. He then says to his disciples that there is a huge harvest waiting to be reaped. Calling on us to pray for God to send labourers into his harvest. Therefore, more labourers are needed, for Jesus sees how humanity are harassed and dejected, wandering aimlessly like sheep without a guiding shepherd. And because the souls of everyone in the world are so precious to Jesus, he needs many more labourers especially now that is obvious that the harvest is getting richer while the labourers are getting fewer.

Hence the harvest is as big as ever and people are getting lost and clueless as never before. But who are these labourers? They are not just the bishops, priests, or religious men and women. But every baptized person is called in different capacity as God’s labourers to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those around them. 

So each of us has a vocation, a call to save souls and build the Kingdom of God together. Let us no be like the people of Israel in our first reading today, who abandoned their mission and vocation and choose to sacrifice to idols. Thus we heard the Lord saying through prophet Hosea:  “ they love sacrificing; right, let them sacrifice! They love meat; right, let them eat it! The Lord takes no pleasure in these. He is now going to remember their iniquity and punish their sins”.

Dear friends, the Lord desires to have faithful labourers. Are we among them? As labourers of the Lord, how are we carrying out this mission and mandate of Christ? How strong is our compassion towards others? Do we know people who are harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd? Let us look at them for a moment and imagine Jesus looking at them and saying something to them. Or do we feel harassed and helpless as a result of what we are passing through in life? Do we feel the need of Jesus’ help in some part of our life? Then turn to him for restoration.

Remember, as labourers, each one of us are called today to reach out to people at any particular corner of the field of harvest where we are now, for we may be the only person who may have access to reach out to them.  Therefore, let us start from our families, neighbours, colleagues in the office and others who we encounter in our lives, because, we may be the only person who can brings the healing and compassion of Jesus into their lives. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, give us the grace and courage to be faithful labourers in your vineyard, who will labour to bringing souls to you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Sunday, 3 July 2022

Homily for Monday Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time C, 4th July, 2022

 Readings: Hosea 2:14bc.15cd-16.19-20; Ps.145, Matt 9:18-26

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


There is no doubt that people are passing through a lot of difficulties as a result of the active presence of evil in the world which manifest itself in form of trails, temptations, sickness and challenges both physical and spiritually. So everyday we struggle against these troubles and tribulations, and people are doing everything they can to overcome them. 

But often time, it seems as if we are not making progress because we don’t have enough faith to subdue our challenges and out of fear we fall victim and helpless. The fact is that, we have faith but we have not been able to actively and radically put it into action like the official whose daughter had died but came to Jesus for help  and also the woman with a hemorrhage in our Gospel passage today.

For today, we are presented with the story of the faith of a woman with a hemorrhage set inside the story of a little girl who died and the father in faith came to Jesus for help. However, Mark 5:21-43 and Luke 8:40-56 tell the story in greater detail. In Mark and Luke, the woman with the hemorrhage interrupts Jesus’ journey to the home of a child who might die before he arrives, creating an urgency that is not present in Matthew’s account. In Matthew’s account, the girl is already dead, so there is no need to hurry. 

Here, the father confesses a resurrection faith, “My daughter has just died; but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.” The father believes that even Jesus’ slightest touch will restore life to his daughter likewise the woman with a hemorrhage. The stories of the little girl and the woman have interesting similarities: Both are called “daughter” (9:18,22). Both are restored in the presence of people (the woman and the father) who seek Jesus’ help. The woman has been ill for twelve years, and the little girl was twelve years old. Both the woman and the little girl have been cut off from normal society by their unhealthy physical condition.

But there are also differences between the two stories. The father is a man of high standing in the community, and the woman is unclean an outcast. The man approaches Jesus boldly, and the woman approaches him timidly. The girl was raised based on the father’s radical faith, the woman was restored through her own faith for she was very sure that the very moment she touched the Lord’s cloak all her troubles were ended, for her body was made whole again. 

This woman actually represents the sinful humanity in need of God’s mercy, salvation and restoration. Her bleeding signifies the iniquity of all humanity who are defiled by the constant shading of innocent blood through violent, wars and abortions, thereby unworthy of God’s presence. Her reaching out to touch Jesus and her restoration signifies the effort each one of us needs to make to reach out to God in order to be restored and finally the willingness of Jesus to heal all of us just as he had healed the woman from all of her troubles. But this requires that we radically put our faith into action.  

This can be linked to what prophet Hosea is saying in our first reading today, as he talks about God’s mercy, love and compassion for each and every one of us. Telling us that God will restore humanity once again and she will embrace God as her husband’, no longer will humanity be wallowing in ignorance worshiping of the Baals of this passing world. Because God will betroth us to Himself in faithfulness for ever, and will betroth us with integrity, justice, tenderness and love, so that we will come to know God and be restored once again.

Dear friends, today we are made to know that, it is not enough to have faith, we must radically put our faith into action no matter the circumstances we find ourselves. For it is through active faith that we can reach out to God in prayers and so obtain what we desired. Therefore, having faith in the Lord is necessary for us to obtain God’s restoration.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we thank you for the gift of faith, give us the grace and courage to put our gift of faith into positive action that yields positive results. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.  Do have a fruitful week ahead.

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Homily for Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, 3rd July, 2022

Homily for Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time  Year C, 3rd July, 2022

Reading: Is. 66:10-14; Ps. 66; Gal.6:14-18; Luke 10:1-12.17-20

Rev.  Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


The rebellious nature of humanity have always keep us away from responding to God's invitation to server him  as we  find it difficult to actively participate in the mission of Christ. This is because we have always failed to understand God’s ways of doing things. However, God has not stopped caring and stretching his hands of love to us. In every generation God always send messengers to remind us of his love and plan for humanity.

Thus, in our Gospel passage today, we heard how the Lord appointed seventy-two persons and sent them out ahead of him, in pairs, to all the towns and places he himself was to visit. He said to them: ‘The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to his harvest. Start off now, but remember, I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Carry no purse, no haversack, no sandals. Salute no one on the road. Whatever house you go into, let your first words be, “Peace to this house! 

Here, Jesus  gave us the nature and requirements for carrying out his missionary mandate successfully. So, to continue this great mission he invites his disciples and sent them out, commanding them to see themselves as someone who gives freely of the good they have received from God. Hence, we should offer to others what we have received from  God, knowing that it has cost us nothing. We must live a life of detachment that is, in this mission, we are to depend totally on God's providence. Unfortunately, many of the disciples have to face rejection and persecutions from people, who through their rebellious attitude have refused to believe in God even though He has always been so patient, loving, caring and forgiving us.

Thus, We heard  Paul in our second reading today saying: the only thing I can boast about is the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world. It does not matter if a person is circumcised or not; what matters is for him to become an altogether new creature. Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, who form the Israel of God. And prophet Isaiah in our first reading said: rejoice, Jerusalem, be glad for her, all you who love her! Rejoice, rejoice for her, all you who mourned her! 

Dear friends, what is our attitude towards the missionary mandate of Christ? How has the Word of God shape our lives. How are we contributing towards the missionary mandate of Christ? As disciples of Christ, we have received a lot from God without payment; we should learn to give without expecting reward. Therefore,  are called to acknowledge with gratitude all that we have received from God and give freely to others that which we have received. For this act of charity will purify us from pride and self-righteousness, because we are all recipients of God's love, mercy, forgiveness, favour, protection, healing and deliverance. So, we must offer to others these same gifts which we have received.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, today you gave us the requirements and nature of our missionary mandate. Help us to effectively follow these requirements  and so fulfill your plan for humanity. We ask this through Christ our Lord Amen. God bless you

Homily For Friday Third Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 31st January, 2025. The Memorial of St. John Bosco

  Readings: Heb. 10: 32-39, Ps.37, Mark 4:26-34 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. GROWING YOUR FAITH LIKE THE GRAIN OF MUSTARD SEED In the sc...