The Homily for Wednesday in Octave of Easter, 20th April, 2022
Readings: Acts.3:1-10; Ps. 104; Luke 24:13-35
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.
Oftentimes, we hardly understand fully the meaning of the faith we profess in Christ. Though we still journey with Christ and his Church without full understanding of the mystery we celebrate. Sometimes we are confused, sometimes we doubt, sometimes we feel like going back to our ugly and sinful ways of life. This type of disposition is the condition of the two disciples of Jesus in our Gospel passage today, where we heard the story about the two disciples who were on their way to Emmaus.
The story of these two disciples on the road to Emmaus is one of the most interesting stories in the Gospel that explains the structure of our liturgical celebration in a more practical way. In this story, they were on a journey when the risen Lord joined them on the way and explained the scriptures to them. These two disciples have no idea who Jesus was when he approached them. They are aware, however, of the recent events in Jerusalem but could not comprehend it. But the Lord after explaining the scriptures, revealed his identity to them at the breaking of bread, when he took a loaf of bread, and given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them just like he did at the last Supper.
Dear friends, in this same way, the risen Lord journeys with us in our liturgical worship, beginning with the penitential rite where we recall how sinful and unworthy we are before God. Then we recalled the events of our faith as the Lord Jesus takes us through the Scriptures and the celebration of the Eucharist. Here the faith of the faithful is sustained. It is the place where Jesus continues to reveal himself. Where the Christian faith is born and nurtured, where what Jesus did for us through his suffering, death and resurrection is remembered in thanksgiving. This is the faith Peter and John exercised in our first reading today, when they restored the crippled in the name of Jesus.
But the question we need to ask ourselves are, what is our disposition towards the faith we have found in Christ? Have we personally encountered or recognized the presence of God in our lives, especially at Eucharistic celebration? Today the Lord Jesus wishes to journey with us in our struggles. He wishes to instruct us more about the faith we found in him. He wishes to reveal himself once again for to us if we are going to be disposed enough to listen to him as he speaks to us especially through the scriptures.
LET US PRAY: Loving Jesus, as we journey together on the road of faith with you, especially in the midst of the ugly situation ravaging the world, help us to always recognize you personally in different events we encounter on the way, especially at the breaking of the Eucharistic bread. You who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. Peace be with you.