Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Homily for Thursday Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 19th August, 2021

 Homily for Thursday Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 19th August, 2021.

 Readings: Judges 11:29-39; Ps.40; Matt. 22:1-14

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


In this life we are so busy with so many things, that if care is not taking we will miss out from the essence of our existence. Today, the streets are full of people struggling and bobbling, the markets are full of people buying and selling and people rising very early in the morning and coming back late at night. This shows us how much effort people put in everyday just to earn their daily bread, I thought if we can sincerely put in such amount of effort in order to catch up with the train of eternal life which God is inviting us in today’s Gospel passage.

For today, from the parable of the marriage feast, the Lord offers us again an invitation to the banquet of heaven. An invitation which is God's free act of kindness, as He wishes to dine with us. No one deserves it anyway, and He is not obliged to invite us nor are we compared to honour his invitation. Hence in the parable, those who think that they deserve to be invited are too busy to enter the banquet hall. But the poor in spirit and the humble who know that the love God has for them is completely gratuitous, accepted his invitation with joy. 

Dear friends, we are called today not to be too busy to come to our heavenly banquet. For God’s banquet is his Church, good and bad, saints and sinners are invited, for the Church is made up of saints and sinners. The bad are expected to become good while sinners are expected to repent and put on a new garment of holiness and love. As Christians, today we are reminded of our wedding garment, the new suit we put-on on the day of baptism. 

Therefore, we cannot go on wearing the old garments of sins of pride, greed, adultery, fornication, theft, drunkenness, selfishness and unforgivingness which will throw us into the dark, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth, for many are called, but few are chosen. Thus, we should put on the garment of love, holiness and open the doors of our hearts to the poor, the marginalized and those rejected by the society. We should not make unnecessary promises to God to prove our loyalty like Jephthah in our first reading today for we may find it difficult to fulfill.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, everyday you invite us to your heavenly banquet. As we honor your invitation today may we never be distracted by the vain glory of this passing world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a successful day.

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Wednesday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 18th August, 2021.

 Wednesday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 18th August, 2021.

Readings:  Judges 9:6-15; PS.21; Matt. 20:1-16

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Oftentimes, when we are passing through the dark moment of life, it seems as if all hope is gone. We put up all our energy and enthusiasm struggling and hoping for a better and brighter moment. Sometimes it seems as if that brighter moment won’t come. The truth is that, our time of favour and success is not determine by how long or strenuous we have struggled, but on our disposition towards God's time of grace and generosity, for God alone decides how to reward us for our efforts. All we need is to be disposed to do his will at all times. 

This is what the parable of the vineyard labourers in our Gospel passage today is teaching us, especially as regards to our disposition towards embracing the kingdom of God. So from the Gospel, the landowner went beyond justice, for motivated by compassion he employed labourers at different times and at the end he decided to paid them the same wages as agreed with those who were hired first, of which they felt bad for the landowner’s generosity towards those hired last.

Here the human mind suspects injustice, while the heart of God sees only an opportunity to be generous. This generosity of God calls us to be generous too; but out of envy we often selfishly consider ourselves more deserving than others. 

However, we can identify three kinds of persons from this parable: First, those who are like the landowner who hires people to get a job done, but with sympathies for those to be employed. Secondly, the unemployed waiting desperately in the market place and thirdly, the labourers who consider themselves more deserving than others.  Thus, we all need to ask ourselves, among these three groups where do I belong? This is important because the way workers and labourers are being treated in our societies this days are really appalling. For those who are meant to lead and shepherd the people are talking advantage of the people they are called to shepherd. Thus, we heard Jotham in our first reading today saying: Hear me, leaders of Shechem, that God may also hear you.

Dear friends, today, the duties neglected by our leaders are going to be taken over by God himself, who is the Good Shepherd. He assures us that even though we are the least, the nobodies and most neglected in the eyes of the world, He will not forget us, for He has time and plan for everyone and will continue to provide for our daily needs. But warns the leaders that they should change their greedy and sinful ways, because when the Lord’s time comes, the last will be the first and the first, last. For in his kingdom, there is time and plan for everyone with equal grace and equal status.

LET US PRAY: Almighty God, today you promised to take good care of your sheep yourself as you warn us to change from our sinful, greed and corrupt ways of life. Help us to change and be more caring, loving and to always be disposed to doing your will. As we go about our daily activities, may your favour  follow us even to the last hour, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Homily for Tuesday Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 17th August, 2021

 Homily for Tuesday Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 17th August, 2021

Readings:  Judges 6:11-24; Ps. 85; Matt. 19:23-30

Fr. Emmanuel Onyia.


Material possessions are gifts from God and he alone gives us the right to them. But what we possess is meant to help us grow in our relationship with God and neighours not to separate us from them, because if we are not careful, too much love for material possession can be an obstacle on our way to God’s Kingdom. 

Little wonder Jesus in our Gospel passage today says:  “I tell you solemnly, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Yes, I tell you again, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven”. When the disciples heard this they were astonished. And they said, “Who can be saved, then?” Jesus gazed at them and said “For men this is impossible; for God everything is possible”.

Here, Jesus tells his disciples about the need to live a life of detachment. For they saw how the rich young man was so sad when Jesus demanded that he should share his possessions with others in order to acquire treasures in heaven by following him. Thus, there is need for us to be prune from our excess love for material possession, because, for a camel to enter through a narrow gate, it must kneel in order for its load to be taken off. We too must learn how to humbled and detached ourselves from excess attachment to material things of this passing world. 

The fact remains, that, material possessions in themselves are good, for we would not survive for long without them, but excess attachment to it at the expense of eternal life is grade one suicide. No doubt, it is difficult to give out or share our possession, but the ones who give up everything are the ones who receives more in this life as well as in heaven, just like Gideon in our first reading, who when encountered the angel of the Lord said:  I beg you, do not go away until I come back. I will bring you my offering and set it down before you.’

Dear friends, detaching and sharing what we possess with others especially the poor is a sure way to finding life, peace, happiness. And Jesus is telling us that it will be difficult for us to enter his kingdom when we choose to attach ourselves in the riches of this passing world. Though material possessions are gifts from God and he alone gives us the right to have them, but what we possess is not meant to separate us from God, rather, they should help us to grow in our relationship with God and neighours.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are living in a world where materialism is the order of the day, help us to learn how to live a life of detachment and prune us always from the sin of pride, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Sunday, 15 August 2021

Homily for Monday Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 16th August, 2021

 Homily for Monday Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 16th August, 2021.

Readings: Judges 2:11-19; Ps. 106; Matt. 19:16-22

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


The way people are so much attached to the things of this passing world with little or no attention to the things that edifice the soul is quite alarming. People can go to any length to acquire properties, treasures, fame, influence and power that will last from forth to tenth generations, without thinking of that which will lead to life eternal. 

This is likely the mind set of the young man in our Gospel passage today, who claimed to have kept all the commandment without realizing that he has actually abandoned the fundamental principle of the commandment which have to do with loving and caring for the poor. 

So Jesus draws his attention to this fundamental principle of our human existence, when he said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go and sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me”. This really touched his ego and pride, so he suddenly became very sad and dejected, and went away sorrowfully.

This is why a proud and possessive person will find it difficult to remain faithful in their relationship with God and neighours just like the people of Israel in our first reading, who have constantly being disobedient and proud in their relationship with God and their neighbours, an ugly attitude that is leading them to destruction. So the Lord in anger handed them over to pillagers who plundered them; he delivered them to the enemies surrounding them. However, out of mercy God appointed judges for them, and rescued theml from the hands of their plunderers. But they would not listen to their judges. They prostituted themselves to other gods, and bowed down before the idols.

Dear friends, today Jesus touched the very thing that this young rich man was not ready to give up, his money, his houses, his credentials, his power, pride and all his wealth. But, if we are honest enough, we will admit that we all have some things we would be very slow to let go if Jesus should make the same demand of us. Things we would not like God to ask us to give up. 

In fact, it might be a good thing today for us to ask ourselves, what would be the most difficult thing for us to give up if Jesus should ask us to do so. It might be some thing we own like our house, or it might be a relationship, or our job, or our wealth or our secret immoral and sinful habits. Whatever that we posses that will separate us from our mission of following Jesus and loving our neighbours, today we are called to give them up and come follow the Lord.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are so much attached to things of this passing world, help us to know that excess attachment to our earthly possessions could be an obstacle on our way to your Kingdom. Give us the grace to let go of things that often separate us from you as we learn to share with our neighbours especially the poor. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen Do have a great week ahead.

Saturday, 14 August 2021

Homily for Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, 15th August, 2021. Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

 Homily for Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, 15th August, 2021. Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Readings:  Rev .11:19;12:1-6.10, Ps. 45, 1Cor. 15:20-27, Luke 1:39-56

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


With ugly events we hear and experience in our world today there is no doubt in my mind that the world is a battlefield between the forces of life and death, good and evil. And forces of death and evil seem to be having the upper hand as we can see in cases of killings, hatred, betrayals, greed, social and economic injustice all over the world. Thus, there is this constant fear of what becomes of us when we die. Where are we going when we die? Is death the end of life? Is there another life after death? 

The answer to these questions is found in today’s solemnity: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The solemnity where we celebrate the mystery of the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary body and soul into heaven. An event which shows the triumph of life over death and good over evil. For since Christ’s divine body did not undergo corruption, it follows that his mother’s body, which forever contains a cell component of his Divinity would not be allowed to experience corruption, but would be taken into heaven and be reunited with Christ. For as we know, a particle of God, is God entirety. And the Psalmist says: that you will not leave my soul among the dead, nor let your Holy one know decay (Ps. 16.10). 

Thus, on 1 November, 1950, Pope Pius XII proclaimed as Dogma that the Virgin Mary “having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory”. This truth of faith as known by Tradition, was affirmed by the Fathers of the Church, and was an important aspect in the veneration of the Mother of Christ. This Dogma appears as an act of praise and exaltation of God’s grace in the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It also emerges for the honour of her Son Jesus and for the joy and exultation of the entire Church.

Little wonder, our readings today help us to understand better this mystery. For in our first reading we heard of the revelation of the victorious power of God, who through a woman has overcome the evil that threatened to destroy humanity. Telling us that the salvation, victory, power and the kingdom have now been won for us by our God, for the authority of his Christ has come.

And St. Paul in our second reading made us to know that Christ has been raised from the dead, the first-fruits of all who have fallen asleep. For death came through one man and in the same way the resurrection of the dead has come through one man. Just as all men die in Adam, so all men will be brought to life in Christ. Meanwhile, in our Gospel passage, we heard Mary’s glorification of God’s power and victory, for God through Christ has remembered his mercy for humanity as he had promised to Abraham and all his descendants for ever.

Therefore, through this Mary’s Assumption into Heaven, we understand better that even though our daily lives may be marked by trials, persecutions and difficulties, our death is not the end, but the entrance into life that knows no death for we are made to share in God’s Heavenly Kingdom. So, the Assumption reminds us that Mary’s life, like that of every Christian, is a journey of following, following Jesus, a journey that has a very precise destination, a future already marked out, for the definite victory over sin and death, in order for us to be in full communion with God.

Dear friends, how can this solemnity of the Assumption of Mary help us on our journey towards our heavenly kingdom? What message is God passing to us in this solemnity? In this solemnity of Assumption, we find the message of faith and hope, that in God there is room for humanity, God is humanity’s true home and in us there is also room for God. Hence, Pope Benedict XVI says that One thing is certain, that is, our hope in God: that God expects us, God waits for us, we do not go out into a void, we are expected. 

God is expecting humanity, for as we pass to the other side of life, we will find the goodness of our Blessed Mother, we will find our loved ones, we will find eternal Love Christ our Saviour. For he is waiting for us, since we are made to share in his glory. And this is our greatest joy and the great hope that is born from this solemnity. This reality makes us victorious over death and the evil of this world. Therefore, we should not be afraid for God has made us victorious over sin and death in order to share in Christ glory. Let us then entrust our Christian journey to Mary's Motherly intercession since she is the consolation and hope of the people still on this journey of faith. 

LET US PRAY, Heavenly Father, we thank you, for knowing how fragile our lives are in this passing world, so you gave us the message of faith and hope through the mystery of the Assumption of Mary. As we celebrate this mystery, may we be filled with the joy of your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful Sunday celebration.

Friday, 13 August 2021

Homily for Saturday Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 14th August, 2021. The Memorial of St. Maximilian kolbe

 Homily for Saturday Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 14th August, 2021. The Memorial of St. Maximilian kolbe

Readings: Jos. 24:14-29; Ps. 16; Matt. 19:13-15

Rev. Fr.  Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


What determines our attitude and behaviour in life is our fundamental option, which has to do with our choice for or against God. This is a choice we make consciously or unconsciously that guides and shape our lives. Knowing the importance of this choice, Joshua had to make this option for himself and his family and also encouraging others to do the same when he said to the people of Israel "choose this day whom you will serve... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Jos 24:14 -29).

 The choice for God is a choice for love, and a life of love is a sacrificial life neither easy nor comfortable. A kind of choice made by St. Maximilian Kolbe, whose memorial we celebrate today, for he heroically offered his life in place of another man who had been selected for execution, seeing how the man was filled with despair over the welfare of his wife and children. Maximilian being a priest chose to die in place of this man, so that he can be united once again with his family. What a great lesson and example for us to value that gift of love that God has given humanity in the sacramental union of marriage.

 Dear friends, to chose God, we must identify ourselves with Christ who is full of love, goodness and holiness and build a good relationship with others. We must learn to sacrifice in humility just like little children. Little wonder Jesus said in our Gospel passage: ‘Let the little children alone, and do not stop them coming to me; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’ So, Jesus appreciate it when in childlike humility we make the fundamental option to serve him and to sacrifice for the good of others for we are called to taste and see that the Lord is good. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are called today to choose whom we will serve. As we make this fundamental option to serve you,  you help us to live by it all the days of our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. It's another weekend, may the Holy Spirit guide and direct our activities.

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Homily for Friday Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 13th August, 2021

 Homily for Friday Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 13th August, 2021. 

Readings: Jos. 24:1-13; Ps. 136; Matt. 19:3-12

Fr. Emmanuel Onyia.


The fragile nature of our society today has placed in the minds of the youths a distorted image of what marriage and family life entails and truly represent in the society. This is because many young people today find themselves in a condition of radical instability and look for people to help them answer the fundamental questions of life. Today there are different notion and understanding of marriage especially among the youths. Marriage is seen as a business which anybody can engage or disengage at anytime. 

Marriage among the youths of today is a thing of choice and contract which is suitable only when it serves their personal interest. Commitment, sacrifice and partnerships of a whole life are far from their understanding of what marriage truly represent. The fact remains that Marriage is the basis of every human family and indeed the basic cell of every community.

Little wonder in our Gospel passage today when the Pharisees engaged Jesus on the notion of divorce in marriage and it’s controversy. Jesus refer them to the fundamental principle of marriage when he said, Have you not read that the creator from the beginning made them male and female and that he said: This is why a man must leave father and mother, and cling to his wife, and the two become one body? They are no longer two, therefore, but one body. So then, what God has united, man must not divide.’ Addressing the issue of divorce, Jesus said ‘It was because you were so unteachable that why Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but it was not like this from the beginning. Now I say this to you: the man who divorces his wife, except for unchastity, marries another, is guilty of adultery. And he who marries a divorced wife commits adultery.  

 Here Jesus emphasized on the real intention of God about marriage and celibacy, that they are two forms of life that help us to value human sexuality as gift from God. He ruled out divorce by placing men and women on the same level; no longer could a man opt to divorce his wife, except for extreme unchastity. Today there are lots of problems in family due to lack of understanding of what marriage truly means. 

It is quite interesting to realize that social, economic and political factors were major determinants that shapes the youths present understand of marriage, as we see the youths giving importance to changing trends in marriage such as: single parent, inter-caste marriage, living in relationship or cohabitation, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender marriages, etc. Hence, marriage for them is more of a social phenomenon than spiritual union and physical companionship.

Little wonder Joshua in our first reading today reminded the people of Israel and all of us how faithful God has been to us and the need of us to be faithful with him,  when in the reading, he gathered all the tribes of Israel together at Shechem and they presented themselves before God. For we have abandoned and divorced him, by trusting on our own power and ability which he has given us. Yet God still remembers the covenant he made with us, he is not ashamed to identify with us. All he wants is for us to come back to him now that we are still alive for he is a merciful and faithful husband who loves us as his bride. 

Dear friends, today we are called to embrace the will of God and his teaching concerning family life and the issue of divorce. We should not let the trending ideas of disordered personalities in our world mislead us. Rather, we should value and respect the sanctity marriage.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we have always failed to listen and follow you teaching, as a result, there are lots of problems in  our families due to lack of understanding of what marriage truly means. As we listen to your teaching today, help us to value our vocation whether marriage or celibate life and to constantly struggle to fix the problems in our families, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. God bless you.

Homily For Wednesday Second Week in Ordinary Time Year A, 22nd January 2025

Readings: Heb.7:1-3.15-17; Ps. 110; Mark 3:1-6 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. HUMAN WELFARE SHOULD NOT BE NEGLECTED BECAUSE OF THE ANY LAW...