Readings: Deut 4:1-2.6-8, Ps.15; James 1:17-18.21-22.27; Mark 7:1-8.14-15.21-23
Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.
we find it difficult to separate the commandments of God from human traditions.
This no doubt plays out in our making and interpreting of laws and it has great
consequences in our relationship with God and our neighbours just as we have it
in our Gospel passage today, where we heard how the Pharisees multiplied
religious laws and rituals to such an extent that it was impossible to know
them all, talk more of observing them.
Jesus accuses them of neglecting the true commandment of God over their petty
regulations. For they neglected the instructions of Moses in our first reading
today who said to the people: “take notice of the laws and customs that I teach
you today. You must add nothing to what I command you, and take nothing from
it, but keep the commandments of the Lord your God just as I lay them down for
you”. But they have added petty laws and traditions highly detailed which the
Scribes and Pharisees regarded as having the same binding force as the Laws God
gave to Moses.
Jesus was not totally against these laws and regulations. What he was against
was the legalism by which the mere observance of some external actions were
equated with being a devout lover of God. Hence he reminds them of the quotes
from the prophet Isaiah saying: “this people honours me only with lip service,
while their hearts are far from me. The worship they offer me is worthless; the
doctrines they teach are only human regulations.” (Is 29:13).
wonder Jesus makes it clear that we are not defiled or separated from God, by
external things, such as the kinds of food we eat, but by the sins of the
heart, evil intentions and sinful actions which we entertain in our hearts.
Telling us that physical activity of the human person does not defile a person
because the physical is being controlled by the interior being of the person.
For when the interior life of a person is corrupted by sin, then the fruit of
this corruption is manifested in the physical activity of the person’s life.
just as a corrupt fountain sends forth corrupt streams, so will a corrupt heart
bring forth corrupt fruits, corrupt appetites, corrupt passions and
covetousness and excess desires for worldly things from which comes wickedness;
malice, hatred, and a delight in mischievous actions, deceit; Lasciviousness;
that filthiness and foolish talk which darkened the human soul and keep us away
from our God.
Jesus teaches us that from a corrupt heart comes the desire for fornication and
adultery. Therefore, the defilement we ought to avoid is not from what entered
our mouths as food, but from what comes out of our mouths, which shows the
goodness or corruption deep down in our hearts. For the human heart is the
source of every good and evil deeds.
the pollution of the human heart is very dangerous, for in it comes all the
powers and faculties of the soul. So there is need for us to know that lustful
and sinful thoughts of the heart defiles the human person and makes one
abominable in the sight of God. And St. James in our second reading tells us to
do away with all the impurities and bad habits that are still left in us. But
accept and submit to the word of God which has been planted in us and can save
our souls. Thus, he encouraged us to be doers of the Word of God and not just
hearers and thereby deceiving ourselves.
friends, there can be some elements of the Pharisee in us and these happen
whenever, we focus our attention on laws while neglecting the spirit of the
law. So we must ensure that our hearts are constantly purged of all these
corruptions in other to bear good fruits of love, forgiveness, compassion and
holiness. For it is only when this occurs that there will be need for a new
hearts and right spirit to be formed and created within us.
nothing will last in the soul more than the regenerating graces of the Holy
Spirit which gives sight to the heart darkened by sin in order to effectively
lead others to the truth that illuminates their hearts from the darkness of sin
and death. So why not be one of those
holy and pure souls which humanity desire to have in our generation.
PRAY: Heavenly Father, the human hearts have been corrupted and darkened by
sins and this has made us to abandoned your commandment of love. As we struggle
to constantly purge our hearts from sin and corruption, may you create a pure
heart within us so that we can bear good fruits of love and holiness. We ask
this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing a blessed Month.