Friday, 31 May 2024

Homily For Saturday Eight Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 1st June 2024. The Memorial of St. Justin, Martyr (Happy New Month)


Readings: 1 Jude 17.20-25, Ps.63; Mark 11:27-33

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




In our dealings with people, we are often requested to make reference to authorities in order to back up our claim to know or possess anything. And when such authority is not available our proposal may not be taken seriously. Little wonder our gospel passage today, presents to us the fundamental question concerning the source of Jesus’ authority, namely whether it is divine or human. Here, after Jesus drove away the traders from the courts of the Temple, the chief priests and elders questioned the source of his authority, for they were more concerned to learn whether Jesus had received the proper human authorization by questioning the source of his authority.


In response, Jesus draws their attention to John the Baptist and his authority and by so doing he implies that the source of John's authority is the source of his as well. Thus, anyone who correctly identifies the source of John's authority will identify the source of Jesus’ own as well. Therefore the questions we need to ask ourselves are: What is our notion about the authority of Jesus? Do we have any doubt about the authority of Jesus? How much of this authority dwells in you? The crowds identified the source of John and Jesus’ authority as divine. Have we personally identified the divine authority of Jesus in our lives? Why not ask him to manifest his power and authority once more in your life?


Dear friends, we need to open up our hearts to truly embrace the authority of the Lord Jesus. We need to build up our interior lives around his authority, so as to be closer to God and continue to prepare ourselves physically and spiritually for the coming of our Lord Jesus in our hearts and our souls. For there he awaits our response to his invitation to holiness and love. Little wonder St. Jude in our first reading today said when some have doubts reassure them; when there are some to be saved from the fire, pull them out; but there are others to whom you must be kind with great caution.


So, like St. Justin whose memorial we celebrate today, we are called to learn to identify our authority with that of Jesus. He was known for his desire to establish a peaceful relationship between the Church and the state. For through his writings, he tried to convince Emperor Marcus Aurelius to end the persecution of Christians by the Roman state which led to his martyrdom with some of his followers in the year 165.


Today however, St. Justin no doubt, has shown us through his works and interactions, with pagan philosophers and even with the Emperor, that it is indeed possible to be fully faithful and committed to God while exercising our authority and position by living in harmony as a law-abiding citizens of the community and the state even in the midst of persecutions and operations as we experience in our societies today.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, in your divine authority we build our confidence and hope. May you continue to direct and guide our ways and bring our plans and purposes to a successful end. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a happy and fruitful weekend.

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Homily For Friday Eight Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 31st May 2024. The Feast of Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Reading: Zeph.3:14-18; Ps. Is. 12:2-6; Luke 1:39-56

Rev.  Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia




Every last day of May, we celebrate the Feast of Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A great Marian feast on which we conclude our May devotion in a grand style in procession, with hymns and candlelight, singing along with our Mother Mary in thanksgiving to God for the good work of our salvation.


So, today’s feast as we have it in our Gospel passage, reminds us of the moment when Mary, after the event of Annunciation, having received the message from Angel Gabriel, came to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who is now pregnant with a child. For at that time, Mary was just having the Child Jesus in her not long after he was conceived in her womb by the power of the Holy Spirit, while Elizabeth, who had become pregnant earlier, was having John the Baptist in her womb, even in her old age.


Here, Mary sang the Magnificat in honour to God for the great thing he has done not just for her, but for all humanity. For having heard that her cousin Elizabeth, who at that time had been long barren had now conceived a child, came and found out that what the Lord had revealed to her through the Angel Gabriel was indeed true, that her cousin Elizabeth had miraculously conceived in her old age. And herself, about to have a Child without any human relations but by the power of the Holy Spirit. These made Mary rejoice greatly, for it was truly a great and joyful moment which God had shown to all his people.


Hence, this grace-filled event reveals the special role that Mary played in God’s plan for human salvation. So, as she brings the Word of life dwelling in her womb to Elizabeth, Mary becomes the image of the Church’s missionary activity for she is filled with the spirit ready to visit and bring Christ to all humanity.


This also presents to us the joyful moment when Mary bearing the Word Made Flesh visited barren and lonely humanity well represented by the person of Elizabeth. Thus, in this act of kindness, we recall the faith and the wonderful commitment shown by Mary, as an example and inspiration to all of us. For she totally obeyed the Lord and entrusted herself completely to the divine will of God.


Dear friends, visitation is part and parcel of our mission, just that we are so busy with everything except the very essence of our mission, which is, the salvation of our souls. The fact remains that, there is joy and power in visiting one another just like Mary. There is grace and a sense of belonging in visiting one another.


Do you know that some visitations bring healing, restoration and joy? Do you wish to have or give such kind of visitation? For there is inner healing and restoration when we visit each other. So today, who do you wish to visit or who will you like to visit you today? How will you feel if any of your loved ones should pay you a surprise visit today? How will you feel if your presence brings joy and happiness to someone today?


Why not try to visit someone today? Why not try to visit your friends, colleagues, classmates, workers, family members and neighbours whom you have abandoned for a long time? Why not try to learn from Mary, for in her we have found a great role model? So, by following her example we also embark on our journey of faith, learning from her obedience and dedication to the mission that has been entrusted to her throughout her life, just as we are entrusted with the task of spreading the Gospel passage to all humanity.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, only the soul for whom you have done great things can truly proclaim with fitting praise the joy of your presence. As we embrace your words today through the visitation of our Mother Mary, we joyfully surrender unto you, our whole life, our senses, our barrenness and loneliness, for our spirit rejoices at the coming of Christ Jesus our Saviour, and may this joy always remain in our hearts through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Homily For Thursday of the Eight Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 30th May 2024


Readings: 1Pet. 1:18-25; Ps.147; Mark 10:46-52

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




There is no doubt that Jesus has shown his compassionate love for humanity in different ways, especially to the poor, the sick and those possessed by the unclean Spirit. This attitude of Jesus which springs from the love of God the Father constitutes the basis of the Church’s liberating activity which is rooted in our faith in God.


Little wonder in our Gospel passage today, Bartimaeus, the blind beggar gives us a complete lesson about faith, expressed with total simplicity in front of Christ Jesus. He had faith enough to call out to Jesus as he passed by, even when he was scolded by the people close to him, his need for Jesus was so great that he cried all the louder, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!


Then Jesus asks an unusual question “What do you want me to do for you?” So even though his need was obvious, Jesus wanted him to mention it. In the same way today, Jesus is asking us: my child what do you want me to do for you? Why not like this blind beggar tell Jesus your need. Even though he knows your needs, you still need to present them before him. This blind man needed his eyesight restored, so he said aloud to Jesus, “Lord, that I may see!” And Jesus said: ‘Go your way; your faith has saved you.’


Here, we see a man whose faith led him to put off his former identity and cry in the hope of restoration. Bartimaeus’s faith involves proclamation, prayer, liberation, personal encounter and following of Jesus. More so, Jesus in this healing reveals his compassion towards human sufferings and wants us to imitate Bartimaeus’s faith in our struggles and challenges of life.


Dear friends, what is that one thing you need in your life? Have we ever felt helpless and neglected? Do we feel the need for Jesus’s help in some part of our lives? Do we know people who are helpless and need some help? How strong is our compassion towards them? Let us look at them for a moment and imagine Jesus looking at them. How does he see them? Why not in faith present our needs before Jesus who is willing and ready to help us? For St. Peter, in our second reading today reminds us that we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a people set apart to sing the praises of God who called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.


So, like Jesus, each one of us is called today to reach out to people around us who are really in need of our assistance. This includes our family members, our neighbours, our colleagues and others who we encounter in life. The truth is that you may be the only person who can bring the healing and compassion of Jesus into their lives.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, as we present our needs before you today, may we experience once again your compassionate love and grant our hearts desire according to your Holy will, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you God’s favour and blessings.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Homily For Wednesday Eight Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 29th May 2024

Readings: 1Pet. 1:18-25; Ps.147; Mark 10:32-45

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




One of the most ugly attitudes of most of our leaders today is the love of power, people are ready to do anything just to grab power. People kill, kidnap, blackmail and condemn others because of their ambition to hold power and sustain it. This ugly attitude of mankind is well displayed in our Gospel passage today when the two sons of Zebedee requested that Jesus should promise that they should sit one at his right hand and the other at his left in his kingdom.


This unfortunate request was made while Jesus was telling his disciples about his passion and death. But instead of reflecting on the seriousness of the words of Jesus, they were busy quarrelling over who grabs power as most people do today. For  when the other ten heard about the request made by these two sons of Zebedee, they were indignant with the two brothers. perhaps because they had misinterpreted Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom and presumed that it would be a kingdom in which they would have honour and prestige like most people think today.


But Jesus called them and said, ‘You know that among the pagans the rulers lord it over them, and their great men make their authority felt. This is not to happen among you. No; anyone who wants to be great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be your slave, just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.


Dear friends, true greatness is found in sincere service to others and not in over-ambition for power nor by plotting against others. This ugly attitude is what we often experience in our families, societies and our country today. Where people do all kinds of evil in order to grab power and sustain it.


Little wonder St. Peter in our second reading today said: Remember, the ransom that was paid to free you from the useless way of life your ancestors handed down was not paid in anything corruptible, neither in silver nor gold, but in the precious blood of a lamb without spot or stain, namely Christ. You have been obedient to the truth and purified your souls until you can love like brothers, in sincerity; let your love for each other be real and from the heart.


Friends, I don’t know what your experience has been as regards to serving others. I don’t know which of the characters in our readings can best describe our attitude towards power. Are we like the sons of Zebedee? Is our attitude like that of the ten disciples? Is our attitude like that of the pagan rulers who lord it over others? Whichever category we fall in, today we are called to be humble like Jesus who came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Therefore, as leaders, we should see ourselves as servants and not seek after status beyond our reach or plot the downfall of others. Remember, ambition can be a good thing but only if it is kept in check and if pursued for the right reason, that is, to serve others.


 LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are often consumed by excess love for power, which we often misuse and abuse.  As we listen to your teaching today, may we learn to use the power and authority entrusted to us in humble service for the common good of all. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a favourable day.

Monday, 27 May 2024

Homily For Tuesday Eighth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 28th May 2024


Readings: 1Peter 1:10-16;  Ps.98; Mark: 10:28-31

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




In our world today people can go to any length to acquire properties, treasures, fame, influence and power just to secure their future and the future of their tenth generation. But we hardly take time to prepare for our spiritual life or sacrifice for the sake of our soul about the Kingdom of God.


This is exactly the mindset of most people today, and this is not different from the disposition of some of the disciples of Jesus. Little wonder Peter in our Gospel passage today, asked Jesus a very important question about sacrificing everything for the sake of following him. So, in response, Jesus said to him: ‘I tell you solemnly, there is no one who has left house, brothers, sisters, father, children or land for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel who will not be repaid a hundred times over, not without persecutions now in this present time and, in the world to come, eternal life.


Here, Jesus is reassuring us that all those who have given everything committed their time and efforts, and are making sacrifices for the sake of his kingdom would not be disappointed nor left without rewards. Their reward in the end will be truly great, for God remembers those who love him and have given themselves for his sake. He will guide them and remain with them throughout their journey no matter how tough it may be.


Hence, we heard  St. Peter in our first reading saying:  put your trust in nothing but the grace that will be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. Do not behave in the way that you liked before you learnt the truth; rather, make a habit of obedience: be holy in all you do, since it is the Holy One who has called you, and scripture says: Be holy, for I am holy.


Dear friends, what would be the most difficult thing for us to give up if Jesus should ask us to do so? Those things we so much attached ourselves with and would not like God to ask us to give them up for the sake of following him. Will you let go of things such as money, houses, credentials, love of power, pride and wealth or our relationship, our job, our habits and attitudes? These will be extremely difficult because we are living in a world of materialism and egoism.


But the Lord is asking us to leave them and follow him for we will surely be rewarded for sacrificing them for the sake of his mission. Also, whatever we possess that will separate us from our mission of following Jesus and loving our neighbours, today we are called to give them up and come follow the Lord because in leaving them for the sake of Jesus, we gain all in abundance.


LET US PRAY, Lord God, we are distracted with the things of this passing world. Give us the grace to let go of things that often separate us from your Mission and the obstacles on our way to your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a fruitful day.

Sunday, 26 May 2024

Homily For Monday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 27th May 2024

Readings: 1Peter 1:3-9  Ps. 111; Mark: 10:17-27

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




A critical observation of how humanity is so much attached to the things of this passing world with little or no attention to the things that edifice the human soul and lead to eternal life is quite alarming. People can go to any length to acquire properties, treasures, fame, influence and power that will last from the fourth to their tenth generations, without thinking of how to acquire that which will lead them to life eternal.


This is exactly the mindset of most people today, and this is not different from the disposition of the rich man and some of the disciples of Jesus in our Gospel passage today, little wonder Peter asked Jesus a very important question about sacrificing everything for the sake of following him after the rich man walked away from Jesus because he could not let go of his riches and follow Jesus. So, in response, Jesus draws his attention to the fundamental principle of our human existence, when he said to him: My children, ‘how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.


Here, Jesus is not condemning human riches, so we should not think that he is asking or demanding that we should surrender all of our wealth and worldly possessions. No, that was not what he intended and we should not interpret the Gospel passage literally. Rather, what Jesus is saying is that we should learn to live a life of detachment in order to follow him wholeheartedly. That means we must put God first and above every other thing. We should not allow our worldly possessions, fame, wealth, influence and power to separate us from God and our salvation.


So, Jesus is reassuring us that all those who have given everything and committed their time and efforts, and are making sacrifices for the sake of his kingdom would not be disappointed nor left without rewards. Their reward in the end will be truly great, for God remembers those who love him and have given themselves for his sake. He will guide them and remain with them throughout their journey no matter how tough it may be.


Thus, we should not depend on worldly possession and power for they will rob us of true wisdom. Little wonder the psalmist says that in his riches man lacks wisdom, he is like the beasts that are destroyed. This is true because in his riches man lacks the fundamental principle of wisdom which is the fear of the Lord and we know that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Hence in our first reading today we heard St. Peter saying: You did not see him, yet you love him; and still, without seeing him, you are already filled with a joy so glorious that it cannot be described, because you believe; and you are sure of the end to which your faith looks forward, that is, the salvation of your souls. You did not see him, yet you love him; and still, without seeing him, you are already filled with a joy so glorious that it cannot be described, because you believe; and you are sure of the end to which your faith looks forward, that is, the salvation of your souls.


Dear friends, what is the essence of our existence in this world? What does God require from us in this life? Do you know that without God everything in life is vanity vanishing? So today Jesus addressed the very thing that most people are not ready to give up. Those things such as money, houses, credentials, love of power, pride and wealth. But, if we are honest enough, we will admit that we all have some things we would be very slow to let go of if Jesus should make the demand of them. Those things we so much attached ourselves with and would not like God to ask us to give them up for the sake of following him.


In fact, it might be a good thing today, for us to ask ourselves, what would be the most difficult thing for us to give up if Jesus should ask us to do so. It might be something we own like our properties, treasures, fame, influence power or wealth; it may be a relationship, our job, or our habits and attitudes. So, whatever we possess that will separate us from our mission of following Jesus and loving our neighbours, today we are called to give them up and come follow the Lord because in leaving them for the sake of Jesus, we actually gain all in abundance.


Therefore, let us not be carried away by the beauty of the things of this passing world, for nothing lasts forever. Rather, we should remain steadfast in our faith in God, who has called us to love him and to love one another, for that is all that the Lord has required from us in this life.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are so much attached to things of this passing world, help us to know that excess attachment to our earthly possessions could be an obstacle on our way to your Kingdom. Give us the grace to let go of things that often separate us from you as we learn to share with our neighbours especially the poor. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed week.

Saturday, 25 May 2024

Homily For Sunday of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Year B, 26th May 2024


Reading: Deut.  4:32-34,39-40; Ps. 32; Rom 8:14-17; Matt. 28:16-20

Rev.  Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia




Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. An event that occurs every first Sunday after the great event of Pentecost, which marks the end of the Easter season and renews the Baptism of the Church in the Holy Spirit. Hence, our attention is turned to the mysteries of heaven, where we gaze with an eye of faith into the mystery of God’s revelation of Himself


Therefore, this is a special feast that allows us to gaze into the communitarian life of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who live in a communion of love and calls us to participate in this love. Thereby reminding us of the marvellous plan of our salvation, that finds its origin in this Trinitarian love of the Father, who sent the Son and the Holy Spirit for the redemption of humanity, as we have been called to share in this family of love. This family of love is God’s nature that he shares with humanity through the Son Jesus, the Word Made Flesh and the Holy Spirit the Paraclete.


This solemnity reveals to us that “God is love not in the oneness of a single Person, but in the Trinity of one substance”, as we have it in the Preface of today’s celebration. Telling us that God is the creator and merciful Father; he is the Only-Begotten Son, the eternal Word of Wisdom incarnate, who died and rose for us; he is also the Holy Spirit the Paraclete, who moves all things in history, toward their final and full recapitulation. That is, three Persons who are ONE GOD, because, the Father is love, the Son is love made Flesh, and the Spirit is love in Action. For there is wholly ONE purest, infinite and eternal LOVE which is God and love which is God himself. This of course is always a mystery, a reality that surpasses human reason without contradiction.


Thus, in this Sunday’s solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, we celebrate the summary of God’s revelation which was brought about through the paschal mysteries of Christ’s Death, Resurrection and Ascension to the right hand of the Father, and the gracious outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This great mystery of the Triune God can not be comprehended by the human mind and language, hence the Church has called us to live it with deep faith and apply it in our daily lives.


Little wonder, our readings today tell us about this Trinitarian nature of God in human history, In the First Reading, we heard about the revelation of God’s active participation in the life of his people, as his servant Moses revealed to the people when he said: ‘Understand this today, therefore, and take it to heart: the Lord is God indeed, in heaven above as on earth beneath, he and no other. Keep his laws and commandments as I give them to you today, so that you and your children may prosper and live long in the land that the Lord your God gives you forever.


Similarly, Jesus after his resurrection instructed his disciples who had been cooperating in the life of the Trinity to go and introduce humanity into the New Life when he said: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time. This is a great act of love which shows us God’s love in action, illustrating that God is not closed or satisfied with his self-sufficiency, but he is that life of love that wants to communicate itself with his fragile creatures in an open and deep relationship.


Hence St Paul talking about this new relationship in our second reading, encouraged and invited us to share and participate actively in the communitarian family of love in the Trinity that is now open for all humanity when he said: everyone moved by the Spirit is a son of God. The spirit you received is not the spirit of slaves bringing fear into your lives again; it is the spirit of sons, and it makes us cry out, ‘Abba, Father!’ The Spirit himself and our spirit bear united witness that we are children of God. And if we are children we are heirs as well: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, sharing his sufferings so as to share his glory.


Dear friends, today’s solemnity invites us to embrace the new life we have found in the Trinity, that new life that calls us to the reality of love that is contained in the mystery of our faith. The One love of the Father, that is made Flesh in the Person of the Son, and in action in the Person of Holy Spirit, in a purely physical unity of which humanity is called to participate. Hence Jesus has revealed to us that we are essentially “God’s children”, creatures who live in a relationship with the Creator God the Father and are called to share this relationship with one another. Thereby reaching out to God and our fellow mankind, in whose life we discover the image of our common love in the Father.


Thus, in this love comes the model of the human community, originating from the Triune Family to our individual human families down to the society and the world at large, pointing to us that humanity is one, related in the love of God our common Father, through His Son Jesus in the active power of the Holy Spirit. This is the faith we have embraced and are called to share with all humility. Therefore, we are called to grow in this mission, knowing that, the Trinity is at the same time unity in love and mission, the deeper this love dwells in us, the stronger the urge to pour it out and spread it to all, beginning from our family, down to the society and the ends of the Earth.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, as you reveal the mystery of your nature which is love and calls us to share and participate in it, grant that humanity may come to embrace this loving kindness, and so be united as one family sharing one common Father in love and truth, we ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen. God bless you.

Friday, 24 May 2024

Homily For Saturday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 25th May 2024

Readings: James 5: 13-20; Ps. 141; Mark: 10:13-16

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




Oftentimes whenever we contemplate the kingdom of God, two questions come to mind, the first question is how will it look like? And the second question is how are we going to be part of it? These questions are very important because we wish to have the right disposition towards embracing the kingdom.


Hence in our Gospel passage today Jesus gave us the guiding principles of what should be our disposition towards the kingdom when he said: Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. I tell you solemnly, anyone who does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’


Here, Jesus surprised his disciples by welcoming little children and setting them as an example of what should be our attitude and disposition towards the kingdom. This is because children are docile, humble, teachable, loving, forgiven and dependent. Such disposition is necessary for anyone who wishes to embrace the kingdom of God. Thus, Jesus explains that in the kingdom of heaven, true greatness is found in humility and children serve as a symbol of humility for they are dependent on adults for everything just as we also are dependent on God. Little children serve as concrete symbols of simplicity which is a condition for entering the kingdom of heaven.


So, in children we see these great virtues of simplicity and humility being present. Then, we can understand why Jesus ordered that children should be brought to him and that nothing should be said or done to hinder them. Therefore, we must receive the kingdom of God as little children; we must stand affected by Christ and his grace, as little children to their parents and guidance.


Dear friends, how many of us today possess these qualities of little children? How many of us are docile to this invitation of Jesus calling us to be humble and obedient to God’s instructions? How many of us are still innocent and pure like little children? How many of them are peaceful, forgiven and loving like little children? Today the Lord is calling us to embrace these qualities of little children in order to have the right disposition towards embracing the kingdom of God.


Little wonder, St. James in our first reading today is calling us to embrace this childlike disposition towards fulfilling our mission of loving and forgiving one another when he said: My brothers, if one of you strays away from the truth, and another brings him back to it, he may be sure that anyone who can bring back a sinner from the wrong way that he has taken will be saving a soul from death and covering up a great number of sins. Therefore, let us in childlike disposition look out for one another as we embrace the kingdom of God.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, we have become so much engrossed with the competitive activities of this world out of pride, Grant that, we may embrace your kingdom with childlike humility and disposition that is rooted in the humble service of one another, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed and fruitful weekend.

Thursday, 23 May 2024

Homily For Friday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 24th May 2024


Readings: James 5: 9-12; Ps. 103; Mark: 10:1-12

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




The fragile nature of our society today has placed in the minds of the youths a distorted image of what marriage and family life entail and truly represent in society. This is because many young people today find themselves in a condition of radical instability and look for people to help them answer the fundamental questions of life. Today there are different notions and understandings of marriage especially among the youths.


Marriage is seen as a business in which anybody can engage or disengage at any time. Marriage among the youths of today is a thing of choice and contract which is suitable only when it serves their personal interest. Commitment, sacrifice and partnerships of whole life are far from their understanding of what marriage truly represents. The fact remains that Marriage is the basis of every human family and indeed the basic cell of every human community.


Little wonder in our Gospel passage today when the Pharisees engaged Jesus on the notion of divorce in marriage and its controversy. Jesus referred them to the fundamental principle of marriage when he said: It was because you were so unteachable that Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but it was not like this from the beginning. Because from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. This is why a man must leave his father and mother, and the two become one body. They are no longer two, therefore, but one body. So then, what God has united, man must not divide.


Here Jesus emphasized the real intention of God about marriage. He ruled out divorce by placing men and women on the same level; no longer could a man opt to divorce his wife. But, today there are lots of problems in families due to a lack of understanding of what marriage truly means. It is quite interesting to realize that social, economic and political factors were major determinants that shape the youth's present understanding of marriage, as we see the youths giving importance to changing trends in marriage such as single parent, inter-caste marriage, living in relationship or cohabitation, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender marriages, etc. Hence, marriage for them is more of a social phenomenon than spiritual union and physical companionship.


Dear friends, today we are called to embrace the will of God and his teaching concerning marriage and family life. We should not let the trending ideas of disordered personalities in our society mislead us. Rather, we should value and respect the Sanctity of marriage knowing that marriage is not just a contract but more of a covenant sealed with an oath that must not be broken. Hence St James in our first reading today said: do not swear by heaven or by the earth, or use any oaths at all. If you mean ‘yes’, you must say ‘yes’; if you mean ‘no’, say ‘no.’ Otherwise, you make yourselves liable to judgment.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, we have always failed to listen and follow your teaching, as a result, there are lots of problems in our families due to a lack of understanding of what marriage truly means. As we listen to your teaching today, help us to value our vocation whether marriage or celibate life and to constantly struggle to fix the problems in our families, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. God bless you.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Homily For Thursday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 23rd May 2024


Readings: James 6:1-5; Ps.49; Mark: 9:41-50

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




The way things are going in our societies today, we really need to think twice about our faith as Christians, and whether we are actually ready to live out our faith in the midst of the ugly situation in our country today. Because the way people are so attached to the things of this passing world is really disturbing, for this no doubt is affecting our Christian values and principles.


So, if we are willing to live out our Christian faith and obligations, then we need to make a radical decision towards our discipleship in a personal and radical way, for these days, it is not enough to say am a Christian, we must convincingly and radically demonstrate it.


Little wonder Jesus in our Gospel passage today, takes his discourse on discipleship to a radical and difficult level when he said: anyone who is an obstacle to bring down one of these little ones who have faith, would be better thrown into the sea with a great millstone round his neck. And if your hand should cause you to sin, cut it off; it is better for you to enter into life crippled than to have two hands and go to hell, into the fire that cannot be put out. For everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is a good thing, but if salt has lost its saltiness, how can you season it again? Have salt in yourselves and be at peace with one another.’


Here, Jesus wants us to accept the consequences that come with the truth of the Gospel teaching, more importantly, when it comes to living out the Gospel message radically, especially in a situation where humanity is deeply engrossed in sinful things of this passing world and the values of human life have been thrown out of caution as a result of secularism, individualism and excess desires for worldly pleasures and possessions, thereby neglecting the things that lead us to God.


So, these hard words of Jesus can only be understood in the light of our life experience, because there are moments when we have to make radical and difficult choices as disciples of Jesus. These moments may require the sacrifice of some aspects of our physical appearance for we must not let them distract us from our heavenly glory. Hence, St. James in our first reading today, points out ways in which we can be distracted by the excess desires for riches of this passing world and as a result can misuse and abuse the various gifts and talents God has given to us.


Dear friends, today we are called to make a radical decision to sincerely and faithfully live out our Christian faith and morals. But how much are we willing to let go for the sake of our faith in God? Why are we finding it difficult to follow the instructions of Jesus? What are the habitual desires and possessions that are holding us from making this radical decision today?


Friends, whenever sin, selfishness and corruption have made our life tasteless, let the salt of our good attitude and character make it tasty. Where sin and immorality have made humanity filthy and ugly, let our salt of holiness purify. Remember, if we lose the value and taste of who we are as Christians, the world will trample upon us because we will be good. Therefore, it is time to come to God with all our hearts, for tomorrow may be too late.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, the excess desire for the pleasurable things of this passing world have weakened our hearts towards you, give us courage and grace to let go of our ugly desires and attachment to them, so as to hold firm in our faith despite losing things that are dear to us, This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Homily For Wednesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 22nd May, 2024


Readings: James 4:13-17; Ps.49; Mark: 9:38-40

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




There is no doubt that the Christian faith can be very demanding and ambiguous for those who do not understand the sacrificial nature of our missionary life. To deal with these challenges, we must learn to discipline ourselves and collaborate with one another. So discipline and collaboration must be central to the Christian mission since the Christian faith comes across different categories of people which requires that there should be room to accommodate one another in that single language of sacrificial love towards Christ’s missionary mandate.


This very discipline and collaborative nature of our faith is what Jesus is addressing in our Gospel passage today when John said to him, master, we saw a man who is not one of us casting out devils in your name, and because he was not one of us we tried to stop him.’ But Jesus said, ‘You must not stop him: no one who works a miracle in my name is likely to speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us is for us.


Here Jesus is speaking to his disciples and all of us about doing the works for the glory of God, saying that we should not stop people from doing the good works of God even if the people do not belong to the same group as us. This is because, the disciples of Jesus saw some people who were doing works in the name of Jesus, casting out demons and healing in his name, and they tried to stop them from doing so. Why? Because the disciples having received from Jesus the authority and power to perform miracles they wanted to keep these gifts and authority exclusive to themselves. But Jesus rebuked such a selfish attitude shown by the disciples because Jesus desires that everyone who wishes to do the work of God should be accommodated regardless of their background and affiliations.


Dear friends, by the virtue of our baptism and confirmation we have received the same Spirit of God, that gives us the authority to do great works for God. And St. James in our first reading today said everyone who knows what is the right thing to do and doesn’t do it commits a sin.


Therefore, we too have been entrusted with the missionary mandate of Christ. So, is our responsibility to make good use of the various gifts and opportunities God has given us by ensuring that we discipline ourselves and learn to accommodate other people’s gifts and charisms. We must learn how to collaborate and accommodate other people who speak the one true language of Christ which is sacrificial love.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, we thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit who has always been our guide. Through the intercessions of St. Polycarp, help us to be more accommodating and collaborate with one another as we carry out your missionary mandate of love for each another. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. God bless you.

Monday, 20 May 2024

Homily For Tuesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Year B, 21st May 2024


Readings: James 4:1-10; Ps.55; Mark: 9:30-37

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




The struggles of life always have a way of propelling us towards seeking to be ahead of other people. This desire makes us ambitious about acquiring things and holding high positions in any community we find ourselves. This is the disposition of the disciples of Jesus in our Gospel reading today.


Here, Jesus was telling them about his passion, death and resurrection, but they were arguing among themselves about who was greatest among them, though they tried to figure out what Jesus was saying. Yet they were afraid to ask him rather, their ambition was to be an important personality, wealthy or celebrity.

But, Jesus knowing the ugly intentions of his disciples, showed them the way to identify true greatness using the images of a humble child. Here, Jesus surprised his disciples by linking true greatness to the humility and simplicity of a little child and also showed how children can be the subject of a parable that reveals the vanity and deception found in some great persons. Because children are docile, humble, teachable, loving, forgiven and dependent.


Thus, Jesus explains that in the kingdom of heaven, true greatness is found in humility and children serve as a symbol of humility as they are dependent on adults for everything just as we also are dependent on God. Little children serve as concrete symbols of simplicity which is a condition for entering the kingdom of heaven. So, in children, we found these great virtues of simplicity and humility. Hence, parents should encourage their children to participate in activities where they display these virtues.


Dear friends, true greatness is found in humble service and not in human selfish ambition. For today we see in the lives of the disciples the danger of human selfish ambition and how to deal with it in relation to the mission of Christ especially in the midst of ignorance and proud people. Little wonder St. James in the first reading made us know that all the wars and fighting come from the corruptions of our hearts, it is right to mortify those lusts that cause war in our hearts. James accurately describes strife among Christians with the terms wars and fights. And these battles that happen among Christians are bitter and severe, and the source of these wars and fights is rooted in the carnality of mind and heart.


Therefore, we are reminded that true greatness and ambition are found in humble service to others. But this is exactly what many of us are lacking. We are so proud, greedy and selfish, as we are deeply attached to the pleasurable things of this passing world which prevents us from seeking true greatness that leads to the heavenly kingdom.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, amidst the danger of selfish human ambition in relation to your mission, we have become so much engrossed with the competitive activities of this world, seeking to be great in things that are passing away, grant that, we may embrace true greatness rooted in the humble service of our neighbours, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed and fruitful day. 

Sunday, 19 May 2024

Homily For Monday Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Year B, The Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church (Mater Ecclesiae) 20th May, 2024


Readings: Gen. 3:9-15.20, Ps.86; John 19:25-34

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.




As the Holy season of Easter comes to an end with the celebration of Pentecost yesterday, the Church continues with the second face of the Ordinary Time of the liturgical calendar. This begins with the memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church.


 Although today’s Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church is new, the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of Mother of the Church, is very ancient. It was Pope Francis, who established the celebration of this Memorial in 2018, which is to be celebrated annually on the day following the Solemnity of Pentecost. Pope Francis said he wished to establish this Memorial in order to encourage the growth of the maternal sense of the Church in the pastors, religious and faithful, as well as a growth of genuine Marian piety.


Hence, the Memorial of Mary Mother of the Church is established in order to remind us that Mary is indeed the Mother of all of us. For as God’s chosen people, Mary has been entrusted to us to be our loving Mother, and to whom we have also been entrusted as her own beloved adopted sons and daughters, through Christ, her Son, who shares his divinity with us as he elevates our humanity, as we have it in our Gospel passage today, when Jesus entrusted his mother to John saying: Woman, behold your Son, then to the disciple he said, Behold your mother.


Here, Mary assumes the role of the Mother of the Church, while the disciple represents all of us Christians, who are members of God’s Church and therefore have become children of Mary, God’s own beloved Mother, and she is indeed, the Mother of the Church, the Mother of all Christians. Thus, Mary had always been with the Church as she has always been with the Apostles and the other leaders of the Church, for she is full of grace and had borne Christ who is the Head of the Church. So it is worth honouring her with the title Mater Ecclesiae, the Mother of the Church. For she was the New Eve resisted the temptations of Satan and remained completely faithful to the Lord as she followed her Son, the New Adam, to the foot of the Cross. Thereby fulfilling the Lord’s prophecy at the very beginning, as we heard in our first reading today.


Dear friends, as we celebrate Mary, as our Mother, the Mother of the Church, we entrust all our struggles, suffering, persecutions, challenges, trials and difficulties into her maternal care, in order to remain faithful and survive through the turbulent times and challenges of our time. Let us learn to remain faithful like Mary and never take our faith for granted. Let us remain steadfast knowing that Mary, the Help of all Christians is our Mother and Consoler.


LET US PRAY, Lord God, as we celebrate the Memorial of Mary Mother of the Church, grant us through her intercessions, all the graces and courage we need in order to conquer all our fears and challenges of life and so look forward to the coming of Christ our Lord and Saviour. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. God bless you.

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Homily for Pentecost Sunday Year B, 19th May, 2024


Readings: Acts.2:1-11; Ps.104; Gal. 5: 16-25;  John 15:26-27.16:12-15

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.




We have gathered here today to celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost. Today we receive a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Today the promised Paraclete has come, the Comforter has come, the purifying fire has come. An experiential encounter with the Holy Spirit. Today all children of God are empowered once more to conquer the world with the Good News of Christ's salvation.


Today the fears, the shame, the weakness of sins, the lukewarmness, the lockdown and all the barriers that hold us captive in the upper room of fear and shame have now been consumed by the power of the Holy Ghost, which we receive afresh today. For we have been set free and empowered to transform the world once again with the truth of the Gospel of Christ.


This is the fulfilment of the promise Jesus made to his disciples in our Gospel passage today when he said to his disciples: ‘When the Advocate comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who issues from the Father, he will be my witness. And you too will be witnesses, because you have been with me from the outset. ‘I still have many things to say to you, but they would be too much for you now. But when the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth.


This promise was made when, after the Last Supper and the ugly event of his passion, death and resurrection, a sense of loss and fear saddened the hearts of the Apostles. But their sadness will not be long, for Jesus will not abandon them, he will not leave them orphans. He will send the Counsellor, the power of Love, the Spirit of the Father. And this Spirit will enable them to understand that his work is a work of love:  love of the One who gave himself, love of the Father who has given him and love for humanity whom he has come to save.


Thus, this is the mystery of the Pentecost we are celebrating today as we have it in our first reading, when on the Pentecost day the disciples were in a room of lockdown and fearfulness, and suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.


Such is the work of the Holy Spirit, who illuminates the human spirit and reveals in it, the image of Christ Crucified and Risen, in order to become more like him, bearing the image and instrument of the love which flows from Christ. It is in this image of love, that the greatness of the Pentecost event is perceived.


There are seven gifts and twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit, the seven gifts include wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. While the fruits which are perfections that the Holy Spirit infused in us as the first fruits of eternal glory are as follows: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity.


Among all these gifs and fruits, love is the most important of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, just as it is also the most important of all the Christian virtues. Without love, all the good things we have accomplished mean nothing. Hence, St Paul advised us in our second reading saying: If you are led by the Spirit, no law can touch you. But when self-indulgence is at work in you the results are obvious: fornication, gross indecency and sexual irresponsibility; idolatry and sorcery; enmity and strife, jealousy, bad temper and selfishness; disagreements, factions, envy; drunkenness, carousing and similar things.


However, Paul continued by saying: I warn you now, as I warned you before those who behave like these will not inherit the kingdom of God. What the Spirit brings is very different and they include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control. There can be no law against things like that, to embrace the Spirit of love that will help us to accommodate each other’s gifts and talents, for we, though separate individuals are united as one body and one Spirit in one baptism.


Dear friends, today the power of the Holy Spirit of love has been poured upon us, so we are called and empowered to go into the whole world and proclaim the Good News of God’s love to humanity. There are many people in our world today who have not experienced the true love of God in their hearts, because they are distracted by various worldly concerns and their selfishness, as they keep hurting each other and causing trouble and suffering to one another. These should not be our attitude.


Let our actions and deeds bear the fruit of this love of God not only to such people but to our fellow brethren by showing genuine care and concern for each other. Let us not close our doors of love because we continually want to feel secure and do not want to be disturbed by others or by God. Rather let us like the apostles break open the doors of our hearts, for Christ overcomes our enclosure to bring us love and peace and build a bridge between heaven and earth, so that we can climb up on this bridge of love to reach him and together with him, we too can reach all humanity, beginning with our families, societies and to the ends of the Earth.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, as we lift our hearts together with Mary our mother in the Spirit of Pentecost, singing the Veni Sancte Spiritus, may the Holy Spirit of love come down upon all your children wherever we may be and fill our hearts with the fire of his love. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. Amen. Wishing you a Spirit-filled Pentecost celebration.

Homily For Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 24th, 2025

  Readings: Sir.1:1-10; Ps. 93; Mark: 9:14-29 Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE PUT THEIR FAITH INTO POS...