Saturday, 30 April 2022

The Homily for Third Sunday of Easter Year C, 1st May, 2022. Happy New Month

 The Homily for Third Sunday of Easter Year C, 1st May, 2022. Happy New Month

Readings: Acts.5:27-32.40-41; Ps. 30; Rev. 5:11-14; John 21:1-19

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Today being the third Sunday of the Holy season of Easter, we are presented with the theme of restoration. This is important because we have often fallen and separated ourselves from God as a result of the ups and downs of life. For everyday we are faced with new struggles. Yes, we struggle for life, we struggle for survival, we struggle against the manipulation of the evil ones. More challenging is the struggles we face within our own self especially our weakness and sinfulness.

 The effects of these fall and restoration are evidence among the disciples of Jesus. All the time they were with Jesus they struggled to be like him, to follow his ways and to understand him and it wasn’t easy. In the cause of these struggles they failed several times, they denied him, they suffered, and sinned against the Lord Jesus despite their love for him. But this was well predicted by Jesus who warned them to remain steadfast even in the midst of these struggles. 

However, after all the struggles and fall during his passion and death, Jesus decided to strengthen and restore his disciples once again as regards the great task ahead before departing from them. So in the occasion of Gospel passage today, Jesus said to Peter the leader of his Apostles: ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these others do?’ He answered, ‘Yes Lord, you know I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my lambs.’ A second time he said to him, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’ He replied, ‘Yes, Lord, you know I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Look after my sheep.’ Then he said to him a third time, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’ Peter was upset that he asked him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ and said, ‘Lord, you know everything; you know I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my sheep.

Here  we can imagine the disposition of the disciples when seeing the Lord as they sat together round the fire, eating silently the meal which Jesus had prepared, and no doubt gazing silently at the Lord’s silent. It must really be a great moment of tension as to how the oppressive silence was to be broken and how Peter’s heart must have been troubled when the great silence was broken with the words: Simon, son of John, do you love me? These three times questions have a special force in the restoration of him who had three times denied his Master, and now three times declares his love for Him, and he is three times restored and entrusted with a great task of feeding his master’s sheep. 

From this gracious act we see how God through Jesus treats a soul conscious of its sinfulness and fault; and in Peter’s disposition we see an illustration of how a soul, conscious of its sinfulness and fault, should behave before God.  This gracious event is very symbolic not just that the Lord had forgiven Peter for his threefold denial at the moment of his arrest and suffering, but also that, the Lord restored him again as the leader of his flocks and the entire Universal Church. 

We can see the effect of this restoration in the response of Peter and the other apostles in our first reading today when they said to the council of Pharisees: ‘Obedience to God comes before obedience to men; it was the God of our ancestors who raised up Jesus, but it was you who had him executed by hanging on a tree. By his own right hand God has now raised him up to be leader and saviour, to give repentance and forgiveness of sins through him to Israel. We are witnesses to all this, we and the Holy Spirit. And John in his vision as we heard in our second reading said: the Lamb that was sacrificed is worthy to be given power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing.

Dear friends, this is a moment of restoration, for in our struggles in this life we have done ugly and sinful things that we are really regretting and don’t what to remember or talk about them just like St Peter and the other disciples. Wishing we could have changed or avoided them, but there is nothing we can do about them anymore except to seek for restoration. And this restoration is what Jesus is offering us today as he says: my child do you still love me? Do you really love me? Do you love me more than all the things of this passing world? 

All we have to say in consciousness of our faults and sinfulness is: Lord you know everything, yes I truly love you. And just like St Peter, the Lord Jesus will not only forgive us, he will restore us to a greater glory. So why struggling in silence, it’s time to break open the hidden wounds of sin in our hearts, for the Lord wants to heal and restore us once again so that we can be open and free to receive the Holy Spirit the promised Paraclete, who will restore us afresh to God’s greater glory.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we anticipate the coming of the Holy Spirit, we come to you today conscious of our faults and sinfulness, grant us we pray your healing and restoration through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy New Month.

Friday, 29 April 2022

The Homily for Saturday in Second Week of Easter, 30th April, 2022. The Feast of Our Lady Mother of Africa

 The Homily for Saturday in Second Week of Easter, 30th April, 2022. The Feast of Our Lady Mother of Africa

Readings: Acts.1:12-14; Ps. Luke 1:46-55; John 2:1-11

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


Today we celebrate the feast of Our Lady, Mother of Africa, a celebration that encourages we Africans to turn to Mary for her maternal intercession and assistance in our daily struggles in life as Africans. Little wonder our Gospel passage today presents to us the story of an event that portrays what ought to be our relationship with Jesus and his mother Mary in every events of our daily lives.

Here, we see how the wedding couple invited Jesus and his disciples in the most important day of their lives. And when an embarrassing moment came up during the course of the celebration, Mary in her usual way of helping people asked Jesus to save the couple from social embarrassment and even when her request was not granted by her son, she had strong faith that he will not refuse her request. So she said to the servants: “ Do whatever he tells you”. 

By this request Mary who represents the Church reveals to us the key to a successful and happy Christian Life. That is to say that, the secret key that opens the treasure of a successful and happy Christian life is to do whatever he (Jesus) tells us. This is why we must learn to do whatever Jesus tells us. But what did Jesus say we should do? He told the servants: Fill, Draw and Serve. Telling us to fill our life with the water of salvation which he offers us every day through his Words and Eucharist and when we have filled our lives with the fountain of his presence, then we should draw from the joy it offers and serve the world which is really in need and thirsty for the word of God especially at this moment in our world when humanity really hope and seek for God’s intervention. 

Dear friends, we really need to fill our lives with the words of Jesus, which we hear everyday. We need to learn from our mother Mary who never ceases to pounder God’s words in her heart. We need to learn how to serve others from the abundant we have received from God and pray together like Mary and the apostles in our first reading today. We need to draw from the fountain of grace and gifts that God has given to us in order to build up our families, societies, country and continent. We need to learn how to sacrifice for the good of others. We need to learn how to intercede for others who are passing through difficult moments. But this is possible only when we have filled our empty soul with love, peace, joy and happiness that comes from knowing that Jesus cares so much about us personally and collectively.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, the situation of human life in our world today is really frightening, we your children in African continent pray that through the intercession of our Lady Mother of Africa, may we find strength to do your will always especially in our daily struggle in Africa, as we ask you to protect us from the evil manipulations and agenda of the world powers. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful weekend.

Thursday, 28 April 2022

The Homily for Friday in Second Week of Easter, 29th April, 2022. The Memorial of St. Catherine of Siena

 The Homily for Friday in Second Week of Easter, 29th April, 2022. The Memorial of St. Catherine of Siena

Readings: Acts.5:34-42; Ps.27; John 6:1-15

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


As the persecution of the early Church continues, today the members of the Sanhedrin call for council meeting to decide what to do with the apostles. At this council as we heard in our first reading, Gamaliel a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, suggested that the apostles should be left alone on the basis of past experiences of those who claimed to be great but were letter perished when their leader had died, that what is happening now with the apostles might be the same. He advice them to have nothing to do with the apostle, that if their purpose or activity is from human origins it will soon perish. If not, they will not be able to destroy them without fighting God Himself. So they had the apostles beaten and ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus.

However, instead of being depressed, the apostles left the court full of joy that they had been judged worthy of beaten for the sake of the Name of Jesus. Here, they experienced the blessedness that Jesus had spoken of in the Sermon on the Mount when he said: “blessed are those who are persecuted in the cause of right: theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people abuse you and speak all kinds of calumny against you on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven” (Matt 5:10-12). And in our Gospel passage today, we heard how Jesus out of love and compassion fed the crowd.

This feeding of the crowd refers back to the journey of the people of God in the desert from Mount Sinai to the promised land which in a special way signifies the event of our Eucharistic celebrate. The Eucharist has the same characteristics of this miracle: Where the community gathered together and then, the transformation of humble elements into a glorified body of Christ take place to satisfy our spiritual hunger which is an abundant gifts of God to humanity. In fact, because of the link to the Eucharist, this is the only miracle that is reported by all the four gospels. 

However, we can interpret this miracle of feeding the crowd in two ways. First, we can simply interpret it as a miraculous event, pointing to the divine origin and mission of Jesus. Secondly, we can interpret the miracle as the fruit of sharing with one another, for it is possible that once the disciples began to share the little food they had with those around, others also who had actually brought some food with them started sharing what they have and indeed grace multiplied what they have to the point of having left over. This show how much God cares for us and he will never abandoned us no matter the situation.


Dear friends, God loves us so much, so we must learn to joyfully suffer humiliation and persecution of his seek. Hence, in any situation we find ourselves, we are called to remind firm and faithful to God. We must learn to bear witness to our faith in Christ, though this mandate may seem difficult in our world at this moment, but just like in the time of the apostles the grace of God is sufficient for us. 

Therefore, let us not be afraid of witnessing our faith to the world, for God will surely protect us as He protected the apostles. Let us learn from St. Catherine of Siena whose memorial we celebrate today. Catherine was a lay member of the Dominican Order. She was a mystic and one of the female doctors of the Church known for her holiness, asceticism, and spiritual visions and she was influential in religious and political affairs of the Church.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we proclaim your name to the world especially in this difficult times, give us through the intercessions of St. Catherine of Siena the grace to rejoice even in the midst of persecution, suffering, sickness or death. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

The Homily for Thursday in Second Week of Easter, 28th April, 2022

 The Homily for Thursday in Second Week of Easter, 28th April, 2022

Readings: Acts.5:27-33; Ps.33; John 3:31-36

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


As the persecution of the apostles continued, the authorities of the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin forbade them from preaching in the name of Jesus as we have it in our first reading today. But the apostles spoke out boldly saying: It is better for us to obey God than men. They stood firm and witness to all what they had experienced. Their testimony was directed by the Holy Spirit, who is given to all those who responded to God with the obedience that comes from faith. 

So, they continued to preach in name of Jesus and their accusers could not stop them even though they had been strictly forbidden to do so. Such are the grace and courage we receive when we experience the power of the risen Lord. We will not be afraid to witness because we are convinced that Jesus is the One who comes from above, the One whom God has sent to speaks the words of God. He is the Word of God who came to bear testimony to what he has seen and heard just as we heard him telling Nicodemus in our Gospel passage, that anyone who believes in the Son has eternal life, but anyone who refuses to believe in the Son will never see life: the anger of God stays on him.

Dear friends, as Christians living in a world where our faith is being challenged every moment especially with the ugly situation we are facing everyday. We still have to make costly choices of choosing to obey God rather than men and not give in because of persecution, hunger, poverty or our worldly ambition. Everywhere we find ourselves be it in  business, relationship, politics and in family life we have to make decisions about remaining honest, truthful, faithful to our faith and commitments God above that of any human authorities. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, give us grace and courage to constantly obey You above any human authority, especially in times of difficulty, hunger, strive, sickness, and persecution. Never let us deny You because of worldly pressures and difficulties or be put to shame, as we place all our hope in You. Amen. It’s a new day, be strong be focused for the Lord has promised to be with us till the end of time.

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

The Homily for Wednesdays in Second Week of Easter, 27th April, 2022

 The Homily for Wednesdays in Second Week of Easter, 27th April, 2022

Readings: Acts. 5:17-26; Ps.33; John 3:16-21

Rev  Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Today’s Gospel passage talks about the relationship between God and humanity that inhabits the world.  Telling us that God loves the world and the humanity living in it. He loves it so much that He gave His only Son, who died a shameful and terrible death on a cross for the seek of His love.  God loves the whole world, His love is total and unconditional for everyone of his creatures. 

This love is what the apostles bears witness to in our first reading today and for this, they were persecuted by the authorities. We are told that the main motive for their displeasure was jealousy. The apostles were witnessing what they have experienced and this attracted large crowds to the group. So the authorities out of jealousy had the apostles arrested and thrown into the public jail. But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the gates for them and told them to go back and continue preaching in the temple and bearing witness of God’s love for humility.

Dear friends, today we are the face of God’s love for humanity, for we have in one way or another experienced the love of God so greatly and personally in our lives. It’s now time to bear authentic witness of this love to all humanity. We are to tell the world how deep God loves them. We are to demonstrate this love to the world and let this love be felt by those who have lost hope in God especially at this time when humanity is struggling with different ugly situations . 

We are the face of God’s love now, we are the channels of His love now. Therefore, let us extend this love in any form, gestures or manner possible to everywhere that it is lacking. A kind word, a single phone call, a text message, an act of forgiveness, a single prayer, sacrifice, patience and any form of generous act shown to anyone around you or as many people you can reach out today, reflect this love of God for humanity through you.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we have come to know and experienced Your love for humanity, give us the grace to reciprocate this love in the world by our ways of life using the gifts, talents and resources you have given us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace be with you.

Monday, 25 April 2022

The Homily for Tuesday in Second Week of Easter, 26th April, 2022

 The Homily for Tuesday in Second Week of Easter, 26th April, 2022

Readings: Acts.4:32-37; Ps.92; John 3:7-15

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


One of the major problems in our world today is individualism, this no doubt is the cause of disunity, greediness and corruption that is really destroying humanity today. To overcome this ugly attitude we need to learn from the early Christian community as recorded in our first reading today, which gives us an account of how the company of believers were of one heart and soul deeply united with each other. They bear witness to the central element of their faith, that is, loving God with all their hearts and with all their soul and loving their neighbours as themselves. Thereby bearing witness to the teachings of Jesus. They sold their belongs and brought the proceeds together and distributed them to each according to their need. 

This great gesture demonstrate what fraternal love really means. No one claimed anything as belonging to him/herself; everything was held in common. This shows us the social life of the early Church. But the question is, do we still have such sharing communities in our Church today? Perhaps we may find such communal sharing in some different communities of religious life with vows of poverty and total sharing of resources coupled with a life of material simplicity.  Also, there may be other groups of lay people and some families who try to implement this Christian vision and value. 

Dear friends, let us embrace the communal and fraternal love of the early Church, for how many families are practicing this great Christian fraternal living? How many societies in our churches are willing to maintain this tradition. This should be encouraged especially at this moment when the world is passing through difficult times, and we are fast losing this our great Christian values of communal and fraternal living. There is need for us to also extend it to the societies were these fraternal Communion and charity have been taken over by individualism, selfishness, corruption and greed. How I wish humanity will learn how to live in fraternal charity like the early Christian, then we will see that the world resources will be enough for everyone. Therefore, let us unite again as one family.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, as we reflect on the attitudes and virtues of the early Church, give us the grace to imitate them as we cultivate the attitude of sharing our material blessings with those in genuine need in our community especially in this difficult moment in our societies, country and the world at large. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a grace filled day.

Sunday, 24 April 2022

The Homily for Monday of the Second Sunday of Easter, 25th April, 2022. Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist

 The Homily for Monday of the Second Sunday of Easter, 25th April, 2022. Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist

Readings: 1 Peter 5:5-14; Ps.89; Mark 16:15-20

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Today as we Celebrate the Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist, the Church calls our attention to the mission and mandate of Christ to his disciples. It is truly a feast which is meant for all of us who are followers of Christ to recount our commitment to Jesus which we made at our baptism. The commitment to bear authentic witness to the faith we profess just as St. Mark recounts in his Gospel passage we read today, which tells us the stories of how Jesus called his disciples and commissioned them to go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation. We are also called by Jesus, not only as disciples, but also as evangelists. 

Therefore evangelization is the very nature and essence of the Church. Jesus gives us the mandate and the commission to evangelize, that is, to announce the Good News to all the nations and to spread the Gospel to every creature. This commission is shared by all those who are baptized both priests and lay faithful. Everyone has a particular responsibility to share in the work of proclamation of the gospel.

Today, we should ask ourselves, how have we proclaimed the Gospel to the world? What efforts are we making to ensure that the mandate Christ entrusted to us is carried out effectively in our generation.  This Easter season, how have we proclaimed the Risen Lord to the world?

Dear friends, at this moment when the world is confused, because we have removed God out of our daily lives, at this time when we have placed our hope in the activities of the human person who seems to have taken the place of God, at this time when our governments, scientists, doctors, lawyers, professors and even pastors assumed the place of God which is the cause of the ugly situation we are passing through in our societies today. Thus, it’s time to recall what Jesus says in the Gospel of John (15:1-8), l am the true Vine you are the branches, anyone who remains with me will bear fruit in plenty, but cut off from me you can do nothing but only to perish. We have cut ourselves off from the true Vine and now we can do little or nothing about the situation we find ourselves. 

Therefore, let us come back to God our true Vine, for our help comes from Him alone. He has commanded us to go into the whole world and preach this Gospel, let us take this mandate very seriously for it is our responsibility to fulfil our promises to God and ensure that the Christian faith is preached and sustained in the world and by so doing save humanity once again from sin and death.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are lost in this world, we are confused because we have cut ourselves off from You our true Vine, as we come back to you once again, please give us the grace to preach the Gospel following the example of St Mark the Evangelist, grant that we may learn from his teaching and walk faithfully in the footsteps of Christ and by so doing draw humanity back to You once again. Amen. Do have a grace filled week.

Saturday, 23 April 2022

The Homily for Second Sunday of Easter, the Divine Mercy Sunday, 24th April, 2022

 The Homily for Second Sunday of Easter, the Divine Mercy Sunday, 24th April, 2022

Readings: Acts.5:12-16; Ps.118; Rev. 1:9-11.12-13.17-19; John 20:19-31

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


The event we celebrate today is meant for us to focus our attention once again on the Lord, to ask Jesus for his mercy on us and the whole world especially through his glorious and wondrous passion, which stands as a perfect offering for the redemption of humanity. Little wonder Pope St. John Paul II in the Jubilee Year of 2000, instituted the Divine Mercy Sunday, which is to be celebrated every second Sunday of Easter to remind us that the joyful celebration of Easter season is also a time for us to appreciate once again that our Lord Jesus passed through the worst of sufferings and humiliations in his Passion, Death and Resurrection, and so won eternal life for humanity. 

Hence, we need to have faith in the Lord and believe that through him there is hope for our salvation. This truly explains the words of Jesus to his disciples when he said: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe”.  This statement could be a central theme in our Gospel passage today. 

Here, Jesus said to Thomas: “ Do not doubt but believe… for blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”  This is because Thomas was lacking in faith and so was doubtful of the Lord’s resurrection but only to be humbled when the Lord himself appeared right before him. Thomas believed and said to the Lord, ‘My Lord and My God’. And the Gospel ended by saying that these are written that you may believe in Jesus and that believing you may have life in his name.

This also, is repeated in our second reading today, where we heard the Lord saying through St. John “do not be afraid; it is I, the First and the Last; I am the Living One, I was dead and now I am to live for ever and ever, and I hold the keys of death and of the underworld. Now write down all that you see of present happenings and things that are still to come.’ Here we are told that through our faith we have victory over the world. So, the purpose of this Gospel is for us, the readers to believe and so enjoy the promised blessing. Today no doubt, Millions of Christians have been strengthened in their faith by reading this Gospel, and millions of others have been brought to faith through it. 

But, what about you and I who today have experienced the Lord, having journeyed with Jesus as long as we have come to embrace the Christian faith. What can we say about our personal encounter and experience of the person of Jesus. Are we really convinced about the faith we profess? Are we still at the level of faith that is based on what we hear or read about Jesus? Or have we really and truly encounter the person of Jesus in such a way that our faith has no doubt anymore, such that we can truly say like St. Thomas "My Lord and My God"? 

Dear friends, are we still doubting like Thomas, today we are encouraged to believe without even seeing like Thomas. But this can really be very difficult in a world of empiricism, yet we are still called to truly embrace this faith without doubting despite all the ugly human attitudes that are kicking against our faith. That is why, sometimes in our lives we behave like Thomas, in fact Thomas represent all of us who in one way or the other have been doubtful of the presence of God in our lives. No doubt that there are many of us with different experiences at different levels of faith and devotion. But at some point, we may have grown weak in our commitment to the Lord and begin to doubt his presence with us, based on our own experiences, or when we are distracted and tempted by many ugly desire for worldly things that will turn us away from the Lord. 

More so, we have often placed God aside and forgotten about him, by prioritizing more on other things in our lives. We have often treated him or thing related to him as something not significant. There are times when we doubt the presence of God in our families, societies and even the Church. There are times when we have doubted the presence of God in the Eucharist, in the sacraments and even in the activities of his ministers. Oftentimes, we are doubtful of the mercy of God, his love for us, his power to safe, heal and protect us, as we go seeking for help from other “sources” which will only worsen our situation.

Brethren, to be a believer in our world today can be really difficult, so we need to support each other. We need to strengthen our community life especially during this difficult moment in our country and world at large. The first Christians supported one another by praying, worshipping and sharing their resources and the word of God together, as we heard in our first reading today. For the people were loud in their praise and the numbers of men and women who came to believe in the Lord increased steadily. And so many signs and wonders were worked among the people at the hands of the apostles.

Therefore, let us unite together as believers, and bear authentic witness to our faith. As we struggle in this dark moment in our lives when God seems far away from the world, let us ask him to help us to remove all forms of doubt, especially in this time when the Gospel is under all kinds of threats by faithless and ignorant people.  Nevertheless, let us ask God for his Divine mercy in our live, our families, societies and the world at large. Remember, the Lord is indeed merciful, he forgives us freely and generously but we should not take his mercy for granted by dwelling perpetually in sin.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, today we are encouraged to believe without seeing, this can really be very difficult in a world of empiricism, help us especially this trial moment in our world, never to doubt whatever you have revealed through your son, may we rather be steadfast in faith, joyful in hope and untiring in loving you and our neighbours, as the world hope to experience your Divine Mercy once again, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy Divine Mercy Sunday to you and your house hold.

Friday, 22 April 2022

The Homily for Saturday in Octave of Easter, 23rd April, 2022

 The Homily for Saturday in Octave of Easter, 23rd April, 2022

Readings: Acts.14:13-21; Ps.118; Mark 16:9-15

Rev  Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


After the resurrection of Jesus, he has appeared to his disciples in different occasions. Today in our Gospel passage, he appeared to the eleven apostles and commissioned them to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to the whole creation. This is what Peter and John exercised in our first reading today. Here the rulers, elders and scribes were astonished at the great witness shown by Peter and John, so, they tried to prevent them and other disciples from spreading any further the Good News about the risen Lord, by attempting to suppress them through fear and intimidation. 

However, the disciples  were not ready to give in to fear or pressure, for they were encouraged and strengthened by the Lord through the Holy Spirit as they were no longer the same people who hide in the fear of the authorities. Instead they openly defied the orders from the Sanhedrin and continued to carry out the missions which God had entrusted to them. Hence, the mandate of this mission has been repeated in our liturgy throughout this octave of Easter, in order to remind us our mission as Christians. It also gives us the opportunity to review our Easter experience, so as to examine ourselves about the impact the week has made on us. 

Dear friends, to what extent have we been able to bear witness to the world about the risen Lord? As disciples of Christ, we are mandated to share the Good News of salvation provided by Christ Jesus to all creation. We are to do so not just in silence, but in words and actions which is seen in our ways of life. 

So, friends, what can we do to ensure that the Gospel reach out to all creation? How best can we spread this Good News, especially in this time of difficulty when the world is looking for an answers to the fundamental reality of human life?

 The answer to this fundamental question is rooted in the Gospel of Christ and the best way to preach the Gospel today is witnessing by our way of life. Today there are many voices preaching the Good News, but only few are bearing authentic witness to the Gospel. Therefore, let our lives bear authentic witness to the Gospel of the Lord.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, give us the grace and courage to bear authentic witness of your Gospel in a world where people are confused and no longer pay attention to your word. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a peaceful weekend.

Thursday, 21 April 2022

The Homily for Friday in Octave of Easter, 22nd April, 2022

 The Homily for Friday in Octave of Easter, 22nd April, 2022

Readings: Acts.4:1-12; Ps.117; John:21:1-14

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


For any system or structure to remain firm and sustainable, such structure must be well situated on a solid foundation known as cornerstone. This is also applicable to most things we do in life. Today in our Gospel passage, the disciples of Jesus led by Peter had left Jerusalem and gone all the way back to their native homes to resume their former ways of life as fishermen, because they have failed to understand that Jesus is the cornerstone of their lives. So they went fishing all night. After a whole night’s fishing, they caught absolutely nothing, tired and disappointed. 

This night of futile fishing left them with empty nets and hopelessness. They have forgotten that without Jesus the cornerstone, they can do nothing. It was at this point that suddenly, a stranger on the shore invites them for breakfast. Here, Jesus took the initiative and visits them as he engaged them on a dialogue saying: “have you caught anything?” They reluctantly admits they have got nothing. Then, he said to them drop your nets on the right side of the boat and you will find something. They did so and were overwhelmed at the catch they have made. There were so many fish that they simply could not be taken into the boat. Thus, they recognize that it was Jesus the cornerstone of their lives and mission. 

Dear friends, like the disciples, we too must come to recognize Jesus as the cornerstone of our lives, who is there for us even at the most mundane moments of our daily lives. The truth is that, we all need to have a strong root in everything we do, without a strong root in the Lord who is our cornerstone we will not be able to stand firm when challenges of life hits at us.

Little wonder, Peter tells us in our first reading, that Jesus is that stone which the builders rejected, but today is the cornerstone by which we are saved. Today, all over the world, people are struggling with different ugly situations. In fact, the world is in a state of confusion, people are suffering, their means of livelihood has been deprived, no food, no electricity no good water, crisis everywhere, poverty is on the increase, house rent is due and no one to run to, some family only look up to God for daily survival.


However,  in midst of these ugly situations, let us know that we are not left alone in our fears and sorrows, for Jesus the cornerstone of our lives is nearer to us now then before. We only need to have faith in him and acknowledge him as the cornerstone of our lives and families especially in this difficult moment. Let us be strong, steadfast, courageous and hopeful, knowing that the Joy of the risen Lord is our strength.

LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, without you we will toil in vain, never cease to be the cornerstone of our lives, our families and the world at large. May the most vulnerable in our midst experience your grace, your help, your heeling, your favour and interventions as we look up to you as our cornerstone. For you live and reign forever and ever. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

The Homily for Thursday in Octave of Easter, 21st April, 2022

 The Homily for Thursday in Octave of Easter, 21st April, 2022

Readings: Acts.3:11-26; Ps.8; Luke24:35-48

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Today in a special way Jesus appeared to his disciples wishing them peace and commissioning them to bear witness to his resurrection. He commissioned his disciples with these words “You are witnesses to this”. And as we know a  witness must be someone who has seen and experienced something and could testify to the facts of what he or she has seen.

So, the disciples had witnessed Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection and here comes the mission to witness this to the whole world and to proclaim reconciliation with God through Jesus. We too receive this commission of being his witnesses, through our baptism we are incorporated into the Church to authentically bear witness to the faith we profess. 

Dear friends, it is our task to carry on this mission of Christ  throughout the whole world. If we do not, then, the world will not hear Christ’s message of reconciliation, forgiveness and victory over sin and death, thereby, making the world to remain ignorant of what God has done for us and the consequences of this ignorance is the root of the problems on our world today.

However, we can not bear effectiveness witness unless we have a personal experience of the risen Lord. It is this personal experience that enables Peter to bear effectiveness witness of Christ before the people as we heard in our first reading today (Acts 3:11-26), we too can do the same when  we experience the risen Lord personally in our lives. 

LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, let us once again experience you personally in our lives and give us the grace to bear authentic witness of your presence in the world, especially at this moment when the world is in a state of confusion not knowing what to do. Manifest your victorious power afresh in our lives, families, societies and the world at large. You who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

The Homily for Wednesday in Octave of Easter, 20th April, 2022

 The Homily for Wednesday in Octave of Easter, 20th April, 2022

Readings: Acts.3:1-10; Ps. 104; Luke 24:13-35

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Oftentimes, we hardly understand fully the meaning of the faith we profess in Christ. Though we still journey with Christ and his Church without full understanding of the mystery we celebrate. Sometimes we are confused, sometimes we doubt, sometimes we feel like going back to our ugly and sinful ways of life. This type of disposition is the condition of the two disciples of Jesus in our Gospel passage today, where we heard the story about the two disciples who were on their way to Emmaus.

The story of these two disciples on the road to Emmaus is one of the most interesting stories in the Gospel that explains the structure of our liturgical celebration in a more practical way.  In this story, they were on a journey when the risen Lord joined them on the way and explained the scriptures to them. These two disciples have no idea who Jesus was when he approached them. They are aware, however, of the recent events in Jerusalem but could not comprehend it. But the Lord after explaining the scriptures, revealed his identity to them at the breaking of bread, when he took a loaf of bread, and given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them just like he did at the last Supper. 

Dear friends, in this same way, the risen Lord journeys with us in our liturgical worship, beginning with the penitential rite where we recall how sinful and unworthy we are before God. Then we recalled the events of our faith as the Lord Jesus takes us through the Scriptures and the celebration of the Eucharist. Here the faith of the faithful is sustained. It is the place where Jesus continues to reveal himself. Where the Christian faith is born and nurtured, where what Jesus did for us through his suffering, death and resurrection is remembered in thanksgiving. This is the faith Peter and John exercised in our first reading today, when they restored the crippled in the name of Jesus.

But the question we need to ask ourselves are, what is our disposition towards the faith we have found in Christ? Have we personally encountered or recognized the presence of God in our lives, especially at Eucharistic celebration? Today the Lord Jesus wishes to journey with us in our struggles. He wishes to instruct us more about the faith we found in him. He wishes to reveal himself once again for to us if we are going to be disposed enough to listen to him as he speaks to us especially through the scriptures.

LET US PRAY: Loving Jesus, as we journey together on the road of faith with you, especially in the midst of the ugly situation ravaging the world, help us to always recognize you personally in different events we encounter on the way, especially at the breaking of the Eucharistic bread. You who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. Peace be with you.

Monday, 18 April 2022

The Homily for Tuesday of Octave of Easter, 19th April, 2022

 The Homily for Tuesday of Octave of Easter, 19th April, 2022

Readings: Acts.2:36-41; Ps. 33; John 20: 11-18

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


One of the most precious gift God can offer to anyone is the privilege of having a personal experience and encounter with him, especially in this season which is a moment of encounter. Little wonder our reading this season gives us an account of how different people encountered the Lord Jesus. Today, our Gospel passage presents to us the story of a woman who seeks the Lord with all affection and tears. Mary Magdalene, who came back and remained by the tomb where Jesus was laid and was weeping. Her heart was in earnest to find Jesus. The angels asked her: why are you weeping? she was just busy trying to find the corpse of Jesus. But when she turned around and saw Jesus, her heart was filled with joy and peace.


So, we are likely to seek and find the Lord, when we seek him with deepest affection an desire. But often times the clouds and darkness of our sins blind us from recognizing the Lord who is always very close to us. The truth is that, our disposition this season matters a lot. If we have that true disposition and desire to encounter Jesus we will surely experience him in our lives. It’s just few days after Easter, how close have we personally embrace the Lord? What difference has his presence made in our lives?


Dear friends, the Lord Jesus is at the door knocking and waiting for us to open the door of our hearts so that we will experience him personally. For he, the good shepherd knows his sheep and he said his sheep would know him when he calls their names. Just like Mary Magdalene recognized Jesus when he called her name. But are we disposed enough to hear him when he speaks to us? 

In different ways and forms Jesus speaks to us. And the common ways of making himself known to his people is by his words; his words appeals to our souls, speaking to us in a particular way that is unique to us. Therefore let us be well disposed to hear the Lord Jesus speaking to us in our heart and there we experience and encounter him personally.

 LET US PRAY: Lord God, our souls desire to encounter your Son our Lord Jesus personally once again, give us the grace and strength to always be ready to turn around, to look again, that we may see, experience, fill and recognize your presence in our lives personally and collectively. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Sunday, 17 April 2022

The Homily for Monday of the Octave of Easter, 18th April, 2022

 The Homily for Monday of the Octave of Easter, 18th April, 2022

Readings: Acts.2:14.22-33; Ps. 16; Matt. 28:8-15

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


After the great event of passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ, we heard yesterday of the good news of his resurrection, for we are yet to encounter him. So today being a special day, is no doubt a day of encounter, a day we are called to leave the empty tomb of sorrow and go to Galilee, a place of personal encounter with the risen Lord. For we heard in our Gospel passage today how the women who came to the tomb early in the morning ran with fear and great joy. 

They had just encountered the Lord who invited them to go and tell their brothers that they must leave for Galilee, there, they will see him. This invitation is very symbolic for all Christians, because it is an invitation to a place of encounter with our risen Lord. It is the first instructions of the Lord to his disciples. All who believe in the Lord are invited to be part of this invitation to Galilee, for it is a moment when all doubt is cleared, all fear is gone and all hope is fulfilled.

Dear friends, this same invitation is given to us today. But where is Galilee? Galilee is a fertile, mountainous region in northern Israel. It is most notable for being the home of our Lord Jesus Christ. More specifically, Lower part of the mountain of Galilee is where Jesus grew up and spent the better part of his earthly life and ministry. But Galilee is much more than these. It is any place of encounter, especially deep within our hearts, where we can find the Lord Jesus so often, because the risen Lord is no longer bound by time or space. Galilee can also be our neighbourhood, our family, any place of prayer, or any place we find the poor and the needy, the sick or anywhere we find ourselves aware of the presence of Jesus. 

Therefore, let us like the disciples leave behind the empty tomb of sorrow, pain, fear and uncertainty of the things of this passing world and journey towards Galilee to encounter the risen Lord with joy and praises of alleluia in our hearts. For we heard in our first reading how Peter and the other disciples after their encounter with the risen Lord expressed their experience with him to the people. We also are called to do the same after our encounter with him today at the Galilee.

LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, as we journey towards Galilee in expectation to encounter you personally, amidst the pains and sorrows of this life, may the joy of your presence known no bounds in our lives, you who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. Do remain blessed.

Saturday, 16 April 2022

The Homily for The Solemnity of Easter Sunday, 17th April, 2022

 The Homily for The Solemnity of Easter Sunday, 17th April, 2022

Readings: Acts.10:34.37-43; Ps. 118; 2Cor 3:1-4; John 20:1-9

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


For over forty days we have journeyed with our Lord Jesus, we listened to him speaking of his mission to redeem humanity. Like his first disciples we experienced his love, healing and compassion, we believed in him even when we lack the full knowledge of his mission. 

On Ash Wednesday as customary, we put on ashes in penitent for our sins. We fasted and abstained from food and other things and we did great charity works all this forty days. On Palm Sunday, we shouted Hosanna!! Hosanna!! Filio David, on Holy Thursday we dine with the Lord, though with divided minds as he told us about the betrayal and his passion. On Good Friday, Jesus was taken away from us, in our presence, he was judged, and condemned and we cried out crucify him!! Crucify him!!, he was indeed crucified on account of our sins.

 In sorrows and agonies we were sacarted and hopelessly went back to Emmaus by our ugly ways of life. But for some like Mary Magdalene, Peter and John, we wondered in great silence on Holy Saturday, what must have happened to the mission of Christ, in fear and hope we waited patiently in all night vigil meditating on the words of God in search of an answer to the mystery of the salvation of humanity promised to us by Jesus.

Of which in the vigil we heard the voice of an angel singing: Exult!!, let them Exult!!, the host of heaven, Exult!!, let Angel ministers of God Exult, let the trumpet of salvation sound aloud our might King’s triumph!  Be glad let earth be glad for the stone has been taken away from the tomb, our Lord has risen, Jesus is risen, light has triumph over darkness. What a glorious day, a day of victory, a day when the salvation of humanity is won, a day of personal encounter of the risen Lord. 

Let us then celebrate the Lord’s victory. let us like Mary Magdalene, like Peter and John in our Gospel passage today run towards the empty tomb with open heart to encounter Christ, who had died and is risen in order to renew us, in order to remove from our hearts the guilty of sin and death, so that we can embrace his divine and eternal life.

Dear friends, this is the fundamental core of our Christian faith; this is the victory that transforms us and unites us with our Lord. Hence, if Jesus is risen, and is alive, who will ever be able to separate us from him? Who will ever be able to deprive us the love of him, who has conquered hatred and overcomes death? 

Therefore, I don't know what has been your experience of the Lord has been in this world, I don't know how you woke up today, I don't know what troubles you mind. But all I know is that today is another gift of God to humanity, a day of joy, a day of victory. A day when he Lord Jesus conquered sin and shame. A day he rose from the dead. I am excited, hopeful and am going to live it with all joy, not trying to change things that I could not change or try to fix things that do not want to be fixed. I will not let the ugly  situation in our world today or any ugly event of the past distract me today or steal my joy. I will focus on the blessings that comes with the joy of the risen Lord. I will follow the directives of the Lord, for his ways are right and the upright walk in them, but the transgressors stumble in them. Thus, let us proclaim the Easter victory and spread it throughout the world with the joyful song of Alleluia.  

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, today the victory of our salvation is won, as we experience the Lord May the joy of the risen Lord fill our hearts today and always. Happy Easter to you and your house hold.

Friday, 15 April 2022

The Homily for Holy Saturday of Easter Vigil, 16th April, 2022

 The Homily for Holy Saturday of Easter Vigil, 16th April, 2022

Readings: Gen 1:1-22; 22:1-18; Ex.14:15-15:1; Is 54:5-14; 55:1:11; Bar 3:9:9-15.33-4:4; Ez.36:16-17.18-28;Ps. 51;Rom. 6:3-11; Ps. 118; Luke 24:1-12

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Easter Vigil is the peak of the entire liturgy which began on Holy Thursday. It is a night which is regarded as the mother of all holy vigils, since it is the night when the Church awaits in prayer the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, who has gone to search for our first parents just like the lost sheep. He descended into the dead to visit those who live in darkness and in the shadow of death, in order to free from sorrow the captives who are captured by the sin and death of our forefathers Adam and Eve. And to restore them not to that their first earthly paradise. but to enthrone them into his heavenly kingdom where they are not forbidden to eat from the tree that was only a symbol of life, rather, to behold him, who is life itself. 

Thus, the liturgy of this night takes us through the journey along the paths of sacred Scriptures beginning with the account of creation to resurrection. Telling us that the creation story is itself a prophecy that is fulfilled in the person of Christ. It is not just information about an account of the process of the origins of things, but rather a pointer towards the true beginning of our being and the fulfillment of God’s plan for humanity. 

Now the liturgy is divided into four parts, beginning with the blessings of the fire and the preparation of the Paschal Candle as we wait on the Lord, followed by the great Easter Exsultet, Behold at this point, the voice of an angel singing: Exult!!, let them Exult!!, the host of heaven, Exult!!, let Angel ministers of God Exult, let the trumpet of salvation sound aloud our might King’s triumph!  Be glad let earth be glad for the stone has been taken away from the tomb, our Lord has risen, Jesus is risen, light has triumph over darkness. What a glorious day, a day of victory, a day when the salvation of humanity is won, a day of personal encounter of the risen Lord. 

This great sung of victory ushers us into the liturgy of the word, followed by baptismal renewal and celebration, then the Eucharistic celebration where we encounter the risen Lord at breaking of bread. The central message of this liturgical event is God’s victory over sin and death. An event that transforms our Sorrowful hearts into a glorious joy as Jesus fulfills God’s plan for humanity.


Dear friends, our disposition today should be that of great joy and hope in the resurrection of Christ who has conquer our sins and death. Yes, victory is what we celebrate today. Victory over human pride and greed, selfishness and corruption, deception and operation of innocents, wickedness and injustice. Today’s victory explains how God can turn ugly situation in our lives into success and blessings. This victory explains why we must learn to trust in the Lord no matter the circumstances we may find ourselves. Today’s victory demonstrates the fact that human life does not begin and end in this passing world. Today’s victory demonstrate most profoundly the Lord’s mercy and love for all humility despite our ugly attitude towards God and our neighbours. This victory brings hope, joy, confidence, courage and relief to human suffering and frustration. 

Therefore, let us celebrate this victory with joy in spite of the hardships, the sufferings and the problems we encounter especially with the ugly situation in our country and in our world today. Let us embrace this victory. Let us proclaim it to the whole world. Let us say goodbye to sinful things of this passing world. Let us put off our old garments of sin and shame and put on the garments of victory, the garments of glory, the garments of love, the garments of joy. Let this great joy and hope that is rooted in the resurrection of the Lord help us to conquer all fears and worries, for we are victorious by the power of Christ’s victory and new life. 

Friends, let us embracing the New Life of grace which Jesus is offering us, let us struggle to avoid our old sinful ways of life as they have died with Christ, they must not raise with us again. So let us fully embrace the new righteous way of life that Jesus is offering us. Yes he has come to give us new life, for he has become the source of our great joy. Yes he is our new life and we find such great joy in his abundant life. 

LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, as we joyfully embrace your resurrection, may you fill our hearts now and always with the joy of your presence, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Thursday, 14 April 2022

The Homily on Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, 15th April 2022

 The Homily on Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, 15th April 2022

Readings: Is. 52:13-53:12; Ps. 31; Heb. 4:14-16.5:7-9; John:18:1-19:42

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Today, we celebrate the passion of Christ which constitutes the climax of the revelation of God’s love for humanity. We recall how the Lord was condemned to carry the sins of humanity on his Cross, enduring all the insults, torture, pains and struggles on the way to Calvary. 

The anguish of the Lord’s Passion cannot fail to move even the most hardened hearts to pity and remorseful, yet we call this most sorrowful day, Good Friday despite all the terrible events and circumstances Jesus had to pass through. But we will appreciate the “Good” about the Friday, when we do not just focus our attention on what happened, but on what was accomplished for humanity, that is, the price paid for the salvation of humanity. For this Friday the Lord Jesus  says I thirst…, it is finished. Today, all his pains and agonies were now finished, it has indeed ended. No one to drag, betray, accuse him of anything anymore. There is nothing to be jealous or drag with him anymore, the Pharisees and the chief priests have gotten what they wanted, it is over he has giving in everything. But what is good about this Friday?

The good thing about this Friday is that, all our shame, disgrace, pains and agonies are now ended in the Cross of Christ. What is good about this Friday is that humanity have died to sin in order to rise to righteousness. What is good about this Friday, is that the hope of humanity which was lost to sin is restored. What is good about this Friday is that, humanity have received mercy and forgiveness. What is good about this Friday is that the human body is constrained while the soul is elevated. What is good about this Friday is that the enemy the devil is conquered on the Cross, humility has conquered pride.

This Friday is good because, human pride is conquered by humility of Christ. This Friday is good because human wickedness, greed, hatred, selfishness corruption and betrayal are conquered by love, sacrificial love and charity that follows from the heart of Jesus.  Thus, what is good about this Friday is that, God has accomplished his plan for our salvation. These makes the event of Good Friday a very important aspect of the Easter Triduum, beginning from yesterday’s Holy Thursday celebration of the Last Supper and continue with the Saturday Vigil and the Resurrection of the Lord at Easter, making the whole events one great celebration of the Holy Mass. 

The event of Good Friday liturgy of Christ’s Passion is not simply a commemoration of an important event that happened in the past, but a prayerful experience that makes Christ’s sacrifice present and operative in the lives of his children. An event where Christ fought for humanity and won our salvation on the cross, calling us to embrace his love for us. On the cross he says: I thirst…, it is finished. This means that all pains and agonies were now finished, the goal has now been accomplished, not of a futile end, but of a fulfilled mission. 

Dear friends, today, this Friday, Jesus dies on the cross and lay in the tomb, an event that so permeated by human sadness that leads to silence meditation and prayer. Therefore, let us pause awhile to contemplate his anguish, his disfigured face: the face of a Man of sorrows, who took upon himself the burden of all our mortal anguish. By so doing, we too, like women of Jerusalem, like Simon of Cyrene, like the good thief, like Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus who were present at the crucifixion of Jesus, let us beat our breasts, recalling what happened, and so see how his face is reflecting in that of every person who is humiliated and offended, sick and suffering, abandoned and despised, especially this period that the world is passing through turbulent moment as a result of human pride and selfishness, which has brought a lot of troubles and hopeless in the hearts of people. 

Let us know that we are not alone in our daily struggles against sin and the crosses we have to bear in this life. For Jesus is in fact, carrying his Cross together with us. He is suffering also with us for he has made all our sufferings, pains and struggles his own. He has carried away our burden of sins. Therefore, let us spend some time today to reflect on our Lord’s Passion and suffering, his great love for us and how important we need to change our ugly ways of life and resolving by God’s grace not to go on with our sinful ways, knowing that they separates us from the love of God. 

Today, Jesus sacrifice everything for our sake. What are we sacrificing for him? What are we sacrificing for his Church, what are we sacrificing for humanity? What are we sacrificing for our families. What are you sacrificing for your wife, your husband, your children, your father and your mother, your boss in the office and those working for you? What are we sacrificing for the sake of peace in our homes, our office, our colleagues in the office and market places?  Brethren, the “good” about this Friday is the sacrificial love of Christ for humanity, which we are called to reciprocate in our neighbours. Therefore, let us go out there and offer this sacrificial love to all those we encounter today and always.

LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, for the sake of your sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and the whole world. Help us to reciprocate this mercy to all those we encounter in our journey of life. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a grace filled celebration of the Lord’s passion anywhere you are.

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

The Homily on Holy Thursday Year C, 14th April, 2022

 The Homily on Holy Thursday Year C, 14th April, 2022

Readings: Ex: 12:1-8,11-14; Ps. 116; 1Cor. 11:23-26; John:13:1-15

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


The events of Holy Thursday marks the beginning of the Sacred Paschal Triduum of the passion and resurrection of the Lord which is the peak of the entire liturgical year. These events begin with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper after the Chrism Mass in the morning, which reached it peak at the Easter Vigil and ends with  Sunday evening prayer. 

This shows that today’s celebration is truly very significant, for in it some of the core elements of our faith is established. Beginning with the Lord given us his own Most Precious Body and Blood in the Eucharist. Where the bread and wine turned into this Body and Blood. Here, as the Eternal High Priest of all, at the Last Supper, Jesus offers his own Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine, as the beginning of the very first Sacrifice of the Mass, lifted up as offering to God the Father, which turns into the essence and substance of his own Body and Blood offered on the Altar at the Cross of Calvary on Good Friday, where this Sacrifice of the Mass is accomplished. By this singular event the Lord Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist and established the institution of Holy Priesthood and made his disciples to share in his High Priest function and service.

So, the Mass of Holy Thursday evening, shows deep signs of the mystery of God's love. The Gospel specially, links all these events with the concrete reality of our lives. Though it says little about the Paschal mystery, passion and the Eucharist, instead it’s focus is on Jesus, our Lord and Master, who getting down on his knees, lays down the clothes of his glory, wraps around his waist the towel of humility and makes himself a servant and washes the disciples' dirty feet. A sign of his service and love which unveils the mystery of his love for humanity. 

This act of cleansing offers his disciples the gift of purity, the capacity to dine with the Lord. Thus, this gift becomes a model, the duty for them to do the same for one another. Here, Jesus teaches us that it is in this spirit of purity, love and service of our brothers and sisters that we can practice the outstanding characteristic of Christian discipleship. 

Dear friends, we are encouraged to spend these three days of Easter Triduum to deepen our faith and love for God. We are called to dedicate ourselves once more to the Lord. We are called to make good use of this time to reflect on how blessed we are to have been loved by God, so much that He was willing to go through all the troubles and sufferings for our sake. Therefore, let us spend this time to reflect deeply on our personal relationship with God and discern carefully how we can begin to live our lives more faithfully and in humble service to God and humanity, just the way our Lord Jesus has shown us and his disciples today.

LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, We all have been recipients of your love and service in our lives, thanks for the gift of the people whom you have used to bring us close to God. Help us be of humble service to others especially in this difficult moment when people are suffering seriously. May the effort of your children who are deeply involved in the restoration of peace and stability in our families societies and the world at large not be in vain. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a spirit filled Holy Thursday celebration. Happy Anniversary to all the priests, do pray for us today.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

The Homily of Wednesday in Holy Week Year C, 13th April, 2022

 The Homily of Wednesday in Holy Week Year C, 13th April, 2022

Readings: Is.50:4-9; Ps 69; Matt. 26:14-25

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


What is the price of a traitor, what are the motives of a traitor? What are the consequences and repercussions of a traitorous act and why do people choose to be traitors? The answer to these questions can be found in the life of Judas. For in the Gospel passage today, Judas went to the chief priests to make a deal for handing Jesus over to them for 30 pieces of silver, the poor amount of wages paid to the shepherd. This was the amount Judas betrayed his master, an amount that he too, will throw back to the priests after realizing what evil he has done. 

This act of betrayal as predicted by Jesus before his disciples is in fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah in our first reading about the suffering Servant of God, to Whom the Lord had chosen to bear the punishments and sufferings due to our sins, that he might suffer them all instead of us. And yet, he would neither protest or grumble against this, as it was by his own desire and will that he had taken up his Cross and suffer for our sake. ‘But alas for that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! Better for that man if he had never been born!’ 

Dear friends, 30 pieces of silver was the wages of Judas for his traitorous act. But Judas is not alone in this ugly and traitorous attitude. We can imagine what people are doing for money in our world today. Perhaps we too, have betrayed and handed Jesus and our friends and neighbours over more than once. We have often broken bread with Jesus, but later betrayed him for money, out of over ambition, greed, anger, hatred, revenge or even become violence because for our own personal selfish gain. There is no doubt that the devil tempted Judas just as he had tempted us in various ways, and we have fallen just as Judas had fallen. For when we sin, no matter how grievous or small, we are still betraying the Lord. 

Therefore, let us watch it carefully during this Holy Season and indeed always not to involve in any traitorous act against God or anyone at all. If we are already involved in any, this is a period to reconcile with them and so come back to the Lord with tears of repentance and resolve not to go back to such evil act again as we apologize and make restitutions. And in case anyone who had betrayed us should come back and ask for mercy, we must fine a place in our heart to forgive, just the way Jesus have given us.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we enter into the great mystery of Easter Triduum beginning tomorrow, give us grace to journey with you in holiness, may you also forgive us for often being a traitor against you, your Church, our families, friends and our societies at large. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a grace filled day.

Monday, 11 April 2022

The Homily of Tuesday in Holy Week Year C, 12th April, 2022

 The Homily of Tuesday in Holy Week Year C, 12th April, 2022

Readings: Is.49:1-6; Ps.71; John 13:21-33.36-38

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Today being the third day of Holy Week, the readings are selected to help us to focus our attention to the upcoming celebrations of the Easter Triduum when we are going to enter into the most sacred moments in the history of our salvation. In our first reading , we heard of the suffering servant of God, the light of the nations who shall come forth as the Saviour sent by God. He will therefore bring hope to the people of God who are suffering and oppressed. An event which played out in the life of Jesus.

Consequently, the Gospel passage today, presents the moment when Jesus the Saviour sent by God was troubled in spirit on account of the passion he has to pass through as a result of the ugly attitudes of humanity as played out in the lives of his very disciples. Hence he declared, ‘I tell you most solemnly, one of you will betray me.’ Here, Jesus is talking about the betrayal of Judas and the announcement of Peter’s denial as well. These two events place before us the terrible action of his two disciples which will lead to his arrest and condemnation. With this pronouncement, Judas became aware that Jesus knew about his plans. But this does not change his mind and decision to betray him. So from that moment Satan entered him and he separated himself and left the present of Jesus and his disciples. 

The fact remains that, our attitudes and selfishness sometimes are like that of Judas. Our sins against God and our neighbours are betrayals of the commitments and promises we made to either God or our neighbours. This is why we must be careful in order not to end up falling into temptation like Judas who fell into this temptation because of money and personal benefit, ending up committing a great sin against his very master and friends.  

Dear friends, how often have  we betrayed and denied the Lord? For today we heard how the ugly attitude of the human person inform of betrayal and denial lead to the capture and torture of Jesus. Today it is Judas, at the house of Caiaphas and at the courtyard in the house of the high priest, it will be Peter’s turn while everyday and everywhere we do the same to Jesus and our neighbours, if not worst. But, unlike Judas, who plotted his betrayal over a price. Peter's denial of Jesus comes from his weakness and lack of courage to withstand evil. Often times, in different places and circumstances it will be our turn to either be betrayed, denied or betray or deny other people. Whatever case, we must know that it is not simply Jesus and his love that we have betrayed, we have actually betrayed ourselves. 

Therefore, this Holy Week we must have an examination of conscience on how often we have betrayed Jesus and our neighbours. All our promises and resolutions, all our resolves not to sin, lie, fight, gossip,  cheat, fornicate or commit adultery and abortion.  All our resolves to be merciful, forgiven, reconciling with people we have offended and those who have offended us. Are we keeping and observing these resolutions and promises as we ought to? We must learn to reconcile with God and those we have betrayed in any way as we resolve by God’s grace never to engage in such ugly attitude. This we do by allowing our Christian faith and virtues to shine brightly in the midst of all the darkness of betrayal and denial as we look up to Jesus our Lord and Saviour especially in these dark and difficult moment in our world where people do all sorts of evil things to one another.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, give us the grace and courage this Holy Season not to deny or betray you or our neighbour, for without your grace there is no sin we may not commit against You or our neighbour today. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Sunday, 10 April 2022

The Homily of Monday in Holy Week Year C, 11th April, 2022

 The Homily of Monday in Holy Week Year C, 11th April, 2022

Readings: Is.42:1-7; Ps.27; John 12:1-11

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Six days to the passion and crucifixion of Jesus, we are called to embark on a spiritual journey of faith, passion and hope with Jesus. Little wonder, the first reading today, talks about the Saviour whom God sent into the world to bring forth justice and peace, and to reconcile the world with himself. Reminding us again that God has sent us a redeemer in the person of Christ his Son and servant, Who reveals God’s desire to save his people, by his readiness to take up the Cross and suffer for our sake.

This is evident in our Gospel passage today, where we have the story of how Mary in appreciation anointed the feet of Jesus just before he commenced his Passion. This happened as Lazarus and his sisters gave a dinner to Jesus, perhaps in thanksgiving. Martha did the serving. While Mary honoured Jesus by anointing his feet with a precious ointment. This is because, when Mary saw her brother sitting at the same table with Jesus who turned her mourning into joy, could any gift be too great or precious to express her gratitude? No!

The generosity of Mary in the eyes of Judas, appeared wasteful. But Mary knew that Jesus was worthy of her honour and service, even when it cost so much. Here, Judas sees waste, but Jesus sees love. She pours her love on the feet of the one who will pour himself out on the whole world for the salvation of all humanity. Mary made a dramatic gesture of love which anticipates the love of Jesus on the Cross. But what are we offering to Jesus in appreciation for all he has done for us?

Dear friends, as we journey this holy week, what is your disposition towards the whole activities of this season? Is my disposition that of Martha who is doing the service and preparing for the Lord? Is my disposition like that of Lazarus who is sitting at the table with the Lord and enjoying his goodness? Is my disposition that of the crowd who only came as in spectators and gossipers of the whole event? Or is my disposition like that for the Chief priests and Pharisees who are planning to eliminate and kill Jesus and Lazarus because of what God has done through and for them? Am I a thief like Judas Iscariot who only wishes to steal and take advantage of people providence? Or am I like Mary who is offering God the best of my treasures in thanksgiving to him for all he has done for you?

Brethren, let us ask ourselves today if we have any kind of Mary's spirit in our hearts, the spirit that prompt us to show love and gratitude to our Lord and Saviour and to one another? This holy week, can anything be too precious so as to distract us from spending quality time with the Lord in thanksgivings for his love and mercy in our lives?

Therefore, let us endeavour to utilize this golden opportunity to experience the Lord personally in our lives, as we resolve this day to live our lives faithfully, so as to be more humble, open and willing to listen to God. Let us struggle to get rid of all pride, ego, over ambition, selfishness and greed in our hearts, for all these desires lead us to fall into temptation to sin and so distract us from reaching our goal of journeying with the Lord in his passion, death and resurrection at Easter.

LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, nothing was too great in Mary's heart to offer you, may nothing distract us from expressing our love and gratitude to you as we journey with you this period of your passion and crucifixion for the salvation of humanity, you who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. God bless you.

Saturday, 9 April 2022



Readings: Is. 50:4-7; Ps. 22; Phil 2:6-11; Luke 22:14-23:56

Rev  Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


Today we celebrate the Palm Sunday, a very special Sunday that ushers us into the holy week. This begins with a journey, in which Jesus the King of peace invites us to journey with him. A journey with the procession that reflects an image of something deep about our salvation. Telling us that, together with Jesus, we are setting out on a pilgrimage along the high way that leads to our salvation 

Thus, in our Gospel passages today, we have a comprehensive account of the Lord’s passion from the time of his triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem, as well as the time he had his Passover with his disciples, when he was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, arrested, put on trial, handed over to the Romans, condemned to death and was crucified like a criminal, as prophesied in our first reading by prophet Isaiah, which was also emphasized in our second reading telling us how, though he was divine but humbled himself to accepting death on the Cross for the salvation of Humanity. 

These of course, represent two very distinct extremes between the glory and triumphant nature of his entrance procession into Jerusalem, and the humiliating and painful nature of his passion and crucifixion at Calvary.  Reminding us that we are on a pilgrimage with the Lord, the king of peace, who calls us to strive for purity of hearts and clean of hands, calling us to embrace the truth we found in him as we Journey with him through the activities of this Holy Week.

As the King of peace, there are three things about the kingship of Jesus. First, he is the king of the poor, though rich he humbled himself and became poor. The poverty of Jesus comes from the inner freedom which sprang from a pure heart that is above the human greed for possession and power. The inner freedom that overcomes the corruption and greediness in the hearts of men and women of our world today. Secondly, the kingship of Jesus will be that of peace. For he will do away with wars, crisis, hatred, corruption, greediness in order to proclaim peace on earth. Thirdly, his kingship will be universal. For his kingdom will extend peace from sea to sea and those seeking the face of God will truly find peace. 

Dear friends, there is no doubt that we have missed our Palm Sunday celebration as we are unable to celebrate it last two years as we usually do. But we thank God who has made it possible for us to celebrate it this year in a more colourful way. Therefore, this Holy Week, we are not to lose hope or miss out from the spiritual aspect of the celebration. Rather, let us embrace and key into the spirit of the season by spending more time with God in prayer, deepening our devotion through works of charity and through reading of the Scriptures, develop a personal relationship with God as we journey with our Lord Jesus Christ in his passion.

In fact, let today’s celebration be a reminder for us, of the spiritual and social values that Palm Sunday really represents, so that, in spite of all the darkness and uncertainties, all the despairs and terrible things happening around us and in our societies today, we may still have that very one hope and one faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, our King and Saviour. Thus, let us enter into the Holy Week with an open heart and mind, by letting the Lord to enter spiritually into our hearts and into our beings as gloriously and joyously as the people of Jerusalem had welcomed him with branches of palms and with great rejoicing and reverence. 

But not just the physical branches of palms, garments or soulless olive branches, which delight the eye for a few hours and then withers. Rather, with a pure soul, clothed in God's grace, love, mercy and holiness. Therefore, let our souls take the place of the palm branches as we embrace the Lord Jesus in his journey towards our salvation, and by so doing experience the presence of God personally and collectively in our lives.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we proclaim the kingship of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, let us embrace your kingship with all our hearts and so journey with him this period of holy week, desiring to be righteous and holy as we embrace your mercy and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a spirit filled Palm Sunday celebrate.

Friday, 8 April 2022

The Homily of Saturday in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, 9th April, 2022

 The Homily of Saturday in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, 9th April, 2022

Readings: Ezek.37:21-28; Ps.31; John 11:45-56

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Oftentimes, we do things without knowing or understanding the full meaning of what we are doing. Sometimes, we feel or think that we can change God’s plan by frustrating the effects of others, but later to discover that we are unknowingly fulfilling the plan of God for them.. This is evident in our Gospel passage today, where we heard how the Jewish authorities were filled with rage on account of the news of the resurrection of Lazarus which increased the popularity of Jesus. So they convoked a council to discern how to get rid of him.

For them, this man works many signs and people are now believing in him, if we let him go on this way everybody will believe in him and the Romans will come and suppress the Holy Place and their nation. They were jealous and afraid not just of the Romans but also for possibly losing the temple and even the privileged position of the priests. Thus, Caiaphas being the high priest, decided that it is better that one man should die for the people, than the whole nation should perish. Though being the high priest, he did not just speak, but unknowingly, was prophesying that Jesus have to die to save humanity from sin and death.

Dear friends, have you ever planned the downfall of someone and your plans become a stepping stones for their victory? This happens because  our actions and attitudes are often like that of the Jewish authorities. For we condemn people out of jealousy and unnecessary fear we feel because of what God is doing through them. Sometimes , we feel threatened and intimidated by people’s good deeds and blessings, because we don’t see the need to appreciate them or see the hands of God in what they do. This is very bad and should not be see among us. The truth is that, God has a plan for everyone. God’s plan for Jesus is to save humanity, which he had promised through prophet Ezekiel as we heard him in our first reading today saying: “I shall rescue them from all the betrayals they have been guilty of; I shall cleanse them; they shall be my people and I will be their God”. 

This no doubt is what this season of Lent is all about, calling us to prepare ourselves well to celebrate the upcoming mysteries of the Holy Week, by embracing it with openness to God’s mercy and a renewed faith and obedience to God’s will. Let us all spend some time to reflect on how we can enter into the most sacred time of this season, so that we may truly  have a personal experience of God’s presence so as to grow more spiritually and be ever closer to God our Father.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, you promised to guard us as a shepherd guards his flock, to turn our mourning into joy and to give gladness for grief. May this Holy Season of Lent remind us again of your loving mercy for humanity especially on the ugly situations of sickness, poverty, greed, corruption and sins that are  ravaging our families, societies and the world at large. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a grace filled weekend.

Thursday, 7 April 2022

The Homily of Friday in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, 8th April, 2022

 The Homily of Friday in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, 8th April, 2022

Readings: Jer.20:10-13; Ps.18; John 10:31-42

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Coming very close to the peak of our Lenten season, when we recall the great price Jesus paid for our redemption. The Gospel passage today, reminds us of the trouble Jesus has to bear from the Jewish authorities on account of his personality just like prophet Jeremiah was also persecuted terribly and suffered in the hands of those who used to be his friends as we have it in our first reading today, where we heard of his lamentations and words for all those who have persecuted and plotted against him. 

So, in the same way Jesus was being misunderstood and persecuted by the people who should understand him better. Hence, he challenged them to accept his personality as the Son of God who reveals the love of the Father and gives eternal life. But because of the unclear image of God they have in their minds they could not accept the teachings of Jesus in relation to God the Father. Thus, they tried to stone him.

Dear friends, often times we behave the same way, where in the name of God, some persons are ready to kill others. In fact throughout history, Jews, Christians and Muslims, have fought in the name God. Today the same thing is still happening in our societies and countries. These ugly attitudes will continue to happen because we do not have the right image of the God whom we claim to be serving. 

The Jews condemned Jesus because of the particular image they have about God which prevented them from accepting the teachings of Jesus and since they were also deeply biased and prejudiced against Jesus, it was difficult for any words of truth or reason to change their minds. So, they persecuted the Lord just as their ancestors had persecuted Jeremiah and the other prophets. 

In a similar way, through our disobedience, pride and ignorance, we may have behaved or behaving just like those in our readings who have persecuted the prophets and also refused to listen to the truth of what Jesus has told us about his personality. But brethren, what image of God do we have in our minds? Is it the image of a God who is Pure, Loving and Merciful? Or an image of one who dominates others and condemns them?

LET US PRAY: Lord God, may this season of Lent guide us to have a true image of you in our minds and may this image reflect in our relationship with others. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day

Wednesday, 6 April 2022

The Homily For Thursday in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, 7th April, 2022

 The Homily For Thursday in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, 7th April, 2022

Readings: Gen. 17:3-9; Ps.: 105; John:8:51-59

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Today we see how Jewish authorities find it very difficult to believe in the teaching of Jesus, but ordinary people who experience his miracles and teachings accepted them as coming from God. Hence, in our Gospel passage, the Jews continue to challenge the identity and personality of Jesus. They could not understand his words and actions. So, they continue to misinterpret the real meaning of what he says because they took it literally. 

Here, Jesus made a very strange claims on his identity, and insists he would be lying if he were to say he does not know the Father, to emphasized on this Jesus said: truly truly, I tell you, before Abraham was, I am. This brought more argument with the people who wished to stone him. But, John in this gospel goes to great length to help us believe that Jesus not only came from God, but is God. This shows us the difference between the way Jesus chooses to reveal himself and the way the Jewish authorities perceived him. Jesus wants us to develop a divine way of looking at things with deeper meaning especially as he brings things to life, just as we heard in our first reading how the promised made to Abraham looks impossible when looked at literally but divinely came through and well fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ.

Dear friends, having heard the teachings and works of Jesus in the scriptures and traditions of the Church, the question remains:  personally, what is your disposition and understanding of the personality and identity of Jesus? Who is Jesus to you? As we can see the Jewish authorities do not believe in Jesus, because they could not understand the divine life of Jesus, they could not understand his relationship with God the Father. That the Father gives glory to Jesus, since it is His divinity that he manifests and by so doing glorifies the Father. We are called today to develop a divine way of understanding the mysteries of God but not rejecting them because we do not understand them. Thus, during this season of Lent, let us turn towards God once again with all our hearts and devote our whole lives in seeking to know Him more.

LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, as we meditate on your passion this season of Lent, may we experience the power of your presence in order to embrace more deeply your sacred mysteries. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace be with you.

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

The Homily For Wednesday in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, 6th April, 2022

 The Homily For Wednesday in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, 6th April, 2022

Readings: Dan. 3:14-20,24-25,28; Ps.: Dan. 3:52-56; John:8:31-42

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


As our Lenten season draws closer to the events of Holy Week, the Gospel reading continues with the contentious dialogue between Jesus and the Jews. Here Jesus told the Jews who believed in him that if they continue to know his word, they will learn the truth and the truth will set them free. But the Pharisees take offense at this statement. That as descendants of Abraham they were free and never slaves to anyone. But this is not the case. In fact, the Jews were continuously enslaved to foreign powers.


Nevertheless, Jesus is talking about a different kind of freedom, that is freedom from the slavery of sin. Sin makes us salves to devil. To be free from sin is the desire of every disciple of Christ and this freedom comes from knowing the truth found in the word of God. This is the truth that kept  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from succumbing to the request of  King Nebuchadnezzar to worship the status he has made as we heard in our first reading today. So, they answered: if our God, the one we serve, is able to save us from the burning fiery furnace and from your power, O king, he will save us; and even if he does not, then you must know, O king, that we will not serve your god or worship the statue you have erected.’

Dear friends, these men stood for what they belief, how far can we stand for the truth we professed in Christ? We are called today to embrace the truth found in the word of God. We are called to stand for the truth we have found in Christ. We are called to make truth our habit for the truth will surely set us free. So we are called defend the faith we profess in Christ. But how many of us who want to be disciples of Christ have truly made his word our own? How much of his word resides in us? Have we not  personally experienced the Lord’s mercy and love through the scriptures?  Therefore, we are called to be more devoted and pay heed to the instructions of Jesus who tells us to be truly faithful to God.

LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, help us to have a personal experience of you through the scriptures and so develop deeper love and interest in your word and find in it true freedom, happiness and peace especially in this challenging moment in our world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you the best of God’s favour and blessings.

Monday, 4 April 2022

The Homily For Tuesday in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, 5th April, 2022

 The Homily For Tuesday in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, 5th April, 2022

Readings: Num.21:4-9; Ps. 102; John:8:21-30

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


The symbol of the cross has become the universal image of Christian belief, an instrument of salvation which often appear in Christian art works. This is because countless generations of artists have turned it into a thing of beauty to be carried in procession or worn as jewelry and other religions activities. But, the cross in the eyes of early Christians had no beauty, it was a sign of sorrow, a symbol of courage, an expression of faith which stood outside the city walls, decorated only with decaying human bodies, as a threat to anyone who believes in Jesus. However, this ugly event has turned into a glorious act? Which shows the power of God over humanity. Telling us that God is the source of victory, He has the power to turn ugly situation into a glorious one. 

This is evident in our first reading today, where we heard of the rebellion of Israel against God, their lack of gratitude and appreciation for all that God had done for them. The people had repeatedly grumbled and disobeyed the Lord, spurning his love and committed all sort of sins and betraying God for pagan idols. At this God sent fiery serpents among the people; their bite brought death to many in Israel. Then, they cried to Moses confessing that they have sinned against God. So Moses interceded and made a fiery serpent and put it on a standard. So, if anyone is bitten and looks at it, will live. 


That's why in our Gospel today, Jesus is reminding us yet again, how sin leads to death, and how he himself is going to die as he has repeatedly mentioned to his disciples of his upcoming passion and death. He mentioned of how he would suffer and die and be lifted up on the Cross for the salvation of humanity, pointing out the true reality of what had happened with Moses and the Israelites. The truth is that, God reveals his love, his greatest glory when his Son was lifted up on the cross for there the victory of our salvation was achieved and at the Cross Jesus tells us everything and solves all our difficult problems.

Dear friends, as we struggle with the ugly event of situation in our lives, societies and the world at large caused by sin and human frailty, thereby leading to the death of many people and the restriction of human movement and interaction, let us deeply look at the Cross of Christ, what do we see? How do we feel about the Cross? What does the Cross represents in our life? Do we feel the love of Jesus? Can we perceive the expensive price of our salvation? As we reflect about these, let us return to God, for it is time to let go of our sinful ways of life. But what is keeping us from returning to God? Today we are called not to die in our sins, rather, we should look up to the Cross of Christ and find the strength and mercy of God.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, your Son paid the price of our salvation on the cross and saved us from sin and death. As we resolve to embrace his mercy, may he change all the ugly situation in the world, societies and our families. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. It's a beautiful day, so cheer up, because God cares about you personally.

Sunday, 3 April 2022

The Homily For in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, ,4th April, 2022

 The Homily For  in Fifth Week of Lent Year C, ,4th April, 2022

Readings: Dan.13:41-62; Ps. 23; John 8:12-20

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.

Walking in the Light of Christ 

In the scripture, the theme of light is well emphasized, but oftentimes we struggle between the powers of light and darkness. And in most discourse on the theme of light, Jesus refers himself as the light of the world as we have it in our Gospel passage today, when he said:  ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life”

Here Jesus presents himself as the image of God and the light of the world as he declared his mission in the world. And his mission is not to judge the world but to save it. But this may seem contradictory as we know that, the present of light bring judgement to darkness and Jesus said, You judge by human standards; I judge no one. Yet even if I do judge, my judgement is valid; for it is not I alone who judge, this is what the Pharisees failed to understand.

The fact is that, there is no contradiction in these statements, for Jesus had come from the Father, bearing the light of his love, revealed by his word and deed. Those who receive him walk in this light. Those who reject him stumble around in the darkness. However, the primary purpose in his first coming was not to judge the world, but to provide salvation to the world through his passion and death. But referring to the concept of judgment on the last day, this is implicit in the second coming of Jesus, because the light of the risen Lord will divide people into those who come to it and those who hide from it. Therefore the first coming is not to judge but to save, while the second coming will be for judgment, for light will surely be separated from darkness and all that is not of light.  This is what plays out in our first reading today in the story of Susanna.

Dear friends, today we are called to walk in the light of Christ, for everyday is an opportunity for us to examine ourselves to know if there are areas in our lives that still remain in the darkness of this passing world. It’s time for us to get rid of them, it’s time to let the light of Christ's presence illuminate the darkness of sin and shame in our lives. It’s time to embrace the salvation which Jesus has won for us for tomorrow may be too late.  It’s time to let the light of Christ in us illuminate the world through our ways of life. Let us like the Daniel in our first reading today, discern carefully through the power of the Holy Spirit on how best we can spread the Good News of Jesus the light of the world, who has won salvation for all the people who embrace the light of his word.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we have come to know Jesus as the true light of the world, make us instrument of your light in the darkness in our families, societies and the world at large, so that by our worthy way of life, we may bring others to the fullness of life in you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed week.

Homily For Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 24th, 2025

  Readings: Sir.1:1-10; Ps. 93; Mark: 9:14-29 Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE PUT THEIR FAITH INTO POS...