Thursday, 31 March 2022

The Homily For Friday in Fourth Week of Lent Year C, 1st April, 2022. Happy New Month

 The Homily For Friday in Fourth Week of Lent Year C, 1st April, 2022. Happy New Month

Readings: Wisd. 2:1.12-22; Ps. 34; John 7:1-2.10.25-30

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


There is no doubt that our societies today are full of evil and wickedness of humanity against one another. So,  everyday we struggle against the malice of the evil ones, and people are doing everything they can to overcome them.

This is evident in our readings today. In the first reading, we heard how unsound some people can be in their thinking. This no doubt reveals the thoughts of the wicked people who rejected the message of God’s truth and persecuted the prophets saying, “let us lie in wait for the virtuous man, since he annoys us and opposes our way of life, reproaches us for our breaches of the law and accuses us of playing false to our upbringing. He claims to have knowledge of God, and calls himself the son of God”. Such are the ways of the evil ones. 

In a similar way in our Gospel we heard of the opposition against Jesus and the efforts his enemies made to try to harm him. This happened in fulfillment of the prophecy about the suffering Servant of God. It is at this point that Jesus made one of the most revealing statement at the Temple before everyone who gathered at the temple, not long before the beginning of his Passion. He stood firmly against all those who had doubted, rejected and persecuted him, showing how those who refused to believe in him and his truth were blinded by their pride and arrogance, their unwillingness to listen, and their lack of knowledge and faith in him.  

Dear friends, there are two groups of people in our societies today, the wicked group of people and the group who are their victims. Which of this group do you belong,? If you are among the wicked group, please repent now that you still have the opportunity. If you are among the group of victims remain faithful for victory will be yours. For as we draw closer to the season of Holy Week, the readings begin to speak about the coming of the Lord’s Passion, the suffering servant of God. For out of pride and selfishness the Pharisees turned against the Lord Jesus. Their malice and worldly concerns and also their ugly desires truncated their faith and obedience to God. In the same way the root of all these evil in our world today is none other than pride, selfishness, arrogance and over ambition in our hearts. 

Therefore, as we struggle against the evil of our time we can take consolation from today’s Psalm which tells us that the Lord is close to the broken-hearted; those whose spirit is crushed he will save. For many are the trials of the just man but from them all the Lord will rescue him, for the Lord ransoms the souls of his servants and those who hide in him shall not be condemned. This is a reminder that God will not forget his faithful ones, but those who have acted with injustice and evil, will have to answer for their misdeeds, unless they repent from their sins. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we struggle with the ugly situation in our world today, gift us grace not to give up, may we remain faithful in all trials and temptations. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy New Month.

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

The Homily For Thursday in Fourth Week of Lent Year C, 31st March, 2022The Homily For Thursday in Fourth Week of Lent Year C, 31st March, 2022

 The Homily For Thursday in Fourth Week of Lent Year C, 31st March, 2022

Readings: Ex. 32:7-14, Ps. 106, John 5:31-47

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Humanity have always rebelled against God despite all his love, care and mercy for us. Sometimes it seems as if the more God cares, loves and blesses us the more we disobeyed and separate ourselves from him. This is obvious in our readings today. In our first reading, we heard how the Israelites rebelled against God in a very terrible manner, because they made for themselves a golden calf, as a god and worshipped it. while it was not too long that God had delivered them from the hands of the Egyptians and opened the sea for them to pass safely on the dry ground, while destroying all the chariots and armies sent after them. 

This happened just because Moses had spent forty days and forty nights in the mountain, trying receiving the commandments for them. So, the people being impatient and weak in faith, chose to take the drastic action of forcing Aaron to make for themselves a golden calf to serve as god over them. Hence, they committed all sorts of atrocities and terrible sinful deeds with the golden idol, and God was very angry with them and about to destroy them. But Moses interceded and pleaded on their behalf, for him to show mercy and to forgive them. Of course, God spared the people but some of those worst offenders and the leaders of the rebellion were indeed not spared by the wrath of God, for it was by their instigation that the whole people of Israel ended up disobeying God and sinned against him. 

This same attitude is what Jesus is addressing in our Gospel passage today, as he rebuked the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law who opposed him just like the people who disobeyed God and hardened their hearts by making idol for themselves to be worshipped as their god. While the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law proudly claimed themselves as the sole guardians of the faith, they ended up idolizing their way of observing the laws of Moses to the point that they forgot why they have the Law in the first place, since they refused to listen to Jesus. Thus he rebuked and reminded the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law as he do the same to us that we need to get rid of our pride, corruption and idolatry.

Dear friends, why have we remained stiff-necked and rebellious? Why do we often exchange the God of glory for the image of a bull that eats grass? Why have we let pride, greed and corruption take away our love for God? Why are we quick to forget what the Lord has done for us? Why do we preferred to offend him despite all his love for us? Today we are reminded of how merciful God has been to us, how patient he has been with our stubbornness, our constant disobedience, our sinful ways and our rebelliousness. 

God has continually forgiven us when we seek his forgiveness and mercy. Because he has always loved us so much even when we have disobeyed him and committed so much evil before him. So, it’s time to return to God not forgetting that he still despises our sins and wickedness, for he loves us, though sinners but despises our sins. Because sin brings corruption on us, and no corruption and wickedness can remain in God’s presence. 

Therefore, this turbulent moment in human history, we are called to make good use of the opportunities we have received in this Holy Season of Lent, by ensuring that we approach the throne of God’s mercy and love. Let us humble ourselves before God and strive to repent from our mistakes and sins, knowing that God is always ready to forgive us if we ourselves are willing to change our ugly and sinful ways of doing things. 

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are stiffed- neck and rebellious people who have often taken your love and mercy for granted. As we listen to your words today, may we repent of our sinful ways of life and sincerely embrace your words today. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

The Homily For Wednesday of Fourth Week of Lent Year C, 30th March, 2022

 The Homily For Wednesday of Fourth Week of Lent Year C, 30th March, 2022

Readings: Isaiah 49:8-15; PPs.145; John 5:17-30

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


The second stanza of one of the beautiful songs in our hymn book titled “By and By”, composed by Charles A. Tindley says:

Oft our cherished plans have failed,

Disappointments have prevailed,

And we've wandered in the darkness,

heavy-hearted and alone;

But we're trusting in the Lord,

And, according to his Word,

We will understand it better by and by.

This song will help us understand why Oftentimes when we have good and wonderful intentions, which we feel is the best thing in our life, does not work out the way we want it. This is because our intention may be good and wonderful but as long as it does not fall in line with the will of God, we may only struggle with them, but will not achieve the desired results.  So for our cherished plans not to fail, we must learn to outline our intentions with the will of God, just like Jesus in our Gospel passage today. 

For we heard how Jesus outlined his intentions with that of his Father when he said ‘I tell you most solemnly, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees the Father doing: I can do nothing by myself, because my aim is to do not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.’

Here, we see that Jesus' conviction came from within. That is from the will of God his Father, who sent him for the salvation of humanity and this was the priority of his life. Jesus spoke of God as a loving father with whom he related closely and confidently. The relationship was so great that the work of Jesus is the same as the work of the Father. But those who could not understand this relationship feels threatened. That is why they seek for a way to kill him. 

This should not be our attitude, rather we should seek to outline our intentions with that of God by building a good relationship with him. Though it may be hard to understand and build a relations between divinity and humanity; but through prayers we can develop the willingness to do and fulfil the will of God. And when this is done we will surely achieve our cherished plans.

Dear friends, I don't know the cherished plans in your heart right now, I don’t know your cherished plans which have failed and it seems as if disappointments have prevailed, thereby wandering in the darkness of confusion and heavy heart all alone. Today Jesus is inviting us to outline those plans with the will of God including all our troubles, all our challenges and  disappointments and he will help us to succeed. 

For we heard the Lord saying in our first reading: At the favourable time I will answer you, on the day of salvation I will help you. For a woman does not forget her baby at the breast, or fail to cherish the son of her womb. Yet even if these forget, I will never forget you. Therefore, we have to ensure that all our cherished plans are in line with the will of God, then we will tell the story of how we overcome our most troublesome and darkest of moments, then we will understand it better by and by.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, as we learn to outline our intentions with your will, may you direct our cherished plans to suit your will and so achieve the desired results. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you the best of God's favour.

Monday, 28 March 2022

The Homily For Tuesday in Fourth Week of Lent Year C, 29th March, 2022

 The Homily For Tuesday in Fourth Week of Lent Year C, 29th March, 2022

Readings: Ezek. 47:1-9.12 , Ps. 46, John 5:1-16

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


In this life, there is a principle that we need to understand, that is, the principle that says that everyday is a gift from God. Which of course is another great opportunity to experience and encounter the Lord. So, I don't know how you woke up today, I don't know what troubles your mind. But all I know is that today is another gift of God to us, I am excited, hopeful and am going to live it with all joy, not trying to change things that I could not change or try to fix things that do not want to be fixed. Intervene

But I will do my best to overcome my daily challenges knowing and hoping that one day I will hear Jesus saying to me, do you want to be healed again? Rise, take up your pallet and walk, just as he said to the sick man in our Gospel reading today. Here we see how a man who was struggling everyday to overcome the ugly situation in his life was heal by a single command from Jesus. This happened on a day like every other days, when he heard Jesus saying: do you want to be healed? As the man was busy narrating his past failed efforts of having no one to put him into the pool when the water is disturbed; Jesus said to him, rise, take up your pallet and walk and immediately he was restored. 

This great and miraculous event brought deep joy into the life of a hopeless man, who out of joy went about expressing his healing. And this draws the attention of the people who marveled at what had happened to him. But the Jews were more concerned about the Sabbath law rather than the mercy and love of God . An ugly attitude that sometimes happens among us where we disregards the good of others over laws and regulations.

Dear friends, the Lord wishes to heal us no matter the duration of the situation we are passing through. But we shall not let the ugly and failed events of the past to distract us from receiving God’s blessings today. We should rather focus on the blessings that comes with the gift of today. We must learn to follow the directives of the Lord, knowing that he will lead us to the healing water that flows east down to the Arabah from the sanctuary and in it, we shall find every kind of fruit tree with leaves that never wither and fruit that never fails; their fruit will be good to eat and the leaves medicinal, thereby making all things wholesome again as we heard in our first reading today. 

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, a lot of people are passing through difficult situation which has lingered for a long time. As we listened to your words today, may we hear the voice of the Lord saying: arise, take up your pallet and go home. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.  It's 

Sunday, 27 March 2022

The Homily For Monday of Fourth Week of Lent Year C, 28th March, 2022

 The Homily For Monday of Fourth Week of Lent Year C, 28th March, 2022

Readings: Is.65:17-21 , Ps. 30, John 4:43-54

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


The ugly situation in our world today, may seem to most people that God has abandoned his people. It may seem as if the Church is not doing enough for his people. It may seem as if our governments and scientist have failed. But the fact remains that God is ever and always closer to us more than we can ever imagine. He has always desires that we pay attention to his teaching and directives through his Church, the scientists and those of our leaders who are making sincere efforts to ensuring the good of the people. 

But the questions we need to ask ourselves are: do we really listen and hear God speaking to us through the daily activities we experienced? Do we still see the hands of God in what we do? Are we really convinced of what we do with the gift of knowledge, skills and talents God has given us? Do we pay attention to the word of God we hear everyday in the house of God, the streets and through other means of communication? Perhaps we are the one who have abandoned God and now we are confused and afraid as a result of this ugly situation in our societies and in the world.

Dear friends, no matter how we feel about the situation we are passing through today, we are called not to give up on God or his Church or the human agents through whom his help comes to us, for God has not abandoned his people. We all need to have our ears opened, so that we can hear and understand fully the message God is communicating to humanity through the ugly situations we are passing through today. 

For God is saying to us, fear not, come back to me, have courage for the storms will soon be over. And if you turn back to me with all your heart, I will restore your land, no more will the sound of weeping or the sound of cries be heard, no more will be found the infant living a few days only, or the old man not living to the end of his days as we have it in our first reading today. And in the Gospel Jesus says to the court official: “Go home, your son will live” and the man believed him and went home. By the time he got home his son was healed.

Therefore, we must have faith in God and sing psalms to the Lord, you who love him, give thanks to his Holy name. For his anger lasts a moment; his favour all through life. At night there are tears, but joy comes with dawn. Because with the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption. Our world He will redeem from the ravage of corruption, pride, selfishness, sin and shame. 

LET US PRAY Lord God, you are the source of all that is good, as we listen to your words today, may you grant our hearts desires so that we may obtain the Joy of your presence in order to build our faith strongly firm in your words. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful week ahead.

Saturday, 26 March 2022



Readings: Jos. 5:9.10-12; Ps. 34; 2 Cor.5:17-21; Luke 15:1-3. 11-32

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


Everyday of our lives we make choices that we think are good for us. But the root of any choice we make comes from the fundamental option we have made for or against God; to love or to be selfish, to be good or bad, to be holy or sinful. And any choice we make has great consequences which can be positive or negative as we have in the parables of the prodigal son in our Gospel passage today. 

In this parable, we can identify three main characters: The Father, the elder son and the younger son. The three characters represent the attitude of group of persons in which Jesus was addressing in the Gospel. First the attitude of the tax collectors and sinners, who were seeking the company of Jesus to hear what he had to say. Secondly the attitudes of the Pharisees and scribes who complained, and then Jesus who is seen as a righteous man who welcomes sinners and eats with them.

Looking at the attitudes of these three characters in the parable, we can deduce that the attitude of the Pharisees and Scribes depicts that of the elder son who is obedient to his father but passes judgment on his disobedient brother, the attitude of task collectors and sinner depicts the younger son who seeks reconciliation and forgiveness from his father. While the attitude of the Father can be seen in the person of God (Jesus) who went out to welcome the prodigal son (task collectors and sinners) and goes out as well searching for the elder and dutiful son (Pharisees and Scribes). 

This parable is also applicable to our present context, where the Church is seen as the merciful Father, who welcomes, accommodates and lavishes her love on both saints and sinner. Meanwhile, the saints and the righteous ones in the Church are seen as the elder son who is obedient and faithful to the Father. While sinners, unbelievers are seen as the prodigal son who has traveled to a far distance country seeking to come back to the Father. 

But the questions we should ask ourselves are: where do I belong in the whole picture of this parable? Am I lost in sin? have I traveled far away from God and his Church? Where am I now in my relationship with God, what is the state of my life? what is my attitude towards my neighbour, my family, my father, mother, children? What is my attitude towards those who have offended me in a grievous ways? What is my attitude towards notorious sinners (armed robbers, murderers, prostitutes, drunkards, drug addicts,  womanizers, liars, the wicked, greedy and corrupt people) can I accommodate them if repented?

Dear friends, today we are exposed to human sinfulness and God’s mercy. For we heard the Lord in our first reading saying to Joshua, ‘today I have taken the shame of Egypt away from you.’

Hence, God is calling us to repentance. Sin has taken us away from God is time to come back, we are lost in a far away land of sin, is time to come back. It doesn't matter what we have done, how sinful we may have been, no matter how grievous. God is waiting for us to come back. He wants to hear us say like the prodigal son: I will arise and go to my Father and say Father forgive me for I have sinned against heaven and before you.  

Little wonder St Paul in our second reading today said that God in Christ was reconciling the world to himself. For anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation; the old creation has gone, and now the new one is here. It is all God’s work. Since it was God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the work of handing on this reconciliation

Friends, God wants to meet us at the confessional, he wants to meet us in the Eucharist, he wants to meet us in those persons we have offended and those who have offered us. He wants to meet us in those we have refused to forgive. He wants to meet us in our families, in your husband, your wife, your children, your neighbours, your colleagues in the office and market place. He wants to meet you in that man who is suffering in prison and hospital because of your unforgiveness. All he wants us to do today is to say, am sorry to those who we have offended and to forgive those who have offended us.

The choice is yours, don't wait until is too late. Why not put a call to someone today and say to him or her am sorry, I have forgiven you, I just realized how wrong I have been, please forgive me. If we can do this, then we will see how blessed our life will be in this Holy season of Lent and we will find reason to rejoice at Easter. Remember that conversion is not just about sinners becoming holy, is more than that. Is about  experiencing and acknowledging the love of God everyday of our lives. 

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, sin has separated us for your love, as we listen to your words today, may we come back to you just like the prodigal son, with repented heart and strong will to remain faithful like the dutiful son, knowing that you as our merciful Father awaits our return. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed Sunday celebration.

Friday, 25 March 2022

The Homily For Saturday in Third Week of Lent Year C, 26th March, 2022

 The Homily For Saturday in Third Week of Lent Year C, 26th March, 2022

Readings: Hosea 6:1-6, Ps. 51, Luke: 18:9-14

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Prayer is part and parcel of our Christian life. It is the act of raising up our minds and hearts to God. But sometimes we find it difficult to carry out this exercise because we don't understand how or what is demanded of us or the best disposition to prayer.

Today in our Gospel passage, we heard how two men went up to the Temple to pray, one a Pharisee, the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood there and said this prayer to himself, “I thank you, God, that I am not grasping, unjust, adulterous like the rest of mankind, and particularly that I am not like this tax collector here. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes on all I get.”  While the tax collector stood some distance away, not daring even to raise his eyes to heaven; but beat his breast and said, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” Hence, Jesus said, the tax collector, went home at rights with God; the Pharisee did not. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the man who humbles himself will be exalted. 

Dear friends, we are called to cultivate the right attitude and disposition  towards prayers. For in prayer, we are not to give God instructions or present our profile of piety, but our disposition should be that of humility and contrition like this tax collector. We are to present ourselves to God just like a good servant will report for duty and wait for instructions from his master. So, we are to respond in obedience to God's instructions in prayer for there we encounter God in the inner most part of our being. 

Thus, we are called in our first reading to return to the Lord in prayers, for he may torn us to pieces, but he will heal us; he may struck us down, but he will bandage our wounds; since what he want is love, not sacrifice, humility and not holocausts. Therefore, we have to cultivate the right disposition and learn how to communicate with God the right way through prayer.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we do not know how to pray as we ought, as we listen to your words today, may we learn how to cultivate the right attitude and disposition towards prayers. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. It’s weekend, wishing you a peaceful and joyful day.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

The Homily For Friday in third Week of Lent Year C, 25th March, 2022

 The Homily For Friday in third Week of Lent Year C, 25th March, 2022

The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

Readings: Is. 7:10-14.8:10; Ps.40; Heb.10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38

Rev  Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Today in a special way, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, an event that marks exactly nine months before the birth of Jesus at Christmas, recalling the very moment when our Lord and Saviour was conceived in the womb of Mary, as she responded to the revelation of God’s Good News through the Archangel Gabriel saying: I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word. With this response the Word became flesh and dwells among us through a humble Virgin, thereby revealing the arrival of the long awaited Saviour into the world as we have it in our Gospel passage today.

In our first reading, we heard how king Ahaz also received revelation from God through prophet Isaiah, of the coming of God’s salvation to his people. But Ahaz refused to accept the sign, out of false humility, saying that he would not put God to the test even when the prophet had specifically said that God will give him a sign. This shows lack of faith and disobedience from king Ahaz which is quite opposite to that of Mary who humbly accepted God’s will. 

When compared the response of Mary to that of Ahaz, who further led the people of Judah into sin, as he did not follow or obey God’s laws. We will see that his lack of faith is indeed opposite to Mary’s total submission to God, his pride and false humility is opposite of Mary’s total humility and devotion to God.  Hence, Mary became the role model for all of us, as her obedience and willingness to accept her role as the Mother of God and Saviour is something that all of us as Christians should also emulate in our own lives. Let us learn how to be submissive to God’s will like Mary.

Dear friends, this Holy season of Lent have been filled with a lot of uncertainty, sorrow and grief, challenges and trials, obstacles, difficulties and suffering all over the world. But we are consoled in today’s Solemnity of the Annunciation of our Lord and Saviour with the words of the angle, telling us to rejoice most highly favoured for the Lord has special plans for us, if only we can say like Mary: “let it be done to me according to your will”. 

Thus, we are called to draw strength, faith and courage from Mary in her total submission to God’s will, knowing that despite all the darkness, sorrow and uncertainties in our world, God will not abandoned his people. His promise of salvation is a reality that we will surely experience. Therefore, let us entrust ourselves in humility to God just as Mary had done. Let us ask for his mercy and forgiveness as we also forgive one another. It is not time to judge people or lose faith. Rather, it is time to pray for each other as we grow stronger in faith and in our love and devotion to God., knowing that he is closer to us in this turbulent times and he does not fail in his promises.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, the occasion of the annunciation reminds us of your promises and plans to redeem humanity, as we listen to your words today, may we respond positively to your requests and so be filled with the joy of your presence, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. God bless you.

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

The Homily For Thursday in Third Week of Lent Year C, 24th March, 2022

 The Homily  For Thursday in Third Week of Lent Year C, 24th March, 2022

Readings: Jer. 7:23-28, Ps. 95, Luke: 11:14-23

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Having journeyed with the Lord in the midst all the ugly situations going on in the world today. It is time to examine our conscience to know if we are still truly with the Lord in this journey of faith. This is the question we need to constantly ask ourselves, because not all those who are journeying with us are really sharing the same faith and destination with us. Thus, how to identify those who are with us in this journey, Jesus made it clear in our Gospel passage today.

In this Gospel Jesus said, that ‘he who is not with me is against me; and he who does not gather with me scatters.’ This statement was made when the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law accused Jesus of using the power of Beelzebub to cast out other demons. Hence, Jesus rebuked them saying that the devil and demons would not have divided among themselves if they were to achieve their goal which is the destruction of humanity. 

Dear friends, today as we listened to the words of God, we are called to turn back to God and abandon our sinful ways in order to be and remain with the Lord. Little wonder, in our first reading today, we heard prophet Jeremiah reminding us of the need to be with the Lord as we make our journey, thereby reminding us of the need to repent and to change our ugly ways of life. Therefore, we must make up our minds to follow the Lord. For the world as we know is offering us so many things, good and bad alike. 

But sometimes the options are so confusing and we must make choices. To make right choice, we need to make a fundamental option that will form a solid base for all the choices we will be making in life. To make this fundamental option, we need to understand not just where we are physically but, where we are existentially in terms of our convictions, goals, desires, dreams and the destination of our soul in this journey of life.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we make the examination of conscience, help us to discover who we are and who we are journeying with. May we never be against you and your family the Church as we hope to remain united as one big family of faith, with one Father and one goal which is to be united with you in your heavenly kingdom. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

The Homily For Wednesday in Third Week of Lent Year C, 23rd March, 2022

 The Homily For  Wednesday in Third Week of Lent Year C, 23rd March, 2022

Readings: Deut. 4:1.5-9, Ps. 147, Matt 5:17-19

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


To be great is the dream of most people, but often time when reflecting on the emptiness of life and the things of this passing world, I can not but ask myself: what is that thing that one really need to obtain in life that will be referred to as true greatness? I find the answer to this question in our Gospel passage today.

In this Gospel passage, Jesus while describing what true greatness means said to his disciples as he is instructing us, that the man who infringes even one of the least of his commandments and teaches others to do the same will be considered the least in the kingdom of heaven; but the man who keeps them and teaches them will be considered great in the kingdom of heaven. Here, Jesus points out that keeping and teaching the commandments of God is the sure way to achieving greatness not just here on earth but also in heaven. 

So, as Christians we obtain true greatness by keeping and teaching the commandments of God. It is our duty is to teach and bear sincere witness to God’s commandments by our ways of life. Therefore we need to be serious with how carryout our responsibility towards keeping and teaching the commandments of God. We need to start practicing what we preach, we need to do more of witnessing then preaching. 

It is not enough to recall principles, state intentions, point to blatant injustice and utter prophetic declarations and denunciation; these kind of words lack real meaning of our faith unless they are accompanied by effective action manifested by our way of life. Hence we need to acknowledge that our authority as Christians come from God who through Moses commanded us in our first reading not to forget the things our eyes have seen, nor let them slip from our heart all the days of our lives; rather, we should tell them to our children and to our children’s children.’

Dear friends, today Jesus tells us that he has not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, but to complete them, so we are not called to compromise the teachings and laws of God to suit our wrong motives and parade ourselves as Christians, teachers, pastors, prophets. Rather we are called to live them out so that our actions should reflect the paternity of God in the way we live and serve others, knowing that true greatness is found in keeping and teaching the commandments of God, of which Jesus tell us that the greatest of these commandments is to love God and our neighbour. 

Therefore, true greatness is rooted in our love for God and our neighbours, of which Jesus emphasized that it is too bad to break one of these commandments, but to teach someone else to do the same is a terrible evil thing to do. Thus, we should ask ourselves today, am I breaking these commandments and teaching others to do the same through my attitude and way of life? Am I following my own opinions contrary to the commandments and laws of love which Jesus has taught us by his way of life? Or am I keeping and teaching these commandments through my attitude and my way of life? The answer to these questions are not far from us.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, all good things come from you, as we struggle to sincerely witness our faith and keep your commandments, grant us the grace to keep and teach them by our way of life and so obtain the Joy of true greatness in this world and in your heavenly kingdom, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a favourable day.

Monday, 21 March 2022

The Homily For Tuesday in Third Week of Lent Year C, 22nd March, 2022

 The Homily For Tuesday in Third Week of Lent Year C, 22nd March, 2022

Readings: Dan 3:2.11-20, Ps. 25, Matt.18:21-35

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


In our Lord’s prayer which Jesus gave us as a pattern of all prayers and as a fundamental principle of Christian living, there is a portion that point out something so important. This portion says “forgive us our trespasses as we for give those who trespassed against us” (Matt.6:12). By this pray we are making a covenant and commitment that will be a standard by which we are going to be judged as regards our relationship with others and with God. But often times we are not conscious of this principles especially when we have to face the difficult moment of forgiving a grievous offense.

Thus, Peter one of the disciples of Jesus being conscious of this fact, asked Jesus in our Gospel passage today saying: ‘Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘Not seven, I tell you, but seventy times seven. And he practicalized his answer with an example of a servant who owed his master a great debt that he and his generation cannot pay. But when he pleads for mercy, the master forgave him all the debts. However, this same servant found a fellow servant who owed him as little as one hundred denarii, he seized him by the throat and began to throttle him and even when he pleaded for mercy, instead of forgiving him, he puts him in prison according to the norms of the law until he had paid his debt. 

This unforgiven servant did to his fellow servant what the master could have done to him, but did not. So, when the master heard how he treated his fellow servant, handed him over to the torturers till he should pay all his debts.” Jesus then said, this is how my heavenly Father will deal with you unless you each forgive your brother from your heart.’ For God will apply the principle he has given us in our Lord’s Prayer, which will automatically put us where we properly belongs based on how we have related with other.

In this story, we see the extreme estimate of the debt the servant owed his master, ten thousand talents, even if him and his family had to work their whole life, they would never have been able to pay that debt. So, that’s a huge amount compared to hundred denarii his fellow servant owed him, in fact, there was no comparison between the two debtors at all. However, this will exposed to us the ugly attitude of unforgiveness and also help us to understand that our debt before God is so huge and countless for we cannot be able to pay them. Therefore we are bound, then, to have pity on others and forgive them from our hearts just as God had pity on us and forgives us our sins, for this is the only way to salvation. 

Dear friends, there is no doubt that forgiven a grievous offense can be very difficult, but when this is done, it is like recovery a lost treasure that contains: joy, peace, freedom and healing. Hence, are there people we have vowed not to forgive? Have people hurt us so much that we can’t forgive them? Have we offended people and cannot be humble enough to ask for their forgiveness? Do we think that our sins are so huge for God to forgive? Are we finding it difficult to forgive those who have offended us? 

This Holy season of Lent, we need to pray for God’s grace and courage to forgive people who have offered us, knowing that we are rebellious and proud people, we lack the courage and disposition to forgive just as we heard in our first reading. So today, Jesus is asking us to learn how to forgive others always and unconditionally from our hearts, so that God will also forgive us always and unconditionally. Therefore, we must never refuse to forgive or reject an offer of reconciliation in our relationship with God and with our fellow human beings and if this becomes difficult, bring it to Jesus in prayer. 

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, today you have made us to realize how unlimited you mercy is, as you exposed how huge our debts are in comparison with the little debts of forgiveness others owe us. As we make it a habit to forgive from the debt of our hearts all those who have offended us, may we discover and experience the hidden treasures that forgiveness brings. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a grace filled day.

Sunday, 20 March 2022

The Homily For Monday in Third Week of Lent Year C, 21st March, 2022

 The Homily For Monday in Third Week of Lent Year C, 21st March, 2022

Readings: 2Kings 5:1-15; Ps. 42; Luke 4:24-30

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


One of the forces that drives the world order today is pride. People can do anything to prove how powerful, influential, popular, wealthy and connected they are before everyone they encounter. Hence, at any little provocation, you see them ranting: "I will show you today who am I", "by the time I finish with you, you will come to know me". I will do this, I will do that... just to prove who they parade themselves to be. Everywhere they go, they want to be highly recognized, they look down on every other person. This ugly attitude is what the devil certainly wants us to have, so that we end up distancing ourselves from God.

The devil does not want us to be saved, and he would tempt us to be arrogant and prideful as we heard in our first reading today in the story of Naaman the Syrian, who went to the land of Israel seeking for healing from the leprosy he had been suffering from. But when Naaman sought the prophet Elisha, he was told to wash himself at the River Jordan seven times, and he would be healed. But he refused out of pride. 

This was exactly how the devil tried to prevent Naaman from finding healing, not just from leprosy but also from his sinfulness and lack of faith by placing pride, ego and stubbornness in his way. It was at this point that, Naaman’s servant reminded him to be humble and accept the conditions in order for him to be healed since it was a very easy thing for him to do. In the end, Naaman obeyed, humbling himself in obedience to the advice of the servant and was healed.

In the same way in our Gospel passage today, the people of Nazareth refused to listen to Jesus or believe in him because they stubbornly persisted in believing that what they had known earlier about Jesus as the Son of a mere carpenter, he could not have attained such power, authority and wisdom. Their prejudices and ego prevented them from having faith as they hardened their hearts and minds against God. As such, the Lord could not do much in their midst, and in the end, making reference to the events of Naaman and the widow of Zarephath. Thus, he left his hometown doing little because of their pride and lack of faith.

Dear friends, pride is the first capital sin, so, do not let pride deprive you of God’s blessings. Thus, we are called today to renounce pride and embrace the courage of humility. We must entrust ourselves humbly to the Lord, because only in this way will we be able to become docile instruments in his hands and allow him to do great things through us and  in our lives. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, oftentimes we have failed to humble ourselves, because of pride and this has deprived us of your blessings. As we listen to your words today, may we learn to humble ourselves and so obtain your blessings and favours. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed and favourable week.

Saturday, 19 March 2022



Readings: Ex.3:1-8.13-15; Ps. 103; 2Cor 10:1-6.10-12; Luke 13:1-9

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


Reflecting on the ugly situations in our families, our societies, our country and in the world at large, I can not but recall the song of one of our great music legends Bob Marley, who said in one of his songs titled Natural Mystic:

There's a natural mystic

Blowing through the air

If you listen carefully now you will hear

This could be the first trumpet

Might as well be the last

Many more will have to suffer

Many more will have to die

Don't ask me why

Things are not the way they used to be

I won't tell no lie

One and all got to face reality now.

The meaning of the words in this song, describe completely the situation in our societies today which is very much in  line with the topic of our message today. For we can feel the struggles, the killings, the tears, the disappointments that people are passing through everyday. In fact, some people are losing hope in themselves and even in everything they do, as they run up and down seeking for solutions. The poor are searching for daily bread, upliftment and favour, the rich are seeking for protection and good health, while the evil ones are taking advantage of the situation to destroy the little hope and faith of the people. All these are signs from God who gives us the opportunity to repent from our sinful ways of life.

This is what Jesus is telling us in our Gospel passage today when he said: “Do you suppose the Galileans who suffered like this were greater sinners than any other Galileans? They were not, I tell you. No; but unless you repent you will all perish as they did. Then with a parable of the barren fig tree, Jesus demonstrated how God has made every moment of our lives an opportunity for us to repent and be fruitful. This is clear when he said in the parable, “Look, for three years now I have been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and finding none. Cut it down: why should it be taking up the ground?” “Sir,” the vinedresser replied “leave it one more year and give me time to dig round it and manure it: it may bear fruit next year; if not, then you can cut it down.”  

Such is God’s patience with us for he gives us the opportunity to turn away from our sinful and ugly ways of life. Repentance is the key message of this Gospel passage, for Jesus makes it clear that those who suffered and were killed were not worse offenders than others, rather he uses the opportunity to call us to repentance. Note that, the purpose of this message is not for condemnation rather for redemption. 

And what is most important in this message is for us to “listen carefully now and repent from our sinful ways of life”. This is because the world as we know is coming to an end, for the day of reckoning is very close at hand. This could be the first trumpet might as well be the last. For it is obvious from the signs we are seeing around us today. How can we interpret the signs of this times, the signs that tell us that this world is passing away. 

Many are suffering and many more will have to suffer from greediness of others. Many have died and may more will have to die. Many are perishing in sin, many more will have to perish if we refuse to repent from sin and greediness. And we heard in our first reading second readings, how the chosen people of  God failed to listen to God in spite of his warning. They failed to please God and their corpses littered the desert. All this happened to them as a warning, and it was written down to be a lesson for us who are living at this end of the age. For the man who thinks he is safe must be careful that he does not fall.

Dear friends, this call for repentance shows us that it is not too late for us to repent, for this may be the last opportunity. Because we can never tell what will happen in the next moment. We can never tell who is next to die, we can never know the form it will take or where it will occur, all that matters is for us to repent now that we still have the opportunity. For none of those who have died knew that it going to happen that day. 

Therefore, let us repent now, for repentance helps us to be well disposed for life and for death. Repentance helps us to live right and at peace with God and with one another. Repentance gives us the courage and confidence to face any situation without fear of death. All we need is to listen to God who is speaking to us now. For if we listen carefully now we will hear him telling us, that things are not the way they used to be, we all have to face the reality  now which tells us that: everyday is a golden opportunity, today may be the last and only opportunity, today maybe that golden opportunity for us to change our sinful ways of life and embrace God completely.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, You are the author of our lives, freedom and salvation, all we have are yours, thank you for being with us in our daily troubles, struggles, fears, tears, hope and joy, may you provide for the poor, console the troubled, heal the sick, protect and put simile on the faces of your children today and always as we make effort to repent from our sinful ways, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed Sunday celebration

Friday, 18 March 2022

The Homily of Saturday in Second Week of Lent Year C, 19th March, 2022

 The Homily of Saturday in Second Week of Lent Year C, 19th March, 2022

The Solemnity of St. Joseph, husband of Mary

Readings: 2 Sam. 7:4-5.12-14.16, Ps. 89,  Rom. 4:13.16-18.22, Matt. 1:16.18-21.24

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


Today, we celebrate the solemnity of St Joseph Husband of Mary a man of great virtues. Thus, the liturgy presents to us the events preceding the birth of Jesus and invites us to contemplate in a special way the roles St Joseph in the life of Jesus and Mary. 

In the Gospel, Mary was presented as a virgin betrothed to Joseph. That means, they were not yet living together, because they were not yet married. Meanwhile, Mary, after the annunciation, came to be with a child by the power of the Holy Spirit. When Joseph realized this, he was heartbroken. What will he do? How is he going to handle this? The Gospel tells us that Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put Mary to shame, resolved to send her away quietly. 

Joseph seeks to do his will quietly before the angel spoke to him about his mission and role.  We could imagine the great trauma Joseph was passing through when we think about the love he has for Mary. But even in these circumstances, he intends to do the will of God and decides, surely with great sorrow, to send Mary away quietly. We need to meditate on these words in order to understand the great trial that Joseph had to endure. 

Hence, we can see how this Gospel passage reveals to us the magnanimity of Joseph’s heart and soul. How he wished to follow his own plan, but God was reserving another plan for him, a greater mission. Joseph was a man who always listened to the voice of God, he was deeply sensitive to his secret will, he was a man attentive to the messages that came to him from the depths of his heart. He did not persist in following his own plan, he did not allow bitterness to poison his soul; rather, silently he was ready to make himself available to the event of the new mission entrusted to him, what a great virtue.

Little wonder, Pope John Paul II, who was very devoted to St Joseph, emphasis in his Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos, “The Guardian of the Redeemer”, that the silence of St Joseph is a model for contemplating the mystery of God in an attitude of total availability to the divine desires. Showing us that Joseph’s silence does not express an inner emptiness but, on the contrary, the fullness of the faith he bears in his heart and which guides all his thoughts and actions. It is this great virtues and personality that made him stand out in the fulfilment of God’s promise to Abraham and David in our first reading, which St. Paul affirms in our second reading and is well portrayed in the psalmist telling us that his dynasty will last forever which consist not on account of any law but on account of the righteousness which consists in faith.

Dear friends, we really need to embrace great virtues of St Joseph, especially the virtue of silence. Therefore, let us cultivate this virtue of silence and allow ourselves to be filled and guided by silence, especially in a world full of noise and distractions. A world  that encourages neither recollection nor listening to God nor one another. The truth is that, our world is in dear need of people with St Joseph’s kind of virtues, we all are in need of such silence if we really wish to make great and positive decisions  that will make a difference in our society today. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as  we embrace this Holy season of Lent, let us through the intercessions of St. Joseph, cultivate the inner attitude of silence and recollection, in order to fully embrace the spirit of the season so as to joyfully experience the glory of Easter. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a grace filled day.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

The Homily of Friday in Second Week of Lent Year C, 18th March, 2022

 The Homily of Friday in Second Week of Lent Year C, 18th March, 2022

Readings: Gen. 37:3-4.12-13.17-28, Ps. 105, Matt.21:33-43.45-46

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


The relationship between God and humanity has always been described with different stories and parables. Which often show how humanity has always been unfaithful to God who has shown so much love to us. One of such parables and stories is what we have in our readings today.

In our Gospel passage, we heard the great parable of a vineyard owner who sent his servants to collect the dues and rents of the tenants whom he had entrusted with the care of his vineyard he leased out to them. But these tenants were wicked and desired to keep everything they gained to themselves, hence they persecuted and killed the servants sent to them. The tenants also killed the son of the vineyard owner, whom he sent to them thinking that the tenants would respect his own son. 

At the end, the vineyard owner came down himself and dealt with all those wicked tenants, punishing them all for their wickedness and the evil things which they had committed out of greed and ego. They lost everything and were punished justly by the owner. This same attitude we have in our first reading in the despicable act which the brothers of Joseph committed against him in order to end his dream and gain for themselves favour and inheritance.

Thus, the parable describes the relationship between God and humanity and how humanity has been summoned for a trial. Here, the owner of the vineyard is God, while the son represents Jesus himself, the Son of God sent into the world to save humanity but was crucified by the same humanity. Again, the vineyard represents the world itself while the wicked tenants represent the ugly attitudes of humanity towards the resources entrusted to us by God. 

Dear friends, what is your attitude towards all the things God has entrusted to you? Can you give an honest account of the things God has given you? Is it not obvious that our nation is on a trial before God? For God has presented his case against us today, summoning our blessed land and mountains to act as judge between him and the people of this nation, by reminding us how he has blessed us with so many resource, skills, good weather and people. But we have misused them, neglected his message, committed a lot of evil and murder,  yet we are still carrying, seeking for solutions and signs from God. 

Today as tenants in God’s vineyard, we are called to change our ugly attitude positively, we should turn away from greed, corruption, pride and ego. If not, we will likely end up like those wicked tenants who acted with such evil against their fellow men and even against the son of their master and were justly punished. Therefore, what God requires from us today is to do justice, to love kindly and to walk humbly with him for our own good and the good of others. Remember, It was the stone rejected by the builders that became the cornerstone. 

LET US PRAY: Almighty Father, the world is filled with greed, corruption, pride and ego, because humanity have often failed to remain faithful and accountable with the things entrusted us. As we listen to your words today, we ask for your mercy and forgiveness for the time we have failed to be faithful, obedient and accountable with the things you entrusted to us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

The Homily of Thursday in Second Week of Lent Year C, 17th March, 2022

 The Homily of Thursday  in Second Week of Lent Year C, 17th March, 2022

The Feast of St. Patrick the Patron St. Of Nigeria

Readings: 1Peter 4:7-11 , Ps. 96, Luke 5:1-11

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


There is something deep and unique about every person, sometimes it takes personal experience to discover this uniqueness. I don't know if you have ever had an experience that made you realize the emptiness of this life, a kind of experience that turns your pride into humility, sinfulness into righteousness. This is the kind of experience that Simon had with Jesus in our Gospel passage today, that made him realize his emptiness and he fell at the knees of Jesus confessing his unworthiness. 

This is because Jesus had said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch.’ ‘Master,’ Simon replied, ‘we worked hard all night long and caught nothing, but if you say so, I will pay out the nets.’ And when they had done this they netted such a huge number of fish that their nets began to tear, so they signaled to their companions in the other boat to come and help them. When Simon Peter saw this he fell at the knees of Jesus saying, ‘Leave me, Lord; I am a sinful man.’ But Jesus said to Simon, ‘Do not be afraid; from now on it is men you will catch.’ 

 This very encounter brought true conversion in the lives of Simon and his companion, for this encounter changed their destiny and mission from fishermen to fishers of men. For they obeyed the Lord who told them to put out into the deep waters, and as soon as they followed his instructions, they netted so much fish that the whole boat could not take it. This glorious event manifested the power and grace of God at work in us especially when we humble ourselves.


Dear friends, today we celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick, a great missionary who understood what it mean to be fishers of men like Simon and his brothers. He was known for his personal experience of the Lord in a vision, in which he was asked to go and evangelize the people of Ireland where he came from. This he successfully carried out and this brought about the Irish missionaries who later became a major force in the spreading of the Gospel all over the world and Nigeria and most African countries are beneficiaries of this great sacrificial mission.  

Therefore, as we celebrate St Patrick, we are called to reflect on our personal encounter with God. How have we personally experience God? When was our spiritual turning point? Do we have a personal conviction about God that does not based on what people have told us about him? In case we have not personally encountered him, all we need to do is to sincerely seek God in those common events in our lives. Then, we will realize how much God is willing to reveal himself to us. For we heard in our first reading, that each one of us has received a special gift and as good stewards of God’s different grace, we must render our service to one another ungrudgingly to the glory of God.


LET US PRAY: Lord God, everyday is an opportunity to encounter you through different events that occur in our lives. Grant that we may have a personal encounter of you just like Simon and his companion and through the intercession of St. Patrick, may we experience you in a unique way in our daily activities and through this experience discover our purpose in life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Homily For Wednesday in Second Week of Lent Year C, 16th March, 2022

 Homily For Wednesday in Second Week of Lent Year C, 16th March, 2022

Readings: Jer. 18:18-20; Ps.31; Matt. 20:17-28

Rev  Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia.


One of the ugly attitude of most of our leaders today is the love of power, people are ready to do anything just to grab power. People kill, kidnap, blackmail and condemn others because of their ambition to hold power and sustain it. This ugly attitude of mankind is well displayed in the readings of today. In the Gospel passage, this ugly attitude was displayed when the mother of the sons of Zebedee came with her sons to make a request from Jesus that he should promise that her two sons may sit one at his right hand and the other at his left in his kingdom. 

This unfortunate request was made while Jesus was telling his disciples about his passion and death. But instead of reflecting on the seriousness of the words of Jesus, they were busy quarrelling over who grabs power as most people do in our country today, where the whole systems of our country are in need of serious restructuring, people are only busy trying to grab power. For  when the other ten heard about the request made by the mother of the sons of Zebedee, they were indignant with the two brothers. perhaps because they had misinterpreted Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom and presumed that it would be a kingdom in which they would have honour and prestige like most people think today. 

But Jesus called them and said, ‘You know that among the pagans the rulers lord it over them, and their great men make their authority felt. This is not to happen among you. No; anyone who wants to be great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be your slave, just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many'. 

Dear friends, true greatness is found in sincere service to others and not in over ambition for power or plotting against others as we have in our first reading, where we see people plotting the downfall of a virtuous man. They intend to deal cruelly with him because he has commented on their evil ways of life. They intend to test him and see if he will break under pressure and become like them. This ugly attitude is what we often experienced in our families, societies and in our country today. Where people do all kinds of evil in order to grab power and sustain it. 

I don’t know what your experience have been? I don’t know your attitude towards power. I don’t know which of the characters in our readings can best describe our attitude towards power. Are we like the mother of the sons of Zebedee? Is our attitude like that of the ten disciples. Is our attitude like that of the pagan rulers who lord it over others. Is our attitude like that of those potting the down fall of the prophet of God? Or that of prophet Jeremiah, who is calling on God’s intervention. 

Which ever category we fall in, today we are called to be humble like Jesus who came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Therefore, as leaders, we should see ourselves as servants and not seek after status beyond our reach or plot the down fall of others. Remember, ambition can be a good thing but only if it is kept in check and if pursued for the right reason, that is, to serve others. 

 LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are often consumed by excess love for power, which we have often misused and abused.  As we embrace we listen to your teaching today, may learn to use the power and authority entrusted to us in humble service to the common good of all. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Monday, 14 March 2022

The Homily of Tuesday in Second Week of Lent Year C, 15th March, 2022

 The Homily of Tuesday in Second Week of Lent Year C, 15th March, 2022

Readings: Is. 1:10.16-20; Ps. 50; Matt. 23:1-12

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


Leadership is one of the characteristics of the human person, it is that which makes us unique from every other creatures. It is a gift from God by which we serve him and our neighbour responsibly. But this gift often has been abused and misused by people who were entrusted with the responsibility of leading others, just like the Scribes and the Pharisees in the Gospel passage today, who had the responsibility to lead people to the Kingdom of heaven, but with their ugly ways of life,  they neither enter nor allow those who want to enter to go in.

Hence, Jesus told his disciples that since the scribes and the Pharisees occupy the chair of Moses. They must therefore do what they tell them and listen to what they say; but do not be guided by what they do: since they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men’s shoulders, but they will not lift a finger to move any. Everything they do is done to attract attention. 

Here, Jesus made it clear that we should listen to what the authorities are saying to us. However, we should not be such people who do not put into practice what we teach. So, as Christians we need to start practicing what we preach, we need to do more of witnessing then preaching. It is not enough to recall principles, state intentions, point to blatant injustice and utter prophetic denunciation; these kind of words lack the real meaning of our faith unless they are accompanied by effective action manifested in our way of life. 

Thus, Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites, blind guide because, they misused the gift of leadership entrusted to them. So, today we are called not to be like them, rather, we should be humble, committed and responsible with whatever we are entrusted with. Jesus made us to know that the greatest among us must be the servant of all. Because anyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will be exalted. 

Hence, prophet Isaiah tells us in our first reading to hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of world; listen to the command of our God, you people of corruption. ‘Wash, make yourselves clean. Take your wrong-doing out of God’s sight. Cease to do evil. Learn to do good, search for justice, help the oppressed, be just to the orphan, plead for the widow.

Dear friends, can you be that good leader that humanity seeks in the world is full of leaders with Pharisaic spirit of greed, selfishness, pride and corruption? Today, we need leaders who will be truly servants of the people at all levels of leadership beginning from the self to the family, to societies and other level we may find ourselves. But what does it take to be a good leader? Jesus says is humility that comes from a humble heart that wishes to serve and not to be served. A heart that understands that leadership is sacrificial. Can I be such a leader in my family, society and country? 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, humanity are suffering because of corrupt, greed and selfish leaders who occupied virtually every important position of leadership. As we embrace your words today, may we become good leaders in our families, societies and the world at large. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.  Do have a fruitful day.

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Homily of Monday in Second Week of Lent Year C, 14th March, 2022

 Homily of Monday in Second Week of Lent Year C, 14th March, 2022

Readings:  Dan. 9:4b-10, Ps.79, Luke 6:36-38

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


The word “merciful” is an adjective that expresses an attribute of the noun “mercy” which has to do with having a deep disposition to be kind and forgiven or show sympathy for another's suffering. It is the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it. 

Hence Jesus in our Gospel reading today, calls his disciples to be merciful as our heavenly Father is compassionate. He told them not to judge, so that they will not be judged. He said to them do not condemn, and you will not be condemned yourselves; grant pardon, and you will be pardoned. In the light of been merciful, Jesus encouraged his disciples to be generous to people by giving, and they will receive gifts in return, a full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into their lap; because the amount they measure out is the amount they will be given back.


Here, Jesus emphasis that our generosity should come from a heart that is truly merciful, a heart that understands the sufferings of others and wishes to do something about it, knowing that truly there is a reward for every single act of generosity and mercy shown to others. Thus, prophet Daniel in our first reading reminded us that mercy and pardon belong to our God, because we have betrayed him, and have not listened to his voice nor followed the laws he has given us through his servants the prophets. So is time to come back to him as he calls us to be merciful

Dear friends, today we are called to be merciful and generous just like our heavenly Father who is great and loving, showing compassion and kindness to those who love and keep His commandments. We are also called not to judge, because, often that which we judge in others, we ourselves are doing worst.  Hence, Jesus is challenging us today to think differently about how we live our lives. 

He is calling us to look into our inner being, our interior life, that part of us that we hide from one another, in order to purify it in humility. And by so doing we can be pure and free to help others in the struggles with their weaknesses. Therefore, it’s time to look into ourselves and take away our prideful ways of life, so as to humbly accommodate the weakness and faults of others especially in our families, societies and the world at large, knowing that no one is perfect without the other.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we embrace the call to be merciful and generous, may your blessings come down upon us in a full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over so that we can share with those in need of our help. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful week.

Saturday, 12 March 2022

Homily on Second Sunday of Lent Year C, 13th March, 2022

 Homily on Second Sunday of Lent Year C, 13th March, 2022

Readings: Genesis 15:5-12.17-18; Ps.27, Phil. 3:17-4:1; Luke 9:28-36

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


Reflecting on the awesome nature of God as manifested in the things he created, the surprising ways he chooses to carry out his plans, the people he chooses, the place, and the things he use in fulfilling his plans, they are just incomprehensible. This is evident in our readings today.

In the first reading, we heard how God chose Abram and after making a difficult demand from him, had a covenant with him saying:, To your descendants I give this land, from the wadi of Egypt to the Great River. For the Lord said to him look up to heaven and count the stars if you can. Such will be your descendants.’ Because Abram put his faith in the Lord, who counted this as making him justified. This covenant with God is the beginning of Abram personal relationship with God. A covenant that brought about the filial relationship between God and humanity as seen in the covenant at Sinai, which reached its peak in the new and eternal covenant which Jesus sealed in his own blood on the cross on mount Calvary.

This Abraham’s covenant with God may sound very strange to us but this describes the ancient ways of making treaty with God. Where an animal is divided into two while the contracting parties walked between the divided parts of the animals. A symbol of what we have in the eternal covenant of Christ in the Calvary where Christ was crucified between two thieves who represent the filthiness of humanity and Christ being the sanctifier.  In all the covenants it is always God who takes the initiative, although the people will often break God’s covenants. But God has never abandoned us. For through his son Jesus, he has promised to be with us always even till the end of time. Hence, through this covenant, all of us are made to be sons and daughters of God, sharers of God’s inheritance and glory which was promised to Abraham and his descendants. 

This promise is what we see manifest in our Gospel passage today at the mountain of transfiguration, where Jesus chose three of his disciples Peter, James and John and led them up a high mountain, there in their presence he was transfigured. And a voice came from the cloud saying, ‘This is my Son, the Chosen One. Listen to him

Therefore, the event of the transfiguration of the Lord reminds us of the revelation of Christ as the beloved Son of the Father, the one we are called to trust and listen to. An event that occur to draw our attention to inevitable event of parousia (the second coming of Jesus at the judgement day), which calls us to a life of faith and radical transformation. A transformation that brings about a new out fit that makes one a new person with a new life, a new mind and a new way of doing things. Thus, this transfiguration account tells us about the great dramatic revelation and encounter of God’s presence among the disciples of Jesus.  A truly spiritual personal experience of God, calling us for a possibility of divine encounter. 

Dear friends, like Abraham and the three disciples: Peter, James and John, we all have been called this Lenten season to journey with the Lord to the mountain of transfiguration in obedience to his will. Though, sometimes when we are called to follow the Lord, the path may seem to be uncertain and unknown to us, it may seem difficult and contrary to our own way of life, we must learn to remain faithful like Abraham, knowing that the devil is always ready to distract us, persuading and tempting us to remain in our old and ugly way of life  and not to respond to the Lord’s calling.

 Therefore, we are called this Holy Season of Lent to reexamine our lives in order to know how we are responding to God’s call to holiness and faith. We are to discern carefully the will of God in our lives? Today God is calling us to change our ugly way of life and follow him, in whatever directions that he wishes to lead us. Hence, St Paul tells us in the second reading that our homeland is in heaven, and from heaven comes the saviour we are waiting for, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body.

But, the truth remains that, we can change our friends, residence, car or our physical appearance: hair, cloth, colour even gender as some people do today. But if we do not have a personal transfigurative experience like the three disciples, that will bring about a change of mind and heart towards loving God and neighbours, we will remain the same and the old experience of unfruitful life will perpetuate itself over and over again in our lives. Because, everything absolutely change when we change our mind for good. And that change can only be propelled by a strong personal encounter and experience of God in our lives.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, today you revealed the glory of your Son to humanity at the mountain of transfiguration, calling us to listen to him. As we listen to your words today, may you transform us into the image and likeness of your Son Jesus and fill our heart with the Joy of your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy Sunday celebration.

Friday, 11 March 2022

Homily For Saturday of the First Week of Lent Year C, 12th March, 2022

 Homily For Saturday of the First Week of Lent Year C, 12th March, 2022

Readings:  Deut.26:16-19, Ps.119, Matt. 5:43-48

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


Naturally people desires to love and be loved, to relate and be in the company of those whom they love. No body enjoy being among those who detest them and cause them pain and sorrows. That is why people naturally sacrifice for those whom they love in order to keep their friendship and companion. But it takes greater love and sacrifice to do good to people who detest us and caused us sorrows and pain since it is difficult and unnatural to sacrifice for such people. 

This sacrificial life of love is what Jesus calls us to embrace in pursuit of the life of perfection. Little wonder he says in our Gospel passage: ‘if you love those who love you, what right have you to claim any credit? Even the tax collectors do as much, do they not? And if you save your greetings for your brothers, are you doing anything exceptional? Even the pagans do as much, do they not? You must therefore be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect.’  

Here Jesus emphasis that though it is natural and universal for human beings to love those who love them. But what makes his disciples different from other people is the ability to love not just everyone, but to love their enemies and not take vengeance or bear grudges against one another. For by so doing we will be imitating the perfection of God our heavenly Father, who shows equal love to all and calling us to a greater life of sacrificial love and deeper virtue towards perfection. Hence, we are called in our first reading today to keep the laws of the Lord, to keep and observe them with all our heart and with all our soul so that we will be a people consecrated to the Lord and by so doing become perfect just as our heavenly Father is perfect . 

Dear friends, we are called today, to a life of deeper virtue in love that leads to perfection. We are called to choose love over hatred and forgiveness over vengeance. For hatred breeds violence and other things that weakens the human soul, but love unites and heals. The fact is that, God desires peace for humanity and this peace is what Jesus came to bring in the world, to restore the peace that God intended for all creation from the first day of creation. So today all of us are called to offer this peace to the world full of hatred, greed and violence. This we  are called to accept and live out day by day in every way we can.

Therefore friends, it’s time for us to stretch out the hands of friendship and peace to everyone both friends and enemies alike, by investing more resources on things that bring about peace and friendship with one another, rather than building nuclear weapon that breeds more violence and hatred in the world. For by so doing the world will become more peaceful and loving.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, today we are called to live a life of perfection through sacrificial love. But the cross of sacrificial life of love is so heavy, give us the grace to truly carry it by forgiving our enemies and strive towards the life of perfection that offers peace, mercy, compassion and love to distressed humanity. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace be with you

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Homily For Friday of the First Week of Lent Year C, 11th March, 2022

Homily For Friday of the First Week of Lent Year C, 11th March, 2022

Readings:  Ezek. 18:21-28, Ps.130, Matt. 5:20-26

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


Most of the time, we often find it difficult to understand the way God operates, especially as regards to his relationship with humanity. This is because humanity have failed to understand how God’s mercy and justice are applicable in our relationship with him and with one another. Little wonder, today in our first reading, prophet Ezekiel demonstrate to us how God’s mercy and justice will be a standard for judging humanity. 

Here, he made us to know that those who are righteous, if they fall into sin and wickedness, they will be judged by those same sins they committed, and if found wanting, they will be condemned because of them. On the other hand, those who are wicked, if they repent from their wickedness and act righteously, they will be pardoned and saved because of the righteousness and faith that they have shown through their repentance.

So when the upright man renounces his integrity to commit sin and dies because of this, he dies because of the evil that he himself has committed, for this is God’s justice in action. But when the sinner renounces sin to become law-abiding, honest and holy, he deserves to live. He has chosen to renounce all his previous sins; he shall certainly live; he shall not die, this is God’s mercy in action. For we cannot separate God’s mercy and justice, because they are one and the same. The fact remains that, God is not interested in our past sinful ways, but in our present state of life. 

Hence, Jesus in our Gospel passage today, calls us to a deeper virtue, when he said to his disciples, If your virtue goes no deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven.  That is, we must strive to deepen our virtue towards righteous deeds. We must become agent of peace and reconciliation. We must be a symbol of God’s mercy and justice in a world full of corruption and greed.

Dear friends, we are call today to experience this mercy and justice of God in a unique way. Thus, we have to be vigilant always and strive to be righteous before God and man. Today, we have to make a fundamental choice to live a holy life and never to return to our sinful ways of life. We must struggle everyday to grow in righteousness and never give up no matter the situation we are passing through. We should always reflect on what this justice and Mercy of God really mean in our lives as we strive everyday to remain faithful to God’s commandment of love and peace.  

LET US PRAY, as we struggle everyday towards holiness and perfection, may we be guided by the Holy Spirit and strive to remain on the path of righteousness and never to go back to our sinful and ugly ways of life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. It’s Friday, wishing you God’s grace, mercy and favour.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Homily For Thursday of the First Week of Lent Year C, 10th, 2022

 Homily For Thursday of the First Week of Lent Year C, 10th, 2022

Readings:  Esther 14:1.3-4.11.13-14, Ps.138, Matt. 7:7-12

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


Reflecting on our daily experience on the events of life, especially the struggles, the challenges, the disappointments, the cries and difficult situation some people are passing through just to earn a living giving the experience of the ugly situation in our country today. I can’t but recall in our first reading today, Esther’s prayer to God, asking him for deliverance for his people Israel, who were about to be annihilated as a nation by their enemies. 

In this passage, Esther prayed just before she was about to present herself before the King. She was ready to do anything for the sake of her people, and she asked God for strength, guidance and courage as she was about to face the greatest challenge of her life, risking her very life and position for what she was about to do. That is, to plead for the safety of her people before the King. She asked for the Lord to guide her and to give her the courage to face her enemies and to soften the heart of the King. And through her prayers, the Lord guided her to triumph against Haman and all those plots he had made against Israel.

This no doubt, shows us the power of prayer and seeking the will of God before doing anything or taking any difficult decision. Hence, Jesus in our Gospel passage today tells us to “ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For the one who asks always receives; the one who searches always finds; the one who knocks will always have the door opened to him”. One may say I have been praying for God’s intervention in some ugly situations but it seems as if no answer has been given. The fact is that God answers all our prayers if we are patient with him. For he may not grant us what we want because as a caring Father, he gives us what we truly need, and not what we want.

Dear friends, do not carry your burdens alone bring them to God in prayer. Yes, we are full of energy, zeal and passion, ready to face the challenges and struggles of yet another day. But the questions we need to ask ourselves are, what are we doing concerning the present situation in our lives, our family, societies and country?  It may seem as if all hope is gone, but  the Lord is saying to us today, that we should ask, and it will be given to us; search, and we will find; knock, and the door will be opened to us. For the one who asks always receives; the one who searches always finds; the one who knocks will always have the door opened to him. Let us all not be afraid to seek the Lord and ask him for protection and guidance.

But are we willing to trust the Lord and be patient with him? Are we willing to seek the Lord and to make the effort to find him and to follow him wherever he leads us to? Do we have the courage and the love of God, as well as the faith and dedication like that of Queen Esther? Who today has shown us that if we trust the Lord and ask him for anything, he will surely provide for us, and we will have no cause to fear in our struggles of life. So, like Queen Esther let us ask for God’s strength, guidance and courage to face the daily challenges in our life.  Thus, what are the things we need from the Lord? Its time to present them before him. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are struggling with so many ugly situations in our lives, families, societies and the world at large, as we pour out our hearts to you in prayer, may you grant our heart desires and guide our ways today and always. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Homily For Wednesday of the First Week of Lent Year C, 9th March, 2022

 Homily For Wednesday of the First Week of Lent Year C, 9th March, 2022

Readings: Jonah 3:1-10, Ps.51, Luke 11:29-32

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


Oftentimes, when we reflect on our struggle with the ugly situations in our lives, our families, societies and the world at large, we sincerely wish that God should give you a sign from heaven as a way of showing us some definitive guidance or direction towards addressing the situation.  When this signs are not fourth coming we feel bad and begin to question God or even doubt his presence in our lives.  This was the disposition of the crowd in our Gospel passage today. 

Where we heard how those who were listening to Jesus were anxious to know what signs to look out for when the End Times come. But Jesus said to them: “the only sign that will be given is the sign of Jonah. For just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of Man be to this generation. Hence, Jesus states that no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah.  The “sign of Jonah” in this passage refers to Jesus’ Crucifixion, death, his three days in the tomb and his Resurrection.  Just the way Jonah was three days in the belly of the whale.  

Thus, Jesus in this Gospel was making reference to our first reading, where because of the preaching of prophet Jonah, the whole city of Nineveh went into great mourning and repentance before God. Everyone from the King, who issued the order to the whole city and its people to repent from their sins, right down to the lowest among the people, all humbled themselves, tore their clothes and wore sackcloth as a sign of penance. The point here is that  Jesus’ death and resurrection is the sign that will be given.  We should seek nothing other than this sacred mystery of our faith. This is the sign and actions that the Lord Jesus is talking about when he addressed the people who doubted him and demanded miraculous wonders and signs from him.

So, here Jesus strongly condemns those seeking for signs because he wants us to seek him through the gift of faith rooted in the mystery of his death and resurrection. For every question, problem, struggle and confusion in our lives can be addressed when we enter into the great mystery of our redemption. So, seeking a sign other than this would be wrong, in that, it would be a way of saying that the death and resurrection of Jesus is not enough sign for us.

Dear Friends, the paschal mystery of Christ is the only sign we need. Therefore, as we embrace the activities of this Holy season of Lent, Jesus is calling us to repentance for sins make us blind in such a manner that we will continue to seek for signs even when things are clear and obvious in our lives.  But the questions we need to ask ourselves are: what signs are we seeing around us today? How can we interpret the signs of this times, the signs that tell us that this world is passing away? Do these signs make us to dread the second coming of the Lord or do we joyfully embrace it in anticipation? 

Hence, Jesus is warning us today not to waste our time seeking for signs, rather we should be prepared, we should remain firm in faith. He reminds us that he is the only sign that can be given to humanity. Therefore, we should not join the crowds to look for signs especially in times of trials, rather we should seek for wisdom to make things right by turning your eyes to the central mystery of our faith that is the life, death and resurrection of Christ, where every question can be answered and every grace is obtained.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, you are the sign that we seek,  as we embrace your word today give us the grace to recognize that in Paschal mystery of Christ we find the true sign we desired and so obtain the answer and directions to our daily struggles. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Monday, 7 March 2022

Homily For Tuesday of the First Week of Lent Year C, 8Th March, 2022

 Homily For Tuesday of the First Week of Lent Year C, 8Th March, 2022

Readings: Is. 55:10-11, Ps.34, Matt. 6:7-15

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


One of the three traditional dimensions of Lenten season is prayer. This is important because it is the means by which we communicate with our God. So we are called today to reflect on the meaning and right principles to prayer as we progress through this season of Lent. 

Little wonder, in our Gospel passage today, Jesus knowing how important the act of prayer is to humanity, taught his disciples the principle and pattern of all prayers when he said: “Pray then in this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we also have forgiven all who trespassed against us. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from evil one”.

Here, Jesus knowing that prayer is an essential part of our faith through which we grow in our relationship with God, gave us seven principles that should guide all our prayers. This prayer contain series of statements and petitions in which we affirm our relationship with God, with the people around us and with the world in general. In it contains a statement of faith, obligations and commitment as the foundation through which these seven principles are fulfilled.

The first principle is to acknowledge God as “Our Father”. This is a call for unity that requires faith, obligation and commitment. Here we acknowledge God not just as my Father, but as Our Father and the ‘Our’ includes every single person who lives or has ever lived on this earth. The second principle calls us to reverence the name of the Lord as we say: “Hallowed be thy name “ yes, God’s name is holy no matter what we say or think of him. However, we make this prayer for our sake more than for his sake. Because from the holiness of his name comes the root of our faith and strength, so we are praying that God’s name be held in deepest respect by people everywhere. 

The third principle calls us to have the vision of God’s kingdom, hence we pray saying: “Your kingdom come”, that is, we pray that humanity should consciously and willingly embrace the love and kingship of God which he is offering us. The forth principle invites us to dispose ourselves to embrace the will of God as we pray saying: “Your will be done on earth, as in heaven”. This is very important for it helps us to discern and be disposed to pray and live in accordance with the will of God.

The fifth principle calls us to learn how to be contented with what we have and reject all forms of selfishness and greed as we say: “Give us today our daily bread,” of which God surely provides. The sixth principle calls us to make an examination of conscience and to seek reconciliation knowing how weak we are, hence we pray saying: “And forgive us our trespasses, as we have forgiven those who trespassed against us”. Here we make serious commitment and obligation, asking that the condition for God’s forgiveness of our sins should based on our readiness to forgive those who have offended us. 

Finally the seventh principle calls us to have total confidence in God’s providence, protection and guidance as we pray saying: “And do not put us to the test, but save us from evil”. So here we acknowledge our weaknesses and our total dependence on God’s help against all the evil forces of this world. 

Dear friends, I have no doubt that we know how to say Our Lords Prayer, but knowing it is not enough, we have to pray it devotedly, but praying it is not enough, we have to believe in what we pray for, but believing is not enough, we must put it into practice in our daily lives. This is because, often time we treat prayer wrongly when we consider prayer as a means to only achieve what we desired, without considering what God desires for us. Some of us spend lots of time reciting the prayers and yet we do not often mean what we say because we have wrong disposition born from unforgiving heart which must be redirected before we can get a positive response from God.


Therefore, it’s time for us to embrace these seven principles and change our perspective and wrong disposition towards prayers. It is time for us to spend more quality moment in prayer and be connected with God. We must make our prayers to be meaningful and genuine from our hearts. It is time for us to  improve the quality of our prayer life by imitating Jesus, who always prayed to his heavenly Father at every possible opportunities. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, in prayer we build a strong relationship with you, teach us how to pray more devotedly, for we really do not know how to pray as we ought, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you God’s favour and blessings.

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Homily For Monday of the First week of Lent Year C, 7th, March, 2022

 Homily For Monday of the First week of Lent Year C, 7th, March, 2022

Readings: Lev. 19:1-2.11-18; Ps.19; Matt. 25:31-46

Fr. Emmanuel Emenike  Onyia


As we continued with our Lenten journey, we are called today to look to the future with more insight into the ultimate goal of humanity, which is eternal life. In fact, this is evident in our Gospel passage today in which we heard of the account of the event of Last Judgment, when all of creation shall be judged by the Lord Jesus himself, as he returns to the world as a triumphant King and judge humanity based on our actions, deeds and faith. Then will be time for great separation, when the good will be separated from the bad, holy from sinful, righteous from evil, sheep from goats of which their deeds will reveal our true identity. 

Thus, the Lord will say to the righteous and those who have extended their love, care and affection for the needy, the poor and the afflicted, “well done,  Come you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me.”

But the wicked and the sinful he will say “go away from me, with your curse upon you, to the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you never gave me food; I was thirsty and you never gave me anything to drink; I was a stranger and you never made me welcome, naked and you never clothed me, sick and in prison and you never visited me.” For they were judged by their refusal to follow the example of Christ our Lord, especially in his love, care and compassion towards one another. But had chosen to remained selfish, greedy, corrupt and wicked. Hence we are called to look towards the parousia, when all those who embraced Christ will be raised, having overcome all the hostile forces of this passing world.

Dear friends, no doubt that we are living in a world full of greed and selfish people, who are swallowed in values of egoism and materialism, with uncontrollable desires for pleasure. We are called today to embrace the teachings of Christ who has called us to live a life of love, care and compassion for one another. We are called to look into the future we an eye of hope and faith. Little wonder we are reminded in our first reading about the commandments of God, which calls us to live a life of holiness, integrity, honesty and love. 

Therefore as we journey through this Lenten season, let us turn toward our Lord  Jesus following his teaching. Remember, following him means carrying our own cross, forgetting our self, and faithfully obeying his commandment of sacrificial love. For it is by the blood of his cross, that Jesus reveals his sacrificial love, not in saving his life, but in offering it as a ransom for our salvation. Thus, trying to do away with the cross in our lives deprives our souls of these true love and loyalty to Christ our Lord who today wants to reign supreme in our hearts and souls. 

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, as we journey through this Lenten season, amidst the hostile forces and evil of this passing world, may we be victorious in all our struggles and endeavours. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a fruitful week 

Homily For Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 24th, 2025

  Readings: Sir.1:1-10; Ps. 93; Mark: 9:14-29 Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE PUT THEIR FAITH INTO POS...