Monday, 30 November 2020


 Tuesday of the First Sunday of Advent Year B, 1st December, 2020.  

Readings Isaiah 11:1-10, Ps 71., Luke 10:21-24

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


As we begin another new day, the first day of the last month of this year, we continue with the event of Advent, when we reflect of the two folds coming of the Lord. We are called to spend more time with God, and prepare ourselves for his mission just like the disciples in the Gospel passage today. For after the seventy disciples of Jesus returned from the mission he sent them. They rejoiced concerning the great things they have done in his name. So, Jesus says, “blessed are the eyes that see what you see…”.  

Here, Jesus rejoiced in his disciples, because of the grace God his Father has given to them to share in the mission of the Son. Yes, the disciples are blessed because, in Jesus, they are beginning to recognize the long awaited Messiah which prophets and Kings longed to see but could not. Just as we heard from prophet Isaiah in our first reading today when he said: a shoot springs from the stock of Jesse, a scion thrusts from his roots: on him the spirit of the Lord rests. His word is a rod that strikes the ruthless, his sentences bring death to the wicked. Integrity is the loincloth round his waist, faithfulness the belt about his hips. That day, the root of Jesse shall stand as a signal to the peoples. It will be sought out by the nations and its home will be glorious.

Dear friends, like the disciples, we also have been given this same grace. Whenever we spread the word of God, we are sharing in the mission of Jesus, and this should give us great joy because God chose us and give us the privilege to share in the mission of his Son. For he had brought his salvation into the world, for the restoration of hope for all humanity who dwell in darkness in need of the light of Christ, which we are called to embrace in this season of Advent.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we embrace your words this season, may we share greatly in the mission of Christ who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. Happy new month. Wishing you a glorious day.

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Feast of St. Andrew Apostle

Monday of the First Sunday of Advent Year B, 30th November, 2020. 

Feast of St. Andrew Apostle 

Readings Rom 10:9-18 , Ps.18:2-5, Matt 4:18-22

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Today we celebrate the feast of St Andrew one of the Apostles of Christ and our Gospel today tells us the story of how a call from the Lord changed the direction of the lives of the first disciples, who left everything and followed him and Andrew being one of them. He was one of the disciple of St. John the Baptist before becoming a follower of Christ. Andrew according to scriptures proclaimed the good news to his brother, Peter (John 1:40-41). He was the one who brought the boy with loaves of bread and fish to him, that he might give them to the people all waiting in hunger. And St Andrew sets an example that points certain things at the heart of preaching the Gospel. He was involved in introducing the Greeks to Jesus and also joined in spreading the Gospel beyond the confines of Palestine (John 12:20-22). 

The life of St Andrew shows us that being a preacher involves having a clear conviction and faith in Jesus and readiness to share this faith and conviction with others. He dedicated himself just as his brother Peter and the other Apostles in ministering to the people and proclaiming the Lord’s coming. And even after the Lord had ascended into Heaven, he continued to preach the faith. He brought the faith to many places such as Ukraine, Russia, Balkans, Greece and other places. 

Andrew worked hard in spreading the Good News to those who are yet to witness the Lord and embrace his salvation.  For through him many were converted and inspired by his works and preaching. He also established many Churches and built foundation for many Christian communities. He was  the first Bishop of the Christian community in the city of Constantinople. However, Andrew like other Apostles encountered persecution and sufferings in Greece, where he was arrested, and was greatly tortured and eventually martyred by crucifixion. He was crucified on an X-shaped cross, which is referred today as the Cross of St. Andrew, in memory of his faith and dedication to the mission of Christ.

Dear friends, today we are called like St Andrew to follow Jesus and following Jesus means leaving behind the life we have now and embrace the new life he is offering to us. When we opt to follow Jesus, our life revolves around him. It’s no longer what we feel like doing, but what his word instructs us to do. It also means leaving behind our sinful ways of life and embrace holiness of life. Therefore, let St. Andrew be our inspiration and role model in our responding to the calling of the Lord to spread the Good News. 

So let us be conscious of what St. Paul is tells us in our first reading saying: But they will not ask his help unless they believe in him, and they will not believe in him unless they have heard of him, and they will not hear of him unless they get a preacher, and they will never have a preacher unless one is sent. Hence, the Lord is sending us,  let us follow the good examples of St. Andrew in responding to the Lord Invitation to follow him.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we are called to follow your Son Jesus, as we respond to this call, may we through the intercession of St Andrew find inner joy in our soul that will prompt us to spread the Good News of the Gospel with faith and conviction. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a fruitful week ahead.

Saturday, 28 November 2020

First Sunday of Advent Year B, 29th November, 2020.

 First Sunday of Advent Year B, 29th November, 2020. 

Readings: Is 63:16-17,64:1,3-8 , Ps.80, 1Cor 1:3-9, Mark. 13:33-37

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


In a special way every first Sunday of Advent, the Church begins another liturgical year within the three years of A, B and C in the liturgical circle of the Church, of which we are celebrating year B in this year’s Advent season. The season of Advent as we know is one of the most important season in the life every Christian. The word Advent stems from the Latin root, Adventus, which means 'arrival' though from the root word advenire whereby ad  means 'to' and venire means 'come' that is the coming of someone great. 

So Advent is a period of intense preparations and a time of waiting in hope for the coming of the Lord which is in two folds: first the coming of the Messiah that is the birth of Jesus at Christmas and secondly, the return of Jesus at the Second Coming “ the parousia”. This is why Advent season is divided into two parts the first which runs from the first Sunday until 16th of December dwells on the second coming of Christ the eschatological aspect of Advent. While the second aspect which focuses on the first coming of Christ at Bethlehem runs from 17th -24th December.

Thus, Advent is a season characterized with four major themes which include: ‘Hope’, ‘Peace’, ‘Joy’ and ‘Love’. So, on this first Sunday of Advent our focus is on hope. A joyful hope for the coming of our Saviour who is our hope. Thus, as we anticipate the birth of Christ who is the source of our salvation, our hope and the Light that dispels the darkness of this world, so it is our duty as Christians to keep hope alive in the world for as long as there is hope, no situation is impossible.

But what should be our disposition this season? Our disposition should be the one of watchful expectation in order to recognize the Lord and be at peace with him when he comes. We are to be ready and prepared to welcome him with joy in our daily life. Hence, this is the season of reconciliation between us and God, when we have to reexamine our way of life. It is a time of reconfiguration of our lives and also to take stock of what we have done and what we are going to do from now onwards. Our disposition to welcoming the Lord take place by our ways of doing things, our desire for conversion and holiness, which shapes our lives more to that of Christ who showers his love, mercy and compassion to all.

 This is what the readings of this season calls our attention to, especially in the two fold coming of Christ as we have it in today’s readings. Thus, in the first reading, we heard from prophet Isaiah the lamentations over the misfortune that has befallen the people of God who now hope on the coming of the Messiah. In our second reading, we heard how the people of Corinth  are confident that as they wait for Christ coming in glory, they will remain steadfast in bearing witness with the gifts God has bestowed on them. While the Gospel urges us to be awake at all times for our salvation is very near so that we will not be taken by surprise and unprepared.

Dear friends, today we are called to be ready, we are called to repentance, we are called to embrace the new life the Lord if offering us. We are called to a life of constant struggle towards perfection. That’s what this season of Advent is all about and the Church is offering us another opportunity to encounter the Lord personally and to make that encounter a permanent experience. We should place our hope in Christ for while there is hope there is life. For it is because of the Lord that we can hope once again, knowing that beyond the sufferings of humanity due to sin and death, there is Light that dispels the falsehoods of evil and the despair of darkness that covers the whole world.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we embrace this season in expectation of the coming of Christ your Son, may the Holy Spirit inspire us to have the right disposition that will able us to embrace the Lord when he comes. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Happy Sunday and God bless you.

Friday, 27 November 2020


 Saturday 34th week in Ordinary Time Year A, 28th November, 2020.

Readings: Rev. 20:1-7, Ps.94, Luke:21:34-36

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


The things of this world is so captivating that if we are not careful we will be like a foolish traveler who having encountered a pleasant garden forgets to continue towards his destination. This is exactly what Jesus is trying to draw our attention to in our Gospel passage today when he said: Watch yourselves, or your hearts will be coarsened with debauchery and drunkenness and the cares of life, and that day will be sprung on you suddenly, like a trap. For it will come down on every living man on the face of the earth. 

Here Jesus is reprimanding us concerning the danger of attaching ourselves so deeply in the things of this passing world. For we are often interested in external beauty of things around us while neglecting the essence of life. We are interested only on worldly goods and not the things of the heart like justice, mercy, love and compassion. So Jesus is telling us to change our ugly ways of life, for it is time for us to look into at our lives and examine ourselves to know whether we have been living in accordance with God’s will, or whether we have fallen astray. Then, we can also look forward towards the life that is to come which God has promised us through his Son our Lord Jesus Christ.

And this coming of our Lord is what St. John in our first reading is talking about when he said that: the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in its place in the city; where his servants will worship him, they will see him face to face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. It will never be night again and they will not need lamplight or sunlight, because the Lord God will be shining on them. For they will reign for ever and ever.  

Dear friends, we believe that our true homeland is in heaven. But how are we preparing to embrace our heavenly home. Today people hardly reflect about the coming of Christ that was so strong in the early days of the Christian movement which left a strong impression upon the disciples of Christ. So like the servants awaiting for their master’s return, we are called to be ready and to watch at all times for day of the Lord which will come at the hour we do not know. 

Thus, we are to be prepared knowing that our most important ‘treasure’ is our heavenly home which God has promised to give us. Therefore, the best thing we can do with our worldly possessions is to use them for the good of others especially the poor since we are responsible and accountable for one another’s welfare. And this divine generosity is meant to help us in preparation for the coming of Christ. Remember what really matters in life is our capacity and readiness to receive what God has in store for us in heaven.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we continue our struggles with the ugly events of this passing world, may you continue to guide us and strengthen us in our journey of life and help us to endure our trials and challenges, for you alone are our source of strength, hope and fulfillment in life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed weekend.

Thursday, 26 November 2020


 Friday 34th week in Ordinary Time Year A, 27th November, 2020.

Readings: Rev. 20:1-4,11-21:2, Ps.83, Luke:21:29-33

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


St. John of the Cross one of the doctors and mystics of the Church says that: the further you withdraw from earthly things the closer you approach heavenly things and the more you find yourself in God. This  advice will be very helpful as we come to the end of this liturgical year and about to embrace the season of Advent, when the Church calls our attention on the need to be prepared for the coming of the Lord and most of our readings draw our attention to this.

Thus, in our Gospel passage today, Jesus tells us about the passing away of the things of this world and the dreadful events associated with it in relation to the end time events. He illustrates the signs of this event with the story of the fig tree, telling us to take notice of the signs of the times for they will help us to discern between what is of true value and what is passing away.

Here Jesus, presents the final recommendations of the end time. He insists that we should pay rapt attention to the signs nature is giving us concerning the end time events, that these signs should lead to have hope founded firmly on the word of God which drives away fear and despair, knowing that the kingdom of God is very near to us. This is even more evidence in our first reading today, where we heard about the final defeat of the devil, the great enemy and deceiver of humanity. 

For he has been deceiving humanity by turning us away from our God and making us to believe that this world is our home. So we are reminded once again that all those who refuse to believe in God and chose to follow the devil and his false prophets will be destroyed and defeated completely. For he and his agents and those who follow him will be thrown into the burning lake of eternal darkness. While God’s faithful people will triumph victoriously into heaven as beautiful bride dressed for her husband.

Dear friends, how are we embracing the word of God we hear at this period? What signs are we seeing around us today? How can we interpret the signs of this times, the signs that tell us that this world is passing away? Do these signs make us to dread the second coming of the Lord or to joyfully embrace it in anticipation? Remember, the words of Jesus are truth that will never pass away. Therefore, Stand erect, hold your heads high, because our liberation is near at hand.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, humanity have been greatly deceived by the devil, who has made us to be so much attached to the things of this passing world. As we embrace your words this season, may our souls once again long and yearn for you our God, the living God. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. It’s Friday, may the joy of the Lord be our strength.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020


 Thursday 34th week in Ordinary Time Year A, 26th November, 2020.

Readings: Rev.18:1-2,21-23,19:1-3,9, Ps.99, Luke:21:20-28

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


As we continue to reflect on the great event about the coming of the Lord. Jesus in our Gospel passage today continues his warnings concerning what will happen to the beautiful things of this passing world which he illustrated very well by telling us what will eventually happen to the great city of Jerusalem in relation to what will happen at the end of all things. This passage contains the truth that we need to be reminded often. That is, the need for us to be prepared for the day of the Lord despite all the beautiful and a seductive things we encounter in this world.

 Thus, as the great and holy city of Jerusalem was besieged and destroyed by the Romans in less than four decades after the death and resurrection of Christ, so will the things of this world pass away including those who are attached to them. Just as we also heard in our first reading today, the account of the declaration of the Angel of God at the end of the last trumpets how the world ends with the plagues, the final defeat of the devil and all the forces of the wicked, which is well illustrated with the fall of ‘Babylon’ which shall never rise again, for it has come to it’s final and ultimate defeat. While God has triumphed and won the ultimate victory for his faithful people.

Dear friends, there is no doubt that there are great signs of the end time event, but this should not be an occasion for fear rather, a period for intense preparations. Nonetheless, for the righteous it is a period of joy and happiness since our redemption from the powers of evil is close at hand. Although we do not know when, but, Jesus assures us that he will return in power and great glory. Therefore, we should take heed for our redemption is drawing near. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we make efforts everyday to prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ your Son, give us the grace and courage to remain steadfast even in the midst of all the crisis in our world today. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020


 Wednesday 34th week in Ordinary Time Year A, 25th November, 2020.

Readings: Rev.15:1-4, Ps.98, Luke:21:12-19

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Everywhere in the world we see and hear of human wickedness, intimidation, manipulations, kidnapping, killing and different other immoral activities for the sake of power, fame, money and lustful desires. And anyone who tries to resist, challenge, correct, change or stop these ugly attitudes, becomes an object of elimination. Yet in the midst of all these ugly situation, we are required to continue to speak about God’s goodness, love, compassion and forgiveness. A very difficult task to do, especially when we are suffering as victims of this ugly situation.

Thus, Jesus in our Gospel passage today declares that his followers are going to be persecuted on account of bearing witness to his name, a reality that will put even their most cherished relationships to the test: they will be betrayed even by their closest relations and friends. However we should not prepare any defence, because God myself shall give us an eloquence and a wisdom that none of our opponents will be able to resist or contradict.

Here, Jesus not only describes what his followers will have to endure, but offers assurance that he will support them and make them strong. So he recommends that here comes a time in the spiritual life of his followers when they will have to choose to endure, rather than despair. By their endurance they will gain their lives. Hence, period of persecution is a time to witness through our endurance, courage and tenacity. 

Dear friends, the circumstances in which Jesus invites us to share the Good News is quite challenging and difficult, especially now that the world is passing through difficult times, as families, societies, countries, and churches are badly affected by the current pandemic, of which it’s troubles and conflicts are affecting the whole world. But just as Jesus was not abandoned by his Father in his hour of need, we too will not be abandoned in this times of difficulty. For God knows what we are passing through now and in due time he we will give us victory for Jesus says that our endurance will win us our lives.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we struggle with the ugly situation in our world today, grant us the courage and strength to persevere in witnessing to the Gospel, especially in this difficult times, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Monday, 23 November 2020


 Tuesday 34th week in Ordinary Time Year A, 24th November, 2020. The Memorial of St. Andrew Dung Lac and Companions.

Readings: Rev.14:14-19 , Ps.95, Luke:21:5-11

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


As we approach the season of Advent, we are reminded of the need to be well prepared for the coming of God’s kingdom. This is evident in our readings these days and more so in our Gospel passage today which presents to us warnings about the end times. Here we see how those who were listening to Jesus were anxious to know what signs to look out for concerning the End Times event. But the timing of such an event is God’s secret. 

So, today Jesus warns us not to waste our time seeking for signs, rather we should be prepared, we should remain firm in faith. He also warns us about following those who claim to know when the end is coming. We may see many of the signs written in Scripture happening already in our time and people are terrified looking for someone to show them the way. Jesus is the only Way, the Truth and the Life. For without him in our lives, we may be lost, because the future lies in his hands and nothing can destroy or hurt us as long as we remain faithful to his commands.

Dear friends, our lives as Christians demands that we should be alert and ready, just like St. John tells us in our first reading about the harvest time for the harvest of the earth is ripe. Thus we should be prepared at all times for this world is passing away. Hence, we are called to abstain from things that will separate us from our God. We are called to look into our inner being, our interior life, in order to embrace the life of holiness and self-control that will help us to be more prepared.


So, just like St Andrew Dung Lac and Companions whose memorial we celebrate today, for when they heard the Gospel they accepted it despite persecutions and even death. They realize that true happiness is found in interior living of the Gospel and not on material things of this passing world. They embraced martyrdom and became great instrument in preparing humanity towards the kingdom of God. We too can be another great instrument of preparation in God’s hands, if we make ourselves available.

LET US PRAY: Almighty God, we often failed to listen to your warnings concerning our excess desire for the things of this passing world and the need for us to prepare and be ready for your coming, give us the grace and wisdom to be well prepared to stand before you whenever you call us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Sunday, 22 November 2020


 Monday 34th week in Ordinary Time Year A, 23rd November, 2020. 

Readings: Rev.14:1-5 , Ps.24, Luke:21:1-4

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Thanksgiving is one of the best way of showing gratitude to God for the good things we have received from him. This great act of charity should be done with great full heart. Our attitude and intention towards this act is what God desires to see. Little wonder in our Gospel passage today, Jesus observes the attitude of people towards there thanksgiving offertory. He commented on the attitude of people who give out of their abundance, while commending the attitude of the poor widow who from her heart gave sincerely everything that she had, expressing her faith and love for God by this wonderful gesture. 

Here, Jesus tells us that what matters is not the amount we give, but what lies in our heart, the strength of our generosity comes from the heart. Today Jesus invites us to open our heart and be ready to give in a sacrificial way like this poor widow in our Gospel. For God, who knows our heart, looks at our efforts. The truth is that the greatest gift we can give to anyone is the gift of love, for it is only in true love that one can truly give all that he has without reservations. So, as Christians it is our obligation to follow the Lord’s teaching and dedicate ourselves and all that we have to him wholeheartedly, in faith and love at all times

Dear friends, let our thanksgiving to the Lord not only come from the abundance of what we have, but from true and sacrificial love that comes from our heart expressing our gratitude, faith and love for God and our neighbour. Only such offertory and thanksgiving are pleasing to God and acceptable to him.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, all we have is giving to us out of your abundant good. May we learn to show gratitude in a sacrificial way for such great gift and so gain more favour from you. We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Do have a fruitful week ahead.

Saturday, 21 November 2020


 Thirty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, 22nd November, 2020. The Solemnity of Christ the Universal King

Readings: Ezek 34:11-12.15-17, Ps.23, 1Cor15:20-26.28, Matt. 25:31-46

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Every last Sunday of the liturgical year, the Church invites us to celebrate the Lord Jesus as King of the Universe. We are called to look to the future with more insight into the ultimate goal of history, towards the definitive and eternal kingdom of Christ. He was with the Father in the beginning, when the world was created, and he will fully manifest his Lordships at the end of time, when he will judge humanity.

 In fact, this is evident in our first reading and Gospel passage today in which we heard of the account of the event of Last Judgment, when all of creation shall be judged by the Lord Jesus himself, as he returns to the world as a triumphant King and judge humanity based on our actions, deeds and faith. Then will be time for great separation, when the good will be separated from the bad, holy from sinful, righteous from evil, sheep from goats of which their deeds will reveal them. 

Thus, the Lord will say to the righteous and those who have extended their love, care and affection for the needy, the poor and the afflicted, “well done,  Come you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me.”

But the wicked and the sinful he will say “go away from me, with your curse upon you, to the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you never gave me food; I was thirsty and you never gave me anything to drink; I was a stranger and you never made me welcome, naked and you never clothed me, sick and in prison and you never visited me.” 

For they were judged by their refusal to follow the example of Christ the universal King especially in his love, care and compassion towards one another. But had chosen to remained selfish, greedy, corrupt and wicked. Hence St Paul in our second reading tells us to look towards the parousia, when all those who embraced Christ the universal King will be raised, having overcome all the hostile forces of this passing world, including death.

Dear friends, no doubt that we are living in a world full of greed and selfish people who are swallowed in values of egoism and materialism, with uncontrollable desires for pleasure. We are called today to embrace the teachings of Christ the Universal King for this is what today’s celebration requires of us. Little wonder Pope Pius XI promulgated this Feast of Christ the King in 1925. At the period when the world was still recovering from the ugly event of the First World War that ended in 1918, the period when humanity turned away from the teachings of the Gospel, in search for worldly power and dominion apart from God. So the Pope believed that the celebration of the Feast of Christ the Universal King will appropriate at that period in order to call humanity to conversion and renewal of loyalty to Jesus the True Universal King.

Therefore as we celebrate this great event, let us turn toward Christ for he is our true King. Following him means carrying our own cross, forgetting our self, and faithfully obeying his commandment of sacrificial love. For it is by the blood of his cross, that Jesus reveals his Kingship, not in saving his life, but in offering it as a ransom for our salvation. Thus, trying to do away with the cross in our lives deprives our souls of these true love and loyalty to Christ our King who today wants to reign supreme in our hearts and soul. 

LET US PRAY: Heavenly King, as we celebrate the universal Kingship of Christ your Son, amidst the hostile forces and evil of this passing world, may we be victorious as you feel us with the joy of your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you happy Christ the King celebration.

Friday, 20 November 2020


 Saturday 33rd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 21st November, 2020. The Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Readings: Rev.11:4-12 , Ps.114, Luke:20:27-40

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Oftentimes when we talk about the teaching on resurrection people always want to know what and how is going to be like. We often get this teacher wrong because we are using our little knowledge of the things of this passing world to judge the heavenly things. This is the disposition of the Sadducees in our Gospel passage today, for since they do not believe in the resurrection, they decided to challenge Jesus concerning the notion about resurrection using the analogy of marital union in relation to afterlife in order to discredit the teachings of Jesus. 

As usual, Jesus goes on to explain how people will relate to each other in the afterlife. That those who are judged worthy of a place in the other world and in the resurrection from the dead do not marry because they can no longer die, for they are the same as the angels, and being children of the resurrection they are sons of God. He then challenged the Sadducees’ unbelief about life after death. 

He reminded them of the scene where the voice from the burning bush identifies itself to Moses. “I AM the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob” (Exodus 3:6). For He is the God of the living and not of the dead. After this reply of Jesus to both the Pharisees and the Sadducees, they no longer dared to ask him any questions.

Dear friends, we believe in the resurrection not so much because of Jesus’ arguments here, but because of his own resurrection of which he promise to share his life and joy with us forever. Jesus tells us that we are children of the resurrection and children of God who neither married nor given in marriage in the heavenly kingdom. Thus, it is natural for us to ask questions about resurrection of life, but we should not expect to understand it fully while we are still alive. All that matters is our relationship with our God and neighbour for what we shall be after death is known by God alone.

Therefore, as we celebrate the presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary today, that great moment when St. Joachim and St. Anne offered their firstborn child to the Lord at the Temple of God as prescribed by the Law. On this day we rejoice and celebrate the faith of Mary, the one who became the Mother of God and Jesus the Saviour of the world who through his death and resurrection has made us children of the resurrection. Thereby calling us to embrace his teaching. Let us all be inspired by the examples Mary who the Lord has set before us, that we shall also be righteous, virtuous and great in faith as she has shown us in life time.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we look forward to the resurrection of mankind. May we be inspired by the great example of our Mother Mary, whose faith was so strong in the teaching of her Son. Through her intercessions may we obtain the joy of the risen Lord. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful weekend.

Thursday, 19 November 2020


 Friday 33rd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 20th November, 2020. 

Readings: Rev. 10:8-11 , Ps.118, Luke:19:45-48

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


The temple as we know is described as the sacred dwelling place of God. That’s sacred space where humanity encounter the Divine presence of God. It is a symbolic space where God desires to live together with humanity and rule the world through them. Therefore it is very important to ensure that such Sacred Space (Temple) is kept sacred at all times. 

Little wonder in our Gospel passage today, we heard a very brief story of how Jesus entered the temple in Jerusalem and drives away the traders from the courts of the Temple saying: “My house will be a house of prayer. But you have turned it into ‘a den of thieves’.” So he chased out all the dishonest, selfish and greedy merchants who are making profits by cheating the faithful pilgrims who came to the Temple to worship God.

Here Jesus was not just concerned with cleansing of the temple of Jerusalem, but also the temple of human’s heart, that is, our souls. He is objecting to corruption of the sacred. Our body and soul are temple of the Lord and belong to him alone. It is a sacred space, a house of prayer which must not be given over to the false gods of money, greed and sin. 

And by clearing the Temple, the Lord has also urged us all to clear our own spiritual Temples, that is our body, mind, heart and soul, in which God dwells. That is why St. John in our first reading described in his vision the gift of God’s Words to his disciples and the Church, using a figurative language, he describe how wonderful the truth of God’s Words is to us, yet, it is bitter for us to embrace it fully and let it bear fruit in our lives.

Dear friends, our souls are sacred dwelling of God’s Temple. Thus, it must be made sacred at all times by ensuring that we get rid of all corruptions, wickedness, pride, ego, greed, wrath and all other sorts of evils within us. We must resist them and strive to inspire and help one another to keep our Temple sacred. For Jesus wishes to cleanse the temple of our soul by removing what has corrupted it, in order to purify it for worship, and making it a dwelling place for prayer. But are we willing to let him cleanse us?

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are your temple, yet we have let the selfish desires for the things of this passing world to corrupt us so deeply. As we embrace your Words today, may we experience the joy of the purification of our body and soul. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020


 Thursday 33rd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 18th November, 2020. 

Readings: Rev. 5:1-10 , Ps.149, Luke:19:41-44

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Peace is what every human person desire to have. It is a necessary commodity in human societies. A city that has peace are surely to have great success. It is the dream of everyone. But a city that lacks peace is disastrous. Little wonder today in our gospel passage, Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem. For Jesus who is the King of peace came to Jerusalem a city whose name stands for peace but find no peace in it. 

He looked at the city and it coming disaster which would indeed happen in a few decades after its destruction at the hand of the Romans. So he wept and prayed for its people. Since they have rejected the peace that God is offering them, they have no option than to face the consequences. Jesus felt deep sorrow at the city’s resistance to God’s word, wishing that it might receive what God is offering. 

Today we too can look around us, also our cities, societies, country and the world at large, and feel sorrow at so much  greed, corruption, suffering and disregard for truth and for what is right and discover that peace is no where to be found. But we should not be afraid for St. John in our first reading tell us to be courageous for the Lamb of God has triumphed over all evil. He has been glorified and as such has purchased for us  our eternal peace and salvation. 

Thereby reminding us that despite the challenges and trials that we have to face in this passing world, we have the Lamb of God, triumphant and victorious by our side. He tells us that even though tribulations will come our way in form of the doom and destruction like that of Jerusalem, we should be steadfast for in God we shall be triumphant.

Dear friends, if we can consider the words of Jesus and embrace the peace and love he is offering us, we will realize that he longs for our good and growth. There are many temptations and distractions in this world trying to mislead us and separate us from our God. Let us not be misled by these things. Let us remain firm in our faith and let our lives shine with the light of Christ, so that his light will illuminate all the darkest moments in our lives, in our societies, country and the world at large. For the Lord wishes to lead us to the final victory that he has won for us. But are we willing to commit our lives to Christ?. All we need to do is to embrace all the possibilities of peace and love that God is offering to us every day. Then it shall be well with us. 

LET US PRAY, Heavenly Father, you are the King of peace and in Christ your son you have offered humanity peace. But we have failed to embrace it. As we struggle with the ugly situation in our world today, may the peace of Christ reign in our hearts, homes, societies, country and the world at large. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Remain blessed.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020


 Wednesday 33rd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 18th November, 2020. 

Readings: Rev. 4:1-11 , Ps.150, Luke:19:11-28

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


In this life God has given special and unique gifts and opportunities for everyone. If we use these gifts and the opportunities wisely for our own benefit and the benefit of others, we will grow and blossom. But on the other hand if we fail to use them, we will remain dormant  and unsuccessful.

This is what the parable in our Gospel passage today is addressing. In this parable we heard how a king summoned ten of his servants and gave them ten pounds to do business until he comes back. Some of them utilized these gifts and opportunity and so became successful and for that they were entrusted with more gifts. While some decided to neglect and abandoned their gifts and so remained dormant and unsuccessful. 

This parable teaches us that we all have been given gifts by God which we must give account of. Because our gifts are meant to be put to use in the service of God and humanity. And our service to God should not be done grudgingly or fearfully but generously with the willingness to take risks in responding to God's mandate. We must be ready to lose our life in order to find it. God wants us to use the individual gifts and opportunities given to us to make a difference in the world. We are not to relax into a comfort zone doing nothing with them. God wants the best from us and when we have given our best, we receive more from him. 

Dear friends, we all are special, unique and a masterpiece and God has given us a very unique gift. These gifts may represent different physical and spiritual gifts of God, but it's  basic foundation is the love of God towards us.  This love is what God has given to us which needs to be reciprocated through an active love for our neighbours. 

However, we often fine it difficult to discover our other gifts or to accept the one God has given to us because we have failed to embrace love. So, we are called today to search and discover our gifts. Love is the greatest gift God has given to humanity, let us discover love and invest on it for in it comes other gifts that will help us to achieve the purpose by which we are created.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, you have endowed us with special and unique gifts and opportunities. Help us to discover these gifts and utilize them for the purpose of which they were given to us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Monday, 16 November 2020


 Tuesday 33rd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 17th November, 2020. The Memorial of Elizabeth of Hungary

Readings: Rev. 3: 1-6.14-22, Ps.15, Luke:19:1-10

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Oftentimes we are quick to criticize, condemn and label people as sinners, outcast and good for nothing. But this is not the attitude of Jesus who is always compassionate especially to sinners and those rejected in the society and wants us to do the same. This is evident in our Gospel passage today, where we were told the story of Zacchaeus. A man who was regarded as a public sinner.  Wanting to see Jesus, but being small in size, he ran ahead and climbed up a sycamore tree and waited for Jesus to come by. He really had a great desire to see Jesus. 

Thus, the attitude of Jesus upon seeing Zacchaeus on the tree was very touching. Jesus does not ask, nor does he demanded anything. He only responded to the inner desire of a sinful man who seeks to see him and he said to him, “Zacchaeus come down. Hurry, because I am to stay at your home today” Zacchaeus gets down and received Jesus, in his house, with great joy. People complained and criticized him saying “He has gone to stay at a sinner’s house”.

But Jesus does not care about the criticism. He went to the house of Zacchaeus and defended him from the criticism. And rather than calling him a sinner, he called him “son of Abraham”. Here we see how Jesus accepts those who were not accepted. He offers a place to those who do not have. He receives as brothers and sisters people whom the society and religion rejected. 

And we heard him reveals in our first readings saying: If one of you hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share his meal, side by side with him. He also warns us not to be lukewarm neither cold nor hot. But repent. If we do not wake up, he shall come to us like a thief, without telling us at what hour to expect him.

Dear friends, how do we accept people who are despised and marginalized in our society? Can we, like Jesus, perceive people’s inner desire for compassion and give them attention? Remember, the compassion and tenderness of Jesus brought about a total change in the life of Zacchaeus. Why not show some compassion to those we meet today, for it may be the only opportunity to embrace the salvation they will ever have in their life. 

Let us learn from St. Elizabeth whose memorial we celebrate today for she was known for her constant visit to the sick and those who were particularly repulsive; to some she gave food, to others clothing; some she carried on her own shoulders, and performed many other kindly services.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are sinners in need of your mercy. As we climb the sycamore tree of grace with contrite hearts, may you find in us the inner desire for mercies and in your compassion purify us and welcome us back to your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Sunday, 15 November 2020


 Monday 33rd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 16th November, 2020.

Readings: Rev. 1: 1-4.2:1-5, Ps.1:1-4.6, Luke:18:35-43

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


The compassionate love of Jesus in it’s historical and physical solidarity with human suffering, springs from the love of God the Father and constitutes the basis of the Church’s liberating activity which is rooted in our faith in God. Little wonder in today’s Gospel passage, the blind beggar gives us a complete lesson about faith, expressed with total simplicity in front of Christ Jesus. He had faith enough to call out to Jesus as he passed by, even when he was scolded by the people close to him, his need for Jesus was so great that he cried all the louder, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! 

Then Jesus asks an unusual question “what do you want me to do for you?” So even though his need was obvious, Jesus wanted him to ask. In the same way today, Jesus is asking us: my child what do you want me to do for you? Why not like this blind beggar tell Jesus you need. Even though he knows your needs, you still need to present them before him. This blind man needed his eyesight restored, so he asked Jesus aloud, “Lord, that I may see!” And Jesus said receive your sight. Your faith has saved you.’ 

Here Jesus reveals his compassion towards human sufferings and wants us to imitate him, just as we heard the revelation in our first reading saying: “I know all about you: how hard you work and how much you put up with. But I have this complaint to make; you have less love now than you used to. Think where you were before you fell; repent, and do as you used to at first, or else, if you will not repent, I shall come to you and take your lamp-stand from its place.”

Dear friends, what is that one thing you need in your life? Have we ever felt helpless? Do we feel the need of Jesus’s help in some part of our lives? Why not in faith present it before him who is willing to help us. Also, do we know people who are helpless and need some help? How strong is our compassion towards them? Let us look at them for a moment and imagine Jesus looking at them. How does he sees them? 

Therefore, like Jesus, each one of us are called to reach out to people around us who are really in need of our assistance. This includes our families members, our neighbours, our colleagues and others who we encounter in life. The truth is that, you may be the only person who can brings the healing and compassion of Jesus into their lives. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we present our needs before you today, may we experience once again your compassionate love and grant our hearts desire according to your Holy will, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. It’s another week, wishing you God’s favour and blessings.

Saturday, 14 November 2020


 Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, 15th November, 2020.

Readings: Prov.31:10-13.19-20.30-31, Ps.128, 1Thess 5:1-6, Matt. 25:14-30

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Pope Francis since 2017 the year of Our Lord, dedicated every last Sundays before the Solemnity of Christ the King, as the World Day of the Poor. An occasion where we are all reminded of the poor, those people in our community who are  lacking basic needs of life as they depend on others to survive. Therefore we are called to be of help the best we could knowing that God has a plan for everyone of us, each person has been given a special talent according to his/her ability in order to fulfill that plan. So everyone no matter you present condition is special, unique and a masterpiece. This is evident in our Gospel passage today, where Jesus told us the parable of the talents. 

In this parable a man who was going for a journey summoned his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to a third one; each in proportion to his ability to utilize it until he comes back. Thus, Jesus is telling us that we have all been given gifts by God which we must account for. If we use these gifts wisely for our own benefit and the benefit of others, we will grow and blossom. If on the other hand we fail to use them just like the third servant, we remain dormant  and unsuccessful. 

But what is this talent all about? The talent may represent different physical and spiritual gifts of God, but it's  basic foundation is the love of God towards us, the love that God has shown to us which needs to be reciprocated through an active love for our neighbours. So, this parable teaches us that our gifts are meant to be put to use, in service of God and humanity especially the poor. Our service to God should not be done grudgingly or fearfully but generously and the willingness to take risks in responding to God's mandate. 

We must be ready to lose our life in order to find it. God wants us to use the individual talents given to us to make a difference in the world, not to relax into our comfort zone doing nothing with them. God wants the best from us and when we have given our best, we receive more from him. However, we often fine it difficult to discover our talents or to accept the one God has given to us because we have failed to embrace love.

Dear friends, what is your talent? Have you put it in full use? Or have you buried it out of fear, ignorance and shame? For we are called today to search and discover our talent, to discover love and invest on it in order to achieve the purpose by which we are created just like the first two servants in the parable of the talents who utilized the talents given to them.

Little wonder our first reading today gives us an example of a very industrious and virtuous woman who utilized her talent in helping her husband and the poor knowing that the day of the Lord is coming like a thief in the night, just as we heard in our second reading today. Therefore, we are reminded that we are going to give an account before God and the real tragedy of life is not in being limited to one talent but in failure to use that one talent properly.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, you have given us a special talent according to our ability in order to fulfill your plans for us. Help us to discover our talents and utilize them in such a way that it will lead us to love you and our neighbours, especially the poor and so attain eternal life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a glorious Sunday celebration.

Friday, 13 November 2020


 Saturday 32nd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 14th November, 2020.

Readings: 3 John 1:5-8, Ps.111, Luke:18:1-8

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Have you been truly in need of something from a friend who is capable of give you what you need but will not? Or have you been in a situation where you needed something from a friend but cannot get it because you can not reach him easily. Such a situation can make one to be under serious pressure. Then the question that comes to mind is, are we going to give up or persevere in our struggles of waiting or reaching out to him? This kind of disposition is what we experience sometimes when we pray and our requests are yet to be granted. 

Little wonder Jesus in our Gospel passage today, using the parable of the widow and the unjust judge addresses the issues of faith in difficult times and the need to persevere in prayer. Here Jesus reassures us that God hears our prayers. He tells us that we need to pray continually and never lose heart. In this parable Jesus is not comparing God to an unjust judge, but saying that if through perseverance one obtains justice from an unjust judge, how much more will we receive from a good and loving father? For persevering in prayer teaches us that God does not need to be informed of our needs. 

The parable also serves to encourage those suffering injustice to continue their struggles and call for justice. We should persist in our complaints, and prayerfully confront unjust authorities in order to effect the change needed for justice to reign. Thus, Jesus is encouraging us never to lose heart, rather, we should approach God with confidence, persisting until we obtain what we need. We should keep on asking, seeking, and knocking in prayer until we obtain the answer we need.

Dear friends, there are times when we asked and we received, sought and found, knocked and it was opened to us. But there were also times when we asked but did not receive, seek but did not find, knocked but the door remained shut. In such moments persistency and perseverance in prayer are what we are called to embrace. For they will help us to understand how to trust God knowing that he does not need to be informed of our needs, thereby encouraging us never to lose heart. This is certainly one of the biggest challenges of our faith today. People are not just patient with God. We want to have everything right now as it is hot. That is why, patient, persistency and perseverance are very difficult virtue for most people today.

LET US PRAY: Almighty God, oftentimes we are not patient with you in our prayers, give us the grace to persevere and be persistent in our prayer life and in every other things we do in life, especially in our relationship with others. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a fruitful weekend.

Thursday, 12 November 2020


 Friday 32nd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 13th November, 2020.

Readings: 2 John 4-9, Ps.119, Luke:17:26-37

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


In this world we are so busy preparing, acquiring and  safeguarding the things of this passing world. The streets are full of people struggling and bobbling, the markets are full of people buying, selling, cheating and chatting, the Churches are full of people praying, singing and celebrating. Noise everywhere, no one wants to be patient with the other, no one wants to give way to the other. We are so busy with everything except the very essence of our existence that is, the salvation of our souls. 

Little wonder, Jesus speaks of the 'end times' in our Gospel passage today, wants his listeners to notice how life was going on normally in the days of Noah and Lot when flood and fire consumed them. The people were engaged in their everyday activities, when the disaster struck. No extraordinary warning, no premonition, no time to plan an escape. So too the Son of Man will come suddenly and unexpectedly. 

Our times certainly sound very much like Noah’s days, where everyone seems so busy and distracted, unable to concentrate on what is really important. But Jesus is warning us today that the time for decision can catch us unawares. He insists that with a real sense of urgency, we need to take our life seriously. And St. John in our first reading tells us that there are many deceivers about in the world, refusing to admit that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. They are the Deceiver; they are the Antichrist. Watch yourselves, or all our work will be lost and not get the reward it deserves. 

Dear friends, If we have not yet trusted in Christ Jesus as our Saviour, we should do so now for tomorrow may be too late. If there are ugly behaviours and sins we are yet to give up, the  time to do that is now. Jesus tells us that we will not have any warning signs of the coming day of judgment any more than the preaching of the Gospel. There will be no time to repent when that day comes. 

Therefore, if we will believe and obey, if we would acknowledge our sins and trust in the mercy of God, we have to do it right now for the day of judgment draws very near. Let us not be unaware or apathetic about its coming. Let us not be too busy with the things of this passing world. Know that the only way to be prepared is to live a good and holy life, a life that is based on love. For when we live this way, then the coming of the Son of Man will not be a disaster but a day of our final salvation. 

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, we have become so busy with the things of this passing world while neglecting to prepare our souls for your coming. As we listened to your words today, may we realized the need to prepare our souls for your coming more than any other thing in the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. God bless you.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020


 Thursday 32nd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 12th November, 2020. The Memorial of St. Josaphat

Readings: Philemon 1:7-20, Ps.146, Luke:17:20-25

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Oftentimes whenever we hear about the kingdom of God, two questions comes to mind, the first question is when is it coming? And the second question is how will it looks like? This is not different from the Pharisees in our Gospel passage today who after hearing Jesus talking about the kingdom of God, asked him when the kingdom will come. This is because they presume that the kingdom of God is yet to come, and will be visible like an earthly kingdom. 

But, Jesus replies that the kingdom is already present though invisible, for the kingdom of God is within us. The kingdom is essentially God's reign in the soul of humanity through his Son Jesus. For with the presence of Jesus, the kingdom of God is already here among us. And within our hearts, God’s reign has already begun. So through our union with Jesus, we already have a foretaste of eternal life. 

However, Jesus said to his disciples, 'a time will come when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man and will not see it. They will say to you, “Look there!” or, “Look here!” Make no move; do not set off in pursuit; for as the lightning flashing from one part of heaven lights up the other, so will be the Son of Man when his day comes. 

Here, Jesus encourages his disciples not to get worked up, or even overly curious, about the end times and the second coming of the Son of Man. Instead let us concentrate on the here and now, especially on our relationship with him as we ponder constantly on his teaching. Jesus also warns us not to be distracted by fake prophets and preachers who claim private revelations about the end of the world. Rather, we should focus on how to shape our life to attain the demands of God’s kingdom, Just like St. Josaphat Kuntsevych whose memorial we celebrate today.

St. Josaphat was a monk who eventually rose to the position of leadership within the Church as an Archbishop. He fought for the unification of the Church despite the rising tensions and clashes between those who were supportive of the union and those who opposed it. As the leader and shepherd of his flock, he struggled to resolve the tensions and differences. However, this tensions and violence eventually led to his martyrdom. For he dedicated himself fully in ensuring that he leads and steers the faithful to the right path through his personal holiness and exemplary life style, he is known for constantly mortifying his flesh and resisting the temptations to sin.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we await your Kingdom, help us to be well prepared for it whenever it comes. And through the intercession of St Josaphat, give us the grace to be faithful and dedicated servants, we ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen. Do have a faithful day.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020


 Wednesday 32nd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 11th November, 2020. The Memorial of St. Martin of Tours

Readings: Titus 3:1-7, Ps.23, Luke:17:11-19

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


The compassionate love of Jesus in solidarity with human suffering is evident in the scriptures and even in our daily lives.  Little wonder, we have great events in the scriptures that illustrates the compassionate concern of Jesus in the struggles of humanity and wishes to set us free from the shackles of all our troubles. But how often do we show gratitude for such great love.

 This is evident in the occasion of our Gospel passage today, where we heard the story of Jesus’ encounter with the ten lepers. Ten of them were cured, but only one who is a foreigner among them came back to thank Jesus.  From this man’s gratitude, Jesus made a comment on human ingratitude when he asked “Was there no one to return and give thanks to God except this foreigner?”

 The problem is that we don’t always remember that the ultimate source of our graces and gifts is God. That is what makes the Samaritan leper special, and distinguishes him from the other nine. Unfortunately, God’s greatest gifts, our life and health, our ability to think and achieve great things, are often taken for granted. More so, the story of these lepers is a good example of how we sinners can and should appeal to Jesus for cleansing especially from our sins. We should come in faith knowing that God is always willing to cleanse every sinner who comes to Him. 

So, let us sincerely turn to God once again with all of our hearts and with all of our strength, just like the lepers who came to Jesus with faith, knowing that he could heal them and make them better. This is what all of us must have as well, a strong and genuine faith. Today may be our great opportunity to be restored and what is needed is to put our faith to action and say Jesus! Master! Have mercy on us.

Dear friends, I don’t know what type of leprocious problems you are passing through? Are you weigh down by sin or sickness? Are you feeling helpless and rejected?  Or do I know people who are helpless and need some help? Do I feel the need of Jesus’s help in some part of my life? Let us pause for a moment and imagine Jesus looking at us. How does he sees us? What are you saying to him and what is he saying to you. Jesus wishes to set us free from sickness, troubles challenges and manipulations of the evil ones. He desires to be with us as we struggle everyday to overcome the challenges in our families, society and the world at large. 

Therefore, we should not be afraid to approach Jesus for healing and restoration, all we need is an active faith and heart of gratitude like the leper in our Gospel passage today. Let us also be inspired by St. Martin of Tours whose memorial we celebrate today, his life was truly exemplary before God. He was a champion of the true faith amidst several challenges and heresies that were rampant in his time, protecting his flock from the false teachings and helped to guide them down the right path, leading by example through his own virtuous life. In gratitude to God, we too can do the same.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, you know our inner most being and the challenges we are struggling with, come to our aid we pray and through the intercession of St. Martin of Tours, cleanse us from all our physical, emotional and spiritual leprosy as we thank you for all you have done for us, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace be with you.

Monday, 9 November 2020


 Tuesday 32nd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 10th November, 2020. The Memorial of St. Leo The Great

Readings: Titus 2:1-8.11-14, Ps.37, Luke:17:7-10

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


These days the rate people seek for rewards for what they have done and some even for what they have not done is quite disturbing. Today it is difficult for people to do things without looking for what they will gain from it. In fact, it takes courage to trust people even when they extend their hands of generosity to others because we often think that they have some interior motives behind the generosity. But this should not be our attitudes as disciples of Christ. 

Little wonder in our Gospel passage today, Jesus  in the parable of a dutiful servant corrects some of the wrong thinking and notion about being a disciple and teaches us what our true place and disposition should be. In the parable Jesus compared our relationship with God to that of a master and his servant. Where the servant had a duty to serve his master well and to do what he had been told to do without seeking for any compliments. Because the master has no obligation to congratulate or please the servant. 

Therefore, telling us that we are “unworthy servants” before our Worthy and righteous God. So disciples should not seek reward for their good deeds. For our obedience to God is required by the very nature of who God is and not something to boast about or seek a reward for since our obedience is that of a son or daughter to a loving Father.

Dear friends, today we are reminded that in following Jesus, we should do all our good works in humility without any strange attachment. We should do what we can to help others we meet on our way for no reason other than to help for the seek of helping. And St. Paul in our first reading tells us how each and every one of us ought to behave in the respective positions we found ourselves, just like Pope St. Leo the Great whose memorial we celebrate today for he showed us what it means to be a true and dedicated disciple of the Lord. As the Pope he dedicated himself wholeheartedly to the well-being of his flock. He led the Church and the faithful through the most difficult moment, and was instrumental in strengthening the Church against the various heresies of his time, telling all Christians to recognize our dignity.

Therefore, as a faithful servant, all that is required is for us to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly before God without seeking any reward for that is what we are called to do. Remember that everything that happens to us, whether prosperous or adverse, comes from God, so that you neither become puffed up in prosperity nor discouraged in adversity. Thus, in anything you do avoid evil, do good, and seek peace.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, teach us how to be a humble and faithful servant, even when it is difficult. Grant that through the intercession of St Leo the Great, we may obtain the grace to be faithful and humble servants at any level we find ourselves without seeking for rewards. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen  Do have a faithful day.

Sunday, 8 November 2020


 Monday 32nd week in Ordinary Time Year A, 9th November, 2020. The Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

Readings: Ez.47:1-2.8-9.12, Ps.46, 1Cor3:9-11.16-17, John 2:13-22

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Today in a special way the Church celebrate the feast of the dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica Rome. It is the Mother and head of all the Churches in the world. It is the symbol of unity for all the Churches in the world with the Roman Church. However, we should never lose sight of the fact that it is the symbol of the true meeting point between man and God, and Jesus Christ who is the actual temple. 

Little wonder Jesus in the Gospel passage today points to himself as the temple of God in the world, the one through whom God is present in the world.  Here, he is speaking of the sanctuary that was his body when he said to the Jews: destroy this sanctuary, and in three days I will raise it up. Thus, prophet Ezekiel in our first reading prophesying about this sanctuary said: ‘along the river, on either bank, will grow every kind of fruit tree with leaves that never wither and fruit that never fails; they will bear new fruit every month, because this water comes from the sanctuary. And their fruit will be good to eat and the leaves medicinal.’ 

While St. Paul in our second reading, emphasis that the Christian community, the body of Christ, is the place where God is to be truly present in the world. That the Church is a spiritual temple and each individual member of the Church is a temple of the Holy Spirit, a living expressions of God’s loving presence in our world today. He said: ‘didn’t  you realised that you were God’s temple and that the Spirit of God was living among you? If anybody should destroy the temple of God, God will destroy him, because the temple of God is sacred; and you are that temple'.

Dear friends, our bodies are sacred temple of the Lord, this in fact is the heart of our own baptismal character, to become temples of God through whom God’s loving presence touches the lives of others. So, today we are reminded that we are sacred reality, where God dwells, which should not be profaned or used as may material object. Therefore, we must preserve our bodies from stains of sin, we must unite together to build up the body of Christ which is his Church. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, as we celebrate the feast of the dedication of your Church, help us to realize that our bodies are sacred temple of your dwelling presence and so preserve it always from the stains of sin and corruption. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Do have a fruitful week.

Saturday, 7 November 2020


 Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, 8th November, 2020.

Readings: Wis 6:12-16, Ps.63, 1Thess 4:13-18, Matt. 24:1-13

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Preparation they said, is the secret and foundation of every successful event. This is obvious when we observe how footballers, boxers, athletes, also engineers, doctors and farmers, business men and women devote time and energy in rigorous preparation towards achieving their goals. Then I realized that adequate is truly the heart of any successful event. But if we can go to this length of rigorous periods of preparation just for things of this passing world, it will be even more demanding when it has to do with preparing for eternal life. 

Thus, if we can devote such time and energy towards our spiritual life which we often neglected, we will be more awake and prepared more than the ten maidens in our Gospel passage today, who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were sensible: the foolish ones did take their lamps, but they brought no oil, whereas the sensible ones took flasks of oil as well as their lamps. When the bridegroom delayed in coming their lamps burned out and as they went out to get more oil, they missed out since the door was shut after the bridegroom had passed.

In this parable, Jesus emphasized on the need for us to be well prepared for the coming of God’s kingdom, warning us not to be like the foolish five maidens who were not well prepared and missed out when the bridegroom came because they run short of oil. The oil here is so symbolic, as we know in the scriptures, oil is made from the seed of the olive tree, which symbolizes goodness, fruitfulness, purity and righteousness, these great viruses like oil sustain and fuels the light of our souls which  shines in the world to enlighten the darkness around us. 

Hence, these great virtues are what the wise maidens took as extra oil. While the foolish ones abandoned them. So as the coming was delayed, they all drowsed off, and when the time actually came, the foolish ones realized that they were not good enough. There oil of goodness, purity, and righteousness had burned out, and their light had stopped burning, so they had nothing with which to replenish it. Thus, their contribution to the light of the world was no more, for they were fruitless.  They had become lazy and begin to do things that they are not supposed to be doing. So now that the time is ripped, they had nothing to keep their lamp burning for the bridegroom that was coming. 

Dear friends, our life as Christians demands that we should be alert, we should be prepared at all times and be ready to make sacrifices like the five wise maidens. Because so many people will be caught unprepared when they realize that the day of the Lord has finally come, and they have nothing to show to God for all the gifts he has given us. Little wonder we are told in our first reading to be wise for wisdom is found by those who seek her. And St. Paul in our second reading tells us about the need to be vigilant and prepared, we should not claim to be ignorant. 

Therefore, we should be watchful for we know neither the day nor the hour when the Lord will call us. We are reminded today that this world is passing away, so we need to stay awake and be ready. We are called to abstain from things that will separate us from our God, as we look into our inner being, our interior life in order to embrace the life of holiness, goodness, purity and self-control for they are the extra oil that will help us to be more prepared. 

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we often failed to listen to your warnings concerning the things of this passing world and the need for us to stay awake and be ready for your coming, give us the grace and wisdom to be well prepared and ready to stand before you whenever you call us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.  Happy Sunday and peace be with you.

Friday, 6 November 2020


 Saturday 31st week in Ordinary Time Year A, 7th November, 2020.

Readings: Phil 4:10-19 , Ps.111 , Luke 16: 9-15

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Walking through the streets I observed how people are struggling with the things of this life, I can feel their passion, their determination and willingness even in the midst of corruption and challenges of life. How I wish we can put such energy in working towards the things that edifice our soul. 

This is what Jesus is telling us in our Gospel passage today when he said; use money, tainted as it is, to win you friends, and thus make sure that when it fails you, they will welcome you into the tents of eternity. For the man who can be trusted in little things can be trusted in great; the man who is dishonest in little things will be dishonest in great. If then you cannot be trusted with money, that tainted thing, who will trust you with genuine riches? And if you cannot be trusted with what is not yours, who will give you what is your very own?

Here, we have the continuation of yesterday’s parable of the dishonest steward, in which today Jesus explained its meaning and how it can be related to the lives of the people, telling us that we should careful not to fall into the temptations of money and other worldly pleasures which are trying to lead us away from God and the salvation he has given us. 

Dear friends, today we are called to live a life of integrity. Each and every one of us are called to be good manager of and custodians of whatever blessings and resources God has given us, for we are all reminded that we have been called to follow the Lord and to devote ourselves to Him wholeheartedly. And St. Paul in our first reading tell us that there is nothing we cannot master with the help of the One who gives us strength.


LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, as we listened to your words today, may we not be carried away by the things of this passing world. Rather give us the grace to a life of integrity and to develop our societies positively, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a grace filled weekend.

Thursday, 5 November 2020


 Friday 31st week in Ordinary Time Year A, 6th November, 2020.

Readings: Phil 3:17-4:1 , Ps.121 , Luke 16: 1-8

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


The elements of good and bad seem inherent in human person, little wonder the world involves both good and bad mixed together. This will help us to understand the reason for corruption, greediness, immoral and social decadence in our world today. But even in the midst of all these ugly situation, we are expected to be wise and smart in our deals with the thing of this passing world.

Little wonder, in the Gospel passage today, Jesus tells the parable of this dishonest steward who, having acted unjustly and having being exposed by his master, went to great lengths to make friends of his master’s debtors in order to secure his future. In this parable, Jesus is not telling us to be dishonest, but he wants us to know that we can learn even from this dishonest servant how to prudently use the things of this  passing world to gain our salvation. Thus, Jesus points out that we too should be smart but not exactly like the dishonest steward, using dishonest wealth to exploit others as most rich people do today. No, instead we his disciples are to use our wealth to win souls for the kingdom and safe guard our own soul. 

But more importantly, if we understand the principle that says that everything we own is a gift from God, then we will realize that God is the owner of everything and that we are His stewards. As such, we are to use the Master’s resources to further the Master’s work and not the contrary. In this contest, we are told to be generous with our resources and use it for the safety of our souls and the growth of God’s kingdom. 

Dear friends, today, we are called to really examine our conscience to know where we are with regards to our vocation as Christians. How can we best harness the things entrusted to us so that they can be source and midst of safeguarding our souls surrounded by corruption and greediness. We are called today to be wise and smart, for if the worldly minded people can be smart in their dealing, we too should be smarter in our struggles for the salvation of humanity. We should utilize the resources available to us and use them to secure our salvation.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, in our struggles with the ugly situation in our societies today, give us the grace and skills to manage the resources entrusted to us and use them properly for the salvation of humanity, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. It’s Friday, wishing you a fruitful day.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020


 Thursday 31st week in Ordinary Time Year A, 5th November, 2020.

Readings: Phil 3:3-8 , Ps.104 , Luke 15:1-10

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


It is natural and common for any human person to desire to seek and find any valuable thing he/she have lost. Some people even have sleepless nights over their lost items. Some can go to any length hoping to recover any of their valuable commodity that is lost. If we can do this just for perishable things of this passing world, don’t we think that God will do even much more to save every single soul he created in his own image and likeness. 

Little wonder in our Gospel passage today, Jesus  while addressing the Pharisee who accused him of welcoming sinners, tells us the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin which illustrate the unrelenting love of God for each of us, especially sinners. 

In these parables, we see two examples of people searching for what is precious to them. And when they found it their joy was so great. So, Jesus uses these examples to explain to us how God seeks us when we are lost in sin and his joy when our friendship with him is renewed. His searching for us cost him the sacrifice of his Son Jesus Christ. 

This can help us to realize how precious we are to him, that he never gives up on anyone except those who chose to be lost. All we need is for us to return to God who is patiently waiting for us. Just like St. Paul in our first reading who told us that because of Christ, he has come to consider all he has as nothing. For nothing can happen that will outweigh the supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord.

Dear friends, are we lost in sin? Have we given up in our struggle with sin? Do you think that our sins are so great that God cannot forgive us? Do we feel lost now? Jesus is searching for us, he is waiting for us at the confessional. When was the last time we visited him at the confessional? Just know that he loves us and we are too precious to be lost in this sinful world.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are lost in this passing world due to our sinfulness, Seek out humanity once again from the wilderness of sins, so that we may return back to you, just like the lost sheep and the lost coin and so rejoice and praise you once again with the angels. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace be with you.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020


 Wednesday 31st week in Ordinary Time Year A, 4th November, 2020. The Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo

Readings: Phil 2: 12-18 , Ps.26 , Luke 14:25-33

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


A true disciple must constantly reflect through life in order to be aware of the seriousness of the commitment required of him/her. Little wonder Jesus in our Gospel passage today, takes his discourse on discipleship to a radical and difficult level when he said: ‘If any man comes to me without hating his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, yes and his own life too, he cannot be my disciple. Anyone who does not carry his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. So in the same way, none of you can be my disciple unless he gives up all his possessions.’

Here, Jesus teaches about the cost of discipleship. That there is a price to be paid. However, Jesus does not directly intend to cause tensions and divisions in family life, but he wants us to accept the consequences that comes with the truth of the Gospel teaching, more importantly, when it comes to living out the Gospel message in a radical way, especially in a situation where our family values have been thrown out of caution as a result of secularism, individualism and excess desires for worldly pleasures, thereby neglecting the things that lead us to God. 

So, these hard words of Jesus can only be understood in the light of our life experience, because there are moments when we have to make radical and difficult choice as disciples of Jesus. These moments may wield the sword of division or separation among those people and things which are so dear to us. Thus, he warns that we have to struggle to put him first, before family ties, knowing that divisions will surely occur as people have to decide to be for or against God. Hence, he states that the cost of discipleship extends to one even losing his life. For none of us can become his disciple if we do not give up our excess desire for worldly pleasures and possession, and pay our unreserved loyalty and allegiance to God over all other competing loyalties in our lives including family, self-interest, and possessions.

Dear friends, how much are we willing to let go for the sake of discipleship. Do we find it too demanding? In what ways? Is giving up ‘all my possessions’ realistic and if not what does this passage means to me? Whatever my response maybe, may God give us the grace to grow in freedom, to be ready to follow and to serve him in a new way and also be able to speak to the Lord about the points of difficulty in paying this cost. For St. Paul in our first reading tells us to work out our salvation in fear and trembling, just like St. Charles Borromeo whose memorial we celebrate today, for though he came from a wealthy family of Medici, he dedicated himself entirely to serving his people in a very sacrificial way.

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, the excess desire for the pleasurable things of this passing world have weakened our hearts from becoming a good disciple, give us courage and grace to let go of our ugly desires, so as to hold firm in our faith despite losing people and things that are dear to us. And through the intercession of St. Charles Borromeo, may we be outstanding in merit of his virtues and abounding in good fruit by our work and way of life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Do have a fruitful day.

Monday, 2 November 2020


 Tuesday 31st week in Ordinary Time Year A, 3rd November, 2020. The Memorial of St. Martin De Porres

Readings: Phil 2:5-11 , Ps.22 , Luke 14:15-24

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


Invitation to event and social gathering are part of humanity's social ways of life. And as usual Jesus often uses the things we are very much familiar with to teacher us a very important lesson. So on the occasion of our Gospel passage today Jesus tell the parable of the great banquet, how a man planned a large banquet and sent out invitations, but those invited turned it down, so he opened the invitation to all who cares to come. Jesus ends the parable by saying that “not one of those men who were invited will get a taste of my banquet”

Here, their excuses for not coming to the banquet are not realistic. Because no one buys land without seeing it first, and the same can be said for buying oxen. And what, exactly, would keep a newly married couple from attending a social event? All the excuses in the parable show insincerity on the part of those invited. Hence the invitation is opened up to society’s maimed and downtrodden. The fact is that, those who ignored the invitation to the banquet chose their own punishment, they missed out and the master respects their choice by making it permanent: they would not “taste of my banquet”, he said. 

So it will be with God’s judgment on those who choose to reject Christ or are so busy to respond to his invitation, they will have their choice confirmed, and they will never taste the joys of heaven. Therefore, let us learn to honour the invitation of God in humility, just like Christ Jesus whose state was divine, yet he did not cling to his equality with God but emptied himself to assume the condition of a slave, and became as men are; and being as all men are, he was humbler yet, even to accepting death, death on a cross as we heard in our second reading today.

Dear friends, the kingdom of God is opened for us today, let us not be too proud or busy to embrace it for the blessings of the kingdom are available to all who will come to Christ by faith. Let us learn to be humble and charitable with the gift God has given us, just like St. Martin De Porres, whose memorial we celebrate today. For he was known for his care for the poor and the sick, using his knowledge in medicine and extraordinary spiritual gifts with a profound life of prayer, humility and penance. And today he is known as patron saint of African Americans.

LET US PRAY: Lord God, we are too busy with the things of this passing world, as we hear about the invitation to your Heavenly Kingdom today, may we embrace it with all humility while imitating St. Martin De Porres whose life is rooted in the humility of Christ your Son who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. Do have a blessed day.

Sunday, 1 November 2020


 Monday 31st week in Ordinary Time Year A, 2nd November, 2020. The Commemoration if All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day.)

Readings: Wis.3:1-9 , Ps.23, Rom 5:5-11 , Matt. 5:1-12

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia.


As customary in the seminary, every 2nd November we often visit the cemetery to pray for the souls of the Faithful Departed. In 2017, I was privileged to be among those to visit a cemetery at Oke Are in Ibadan. On our way to the cemetery which is located on a hill in the heart of Ibadan, passing through the market and streets all I could see were people struggling, buying and selling, fighting and cursing each other, beggars, sick people and poor alike, among the people were the rich, the educated, their leaders both traditional and political. 

But getting to the cemetery I saw in a wall names and dates of some men and women who had passed on from this interesting community. Than I asked myself in my deep reflection, where will all of us in this beautiful community be in the next hundred years? Where are all these people whose names are listed in this wall? Where they like us before? Are we going to be like them later? With this is in mind I realized that there is time for everything in this world, a time to be born, and a time to die, a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to break down and a time to build up (Eccl: 3:1-11).

Little wonder the Church in her wisdom asked us every 2nd November, a day after the solemnity of All Saints, to commemorate and pray for all the faithful departed (All Souls), especially the suffering Church, that is, those souls that belong to the body of Christ but are still in need of purification. So today we remember our loved ones who have gone before us into eternal life. 

This we do not in grief but in the spirit of faith and hope, knowing that they are living in communion with us as they share in the resurrection of Christ. Just as we heard in our first reading that the souls of the virtuous are in the hands of God for those who are faithful will live with him in love; since grace and mercy await those he has chosen. And St. Paul in our second reading tell us to rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation in order to live a beatific life which Jesus gave us in our Gospel passage today.

Dear friends, do you know that you can offer some little help to souls struggling to attain heaven our beatific vision? Do we know that there are helpless souls who only rely on our help to attain the beatific vision? What am I willing to do for this helpless souls? Before now, have I even thought of it that my departed brethren need my assistance in other to reach their destination. Am I sure that I can avoid this state of suffering and purification? Do we ever remember that our loved ones may be there now?

Perhaps while they were in this life, they were of great help to us. Do we realize that our prayers and sacrifices represent the key to release them and we can use it if we want to? Do we care about using it? Therefore, as we remember the souls who are passing through this rigor of purification, it would be good for us to offer some prayers of intercession especially for our loved ones as plenary indigence awaits us when we do this devoutly today or any day in this month of November at the Holy Mass or at the cemetery. 

LET US PRAY: Heavenly Father, as we commemorate and pray for all souls today, may the light of your mercy shine upon them, especially those who are in need of your mercy. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Wishing you a favourable week.

Homily For Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Year C, 24th, 2025

  Readings: Sir.1:1-10; Ps. 93; Mark: 9:14-29 Fr. Emmanuel Emenike Onyia. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE PUT THEIR FAITH INTO POS...